WEDNESDAY, Fl ■'Ulti %«V i». ilfJl GRANTS I*VW DAHY COURIER PAGE TWO 6RANTS PASS OW COURIER There is one safe place to buy your Published Daily Except Sunday _ ». Voorhlee. Pub. and Propr. Butered at iKwtoT.ce. Granta Paas, Ore . as second-class mail mMter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch................... 25c Lota I-per» on al column, per line... 10c Reade < per line- DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year..... 18.00 By mall or carrier, per month . .5 0 PIANO K. URURER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub­ lished herein. All rights of republication of spe­ tny childhood I put a nut into the cial dispatches herein are also re­ roundlags »nd the tourt« to pauae earth, from which sprang a Horse­ served. ________________ ____ in his flight chestnut tree, whose trunk has now WEDNESDAY, I I Bill IKY 23. 1V21 a girth of eight feet, and sustains a vast dome of verdure, the haunt of >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ birds and bees and of thoughts as ♦ OREGON WEATHER ♦ cheery as they. In planting a tree ♦ ♦ we lay the foundation of a structure Tonight, fair and. colder in ♦ (Continued from Page One) of which the seasons (without care east portion. Thursday, fair. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ leading all other states, the Ixhigh of ours) shall be the builders and district producing more than 25 per which shall be a joy to others when THE BOAB61DK PARK cent of the country's total. Indiana we are gone. "I need not say how great a pleas­ There is a whole sermon m the was second producing state with ure it Is to me that my young subject of the talk which Prof. more than 10 per cent. Sweetser give« on Oregon wild flow-1 Imports during 1920 amounted to friends should decorate my memory II barrels. while export« with a tree of their planting, •rs. In no state of the union has 498.036 amounted to 2.985.S07 barrels, or wish I could be with them to throw. nature been more lavish in her dis­ 522,118 barrels more than tn 1919. the first shovelful of earth upon tt* roots ” tribution of flowers and shrubs that Another tree recently given delight. Practically every month of place in the Hall of Fame Is the Lin­ the year the hills are clothed in the 1 coln Tree at Augusta. Maine. It was colors of the rainbou wrought into a tiny shoot when placed on April shapes and designs of wondrous 15. 1885, the day Lincoln died, by Mrs Reuben Partridge, who had her beauty. The fragrance of wild flow- ■ sons. Charlee. Frank and Allen help ers is carried out on every breeze, her place the memorial maple Mrs mingled with the odor of the pine Bath, Pa . Feb. 23.—(A. P.)— Partridge is still living snd as far and the fir and the cedar. Hidden J Dedication here yesterday of the cele­ as known planted the only memorial back in the hills are scores of plants brated Washington horse chestnut tree to Lincoln on the day he died. and shrubs that the average person tree to its place in the tree Hall of never sees unless he makes a trip Fame created by the American For­ with the search in view. But Prof, i estry association brings out a hither­ letter by James Rus- Sweetzer presents a solution to the to unpublished - , . I sell Lowell, the poet, whose natal problem, and he would bring some ,g thg ag G<,neral Wgghf„. of the wealth of the wild to every toa-g citizen and to every casual visitor by lre^ was tsken from Mount making of the roadside along every Vernon by Washington and sent to Santiago. Chile, Feb. 23.—(A. P.) highway a park in which would be one of his aides in the Revolution- —Vast natural waterpower resources planted and protected every kind of Bro’n ’ho v . ed It in the lawn before his home in the central provinces of Chile are to be put to tree to generate elec­ flower and shrub that grows in Ore €on. Some plsce by the road side R McIlhMey> of Balh. nom. tricity for Santiago. Valparaiso and neighboring cities and town*. A j can be found where conditions are, ia4teij celebrated old tree for company, capitalized at >3,250,000. j right for each variety of vegetation. the Hall of Fame. It is 27 H feet has been formed for the purpose and i The Indian moccason that thrive« in in circumference at the base and six work already has been started on a the cool and the motet places, can be feet from the ground it has a girth hydro-electric plant on the Colorado of 17 feet. river, near Santiago, where tt i* ex­ planted in the springy road crossings. Nominating the tree Mr. Mcll- pected 18.000 horsepower can be de­ and the clusters of syringa. rhodo- hxnpy jn th# frQm u>well> veloped The project is backed dendron, azalea and the scores of t written 30 years ago. just four largely by Chilean capital. others of the shrubs and flower* can months before the noted poet died. Basis for the promotion of the greet the eye at every turn. There It expresses his sympathy with the company was the need of more power la greet opportunity in the thought. celebration of Arbor day and his love by both the Valparaiso and Santiago of nature. It was written on the oc­ If parks are of sufficient importance casion of the planting of a tree for street railway* and by mining and industrial enterprise*. Until recent­ that cities can give of their most val­ Lowell, by the school children of ly no water power concession* in uable acres, and that the people win Bath on his birthday. February 22, Chile were granted by the president gladly tax themselves for their main- 1891, and follows: of the republic for more than 35 “I sympathize warmly with the years but the latest concessions are tai nance, then there is surely a rea­ son why the roadside park should gracious object for the furtherance j said to be perpetual. of which Arbor Day was instituted.; have a permanent place The day ! I have planted many trees, and every i COMINO EVENTS will come when every mile of high­ | summer they repay me with an way through Oregon will be graced ' abundant gratitude. There is not a Feb. 28, Saturday -Meeting of Po- with its mile of park on either side, leaf on them but whispers benedic­ mona Grange to take action on a mile of beauty and of allurement tion. I often think of the Scottish 1921 county fair. farmer’s words quoted by Scott: that will cause the people of Oregon 'Bare etickin’ in a tree, Jook. 'twill Feb. 26. Saturday—Home talent play at Merlin school house. to admire the more their home sur- be growln’ while we’re sleepin’ In Mar 3-4-5, Thursday, Friday, Sat­ urday—Courtney's Big Fun show at Opera House Played two weeks In Salt Lake. Mar. 12, Saturday—Rummage «al* for library fund. Footwear Just Right for Spring One of the qaeation« which mtiM be anawere«! ia “What kind of shoes shall I get (id, spring'.”' You'll find that a trip to our -hoe «ie[mrtm«-nt Mill answer that question very «ati«fiu torily an«! profitably to yirurself—an«! it will he a pl«-;v-tir<- to help you w price«—«3.75, »4.50, »5.5.5. »fl. 3.5 and #fl Wi. Golden Rule »Store ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ A.Ml'BRMKMTH ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ At the Rivoli ♦ ♦ ♦ Here Is something no one who en-l joys good clean fun can afford to > miss. We don’t need to tell you that! “Officer 686’’ was one of the most ' successful farces ever pro«luce«l on the stage Everybody knows that But we can assure you that as a mo-1 tlon picture this hilarious play which will be shown at the Rivoli theater today only (on account of the Elk’s' I minstrels playing tomorrow night* I ' is even better because It has been j given swifter action and broader! | scope than is possible on the stage. I Besides Tom Moore Is the star In this ' production, and you know what that' m«eans Tom Moore can pack more laugh* into a foot of film than any I ' comedian we know of and he sur- ! passe* ail hi* past record* in '*Offi- i dwr 666.” Bring the whole family I This la the kind of picture that every I body can enjoy. London Ooj Market The well-known "dog market" In the East end of Londoo la sttnated In the vicinity of Club row, where hundreds of venders can be seen every Sundsy morning with dogs of all shapes, sixes and breeds, which they offer for sale. ___ . _______ Automatic press feeding at the ¡ Courier office. 0 » » æ I I • Convenient Payments c/4r ranged The Music & Photo House Stanton Rowell. Proprietor Grants Pass, Ore. You’re Safe On «kiddy »treeo. during this rainy weather It you are driving «>n Mil I FR IVIIL.I_L.I1 non. l MFC »ItM MILEAGE gearkikinkthe T|DFC W. S. Maxwell & Co. 0 V) NAI.EN AND NEItVIt E «11 EV ROLET > Ï i-h 0 NANtt USED CARS FOR SALE Butch Nix, fine «ii«|>e. Script»-Booth. Itodge, ju«t overt»« «led. IMO Chevrolet, gotw! aa new. Itila .Maxwell. IVIN Chevrolet. G. hm I Ford at a Imrgnln. Two wheel trailer rhrop- We buy, sell ami tratte. Hee ua before you buy. C. L. Hobart Co. 2 NEW TODAY EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE— Dependable companies and reas­ onable rates. See T. M Stott. Buick Salesrooms. lOtlt 3 I 5NHI SAUD- « acre tract. H mile from town. Small house. Good barn and well. All fenced and cleared ready to plow. Voder ditch. See A. J. Power*, st C. L. Hobart's. 09 E. L. GALBRAITH—Real estate. In­ surance and plate glass liability I 809 H G street, phone 28. 40tf IX »ST X ladles »rial watch Finder please return to the Golden Rule Store and receive reward. 14 EGGS from Rhode Island Red hen« from Petaluma, Cal. Cockerel» from St Joe. Mo., 12 per »etting of 15 eg«». O. F. Webster on old Clevenger ranch south .»Ide of river, Rd 4, 'Box 106. 14 FOR SAI j E On« !2-lnch steel John Deere plow as good aa new. 65« North Sixth, phone 219-R I» g CL 3 0 5 a 3 I PIGS FOR SALE >• euh II M and D. 8. Button, William«. Ore. THOROUGHLY There'a a lot uf extraordinary conversation going on around this town about this plumbing shop and our aanltsry methods of fitting out a horn« or a fac­ tory or an office building a th the proper heating apparatus or water faciline* They do say that we know our business, We do. B. S. Dedrick 514 F Nt reel 14 IXJST- Auto lock and key*. Finder please return to Courier office. 10 □ 9 I I > U) 3* WANTEI> Extra good teamster and orchard men. Address Box 24, Merlin or phone 600-.F-2 at noon or evening. WANTED Party with a little capital to take half interest In a good gold quartz property, fast the pro»]>ect stage. A good proposition to the right party. Address No. 162 care Courier or phone 285-R. 2t COAST LEAGUE PLATERS (Continued from Page One) CL 0 fl) OQ 0 3 FOLKS WE’VE WORKED TOR SAY THAT WE-------- KNOW OUR BUSINESS M it 3 » 1 ■ 2 FOREVER FREE FIIOM - 1 Ulfl Hundred* of people are aston­ ished and delighted with the quick end PERMANENT relief they have received from the use of our wonderful new dis­ covery. Aalhniit-elera. Asthma and Hay-Fever, with all their tortures, may now bo 'BANISHED FOREVER. Tear out thin announcement and send at once to II. M. It. LABORATORIES ND* Alaska lildg., NtsiUlc, Wn. Pomona and Santa Marla San Fran­ cisco will go to historic Monterey, lxai Angele« to tlxike Elsinore, Salt j Ixike to Boyes Springs anil Oakland j to Myrtledale Springs. For several j j years the Oaks have trained at home. Training camp games for the Coast league clubs are scheduled with the THE «ALI FORM A AND OREGON COAST RAILROAD COMPANY teams of several Pacific coast uni- j versltlen end colleges, clubs of the Time < ard I Mission league, winter leagues and the Chicago Cube who train at Pasa­ Effective Nov. 24, 1919. dena, Cal. The baseball team of the Oregon Agricultural College is com­ Trains will run Mondays, Wednes­ days and Fridays ing to California and will play three I«eave Granta Pas*.............. 1 PM. league clubs, Sacramento. Portlanil , Arrive Waters Creek ...... 2 P.M. l,eave Waters Creek....... 2:30 PM and San Francisco, ____ P M 'Portland thinks Santa Marla will Arrive Grants Pass ....... 4 For information regarding freight prove a lucky training camp for the and iMtmenger rates call at the office Beavers Manager Walter McCredle , of the company, Liindburg building, remarked some time ago that In or , telephone 131. I four seaspn*. several years a