Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1921)
FRIDAY. FEBRUARY IN. IMI. (lAixix pam daily ckm iurk PAG« FOUR The Nation’s Strength Emerson .«ays: "The strength of a nation is not in the number of battleships, nor tn the number of Its forts, but tn the intelligence, thrift and Industry ot Its out sets.** It's true, too. America today has the intelligence and the induetry. Will she also add the thrift? A good deal depends upon you. Are you saving money? Are you in the thrifty claaa? An account at our Bank will not only add to the Nation'a strengih. but will also strengthen YOU. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HOITHKRN ORBGON PAINTS REDUCED Price on ACME QUALITY PAINTS has been reduced $1.00 per gallon YOU CAN NOW AFFORD TO PAINT Rogue River Hardware Company PERSONAL LOQÆL Spring Coats See F. E Jordan at S60 North 7th t M«x>n— street for those Strawberry plants 06 Good road, good music and plen ANI> Ml'ITM Jim (Van came In today from Ga- ty of eat» What more do you want* 06 llce where he Is busy with placer Everybody welcome mining operations F. 8. Torrey, of Portland. Oregon Save Money— Huy your suit or overeoat for H representative of. the Kdw. S. Fotta Insurance company of California, is price at the reerleaa Cloth in a Store W<i <1<» lirmaUu liliqK spending the day in Granta Paes Order your (teach trees now for Malin«« Dally 2 | k m.— spring planting Only the beet at Rivoli Th «atar » Ilf <60 North 7th street. City. 06 Frank H. Tichenor, district man Dancing Party— ager for the Woodmen of the World, Saturday night. W’aldorf hall 06 came in today from Medford and will •pend the next four or five days here I “rune Candle«— Our Spring Woolen« for 1021 are iwk to the <dd «taadanl quality in the interest of the order. Made fresh every dav during prune See me for spring bulb», Shasta week, at Homing*« Shack. Daisies, etc. Call at 8f.o North 7th 06 knights in So, ial Stwaion— street, city Mr and Mrs. T Y. Dean returned The local Pythian temple was fill TaiIori Mg at Kight Priora, I tight orrvtce and lUght Workmanship. last night from San Francisco, where ed last night with the members ot I Mr. Dean has been a patient in the the Knights of Pythias order and GEO. S. CALHOUN Southern Pacific hoepltal for the their guests, a social session. follow Hivtoen Yearn IsM-al Dealer past five weeks. The thought of re ed by a lunch being the order ot the turning to Grants Pass made an ap- evening. I.elf F Ftnseth. of Dallas.1 l>arent improvement in his condition. Oregon, grand vice chancellor, was a Everything in trees, berries, orna distinguished guest, and made an growth In membership of late, and SOMETHING good but < limp, to mental. etc., at 866 North Seventh address in which he recounted the is now meeting every Thursday cover tjiat rough floor. IsHa of gar street. City. 06 history of the order and told of Its evening. den tool». 1 LUIGE ••hole range lessons and teachings. Following with water tank good aa now. <Mr- the address, there was dancing, cant < limattc candii Washington's Birthday Dance— pmler tool». A FEW M»W Mini- The local Waldorf hall. Feb. 22. Dance playing and feasting Made every day at Horning's; al mona lowlv al reduced priem. Wo pay tickets. $1 10. OStf lodge has luten making considerable ways as good as the climate 113 the nomi for 2nd goods. Phono 71. mrs- mille Deas, Belter Values For Less Money One-half Prie««— Any suit or overcoat, one-half price, at Peerless Clothing Co. 70tf YOUR INTERESTS will have the very best attention and care at the Grants Pass and Josephine Bank. When considering a new or ad ditional banking connection, remember that this is a desirable depositary. Grants Pass and Josephine Bank G rants P ass ,O regon Shoes for the Family Buy your Easter Shoes Now. White Kid, One Strap Pumps, White Reign and Canvas Oxfords at 103 North 6th l A WOODWARDS 'M RIVOLI C'laNdfied Ad Halm— Fifteen words two consecutive is sues. 35c; one week. 60c; 15 words, two Issues. 45c; one week. Sic. Ads repeated in •.New Today" column at 5c per line per issue Monthly rate 50c per line per month, minimum. 11.50 per month. Special cash-wltb- order rates—15 words two consecu tive Issues. 25c; one week, 50c; 35 words two issues. S5c; one week. No Woman was ever Born who does not want To know----- u S«v the Balloon« Go Up— At the Washington Birthday | •Stfl dance. Tuesday Dally Matinee— Rivoli Theater Î p. m Prvabyterian lining People Meet— The young people of the Presby- terian church will meet at the Hor- rocks residence. 210 C street this evening 1 Friday! for a social time. to hear reports of the state C. E. con vention at Corvallis, and to take ne- cessary steps for organization to do a large work in the church a* Everybody Get» » Balloon— At the dance Tuesday night. 05tf The Truth Husbands c/lBOUT tltf Aetna Life Insurance Co.— Protects your income against acd- , dent and sickness See T. M. Stott. 310 N. Sixth Street 20 BRAND NEW SHOW TODAY 9 Based on Sir Arthur Wing Pinero’s famous Story “The Profligate” RIVOLI SUNDAY "UNDER CRIMSON SKIES" Extra Special Any Suit or Overcoat / y I 1-2 Price Peerless Clothing C«. THE FORDSON TRACTOR Reduces Overhead Costs NEW FORD storage battery for sale. $15 cash. Phone 19. 107 EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE— Dependable companies and reas WANTED—Top buggy. Write C. 3. Aikin, Rogue River, Ore. 06 onable rates See T. M. Stott, Buick Salesrooms. 102tf WANTED- Beeswax. Market price paid. Dema ray's Drug Store. 07 ' BUY any kind of broken furniture, FOR SALE CHEAP—1917 Chevrolet also repair, renew and finish fur touring car. Call at Public Mar niture ot any kind. A. Alberts, 721 ket. jog Merlin Road. 105 FOR SALE—Piano. Bargain. Party FOR 8ALE—Spare ribs, backbone, leaving city. Call at 1113 East D sausage and sugar cured ham. J. street. 1O6 H. Ahlf, 656 N. 6th St. 05 FOR SALE—Cedar posts, 7 feet long. Inquire 815 East J St. 10 SEASONED WOOD FOR SALE—Fir $3.75 per tier, manzanita, $4. In-1 quire of H. L. Edgerton, phone, Don’t Forget— The dance at Savage Creek Satur 198-Y. 06 day, February 19th. 06 FOR SALE—Wellington Marvel strawberry plants, extra good $1 Mayor Is Better— per hundred. H. Weber, at Hayes Mayor Demaray la back on the job Shoe Shop, 107 8. 6th St. 10 again today after remaining at home FOR BA LE —Saddle pony. Perfectly yesterday entertaining a case of gentle. Inquire Patries Gale. 117 grippe. Weet E street. o< Medford Fluff Rug Man__ Is in Granta Paas Friday and FOR SALE—Household furniture, 105 oak dining set, rockers, library Saturday. Phone 22-J. table, dressers, range, heater and Prune Ice (Vvam— various other articles. Mrs M. All week during Prune week at Moore, 619 North Fourth 8t. Homing's Shack. 06 phone 205-Y. OK Official» Still at Home— LOST—Thursday, ladle« gold watch, County Treasurer Geo. Calhoun li jewel Swiss movement. Find and Sheriff George Lewis are «till er please return to Courier office confined to their homes, though and receive reward. 06 each le reported as Improving / WHITE BROS. of Winona, buys Fordson. His farm will be one of the producers this season. of Kerby, buy Fordson to make their farm one of the largest producers of the county. / NO FARMER CAN AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT A F0RD80N THE PRICE IS I F. 0. B. GRANTS PASS. DOES ANY STATIONARY WORK AS WELL AS THE FIELD WORK IF IN DOUBT, ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION C. A. WINETROUT AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE