Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1921)
GRANTS PAM DAILY (XIVMIBR I'iUDU, k'NUHLAMY IN. IIKM. 507 E St. PACK THROB ...■. . , = g juii--------------- ■--------------------------- !j,-------------- ,ia...... Phone 147 The Wardrobe Cleaners WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO FIRST GLASS WORK CLEANING------ PRESSING - REPAIRING rßuupee Deeds k Grow w r BURPEE’S ANNUAL The Leading American Seed Catalog appeases kiddies’ thriving appetites and parents’ thrifty pocketbooks. • CNT FREE Burpee’» Annual I» a complete guide fur the Vegetable and Flower garden. It ia • bright and Interesting book with over a hundred vegeteblea and flow er» illustrated in the colora of nature. Write for your copy today. W. At lee Burpee Co- Sood Growers Philadelphia OLYMPIC Line Indudti your la vorile cereal lanitarily milled, packed. Classified Advertising KOK HAIJC Mg MAPpy PARTY BUILDING <X)NTIlA<TOItS MASONED WOOD FOR SAL»—Oak HARPER A SON—Building contrac and laurel. |4.75; body fir, *4; tor» Shop work, furniture crating pine and second growth fir, *5.76; Shop 510 II St R m . phone 142 tuanianlta. |S. C. W. latmbrecht. A J LKl.'l.N General contractor Rd. I. Box 11 36tf Estimate« and plans made Noth ing too small ur too large. Shop FOR SAL®-—Baled alfalfa bay. -Il Sixth St Phone 375-L. 92tf River Bunk» Farms. SOtf LOST SALK Shadeland Kell pee seed oats. recleaned. 3c per pound. W IJ»ST Man’s gold watch with hunt L Hayes. Murphy, or C. N. Culy, ing caae; Elgin, size 18. Finder cooperative shipping manager, please return to N. E. Boball at Grants Paas 9 2tt Gas office and receive reward. 05 OHOICH HALED AIJ’AJ/FA bay, 124 ' " TAX» delivered any place In Grants Paes 423 at ranch five mile« below SOONER TAXI —Phone 242-R tor Jitney Luke or Cutler. Culls an town. Phone 806-F-12. C. H. Elt swered anywhere, anytime. 84tt mann. 87tf PIANO INSTRUCTION 1417 FORD TOURING car In rood running order, for sale. Call at MRS. JAMES M POWERS, instruc 1111 East A street. City 04 tor on piano; studio over Barn*-«’ Jewelry. Phono 245-J. 0004) HOME In Granta Pass. 1 acre Yoo SHOULD PLACATE WITH MEAT YOU KNOW TO BE FIR3T_R.ATE A fellow should keep on the right side of his appetite if he wants to get along In this world. If you take your ap petite out «trolling with you and hapi>en to ;>ass this meat market It will persuade you to enter and make a purchase. «»tih for Mr. Happy . I Keep the Wheels Turning Party of ground, orchard and berries, tor DRAY v.E <N1> TRANSFER" sale ’ Call at till East A street. Will consider late model Ford or THE WORLD MOVES; so do we Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone Dodge. 04 340; residence phone 315-J. FOR SAliE OR TRAD®—40 acres west of town, under ditch, unim F. G ISHAM, dreyage, transfer; pi anos, safes, furniture, moved, ship proved Will take one-ton truck ped. packed, stored. Phone 124.Y. a« part payment, or alty property, or will eel) cheap lor each Coppock. Rd. 1. J B< OR I’HED BUICK auto for sale cheap. Joseph Fetsner, 755 N. 8th St. 04tf FOR SAL® -A few more of our pedL greed Everbearing strawberry plants. 11 per 100. while they last. F S Ireland, Rd. 1, Grants Pass Phone 602-F-12. 05 EEP the busy wheels of industry K turuing. And Oregon men and women happily at work. It means dollars and cents and much mon* to all of us to prevent an unem ployment problem in Oregon. MURSKRY STOCK Wall flowers exhale a delicious NURAERY—Highest grade fruit, odor. shade, nut trees—also berries end ornamental In variety. Albany HORN Nurseries (Branch) 840 North LKTTIKEN—To Mr. and Mr«. Sam Seventh street. Grants Peas. 71 tf 1/ettiken of Provolt. Thursday, February 17, a daughter. NURSERY stock of all kinds. Orna mental, shade and fruit trees. Geo. H. Parker. TOtf FOR SALE OR TRADE for car. 20 POULTRY A HATCHING EGGS acres good land, about 400,000 feet saw timber. 4’4 mllea from FOR SALE—White I-eghorn Baby Selma. Ore. Good road to place. Chicks from stock with high egg Address No 159 care Courier 109 pedigree, 820 per 100. Also cue tom hatching. Rogue River Poul FX)R SAUD—Very small Shetland try Farm. .Medford, Ore. 113 mare In foal, 84 5. Roscoe Howard. Dixie Ranch, Grants Paso. Ore. 04 FOR RAI-E— Hatching eggs, from heavy laying strain of Hoganlzed FOR RALE—Fine farm of 412.25 stock 8 C. White and Brown Leg acres for general purposes Oppor horns and Barred Rocks 81.50 tunity for cranberries, Port Orford per setting of 15 eggs. Spe-lal cedar and sporting facilities. Nine price per hundred lot. Also few mllea south of Bandon, four miles fine S. C. White I-eghorn cockerels. north of Langlois New buildings Con Schaefers, Rd. 2. 28 Woven wire fencing. Courtesy to agents. Edmund Craft. Craft Lake FOR SALE—Two fine Sheppards Fa Ranch. Randon. Coos County. Ore mous Ancona cockerels, new stock, gon. Phone M-5011 Bandon. 29 build up your flock. 85 each. Jas. Eads, 304 West I street. Grants WANTED Paas. Ore. 07 WANTED -Hauling for ton truck O. VETERINARY SURGEON C. Taggart, 219 West G St. 15 DRT r j” BE8TUU Veterinarian. WANTED- A loan of 8500 for five Residence 83 8 Washington boule years, on good real estate secur vard. phone 398-R. ity. Address I^eri Spalding, Aza REAL ESTATE 104 lea. Oregon. E. t . M c K instry , «03 det.,phone WANTED—14-!nch Oliver Chilled 355-R, real estate. Best of soils for plow. Box 63. Rogue River, Ore. fruit, hay or general farming. 105 ROY JIIGGINB- -General real estate MISCELLANEOUS Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 69. REPAIR SHOP—Plumbing, pipe SEE BALLINGER & HULL for farm, city and business property. 10 and work, steam fitting, boiler and 11 Flanagnn Bldg. Phone 284. pump work and Installing. 505 Routh 4th street. Phone 304. G. DENTISTS A. Bryan. 51tf E. C. MACY. D. M. D. Flrst-cla CARNBR-OAYETTY IRON WORKS dentistry in»U S 6th St General foundry and machine PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON work; gray Iron and brass cast L o <’LEMENT. M D.. Practice ings, any size and quantity. Deal limited to diseases of eye.«e ers In second hand mine and saw and throat. Phone 62; Res. 239-J. mill machinery, boilers, engines, pipe fittings, etc. Booth and F 3. LOUGHR1DGE. M. D. Physician streets, Grants Pass, Ore. 94tf and surgeon. City or country calle attended .lay or night. Phones. CIVIL ENGINEER Res 369; Office. 182; 6th and H GEO M ASHFORD, C. E. Und sub E J. HI DUCK, M. D Physician, gur- geon. Schallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; division, mine and Irrigation sur res. 1004 Iawnridge, phone 54-L, veys. «14 N. 6th St. Phone 48-R. W P RUTHERFORD— Manual the- E F. WANN, mining and civil engi raputlcs. Office over Barnes’ Jew neering. Mine examinations and elry. Honrs 9:30-12; 1:30-4. reports. Underground and surface surveying, mapping, mill design RALPH W. STEARNS. M. I). Xray and construction, land surveys and equipment. Phones: Office, 21-J; Residence, 21-L. sub division. Phons 249-R. 29 Keep people at work in Oregon’s fac tories and the bank clearings and all lines of business and professional life will take care of themselves. We cun best do this by stabilizing the market for Oregon-made goods. nrpKYDALE •------------------------------------------- ♦ Mr. and Mrs D. G. Robertson and son, Harold, of Grants Pass, are spending part of the week on their farm. Carol and Phil Hussey, Gladys Griffin, Myrtle. Mallnda and Ber-‘ tha Ford spent the week end at their homes, returning to Grants Pas« for their school work Sunday evening. BUY OREGON PRODUCTS Mrs. S. Hogue, who has been vis iting Mrs. John Farmer for some time returned home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs D. M. Robertson ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES OF OR EGON have a new arrival in their home, a little son. Misses I/eon« and Edna Griffin, of Grants Pass, were visiting at the, home of G. H. Griffin Sunday. Thos. Ogdon 1« doing some work on the Dixie ranch this week. The young people spent a pleasant Misses Velma .Everton and Dama Mr. and Mrs. George Cox and chil Orlene Farmer came home Thurs McKinstry spent the week end with dren, of Idaho, are visiting Mr. and evening at the home of E. C. Neely day from Astoria on account of the Mrs. Moody. last Friday. the Ford girls. Illness of her mother. Cleo Farmer returned from Med F. N. Rpbertson. who has been 111 1« much Improved and soon will be ford Wednesday. Mrs. Moody’s sister and family. out again. YOUR MAKE rebuilt Breakfast Muffins Regardless of whether we represent your make of battery or not, WE have the parts, equipment, and skill ed experience necessary to properly rebuild it. If you want your old battery restor ed to a dependable, first class condi tion at reasonable cost, bring it to this SERVICE STATION. . We have a service battery to fit your car. wlU be absolutely pure if bak ed front home made graluuu or whole wheat flour. No dirt or bugs can work into this flour because it is sacked in special heavy, rope-paper bags. ADAMS ELECTRIC AND BATTERY’ SHOP 500 So. Sixth Street JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 Oor. 3rd and G Sts. Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Daily “ ’* and Sunday Effect5” ■* Oct. 25, 1920 LEAVE LEAVE Grafts P ass MEDFORD GRANTS PAHS Waiting Room tO:OO a. m. 10:00 a. ni. Bonbonniere 1:00 p. ni 1:00 p. ni. 4:30 p. tn. Phone 160 4.30 p. m. We connect with ntaffen for Ashland and Jacksonville AUTO TOPS , Replace the shabby top with a light. eaay-t o-bandle weather proof one now. Smart looking, serviceable top«—- perfect fitting and Improving the car’s looks—a wide chons In ma terials and colors. OUR PRICKS LOWEST G. B. BERRY ALL STYLES MADE