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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1921)
i GRANTS rWK DAILY COURIER PAGE TWO FRIDAY, FKHIU «HY IN. 11421. !♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ • PERSONAL ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ Published Daily Except Sunday Go- O. C. I .eh man »hen Junction. Cui, wer«' visitors in — the city Thursday. E. B. Johnston, of Eugene, was GUARANTEED BY IS ' her«« looking after business affairs ADVERTISING RATES PASTRY FLOUR Display space, per Inch.................. 25c I Thursday tX»K\ ME VI. Local-¿»er»on al column. per lln«....10c. E R. Balslger. of Portland. a WHOLE WHEAT FUH R Readers, per line— .................... 5c ! cousin of Elmer H. Italslger. I» GRAHAM FLOUR DAILY COURIER I spending th* day In the city WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS NOW By mall or carrier, per year..... |8 00 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse liâmes. of By mail or carrier per month. .8» Northfield. Minn . spent Thursday I WEEK’.Y COURIER night In Grunts Pass. By mail, per year 1 o Geo. F. Esterley, of the > big placer MBMBSR OF ASSOCIATED PR mine at Waldo, arrived in Grant» The Associated press is exclusively Pass yesterday for the I transaction entitled to the use for republication of business of all news dispatches credited to It er all otherwise credited in this Mr. and Mrs. J. M Payne and baby I paper and also the local news pub of Gold Hill, are spending a couplet lished herein. I of days here They are at the Ox All rights of republication of spe w• ford. cial dispatches herein are al»' re- new bill ties Josephine and Jackson failed since 1919 The people have A wire from Kenneth R Williams ____________________ been unable to get more than scrape together’ But might, represented in to hla parents states that he Is leav FRIDAY. FWIIII UIY IS, 1021 the legislature, will probably ■ay of food from other parts of China ing Sacramento for New Orleans toi They have been unable to get much commence training with the St. Ixtuls | ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ "take the dose. Josephins, and cal! from outside because food has been Browns, with which organisation he ♦ it good.” OREGON WEATHER high priced all over the world They hns played outfield for the past two ♦ have tried to move to better districts seasons Mrs Williams Is expected Tonight and Saturday rain in when1 they could raise crops but here In a few days and wtll remain west, cloudy in east portion. ♦ such districts are so far and they until the teams complete training ♦ ♦ Warmer east portion tonight. have had such poor resources that and will then meet her husband In they have died like flies on the way. Chicago OCR GBNTLE NEIGHBOR "There Is no question that more Reapportionment of the legislative than 10,000,000 Chinese will starve Merlin Home Tn I ent Play— to death this winter and spring un At ths Merlin school house on Sat-' districts of the state is one of the llrautitul Wardrobe, Spet tai Htener), New Noiig Hit», important measures that has been New York. Feb. 18.—(A. P.)— less food is rushed to them.” He de urday. February 9<t. will give a home I clared that millions will die despite talent comedv drama In four acts, left to the closing day* of the see- Thirty thousand Chinese gathered aid. that the populaUon of 45,000,- entitled "An Arizona Cowboy ” | on a great bare field outside Tient aion and that is apt to be crowded sin. China, waited patiently for food 000 in the famine districts is in such There are 13 In the cast through in the final moments as an which never arrived and then slowly dire straits that it will be a physical unfair and unjust creature of the died there. B. 8. Glinee. American Impossibility to rush enough food to ItuXM-rrv In Jail— !*OORH OPEN AT 7 P. M. CURTAIN N 1*. M. them to save all. Wesley Atteberrr, bound over to ' powers that be. Following the engineer, reported upon his arrival jury yesterday by Justice the grand Great Irrigation projects, control CHILDREN »Or, war ta* 2c—TOTAL 22. count of the people by federal cen here after passing six months in the famine stricken areas of North of flood producing streams, and Im Holman. Is now confined In the [ ADIL/TH 4Oc, war ta* 4c—TOTAL 44c sus each ten years, «tate legislatures provement of transportation were county Jail, having been unable to I China. and the national congress are re ALL MllltWH I NDER THE SPECIAL DIRECTION OF The condition of the starving cited by Mr. Glinee as the only salva give the necessary 1750 bonds Atte-I IL FKtllUS TAYLOR quired to make a new apportton- hordes was so pitiful. Mr. Glines tion of the agricultural and economic berry Is charged with having repre-1 sented Hazel Wilson as his wife I life of China. said, that he "did not have the heart ment based upon the census show- 'These things will be done In without having been married to her If fairly made, there can be no to take photographs of such misery." He said that the crowd at Tientsin time.” he said, "for China Is awake I cause for complaint even if in had gathered because they believed America will probcbly have a Mg Idcens«' Must Be Pahl— The city officials have notified the readjustment some county may food would reach them there more part In this future of China, but we drivers of all for hire cars that un part of its representation. The quickly than In the country Along a must lay aside these things for less they produce the necessary bill as planned would rob Josephine roadside near the field, he told of present and devote every effort license fee forthwith warrants will Our price» for repair» anti overhauling are aa low a» I» <tm»l»teat of its representation in the state sen seeing the bodies of a whole family— getting food to the starving mli- be issued for their arrest The city with good workman»hip. father, mother and five children— Hons.” ate except as It could get represen each a few yards apart, where they levies a license of |20 per annum We wtll hr glati to furni»li a flat colmate on any work you <le«ire against all owners of cars that carry tation aa a tail to the Jackson coun had dropped and died passengers for hire, and whether It "The crop failures have been al Arrive From North Dakota— ty kits, for the bill as presented be a truck or a passenger automo Mrs. W. T. Wheat and children would make a Joint district of Joee- most complete tn the five great prov e arrived last evening from Marmouth, bile. so long as a tare Is charged tor inces that make up the northern part phlne and Jackson. How far Jose- a passenger, the 810 as due the mu MALI 3 AND 8ERVMTC North Dakota. Mr. Wheat came of China proper—Chihli. Shantung. phine could get with her neighbor Ch ana I, Shensi and Honan.” said Mr. some weeks ago, and has purchased nicipality. ftaven or eight have al NAHII CHEVROIJ7T on the east can be pretty clearly de Glinee. 'This Is the part of the the DobMe home on F street where ready paid the double eagle, but a ■ fined from the reading of a news country around Peking, south of the family will reside Mr Wheat Is number who have not will soon be| one of the directors of the Mora escorted before the police judge, so story printed in the last issue of the Mongolia and Manchuria.” The Jitney' Explaining why the sections otj pump company that will handle the the officials announce Medford Mall-Tribune. The follow- China not stricken iby famine were northwestern sales of the Mora drivers early In the year presented a| petition to the council asking th* tag is quoted from the article: unable to relieve the starvation dis pump. license fee ordinance be revoked, but The bill (reapportionment meas tricts, Mr. Glines said: "China is lluiek Hix. fine shat*"- Scripps-Booth. Dodge. just overhauled. no action to that end was ever taken ure) takes away from Jackson coun largely an agricultural nation. Nine 1P2O Chevrolet, good a» hew. 10IH Maxwell. IVIN <Avevrolrs. — and the license still stands Good Ford at a bargain. Two wheel trailer cheep- We buy, aril ty its Joint representative and also ty per cent of the population Uvea on the tiny farms Into which the coun-1 and uwd«. See us before you buy ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ puts Josephine and Jackson county try is divided. The Chinese work AMTRKMRNTH into one senatorial district. Under their land to the limit but they can ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦■♦ ♦ this plan. Josephine would have the not raise more than enough to feed . 4 A dramatist of International repu themselves Each (Mstriet can raise senator for two yean. Inasmuch as tation Is Sir Arthur Wing Pinero, Liquid Antiseptic • H A.....................D bale- Senator Smith is a holdover, but af barely enough food to support Its who stage play. "The Profligate." own people. That is why the ‘pros has been known as one of the most A Wonderful .Antiseptic for ter that period, would assure Jack- perous’ provinces have been able to I brilliant of hla aucceenes. In bring son county the senator at all times, do so little for the famine-stricken , ( 'omba t tins ( «erma ing to the »Teen a version of this of the playrigbts favorite traits well-known player* as Anna I«ehr, inasmuch as Jackson county has ones. They have not the food to I drama under the title, "The Troth I When "The Proflirate" was first pro H E Herbert. Elizabeth Gofdan, Ivo Treating Pyorrhea three times as many voter as Jose send. About Husbands." Whitman Bennett duced on the Ixindon stage It created Dawson. Arthur Hankin and Ixtrralne I "The crops in North China have phine county.” Throat Gargle has taken a step which refutes those a sensation. At Her Majesty's Frort. who say all scren plays are bromides theater It saw the light of day on a Only another instance of the appli Associated First National Pictures. Monday evening In 1902. and many COMING UVENTN cation of the theory of might making Inc., in its presentation of this pro saw in Its plot of the Infidelity of Tight on the part of Jackson county. dnctlon Is well aware that it will husbands a stinging blow to certain Mar 3-4-5, Thursday. Friday. Sat Knowing full well this atttlude of arouse no minute discussion In cer- public characters Pinero, however, urday—Courtney's Big Fun ■bow our neighbor, can the reader wonder tain circles. In the picture Is em- disclaimed any such Intention. at Opera House Played bodied all the delicate satire of The Rivoli theater today Is show weeks In Salt Lake that Josephine feels that she would Pinero and all of the tremendously ing the brilliant picturlzatlon of Mar 12. Saturday—Rummage be absolutely unrepresented if dramatic piling up of climaxes, one Pinero's drama. In the cast are such for library fund. GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER OPERA HOUSE R. Ferris Taylor Stock Company TONIGHT “ST. ELMO” One Night Only Change of Program Nightly Chevrolet Owners W. S. Maxwell & Co USED CARS FOR SALE KLENZO New Mattresses and Furniture E. W. CHILES Petticoats of Wonderful Design and Colorings ’S a touch of spring—a bright, cheerful T HERE tone to the new “FITRITE” petticoats that have just arrived. You’ll like them, too. Delicate radium Taffetas, soft, lustrous Satins, heavy, long wearing Jerseys, and many bright novelties in a myriad of colorings are here for your inspection. Each garment is liberally designed, perfectly made, has a non-rip placket and is very moderately priced. Lot 1—All silk jersey pettibockers, assorted colors, special ..... —... ...................... $2.98 Lot 2—All silk flowered taffeta petticoats, spe cial ____________ __ __________ __ ... $2.98 Lot 3—All silk plain and changeable taffeta and jersey petticoats, special $3.98 Golden Rule otore CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS 8