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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1921)
9 vm «4 s Otailg Courier |«) ùss AK.MN I ATEI» PKLHti HERVIUE VOL XL, No. 12N GRANTS PAM4, JOSEPHINE ( Ol NTY, ORWXIN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY IK, 1IMI1 WHOIÆ NUMBER -x PROF. C. E. GUILLAUME PROF. SIR B. WINDLE BANDIT STARR I * 4 ’• OF THE STATE J JOINT WAYS AND MEANS COM MUTEE OF TIIE LEGISLATURE AGREES ON AMOI NT MILITARY EXPERTS MAKE AR ATTEMPT TO ATTACH RIDER TO RANGEMENTS TO ITT FORCE THE POHTOFFICE HILI. TO- ACROSS THE LINE DAY FAILED PRESAGES DEFEAT Of HIGHWAYS v NOTORIOUS OKLAHOMA CRIM INAL PROBABLY FATALLY WOUNDED AT HARRISON s' 'A « IMIrved That Way W III Be Found to ITovldn the Excess Amount of ths Demandi» Salem, Feb 18—(A. P.l—At the) eomplntlon of Its labor* last night ■ the Joint ways and means commit ! tee announced that it had agreed tentatively to recommend approprla-j tlons for the next biennium totalling 84.<«7,888 97 This amount is 8142,003.02 above the amount avail-1 able under the 8 per cent limitation,, but It 1« believed source« to meet i the excee« »mount will appear IJoyd George \l»o Say. Ilia« the De- larked Only Nine Vote* of the Re feeted People Must Pay to the quired Two-thirds Majority To Prof. Charles Edward Guillaume of Utmost Limit Give Hundred Million Franco has been awarded the 1920 Nobel prise for physics. He Is the head of the International bureau of weights and measures. fk Harked Officers of the People's In stitution Into the Vault Where lune Was Hidden A raro photograph of Prof. Sir B. Windle, who Is president of the Uni Paris, Feb. 18.—(A. P.l—French Washington, Feb. 18.—(A. P.) — versity of Cork and Knight of St Harrison, Ark., Feb. 18.— (A. P.) military experts, including Marshals Efforts to attach as a rider to the Gregory the Great. —Henry Starr, notorious Oklahoma Forii and Petain, yesterday made de- postoffice bill sn appropriation of a I tailed plans for an advance Into Ger many if the reparations and dlsar- hundred million dollars for road con struction tailed today in the senate. i mament terms are not fulfilled The motion to insert the appropria London. Feb 18—(A. P.)—Lloyd tion lost with nine lees than the re George declared in the house of com quired two-thirds majority. The mons that he stood by his pledge rejection is regarded as foreshadow | that Germany must pay to the limit, ing defeat for road appropriations I of her capacity. at this session. FEETTIMBER LOST Storm That Swept Olympic Penin Salem. Feb 18.—(A. P.l —Two! sola Was Worst Calamity in new Roosevelt highway bills p««»ed Lumbering History the senate late yesterday after a alxaling debate The bouae paased the motor cod« I Portland. Fab. 18.—<A. P.l — fixing feet for licencing automobiles Ihtinsge of 875.000 to 8100,000 is Washington, Feb. 18.—(A. P.l — and defeated the free textbook bill estimated as caused by a fir« which Eight billion board feet of timber which had passed the senate. The destroyed the main heller factory of was destroyed by the hurricane that house, on reconsideration of the bill the Willamette Iron and Steel swept over the Olympic peninsula, declaring the policy of state owner Works here early today. The cause Shanghai. Feb. 18.—(A. P.l—A Salem. Feb. 18.—(A. P.)—The Washington, said a report to the for ship of a meandered lake bottom, of the fire is unknown, I comprehensive educational scheme house today paased the motion pic estry service. It was characterized passed the bill, and also parsed the as the "greatest disaster ever record I together with a program of lecture« ture censorship bill creating a state ed in the annais of foreetry or lum senate double election board bill ■ and entertainments will 'be carried board of three censors serving with bering.” providing for counting ballots dur Ing election days. ! out in the coming year in a new In- out pay. The senate late yesterday I The house road« committee basì dustrial branch of the Y. M. C. A. passed the cooperative marketing Introduced a 87,ObO.n0n road bond Ihat has been opened at Pootung, measure and bills increasing the sal-! t'n-1 bill for highway construction Shanghai's big Industrial district I aries of the attorney general, tax ui iiummnuu uhll , which lies across the Whangpoo der constitutional limitation the 83. commissioner and state engineer. 500.000 which la asked for the con-i — river opposite the city proper. , 1 etructlon of the Roosevelt highway, The new Institution began opera Plans for the rummage sale on may still be Issued if authorized tions in December In a large mat Nine <\>yotra Are Victims— The senate passed the Dennis bill March 12th for the library fund are The best catch of coyotes reported making the governor the state hy-' well under way. as will be seen from shed capable of seating 1200 per Kingman, Kan., Feb. 18.—(A. P.) the announcement that the sale will! sons. It is proposed to hold day and in Josephine county for many dro-electrlc commissioner —The farm of John Ford In the night school for mill hands and their months is that brought in by Sam comprise ten departments, for which children The district to be served Johnson, of Murphy. He yesterday j southern part of this county is the contributions are solicited. CARIMI IN IMPROVING site of a buried treasure mystery The different departments are as has a population of about 20,000 presented the pelts of nine of the which is periodically revived by per Chinese mill workers. varmints at the office of the county ____ ____ New York. Feb. 18.—(A. P.l — folows with the names of the headsj sons who go there seeking a chest clerk to collect the bound upon Enrico Caruso is distinctly Improved of committees in charge: containing 840.000 in gold. them. The coyotes were all caught today 1. Country store. Mesdames W. G t'ounty 4'ourt Adjourn«— The story is still fresh in the in steel traps, and it is probable that mind« of the older settlers here, White, R K Woodson. County court adjourned yesterday they were driven down out of the Morn INiiup I« Coming— 2. Novelty booth. Mrs. E. H. Mae-I and Commissioner McCabe left for mountains by the deep snows. The many of whom say they believe the Reports from the latest mode)« of Daniels. his home at Merlin. The next ses bounty collected amounted to 131, chest occupies the cache where it the Mora pump made in the east are 3. Plantsand shrub«, Mesdames sion of the court will convene on the 33 being paid for each male and 34 was secreted 50 years ago by an meet encouraging. Is the statement! | army paymaster when he and his first Wednesday in March. Douglas Wood, Cecil Weston. for females. of the officers of the comimny organ detail were attacked by Commanche 4 Miscellaneous, hardware, toys, ised here for the sale of the lateet! Indians and later killed. The pay thing In pumps. The efficiency test dishes, bric-a-bac. Mesdames O. S I master and his men were en route Is «nid to bo nearly double that of: Blanchard, Harry Allyn. Geo. Sabin. to an army poet to pay the soldiers. 5 Men's clothing. Mrs. C. A. Sld-| ordinary centrifugle punii» A ne« They are supposed to have been «-Inch pump I« now on the way from ler. camped near two 'big springs on the the factory in Minneapolis for dem «. Millinery. Mrs. E. A. Murphy.’ Ford farm when the attack was onstration purposes. It Is hoped made Both springs were well 7. Iaidie« aud children's clothing. Inter to manufacture the pumps In Mrs. Sam Baker known stopping places in the day of the Rogue river wgUey, the company! the prairie schoner and cattle trail 8. Shoes, Mrs. C. A. Thomas. London, Feb. 18.—(A. P.)—The| tor Thrace, Thrace was given out and It is to them the present day for the northweetern sales agency be- 9 Furniture. Meedames O. H. Car- conference of the British .prime min-, right ‘ to Greece. The demand for treasure seekers go in their quest Ing organlzed in Granta Pass. When ner, W. W. Canby. fster, Mr. IJoyd George. Premier, T the pump is put on the market in \ autonomy In Thrace is made by the of fortune. The information of all 10 Chicken dinner, in charge of Brland of France and Foreign Min- Turks despite the renunciation by seems to agree on one point—that Ita various site« It is expected to the Rebekahs later Sforza of Italy with represen the Ottoman government of its sov the gold was buried near the springs revolutionize the methods of lifting’ Information regarding any of the«e tatives of Greece and Turkey, which ereignty over Turkey in Europe out but each person has a different re water for Irrigation purposes. booths may be obtained by calling up Is to open here Monday, February side of Constantinople as well as its port as to the exact location. ~~~~ any of the women in charge. The 21, has for its object the settlement control over eight or more Islands in Years ago many Indians went various committees throughout the of important Near Eastern questions the Aegean sea there to search. Inspired by the tale county am cooperating In the under growing out of the treaty of Sevres. Maintenance of Turkish sover of an old Oklahoma Commanche. taking. each with some «[»eclalty so In point of world Interest and per- eignty over the territory awarded to who claimed to have been in the far as possible, and everyone knows plexity 1t is expected to rank with Armenia is another demand of the ; band that massacred the army men. what that will mean toward making the new historic conferences of Ottoman government which is to But with his death the Indians stop this sale a most successful one. Hvthe, Brussels and San Remo. come up for settlement. In the ped coming. Some people may think that the One of the most Interesting tea- treaty, it was provided that Ar However, the lure continues to at- "rummage sale” Is getting to be an Chicago. III., Feb. 18. —(A. P.l — old story in Grants Pass, but they turea of the gathering will be th« menta was recognized as "a free and tract the white man and scarcely a Tn this day of unprecedented farm have a surprise In store for them. meeting face to face of the delegates Independent state.” Turkey accept summer passes that some prospec- organization and development, it la This, while having all th« features representing the new Greek govern ed the proposal that the president tor falls to spend a few days delving noted here that the very words farm of the rummage sales of the past, is ment under King Constantine with of the United States should be the here and poking there in the earth aid farmer grew out of the first going to include many new ones, the former Greek Premier Venizelos arbitrator as to the frontier In the about the old springs. “rural revolution." which will add greatly to the dnter- for the first time since Venlxeloe provinces of Exernm. Treblzond, As told In a history of the English e«t. as well as to the advantage of withdrew from Greece after the Van and Bitlls and as to the access PORTLAND MARKETS defeat of his ministry In the elec of Armenia to the sea. people It is shown that It came about the purchasers in the fourteenth century In des Turkey's desire to maintain a "de Portland. Feb. 18.—(A. P.)—All The now features will be announc tions and the recall of the king. This overturn In Greek affairs was fensive army" will also be considered markets are steady. cribing the peasant's revolt, 1377 to ed from time to time Look out for an Important factor in influencing by the delegates. The military 1381. the history state* them in your dally paper. the allies to call the conference. clauses of the treaty forbade Turkey “The lord of the manor Instead of One of the most difficult issue«1 to have a fleet or military airplanes cultivating the demesne through his confronting the delegate« will be the and provided that all the fortifica own ballff, often found it more con disposition of the port of Smyrna1 tions along the Dardanelles were to venient and profitable to let the and the semi-oircle of adjacent terri-i he destroyed. The work of demoli manor to a tenant at a given rate tory on the Aegean sea, 100 kilome tion is reported nearly complete. payable either In money or in kind. ters tong and 100 kilometers broad France, England and Italy were obli "It Is thia system of leasing, or which, under the terms of the treaty gated to maintain an army of occu rather to the usual term for the rent were placed under the sovereignty pation Turkey was allowed for po Dublin. Fel>. 18.—(A. P.)—The It entailed (feorm. from the latln, of Greece lice purposes a force of 35,000 men, most extensive series of raids car flrma) that wo owe the words farm Washington, Feb 18.—(A. P.) — Since the signing of the treaty of with 15,000 special gendarme« to ried out in Dublin begun early to and fdrmer, the growing use of which makes the first step In the The coldest weather of the winter Is Sevres, however, Turkey has de reinforce them in case of trouble, day. A thousand troop« with motor rural revolution which we are exam predicted for next week east of the manded the abrogation of Greek and a bodyguard of 700 for the sul lorries, machine guns and armored rights In 9myna as well as autonomy tan. Rocky Mountains. cars participated. ining ." bandit, was probably fatally wound ed today when with two other men he backed the officials of the Peo ple's bank Into the vault while at tempting to rob the Institution. An official of the institution shot Starr with a rifle hidden In the vault Two others who were with Starr escaped. FIRE DESTROYS CREAMERY AT PENDLETON TODAY Pendleton. Feb. 18.—(A. P.)— There was a 875,000 loss in a fire which destroyed the creamery, cold storage and ice manufacturing plant of the Smythe-I»negran Company this morning. ——————— JUDGE McGANNON ACQUITTED OF SHV.ND DEGREE MURDER Cleveland. Feb. 18 — (A. P.)— Judge William H. McGannon was ac quitted of second degree murder in connection with the death of Harold G Kagy WOMAN'S PARTY DISBANDS AT WASHINGTON CONVENTION Washington. Feb. 18.—(A. P.) — The national woman's party dis banded in convention here today. A new organization to continue the ef forts to secure full political and citizenship rights for women is to be formed. George Washington Party— The Fifty-Fifty club will hold a George Washington costume party at the hall this evening, and all the old- time and colonial costume«. kne4 breeches, silver buckles and pow dered wigs that could be unearthed from all the attics of the city will be in evidence. Only married couples are members of the club. Tax Books to Open— The sheriff's office announces that the tax books will open next Mon day and the taxpayers can then com mence the payment of their debts to the county, state, school districts, city, and various other tax levying organisations. The first half of th« tax is payable on or before the 5th day of April when the second half can wait till October 5th without a penalty attaching. OREGON'S PRUNE WEEK Lincoln, Nslb.. Feb. 18.—(A. P.)— If a movement being fathered by the Federation of Nebraska Retail ers becomes general throughout th« country as is being urged tn circu lar letters, the well-known ultimate consumer will eat corn pone from April 1 until April 7. The retailers organization recently went on a re cord favoring a movement declaring the first week In April "National Corn Meal Week.” J. Frank Barr, general secretary of the federation says the observa tion of such a week will benefit every class from the producer to the consumer. He says If the people of the coun try buy corn meal and eat Its pro ducts for one week. It will create such a demand for corn that it will Increase In value and will prompt the farmer to unloaded We hoarded stock.