Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1921)
Classified Advertising I SEASONED WOOD FOR BALE -Oak THE WORLD MOVES, so do we Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone and laurel, 34.76) body fir. 34; 34». residence phone 315-J. pine and Mcotid growth fir, 38.76; mamanlta. 36 C. W. Lambrecht, F. G. ISHAM, dray age. transfer: pi Rd. 1. Box 11. , 28tf anos. safes, furniture, moved, ship ped, packed, stored Phone 124 Y rOR HALE- -Baled alfalfa hay. *Otf Nl RNEICY NTO4K FOR SALIC Shadeland Eclipso seed NURSERY—Highest grade fruit, oats. rec lea li od. 3c per pound. W shado, nut trees—also berries and L. Hayes, Murphy, or C. N. Culy. ornamental In variety. Albany cooperative shipping manager, Nurseries (Branch) 860 North) Granta l‘mi *-’tt Seventh street. Granta Pass, fltf. OHOK'E BALED ALFALFA hay, 328 NURSERY stock of all kinds. Orna delivered any place In Grants Pass mental, shade and fruit trees. Geo. 323 at ranch five miles telow » te H Parker. 70tf —. town. Phone 806-F-12. C. H. Bis 'V AND EVERBBARINO mann. 87U MAGOON V Ain? strawberry plants. Good varie r BALK— Price 1917 FORD FOR ties for sale. Phone 601-F-33. T. Ar y 3350. Herbert Wusk. Rd 2. care X T. Roes, Grants Pass, Ore. 104 A. B Eckert. 104 ’ Ju '> ICEAL ENTATE FOR HALE Electric washing ma chine. almost now, cheap for cash. Cal) evening. 901 D street, 04 E T M c K instry , eus g st. phone 356-R. real estate Best of eolia for 1917 FORD TOURING car In good fruit, hay or general farming. running order, for aale. Call at till East A street. Oily. 0« ROY HIGGINS -General real catate Office 111 South Sixth. Phone «9. GOOD HOME In Orante Paas. 1 acre of ground, orchard and berries, for SEE BAI4.INGER « HULL for farm, city and bualnaaa property. 10 and sale. Call at 1111 East A street. 11 Flanagan Bldg Phone 284. Will consider late model Ford or Dodge. 08 1*1 ANO INSTKIITION FOR RALE T»<i fine Sheppurds Fa- MRS. JAMES M POWERS. Instruc mona Ancona coekerels, new stock, tor on piano; studio over Barnes' build up your flock. 35 «ach. Jas. jewelry. Phone 285-J. Eads. 306 West 1 Street, Grants 07 Pass. Ore. »ENTINTO FOR SALE OR TRADE—40 acres E C. MACY. D M. D Flrst-cla. west of town, under ditch, unim dentistry 10»^ B «th St. proved. Will take one-ton truck aa part payment, or city property, VETERINARY SURGEON or will sell cheap for cash. J E Dit. It J BESTUL. Veterinarian. Coppock. Rd 1, 08 Residence K38 Washington boule vard. phone 39R-R WANTED WANTED Hauling tor ton truck O. C Taggart. 219 West O St 15 PHYSICIAN ANI> SI KGEON WANTED A loan of 3600 for five L. O. CLEMENT. M D. Practice limited Io dlseaaes of eye, ear,nose year*, on good real estate secur and throat. Phone 62; Res. 239-J. ity. Address ljevl Spalding. Aza lea. Oregon. 106 A. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician WANTED— Girl will do general and »urguon City or country calls house work. Phone 347-<R. 04 attended day or night Phonee. Hee 3«»; Office. |)U. sth and II WANTED—12x14 tent In good con dition. Phone 156-J. 104 E. J. BILLICK, M. D. Physician. Bur geon. Schallhorn Blk Phone 54-J, res. 1004 l^wnrldge, phone 54-L. I/*T * LO8T- Man e gold watrh wltb hunt- Ing cane: Elgln, atte 13. Eluder W F RUTHERFORD- -Manual the- raputlca Office over Barnas' Jew pleaae return to N E. Bollali al elry Hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. Gas office and recelve reward. 05 !X*4T Gold locket with Initials. RALPH W. STEARNS. M D. Xray *'A S." Finder please leave at equipment. Phones Office. 21-J; Courier office and receive reward Residence. 21 -L. 04 ATTORNEYS MIN4ELI.ANEOI H D NORTON. Attorney-at-law pipe H SHOP—^Plumbing, REPAIR Prsctlce* lu all Stale and Federal werk, steam fitting, botler and Courts First National Bank Bldg 505 pump work and Installing G. W COLV1G. vforney-at-law. Phone 308 G. South 6th street Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. 31 tf A. Bryan CARNBR-G AYETTY IRON WORKS. R 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney Practices In all courts First National Hank General foundry and machine Building work; gray Iron and brans cast ings. any sire and quantity. Deal O. 8. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law ers In second hand mine and saw Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270. mill machinery, boilers, engines, pipe fittings, etc. Booth nnd F C. A. n’DLER. Attorney-at-law. Ma mie I ->u;>le. Grants Pass. Ore. streets. Grants Paas, Ore. 94tf CIVIL ENGINEER GEO. H DURHAM. Attoruey-at-law referee In bankruptcy. Masonic GEO. M ASHFORD. C. B. I «and enb-I Templo. Phone 135-J division, mine and irrigatiou sur-1 revs. f. 14 N*. 6th St. Phone 4 8-R. I JAMES T. OHINNOCK. Lawyer First National Rank Building E F WANN, mining and civil engl neering Mine examinations and A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuff» Bldg. reports. Underground and surface I Practice In all courts. surveying, mapping, mill design [ and construction, land surveys and V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In state and federal courta Office sub division. Phone 249-R. 28 1 over National Drug Store. BUILDING <M>NTRACTORS HARPER A SON—Building contrac tors. Shop work, furniture crating. Shop 510 H St. Res. phone 142. 5O**r*N A. J. OREEN—General contractor. Estimates and plans made. Noth- Ing too small or too large. Shop 211 Sixth St. Phone 375-L. 92tf you can TAX. HOONER TAXI —Phone 362-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an swered anywhere, anytime. S6tf l ot l.ritN A II VlÑ’HING EQflB holdfast I FOR SALE -White leghorn Baby( Chicks from stock with high egg pedigree. 320 per 100. Also cns- tom hatching. Rogue River Poul try Farm. Medford, Ore. 113 MCI (IS for hatching -Thoroughbred White Wyandotte eggs, 31-50 for 15, C. G. Gillette, phone 261-L. 104 ___ • ___ __________ FOR SALE—Hatching eggs, from heavy laying strain of Hoganlzed stock S C White and Brown Lee 31.5o horns and Barred Rocks Spedii) per setting of 15 eggs, price per hundred lot. Aleo fe fine S. C. White leghorn cockerel <*n Schaefers, Rd. 2. io your Job If you wear e fish Brand Slicker nearby her-nnse of the oweet»»*«« of th- watery substance within them. Then ■he insects nre drowned hwatise they nre trap|>ed and can't get out nnd I x - cmum * they cannot live In the watery Htibstance. “All kinds of bugs and Insects come to these plants which grow In the warm places. **TT>e plants are kept strong and fine beeaiise of the bugs which are caught within. “Hut we are the clever ones, as I «aid before. We live a life that Is half a lund life and half a water life. We fire In thia watery substance and we feed on the delicious bugs, eating an many ns we can of them. "Such u variety of food as we have, too. ft's really an excellent variety! We grow fat because of all the silly bugs that come and get caught In the plant. “Then we alt up on the top of the plant and make our cocoons under the tub# or hood and there we t>tny un til we ure ready to fly nwuy with newly grown wings. “We're too clever to lx* caught by the hairs on the plant uheb we fly otf. “Of course folks are right when they say that bugs are stupid to be trafq>e<! like this. Still It Is ditllcult for them not to “Our Homes.” t>e t rap|ied. In fact It Is Impossible. And It Is only natural that they would come where they smelt sweet delicacies. But we're smart grubs. We aren’t caught, tiut we thrive In the pitcher plants or the flytraps. “Yes. Grandaddy Grab and the lit tle grubs are smart and they know a thing or two. “And we'll all stay here and grow fat until the time cornea for us to «pin our cm-oons and fly off. which we do as easily as we are living here and thriving when other creatures meet their sad ending here!" THAT SUDDEN Slsarp Pain KOH BALK River Banka Farms. PAGE TH HEB GUANTO P ViM DAILY COCKIER THITMDAY, EMIRI Aid 17. IV21- 111? w1 I . n J*- ¡¡¿¿4 which you ex perience at tim<* can i« removed. No woman has the right to suffer when alto can obtain relief safely, certainly and promptly. Suppose you do have head- aches, back aches, extreme nervousness, low- Bf irits and general good -for-noth- ,nl^ f««Hng» at times? Your case is not hopeless. boctor Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tun. Sold by druggists in liquid or tablets, or aen<l 10c. to Dr. Hetee’s Invalids’ Hotel in I . N. Y., for a trial package. Head what this woman says: B ishof , C al . —"About live years ago I •offered severely. 1 consulted a local doctor and he said I would have to undergo an opeiulion. 1 th. n tried Dr. Piercs’s Favorite Preecrijaion— took one hottie—also one bottle of the ‘Golden Medical Discovery," and used the ‘ Lotion Tablet-,’ and I have uot been troubled slnoe. — Mas. L. G. A lbrioht , R F. D. N o . 1. SMART GRUBS. “Now usually." said the grub, “they Is ■ silly, stupid annoying sort of hog. They don’t think we’re very clever or that we know what we’re about. They don't think that. “Tltev may l>e right when they «ay we re annoy ing. but we’re uot ull stupid. Our fnmliy Is not »tu- pld. And when I say that They* think we’re not much. I mean people. “Yea. that la what they think." Not 8tupid." said the grub. answered: *11181 And the little la what they think. If yon say so. Grandaddy Grub.** “ft Is whnt I say.” said Grandaddy Grub. “But If they hear about us I think they may change their minds. I really think they may. I am almost sure that they may." t ••Good.” mild the little grubs. “You see." Grandaddy Grab went on. “we make our homes In a plant known ns the pitcher plant or another name for It Is the flytrap. "It la well-named, for It cntchea In Meets of nil kinds as we know. “You see. the pitcher plants are shaped much like tubes. These plants hold a watery substance nnd so be cause they hold something like that they nre called pitcher plants. For pitchers hold water, you know. •’Then they're known as flytraps, as 1 said, because they catch Insects In the tube-shape trap of theirs. “Rut In these plants this watery substance Is of something which smells sweet nnd so Insects come to It and think that here they will get nice delicacies nnd goodies. “Ah, but that Is where they are wrong. When they get to the plants they are drowned In this watery sub stance. Once they get Inside the hooded or tube-llke top of the plants they cannot get out. "That Is because the plant has downward pointing hairs and the In sects hnve to go down nnd they enn- not pull themselves up with this trap pushing them down. Altogether It Is very clever! “First, the plnnts dt>w the Insects CJCHESTERSPILtó —We tes. sealed witJ» Blu« Ribbon. Teers itnowna« Bevt.Rafast. Always Rattobsa SOIDBY DSHiUlSTSEVtRYWNERt Phene 147 507 E St. The Wardrobe Cleaners WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO FIRST CLASS WORK CLEANING------ PRESSING — REPAIRING AKE EVERY seed planted, and every acre cultivated, yield the biggest return. Diamond Quality Seeds are tested and adapted to the clima tic and soil conditions of the Northwest. You can “bank" on big crops when you plant Diamond Qual ity Seeds. Liked to Yell. He was a typical gamin so diminu tive In stature that I had to stoop to Interrogate him. which I did In this way: "Where do you get your papers, my little man?" “Oh, 1 buy 'em In the Times alley." “What do you pay for them?" ’ “Fl* cent»." “What do you sell them tor?" \ “Fl- cents.” “You don’t make anything at thnt?’ “Nope.” Then what do you sell them for?" “Oh. Just to get a chnuce to heller." American Bov. , , j , ; j I AaJb far Caíalas Ne. 5Ô0 P ortland S eed C- o .<^ ± PoRTLANO.OREttON “Plumage Transformation.” AUTO TOES A tyf>e of plumage transformation which apj>ears to have a very clear adaptive pun«>He Is what Is known as the "eclipse of the male." It Is particularly characteristic of many species of ducks, the two sexes of which ordinarily have distinct plum age«. Most ducks moult their flight feathers all at one time, with the result that they are quite unable to ft.v for a term of several weeks after the breeding season. During this period they live retired Ilves among the «ecluded waterways of their nest ing gronnds. waiting for a growth of new quills to equip them for their autumn migration. Replace the shabby top with » light. cesy-to-handle weather- proof one now. Kmart looking, serviceable top»— (»erfect fitting and Improving the car*« look»—a wide choice In ma terials and colors. OCR PltlCFS LOWEST ALL STYLES MADE G. R. BERRY ■ | J Toilet of Ant Complicated. There is no creature of the animal kingdom which is more particular as to |n-rsonal clenViness than the ant. which can not tolerate the presence of dirt on Its body. These little creatures actually use a number of real toilet articles In keeping them selves clean. A well-known authority says their toilet articles consist of coarse and tine-toothed combs, hair brushes «ponges and even washes and soap. Their combs, however, differ from ours mainly In that they are fas tened to their legs. The ants have no set time for their toilet operations, hut clean up whenever they get soiled. your make rebuilt Regardless of whether we represent your make of battery or not, WE have the parts, equipment, and skill ed experience necessary to properly rebuild It. If you want your old battery restor ed to a dependable, first class condi tion at reasonable cost, bring It to this SERVICE STATION... We have a service battery to fit your car. ADAMS ELECTRIC AND BATTERY’ SHOP 50« So. Sixth Street Sun’s Effect on Glass Palace. It has been found impossible to give accurate dimensions of the Crystal palace. London, because of the con traction the building undergoes during the day. In the case of the palace, the approximate length of the main structure of which Is 1.392 feet, a measurement taken at noon would ex ceed the dimension which would be given on a remeasurement In the eve ning. when the “contraction.’' conse quent upon the absence of heat, as the result of the sun having set. would hnve taken place. The difference at times nrnount« to as much as six inches. — Breakfast Muffins will be ivlxtolutely pure it Iwik- e>l front h<»nie made graham or whole wheat Hour. No dirt or bugs can work into this flour because it is sacked In s|tedal heavy, rofte-paper Itags. JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 . Cor. 3rd and G Sts. Typewriting paper—Courier office. gemeas everrrartear A-J. TOWER COMPANY & O »TO FM M aä a _ _ AV' Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effec*:,*T Oct. 25, 1920 Daily and Sunday LEAVE LEAVE Grants Pass GRANTS P.1 NN MEDFORD Waiting Room 19:00 a. m. 10:00 n. m. Bonbonniere 1:00 p. m 1:00 p. m 4.30 p. nt. 4::«O p. m. , Phone 160 for Ashland and Jacksonville I LEARN TO DRAW US roua NAMX AND ADOOSUt Wt WILL MAIL VOI) OyS AST BOOUUT ANU TTNMS WITHOUT ANY COST TO SCHOOL ZNDOSMD SY THS LAaCSXT tawsCACDU- MteAZS«!