THVRMDAY, FERRI AHA GRANT« rW DAILY OOl'RlKR PAGE TWO GRANTS PASS DAIIÏ COURIER I Published Dally Except Bunday A. E. Voorhiee. Pub. and I’ropr Entered at pontoffiee, Grants Ba**. Ore., as second-class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Tl» KNOW TH AT OVR CANNKD NKKTN ARE A F. Il Y Display space, per inch .......... 25c FANCY. FINE F LA V OR AND EASY IX» SERVE. RI Y Local-personal column, per line....10c. Readers, per line—................ 5c A CA N AND IF YOV ARE N'OT ENTIREI.V SAT1SFIFD, PERMIT VS IX» IÎIH NI» YOI R MONT A DULY COVRIER By mail or carrier, per year...... |6 00 By mall or carrier, per month.. .50 WEEKLY COVR1ER By mall, per year ........................ 12.00 MEMBER "OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It [ or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local ne*> pub- Nahed herein. AU rights of republication of «pe- cial dispatches herein are also re- served. I be secured specifically by a certain THVRSDAY. FERRI ARY 17. 1021- amount of an essential commodity, w| as well as the first big movement by ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ American companies to take advant ♦ age of the opportunities offered un ♦ OREGON' WEATHER ♦ J ♦ der the Webb export trade act to in ♦ Tonight fair. Friday, rain ♦ vite public participation In the fin- Omaha. Neb.. Feb. 17.—(A P.)— ♦ in west and fair in east portion. ancing of foreign trade. letters have been sent to the 600,- 000 commercial travelers urging Copper has been a drug on BODY AND MIND IN PARTNER them to institute a 30-daj’ strike market in this country since against hotels that charge what the SHIP close of the war. due to the inability organization terms exorbitant prices There was a da.v when the public of European consumers to take their for room and food. school system was builded upon the 1 pre-war requirement» for lack of "Jeesc James was a piker in his theory that it had to deal only with financing arrangements. By this palmiest days when compared with the child’s mind. The close coopera plan sufficient credit can be extend the prices some hotels are asking.” tion of mind and body waa probably says the letter. ed to European buyers to enable The letters have been sent out by recognized, but it was not harmon them to take our copper and thus the hotel committee of the Interna ised with the situation. If a child end the stagnation which has been tional Federation of Commercial were unable to give attention to depressing western metal production Travelers organizations and says in Study, if he lacked concentration be- part: to the lowest point in years. oause of the gnawing of the pangs ''Traveling men all over the coun of hunger, the condition remained; try have reached the conclusion that I NEMPLOYMENT PRORI.EM IS I the prices charged by hotels for it was not corrected. Now the public SERIOVS i rooms and meals have reached the ^school authorities know that a well The unemployment situation tn I peak. The traveling fraternity has nourished body and a mind that,can the same weapon with which to wage receive and assimilate have a close Portland has become so acute that warfare upon the hotel proprietors partnership A healthy body must there are now more than 2.000 and hotel corporations that the gen accompany the growing mind, That bread winners jobless and «penniless. eral public used in refusing to pur la why the establishment of milk The Portland city council and Mult chase wearing apparel and shoes at prices which they thought unreason stations in the lower grades of the nomah county commissioners have able and out of proportion. Com schools is more than an interesting authorized Portland Post No. 1 of mercial travelers organizations urges the experiment. It makes the mind mas the American Legion to take the recipient pf this letter to refuse ter over the stomach st a time of situation In hand in order that a to patronize such hotels as are day when the stomach is so apt to more serious condition may be avert charging or asking exorbitant prices for rooms and food. This letter is gain the mastery. And possibly the ed. being sent to 600,000 traveling men To prevent unemployed men and and each and every man must do his ch Ud that is the beet cared for at kome may be just the one who women coming to Portland, where part for only in unison is there seeds the bracing effect of nature's only enforced return would be their strength, and only by the concentrat one complete food at the time the lot, the unemployment commission I ed effort* of the army of six hundred of Portland Post No. 1 of the Amer thousand of your craft can it tie ex station makes it available, pected to get result« The higher institutions have long ican Legion is enlisting the coopera “A 30 days' strike* along the line acknowledged the need for care of tion of Legion Poets and the press herein suggested will cause the ho ths physical well being of the grow throughout Oregon and I adjoining tels to soon offer more favorable When you ing youth. That is why so much at states in warning the unemployed terms and inducement* condi- step up to a hotel register and yon tention is given to athletics and to to stay out of Portland until i are told the price of a room, if you the diet of those who win honors up tions improve. believe it is exorbitant after taking on the athletic field. Training upon "Employment will be provided for into consideration the service offer the athletic field puts the body in most of the unemployed Portland ed and the investment of the hotel, shape to house a healthy mind. You family men within 30 days, but the do not hesitate to say so and walk can not stint the body without rob city cannot provide either work or out. This must also be done in res taurants. bing the mind. financial aid for outsiders until con "Traveling men from different ditions improve in the spring"accord- parts of the country have sent the HEU* FOR WESTERN MINES ing to the anObuncement of Charles hotel committee copies of menu Plans have been completed for fin B. Rucker, chairman of the unem cards of leading hotels and by scan ancing the »ale for export of 400,- ployment commission. ning the prices published thereon It makes one think that Jesse James 000,000 pounds of surplus copper in was a piker in his palmiest days this country, says the Manufacturer Life Cails for One's Best. when compared with the prices some Forty million dollars worth of 8 per To make a success of life you must hotels are asking for accommoda- cent notes will be issued by the Cop be always at It with your eye on the tions. You cannot bring: down these Diversion will stimulate far per Export association and offered job. more intensive effort, but the effort It prices by submitting to them and for sale to the public with the above self must have oo diverting Influence. then go out and kick, Your com- "This one thing I do.' says the apos plaint must be made to > the hotel » amount of copper as security. tle. and In doing it be win*. Keep proprietor and he must be given to This is said to be the first large your eye on the ball nui put your best understand that you and the mem public loan made in this country to Into the game ber» of your craft Intend to refuse to pay them.” We Want You It’s toasted OPERA HOUSE R. Ferris Taylor Stock Company TONIGHT specially these frequently attacked by rheumatic twinges. A counter-irritant, Sloan’s Lini ment scatters the congestion and pen,- tralet tratet without rubbing to the afflicted part, soon relieving the ache and pain. Kept handy and used everywhere for reducing and finally eliminating the painsand aches of lumbago, neuralgia, muscle strain, joint stiffness, sprams, bruises, and the results of exposure. You just know from its stimulatin healthy odor that it will do you goo Sloan’s Liniment is sold by all drug gists—35c, 70c, 11.40. Golden Rule iStore I Sloaris Liniment SOMETHING good but cheap, to cover that rough floor. Lots of gar den tools. 1 LARGE B-lio)e range with water tank good a* new. Car penter tools. A F’EW NEW Sim mons I> c <J m at reduced price*. ||> pay the most for 2nd goods. Phone 71. “Sputters Gallstones occur most frequently in advanced life. One Might Only Change of Program Nightly DOOR8 OPEN AT 7 P. M. CERTAIN 8 P. M. ALL »HOWS UNDHR THE SPECIAL DIREtTIO.N R. FHItltlH TAYLOR A Z JkvjFd OF Sunday Night Only Feb.20, Curtain 8:30 MEDFORD — KOLB DILL IN THEIR GREATEHT SIXX'ESS “ The High Cost of Loving » Symphonic .Jazz ORCHESTRA E EXCELLENT A'.ALFEM Buick Six, fine shape- Scripps-Booth. . Dodge, just overhauled. 1020 Chevrolet, good as new. 1018 Maxwell. 1018 ( hevrolet. Good Ford at a bargain. Two wheel trailer cheap- We buy, sell and trad«. See us before you buy. cigarette Any man r woman who keeps Sloan'a handy will tell you that same thing Prices $1, $2, $3 L ucky S trike TAKEN OFF NORTH RUN OLD STANDBY, FOR ACHES AND PAINS WELWORTH AND WIRTHMORE. MATERIA IA. FINE VOILER USED CARS FOR SALE the* of the Hawaiian Islands. Thl«1 relationship tnaksa the Hawaiian a i cousin of the Chinese, .lapaneae ami «other Asiatic^races, including th«! Malays, as well as a connection of' the American Indian and Eskimo lie also draws some of hla blood from San Francisco. Feb. 17. (A. Pi ths continent of Europe and a very ! b's med veteran of tar northern pa little from th« original stock of the trol routes, the old revenue cutter Australian aborigine ! Bear, 'which tor 33 summers has Through th« agency of the Bishop broken Ice paths, fought pirates and museum of Honolulu, which hotiaea smugglers, rescued explorers and on« nt the moat complete, if not the done many other things In ths Ber moat complete etnolngtcal collections ' ing Sea. has been taken off her old ‘ in existence, the Interesting sea fell i is continuing Hawaii and Samoa run. The Bear's work tn the icy north already have been surveyed and far is over and the old boat will spend ther south scientific expedition« are When this data her retiming days basking In the pursuing the trail sun at San Diego. Cal., where ahe is as complete aa It can he made, it will be used as a naval training ship. will be tabulated and analyzed and Every spring for years the Bear the result» published within a y wir has been the first vessel to enter the or so. Meanwhile, the Polynesian la fly Bering after the departure of the out at winter ice. She always left Seattle ing fast; hla race 1» paaalng high speed and the Investigation« in late April or May and early in are being pushed with aa little delay June was at the southern edge of th«» j a« possible. receding ice floes ready to follow I them north. Following her lead I came the passenger and freight tee-1 seis with fresh supplies for the win ter-bound camps. Throughout the summer the Boar! would patrol the Bering and very of ten venture up through Bering I Straits Into the Arctic Ocean She carried supplies to Isolated Eskimo school stations and mission posts, went to the assistance of vessels In distress and called in at points on the Siberian coast Every Alaskan seacoast point from Point Barrow. at the "corner of the continent,” down to Dutch Harbor, on the Aleutian islands, and even polnta In south western Alaska, knew the Bear A score of explorers have been • aided by the Bear In 1884 she! "THE SHOW THAT .ALAA' lis PI I tsl s found and rescued seven survivors * AND HIH COMPANY OF CLEVER ARTIHTH FRENENTE of a party of 35 Ueutenant Adolphus W. Oreely led Into the Arctic latter. I In 1914 she picked np and brought, south members of the crew of the schooner Karluk, the wrecked flag ship of an expedition piloted by Vllh-i jalmur tftefansson. Canadian explor-! 99 er. Honolulu, Feb »7.—<A. P.l — When.« came the ancient Hawaiian« and other* erf the Polynesian race, is a query which baffled the member» of the Pan-Pacific scientific congre»» i when it was in session here last Au-1 gust, and which 1« answered in part by Ixrais R Sullivan, of the Amerl-; can museum of natural history, New York, who has be«-n conducting in vestigations here since the rlose of the congress. Bodily, facial and cranial charac-' teristlcs of the Polynesian, according' to IMr. Sullivan's taibles, show that he is eleven parts Mongoloid, five parts European, five parts Mongo- loid-tEuropean and two parts Mon goloid-Melanesian The seemingly unavoidable conclusion is that the Hawaiian and his Polynesian broth ers originally came from Asia. The ancient Hawaiian« were a race of regal proportions, the most com manding physically. Mr. Sullivan be lieves. the world has ever seen. There never has been any doubt that the Hawaiian, Samoan, Tahi tian. Tongan and Maori are closely akin, Their legends, speech, cus- toms and build all testify to the re Mount Rainier was first scaled in lationship, but. hitherto their origin has been lost in the mists tit the 1870. I ages. • In order to reach a solution of this riddle, and before he felt he had es tablished the Mongolold-European- Melansian characteristics of 2000 na- First Showing New Spring Blouses I7. IMI MAIL ORDERN, A4X OMPANI ED ItY REMITTANCE, RECEIVED NOW IST 8 HOWS, «1.110; NEXT PLI» to PEU cent WAR SPREAD WITH «OI NTKY BETTER or mother's good jam, what greater treat for the boy than a slice or two of our good bread’ It is easy to digest and excellent for his tender stomach. Our bread is light and pure, a real treat for kids to eat! Ask yowr Grocer for Bread bakwl by the Chevrolet Owners Our prices for refmirs and overhauling are ns low ax Is consistent with good workmanship. W« will ho glii'l to furnish a flat, cstlnmte on any work you desire W. S. Maxwell & Co. HALER AND SERVICE GRANTS PASS BAKERY M8 G Street CHKVIWLWr NASH