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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1921)
ORANTE PU* DAILY CDl’RIKR PAGE TWO I Published Daily Except Sunday AV EDM HDAY, n Ulli ARV I«. $ itili NEW T»»l»AT Ladies’ Full Fashioned A. E. Voorhtee. Pub. and Propr. Entered at pcatoffice. Grants Pana. Oro . as second-class mall matter SilK Hose ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch.................. 35c Local-personal column, per line.... 10c Readers, per line— ................ 5c Special Price DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year...... $6 00 By mail or carrier, per month 50 WEEKLY’ COURIER By mall, per year ...................... 12.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated presa is exclusively entitled to the use for republi.-atlon of all news dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub- Mahed herein All rights of republication of epo- alai dispatches hereiu are also re- the country might do well to agitate served. ,b,x-r ■2:;X,hlx;'LEAVE DYNAMITE BOMB IN NEWSPAPER ÛFFK EVERYTHING IN INtU’RANCE Dependable companies aud Stott. unable ratea. See T. M 1021Í Buick SalearùèCis. PURE BRED DU ROC JERSEY hogs for sale, 1 choice boar, 11 months old. i> three months old boars Weaned pigs and a few fine gilts The bigger, better kind at th« right price. River Bend Farm. Phons Ed. L. Schmidt A Son 103 «13-F-3S. Utz & Dunn Oxfords Golden Rule »Store 67>e Breakfast Muffins R. Ferris Taylor Stock Company BUY any kind of broken furniture, also repair, renew and finish fur niture of any kind. A. Alberta. 721 Merlin Road. 10S E 1. OAU4RA1TH -Resi estate, In surance and piate glsas llnblllty. «09 4 il Street, phone 18. 40tf FOR BALE Hatching egg», from heavy laying strain of lloganlsml n a ——.. stock S C. NVhlte »nd Brown leg horns »nd Barred Rocks. 11.60 WEDM-ÄDAY. FEBRUARY IS. 1»« per setting of 16 eggs Bpe’lal price per hundred lot. Also few ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ fine S. C. White lauthorn cockerels OREGON WKATHKK ♦ ♦ Lisbon, Feb. 14.—(A. P.)—Two Con Schaefer». Rd. 1. 2 s ♦ ♦ womeu who left a handbag contain Tonight and Thueday. con- ♦ ♦ ing six dynamite bombs in the office FOR RAUS CHEAP 1917 Chevrolet ♦ tinued cold. 4 touring car. Call at Public Mar- of the royalist newspaper Monarchia ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ (Continued from P m » One) kat. OS Just betore that office was raided by the police the other day have been women with their husbands in the arrested. Their apprehension teuda FOR SAIJ: Piano ¡largali! Party I MI-NORM AI TI» LAWS leaving city Call at It IS East D control of their children, and Ma to clear up a mystery connected with There is talk here and there of dame Riviere «-ill describe the efforts the case street. OS such strengthening of the highway of French women to obtain suffrage. lti s learned that the police raid FOR SAIJS OR TRADE 40 acres and automobile laws as will abate the Other speakers will be Princess Anne was made because they had discover west of town, under ditch, unim AxgeptUn. of Rumania and Madame proved. Will take one-ton truck slaughter which now goes on at an De Veyra. of the Philippines Nirs ed the delivery of the bombs but the as part payment, or city property, increasing ratio Thus in New York Brainbridge Colby, wife of the sec editor of the newspaper asserts that or will sell cheat> for cash J E. there to a vigorous demand for a retary of state, will welcome the for- the women who brought Che bombs Coppock. Rd. 1. 08 to his office in his absence »err ab strict examination of all drivers as oign delegatee solutely unknown to him. He de WANTED — Girl will do general Representatives of all political to their practical ability to control house work. Phone 347-R 04 parties will be heard by the conven- clared that the whole affair waa a ears, before licensing them That is tlon tomorrow, on the legislatlon trap to compromise the faction of WANTED 13x14 tent In good con something which we have long adro- <h|ch they proposed In the Interest royalists represented by the Mon- dition. Phone 156-J. 104 eated. and which It seems astonish- of women On tomorrow's program archia. and denied that the party was FOR BALK CHEAP 7 thoroughbred preparing for any armed conspiracy far that any state should neglect to *l»o *re speakers from varioue worn- cockerels. 4 are White Wyandottes at this moment, as such an act. he require The discoverv that N taxi-i«*’8 organisation.«, who will tell what said, "would only delay the suicide and 3 are Rh.xie Island Reda . ...... . those organizations are doing The Phone 34S or cal) at 208 West D cab driver who had robbed one of I speakers . _ will include Miss Margaret of the present regime " street. 04 The police have discovered that his passengers had previously served : Wilson. daughter of the president. three terms in prison and was still Miss Julia Lathrop, chief of the fed one of the women who carried the FOR BAI Ji 5-room house, one lot. | 1850. Terms 1150 cash Balance- under three indictments, emphasized eral children's bureau: Mrs Florence bombs to thè office of thè Monarchia did so at thè requeet of ber husband. $15 per month. Heath A Herman Kelley, secretary of the national the need of closer sentiny of the an 04 consumer’s league: Miss Lida Haf a man «ho was In priaon for Impil tecedents of all applicants for 11- ford. Washington, director of the cation iti some paat royalist uprla- SIX ROOM HOUSE. 3 lota. $1800 What to needed, in addition J federation of Women’s clubs: Miss ings. and who died last week while Six hundred cash, balance monthly to theee and other reforms, is either Ethel Smith, legislative secretary of still a prisoner. Just before his Heath A Herman. 04 a national law or uniform state laws the woman’s trade union league and death, his wife said, he told her to I.OST — Gold locket with Initials, i handbag which had been for take a tn an states, governing the funda Mrs. Ellis Yoet, legislstive chairman a long time in their house to the “A. 8.** Finder please leave at ' of the national W. C. T. U. mental principles of motor driving Courier office and receive reward. The last day of the convention. newspaper office and give it to one of 04 I en highways. That is because any Friday, will be given over to business the editors. lieutenant Imlx Chaves She declares that she obeyed her i er. no matter where he to li matters. ¥ husband's request without any know censed to likely to drive hto ear f WILDER VILLE J ledge of the bag's contents any part of any state. It to folly The police followed her to the The M. E church has purchase»! require a license for a driver in Newj I newspaper office, found the bombs, Tork City and none in the state out closed and sealed the office and made a lantern and slides with which to show pictures, they expect to give a ; side. because city drivers run their several arrests. series of entertainments along this | iContinued from Page One) ears out into the state, and drivers lieutenant Chaves could not be line, the first one will be given next . from the rural regions run their cars based on the rate of 12 per room found. Friday night at the church, no ad The hundreds of royalists who are mission will be charged. Just a free into the city. So it is folly to t*-. plus the cost of radiation for homes loyal to the former King Manuel and will offering taken to defray the ex-' quire strict examination for drivers heated with steam. who have been in prison for more penaes. The only genral store in the com in New Jersey and none in New Tork. than two year« since the last royal The girl's Sunday school clans met I for unexamined New York drivers. munity rivals In its appointments and ist uprising are in despair over this ; biock score in the stock any uqMrimuiii department store at the home of their teacher, Mr» | affair, which they believe will post drive into New Jersey st will There| lar<w>t of the country Rad Robinson, on Friday night of I pone indefinitely the amnesty to po could be no better service to the! A $300.000 hotel has been erected litical prisoners, which they have last week for a party ami also to or- ! hirhway-using public than to enact on the highest accessible point in the long been promised. For several ganlze their class for betterment of j a law uniform in every State, requir valley. It is equipped throughout nights following the raid on the the community. They plsn to give! ing every driver to pass a strict prac- with all modern convenience«. Monarshla. sanguinary' conflicts took a social evening every so often at , Concrete roads and streets are be- place In some of the principal Lis the different homes of the girls and tlcal examination to demonstrate his i ing built as rapidly as possible, the * bon cafes between bands of armed are planning to entertain their Boy 11 or her competence to run a car safe- roads leading to the various points friends on these evening*. The first | repub defenders of the Portuguese ly. before granting a license to oper-, where the veins of coal in the moun- lie and people suspected of being of these social evening» will be held ; ate on the public road.«. It would be! be, tain are expected to be opened. members of the integrallsta faction with Allee and Clara Ix>u«hridge on j so much to the advantage of all ra- ______ . of royalists. This faction does not some near date. Hammermill bond in six colors at The laidle» Aid met with Mrs. E ( recognize former King Manuel as it» tlonal and law-abiding motorists to Courier office. head but supports Don Nuno Duarte, Loughridge on Thursday of last , week, with a very good attendance. | a boy of 12 years. The next meeting will be at the home : We are now showing of Mrs. Ix»velace ths 24th. !x>ul.s IaiFlame, w*lfe and daugh the New Spring ter. Henry AJoyd and Dick Lindsey were Sunday guests at the J. L. Daw« , home. (Continued from Page One) Chas McCann and wife, Mrs. I). | Lindsey and Jack Stevenson took sociatlon business until the associa dinner at the Wm. Dickinson home tion went bankrupt. Sunday. The market contract is called iron Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Robinson clad and ties up every member to do are rejoicing over the arrival of a in black, brown and white his entire business through the as baby 'boy at their home on Wednes sociation for a term of years. The day morning, February 9th. •oats of all legal action to enforce Alice Ix>vela<e returned last week contract must be borne by the mem- from a month's stay In Portland. ber seeking to break it. "Wheat growers make up the Redwood-. In Italy. membership, compose the board of t'allforuln redwood« nre commonly I directors, apd control the' manage found piuincd ui i-.«.!> tlon of Italy. I ment," says Dr. Macpherson. "This and they sc»ru to <|>n-elnp «pct-dlly Is as it should be. There is no rhyme under the conditions of the iteltau cii- | or reason for admitting bankers or mate, says the American Forestry , duck farmers or berry growers Into Magazine. in Bol .r.uu recently a red- j a wheat growers' maketlng associa wood tree over four feet In dinmeter i «11 cut, which had been planted only | tion.’’ about 60 yenrs ago. Sections of this tree are now exhibited In the Museum Coloring Arc-Lamp Globes. of the Royal Forestry college at Flor- The purple color of arc-lamp globes •¡new. Is due to the use of manganese In the glass. The manganese la used to coun- Chinas« Massage. teract the greenish color which comes Medical gymnastics were reduced to from ferrous «alts In the glass, but the a scientific system by Taolm uiouks action of light on the manganese only The main point of the Chinese system substitutes a purple coloration for a will be almolutely pure if bak of mnssage Is the three principal at r» « ni»h I.... ed from home made graham or titudes. standing, sitting and lying, whole wheat flour. No dirt or SOMETHING good l»nt cheap, to and three modes of breathing through bugs can work into this flour cover that rough floor. Ixrte of gar flie mouth nose and In-plrat.on ui -I expiration alternately 'li rough both or because it is sacked in s|wcial den tool«. 1 LARGE B-ho|e range gans. Iron balls are rolled swiftly to heavy. rope-paper lieg«. with water tank g<od aa new. Car and fro In rhe hands to strengthen the penter tools. A FEW NEW Sim JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS muscles. To mn»«age the stomach a mons beds at reduced prlcea. We pay wooden instrument consisting of three Phone 123 Cor. 3rd and G Sts. the most for 2nd goods. ITione 71. movable wheels Is applied. KENTUCKY M TOWN OPERA HOUSE "THE SHOW TH NT ALAA AYR I'LL AMEN" AND HIM COMPANY OF CLEAER ARTIHTN PRESENTM I TONIGHT “Tess of the Storm Country” * One Night Only Beautiful AAanlrultC, Special Scenery, New Hong Ulta, the Change of Program Nightly DOORN OPEN AT 7 P. M. CURTAIN M P. M. ALI, SHOWS I NDER THE HPE4T AL IHREtTION R. FKIUtlN TA Y Mill 1 * /Y rp OF Sunday Night Only Feb.20, Curtain 8:30 MEDFORD KOLB DILL IN THEIR GREATKNT HI <<»tH “ The High Cost of Loving A WHIRL ttP MIRTH—Ml SIC ANI» Glltlzi Symphonic Jazz ORCHESTRA MAIL ORDERN, ACCOMPANIED BY REMITTANCE, RECEIVED NOW NASH Passenger Cars Nash iMeerngrr car-. posse«« to a marked degree timer qualltJtw of IM-rformancc, beauty and comfort which contribute moat to your |H-rni«n<ii< Mtti«fa< tl<>n a« an automobile owner. W. S. Maxwell & Co Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effect»«"' Oct. 25, 1920 Daily and Sunday LEAVE LEAVE * Grants Pass GRANTS PANH MEDFORD Waiting Room 10:00 a. ni. 10:00 a. m. 1 : OO p. in. 1:00 p. m. Bonbonniere 4.80 p. 4:00 p. tu. Phone 160 We connect with stages for Ashland and Jacksonville USED CARS FOR SALE Buick Six. fine shape. Hcripps-Booth. Dodge, Just nverhnuled. 1000 Chevrolet, good na new. IfHH Maxwell, I01H Chevrolet. Good Ford nt n bargnln. Two wlicel trnllir cheep- AVe buy, «eil and trade. See ti» betöre you buy. >