Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931, February 16, 1921, Image 1

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    « In Courier
Vol«. XL, No. 120
Ovyicen Administer»'»! E kiikxix Tenor
and HU ('«millIon la»l»> Today
Hbowetl Improvement
P i
New York, Feb 16
< »xygen was being administered to
Enrico Caruso, world famous tenor,
this morning, following a heart at­ I
tack last night.
A bulletin at 11:30 said Caruso's
condition was not satlsfa* tory, but
that there was some improvement
*>ulmtitute Bill Is Introduced In the
House by the < omndtter on Pub­
lic Morale
Creation of Highway Districts Throughout The State is
Salem. Feb. 16.—(A. P.)—State
Provision, Districts to Match The State in Providing censorship of motion pictures is pro­
vided under a substitute bill Intro­
Funds For Road Construction
1 duced In the house by the committee
on health and public morals.
would create a state board serving
*k»l«ln. Fel».
I’.)—The vldlng for capturing and killing seals1 without pay, to act as an appeal body. |
Hi'tuu,. this afternoon |ias»»'<l the sol-1 and sea Hons, the bill creating
a I It provides for salaried viewers.
ilier»' Ismus nwwsure whkli had al* ! state game commission, and the Hare
ready ihmmmx I the tiouse.
The bill bill making the giving of fraudulentj
Weeks of Massai I iim SI« Mill lie
other bills obtaining!
now goo* to the governor for aigna- repair and
liepre-x-ntatives of All Political Or­
(Meen War Portfolio and Hays
money under false pretenses.
ganizations Will Address the Con­
to Huix-osl Iturliwon
Two M-nntor* voted against
Both houses passed a bill regulat­
vention Tomorrow
bonus measure.
The senate raised ing bond houses introduced as a re­
tile aggregate of the *15
monthli sult of the collapse of Morris Bros
|M»ment* to *500 against the •2B0 I Inc. Representative McFarland, of
St Augustine. Florida. Feb 16.—
Washington, Feb. 16.—(A. P.)—
In the house bill and the total Multnomah, introduced a bill provid-
(A P) President-elect Harding's
The national convention of the Wom­
New York, Feb. 16,—(A. I’.) — amount of lite loans to *4000.
I ing for the creation of a state racing
Medford. Feb. 16.—The circuit I an’s party, called to adopt a pro­
cabinet selections are complete ex-
Fathers and mothers lu some of the
commission to control racing.
It court will hear arguments and give: gram for obtaining national and
cept for the navy and commerce and famine-stricken districts of China
would permit racing between May 1 I a decision next Thursday In the mo­ : state legislation relating to women,
Salem. Feb 16.—(A. P.)—The
labor portfolios It was understood are committing suicide rather than
and November 1. but no Sunday^ tion of R. D. Hines, former vlc»-pree- got down to work today, receiving
today to Include Charles Evans watch their children starve to death, senate highway* committee today races.
Ident of the Bank of Jacksonville, reports from various committees.
voted to recommend passage of two
Hughes, of New York, for secretary says a report received at the head- new Roosevelt highway bills which
The reapportionment committee of through his attorney. Porter J. Neff, These were considered at the open­
of state; John W. Weeks, of Massa- quarters of the Methodist board of will ibe introduced a* committee which Senator Dennis is chairman in­ for a change of venue on the grounds ing session and are to be followed
chueells. secretary of war; Andrew foreign missions here from Dr. Ralph measures. One provides tor the cre­ troduced a reapportionment bill to of prejudice preventing a fair and tonight by addresses of representa­
A Ward, one of Its missionaries In
Mellon, of Pennsylvania, secretary of
ation of highway districts by groups rearrange senatorial and represents-! impartial trial in this county. The tives of women's organisations In
prosecuting attorney will represent I foreign countries.
five districts.
the treasury; Will H Hayes. Indiana, China.
"Multitudes flee from the foodies* of counties or single counties or por­
postmaster general; Harry M. liaugh-
The soldier bonus legislation was I the state and present arguments con­
Mrs. Velma Swanson Howard, of
districts only to die of exposure and
erty. Ohio, attorney general; Henry
video that any district formed by j made a special order In the senate testing the motion.
Is to describe the operations
where rice
According to announcement all the, of Sweden's new marriage law, pro­
Wallace. Iowa, secretary of agricul­ hunger In distant cities
at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
lines are insufficient," wrote Or.
ture; A II Fall, New Mexico,
In place of the government to match
After lengthy debate in the senatei defendants in the Bank of Jackson-I viding for equal rights of married
tary of the Interior.
report on the cooperative' ville not previously pleading, will
< Continued on Page 2)
"Able-bodied men. old women and
enter before Judge F. M. Calkins in.
. children scramble over each other in Roosevelt highway. The committee marketing bill was killed this morn­ the circuit court next Thursday, Feb­
* the streets In the rush for a copper killed the Thomas bill providing for ing. The bill now goes to a third ruary 17. The demurrers tiled in
1 flung by a passerby Children are a million dollar bond issue for eon-1 reading.
the cases were all overruled with the
The senate killed the bill increas­ exception of the one filed in the case
' often crushed nt stations of food dls- «traction of the Crater I«ake high­
ing salaries of district Judges from of A. W. Walker.
, tributlon."
The governor signed 15 more bills, ’ 33000 to 34000; also the Norblad
Dr. Ward repeats the assertion
The grand Jury tor the spring term
previously published thst 1,000 per­ Including the Norblad measure pro-1 bill defining the duties of coroners. of court will convene next Monday,
sons are dying daily In the famine-
February 2*1, and the petit jury the
stricken district and adds
next Mondal, "February !*• Aftkr**Lynch. Ky.. Feb^lS
(A>.) —
Oregon Agricultural College. Cor­ people face starvation In China this
the cases coming to the attention of Thlg
lg lees than {our yeara oid
vallis, Feb. 16.— The Oregon Cooper­ winter than perished on the battle­
the grand jury will be that of W. F.>an(j has a population of approximate-
ative Grain Growers' organisation fields of the great war."
DeWitt. an Ashland Jitney driver. •iy 7.000 persons. Concrete streets and
The Re. Henry 8. loitsel, .Meth­
was made state-wide since wheat 1«
held guilty of carlessness by a coron- roadg a department store that com­
produced In nearly every county, ex­ odist missionary at Salnfti, Shantung,
er’s Jury investigating the death of’ pares favorably with those of much
plains Dr. Hector Macpherson, head wrote of visiting many villages where
Mrs. Nona Jennings of this city, in larger cities, a 1300,000 hotel, a |1,-
of the bureau of markets at the state there was no signs of fuel or grain
an auto accident on the Pacific High­ 000,000 bank, the largest coal tip­
Its marketing agreement of any kind. "There was nothing
Washington. Feb. 16.—(A. P.) — horse power taken from the Gorge way near Talent, last Christmas eve.
ple in the world, an 85-bed hospital
The Development of Niagara Falls water with the millions taken from above DeWitt waived the preliminary hear­
and Its member*hip limited to own-ibut Isolation," he went on.
and a church of every denomination
ers and renters of land on which people were sitting around hoiieless. power as a "national asset" on a gi­
the Falls into one project -were pre­ ing in the Justice court.
represented In eastern Kentucky. In
wheat Is grown, are pointed out a* discouraged and llstles* They know gantic plan that would assign all wa­
In the petit Jury cases, the re-trial the opinion of R. B. Clayton, secre­
strong features.
there is nothing to do but starve and ter power privileges to one Individ­
of Lark Evans, charged with the rob­ tary of the Harlan County Coal
ual or corporation, thus eliminating neling under Goat Island, which I bery and kidnapping of a Grants Pass Operators' Association it will be the
"The marketing agreement ha* '•n*1 tlle struggle."
raised the cooperative movement toi -'I least 40,000 < hiriese Christians grants to various smaller interests, hangs on the precipice between the! , Jitney driver September, 1919, is cre­ model mining camp of the country
a position of stability that command* “re among the famine sufferer*, the Is urged in various recommendations American and Canadian Falls, to dig­ ating as much interest as any of the within two more years.
the reapei t of the most hard-headed • ^ev l«.yman L. Hale reisirted In a now before the Federal Power Corn- ging a power and ship canal from i I Bank of Jacksonville cases. Evans is1 9itting at the head of the valley
Lake Erie ito Lake Ontario. Pro-! defended by Attorney Gus Newbury, of the Poor Fork of the Cumberland
business men." Dr. Macpherson de­ letter. In man; cases, he said, whole mission.
Although agreeing generally that ponents of some of the proposed pro­ who has nrede a hard legal fight for river. 40 miles above the point where
clare*. "It ha* taken the coopera­ church membershliMi have been hope­
a comprehensive system of develop-' jects claim that the government : his client. Evans was granted a new : it joins the Clover Fork at Harlan to
tive Idea from a position In which It lessly scattered.
was a by-word signifying ail that is I official* of the mt**lonary board I ment should be adopted, the recom- could tax such development a half trial by the supreme court, upon the I 1 form the main stream, the town is
uncertain and Inefficient, and ha* fear that the famine wvill greatly re­ ! rnendations vary greatly as to the na- million a year and still give users i grounds of new evidence.
the base of what is said will be the
raised It to a status that makes pri­ tard the work of missionaries in 1 turn of the development. In approv- cheaper power than they now enjoy.!
largest coal operation in the Cum­
vate handling of farm produce look some areas where they have gained | Ing any grants, the members of the and leave a profit for the corpora­
berland mountains when it is com-
1 present commission. Secretaries Ba­ tion on the investment.
like a ptker and a pigmy in compar­
ker. Payne and Meredith, are inclln- Baker, chairman of the commission
Model cottages for miners and of-
to anticipate development of has announced that no privileges an­
The weakness of former attempts
, ficials are being erected as rapidly
I methods in the near future that will ticipating future amendments to the!
are said to lie In the credulity and
as possible. These homes have every
permit the transporting economical- existing water diversion treaty with
lack of enterprise of members. A
modern convenience and are rented
! ly of power to points 500 miles or Canada will be considered by the
few member* would yield to tempting
at the rate of 32 per room for houses
i more from the Falls.
present commission. Experts have
offers of private enterprises, which
which are not heated from the cen­
The secretary of the local cham->
Experts have told the commission told the commission that 13,000 cu­
were thus able to take away the as-
tral power house and at a figure
that the "single assignment" plan
receipt of a
(Continued on Page 2)
the Pacific;
should include assignment of water! now diverted on the American side communication from
(Continued on page 2.)
Portland. Feb. 16. —(A. P.)—The power privileges below the Falls as could be taken from Niagara river Northwest Tourist Association stat­
police are guarding Portland China­ well as those above. Plans to com-! without marring the scenic beauty of ing that they were taking steps en-j
town following reports of a tong out­ bine the several hundred thousand1 the Falls.
deavoring to induce the Ad Clubs of
break with three murders In Cali­
California to make the trip to the an-1
fornia cities last night. The Chinese
nual convention of the Pacific Coast
here are norvous.
Advertising Clubs Association at Ta­
coma next June via the automobile.'
Should it be possible to induce the
California delgates to repeat the au­
So successful has been the opera­
Manager Newcombe
tomobile caravan stunt that took the tion of the milk stations installed in
Shanghai. Feb. 16.— (A. P.)—The
ern Union Telegraph Company an-
Pacific northwest delegates to Stock-1 the three grade schools within the
nounes the receipt of a decision by Italian chamber of commerce of
last summer, it will mean a great city that the child welfare commit­
tho company to proceed with Imme­ Shanghai has addressed a request to
deal towards advertising Grants Pa- tee of the Ladies Auxiliary at a meet­
diate construction of six additional! tho Italian government asking that
and all points on the Pacific High-1 ing held last night decided to ex­
trnns-contlnontal copper wires from! a dally wireloss nows service to
way. The roads will be in much bet-; tend the work into every room of
Pacific Coast points to New York and Shanghai be established and sent by
shape this year than they were,
the three schools. Heretofore, only
numerous additional wires between one of three large radio stations near
last and there will be no gasoline i a single department of each had been
principal centers In Washington, Rome. In this request It Is pointed
shortage as was the case last year ■
served with Its daily milk
Oregon, California and neighboring out that British, American
when the caravan went south.
the arrangement made
states. It la understood that the French wireless news services
about two weeks ago. those pupils
new facilities touching the const will now In operation In Shanghai
who desired It were served with a
alone Involve an expenditure of
half pint of milk at the forenoon re­
about 12.000,000 and add 16,000!
cess. careful cheek being kept on the
miles of wire to the present plnnt In j
weight of the child at the commence­
addition to new construction being!
ment of the test, with weight taken
favorably considered throughout the
at Intervals at later dates. Where
United States
the pupils can bring milk from home
Belief la expressed In business clr-
In essential
cles thnt this In.estn
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor­ they have done so, but 1f the family
the Atlant!-'
trade facilities her
vallis. Feb. 16.—The college Madri­ is without a cow, milk Is supplied
Washington. Fob. 16,— (A. P.)
riifrnce of ox-
gal club will tour southern Oregon free for all who wish It. and the pu­
and Pacific coast I
in the spring vacation giving concerts pils have taken great Interest in the
tensive plans for re 1 nptlon of nor­ Secretary Houston agreed with the
y ■ *
is the West- senate Judiciary committee not to
mnl business conditio
in \shland. Roseburg. Grants Pass work, It is too early yet to know
and Medford. announces Stewart what influence the milk may have
ern Union system of Ires over eight make any additional loans to foreign
long* to the kindergarten children of Tully of Corvallis, acting business upon the development of the child,
trnn'cnntlnentil rout“ Is underst'tod governments, no matter how press­
in Chicago. Tlie boys In the sixth grade manager. Mrs. Genevieve Baum- but It supplies a need to the growing
to be ample for all ’•! esent requlro- ing tho demand might be. until he
and the little ones themselves made the
Gaskins of the school of music will child that breaks the long wait from
monte of traffic rut'’tin g into millions had consulted the committoe, and
rfvon It full t'me for deliberation.
breakfast to lunch time.
accompany the club on the trip.
of telegrams monthly.
Finest Doll House in Chicago