Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1921)
GfiAHTS TUEND IY, FKHItl IKY I», IMI. GBANTS P.LS« DAILY COURIER PAGE TWO OUÏ WER Published Daily Except Bunday THERE ARE TIMES A. E. Voorhies. Pub. sad Prepr. Entered at pewtoffice. Grants Paa*. Ore., as second-class mail matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch.... .......... „..25c Local-,*ereon si column, per lins.... I Oc Readers, per line——......... 5c DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year..._.|S 00 By mail or oarrier. per month.. SO WEEKLY COURIER By mail, per year---- .......... .»3.00 their washing as beat they can In cold 1 water ami dry their laundry wherever INSlMlA.N't'K -Fire, automobile. life, they can. accident and health T. M. Htott. > "Mau> of the prisoner«,” the «tale | s North Sixth «1 83tf ■uent goes on. 'are praotlciilly bare-1 I’l i;i: Tiiii?i> Dfu»M’ jkkaey boa* footed." saying that no arrangements for sale. 1 choice boar, 11 months have been made tor supplying them j old. i> three months old boar*. with bools or even for repairing Weaned pigs aud a tew tine gilts. those they have The bigger, better klud at the It la charged that, while the prls right price. River Bend Farm. oners are )>eniiltl«d to rvcelvv {»ar- Ed. L. Schmidt A Son Phone cels, "almost luvartably part ot the 612-F-23. 103 con twits is pilfered by the English' Bl'Y any kind of broken furniture, trov»;>* In the camp." The prisoners also repair, renew and finish fur suffer Intensely from cold and under niture of any kind. A. Alberts. 721 feeding. It I* stated ''Every batch of prisoners who Nlerltn Road. 105 have arrived at the camp during the U»ST Diamond tread ».»I tire on last month," the article goes on, Oldsmobile rim, lost on Grants "have complained of Ihelr treatment i Pass-Medford road Sunday. Re en route. One batch of 2« men left ward Wllford Allen. Grants Pass, a certain camp near Dublin on Bun Ore. 03 day evening and did not arrive In l\»ll SILK Two rille Sheppards Fa Hallykinlar until Tuesday «veiling. mous Ancou* cockerels, new stock, During thia time they received prac-' build up your flock. 15 each Jas. tlcally no food, the military guard | Eads. 30« West I street. Grants having forgotten the prisoner*' ra Pass. Ore. 0? tions " I \ K Y 1'111 N.<; IX IXSI H \xci liependable companies and reas onable rates. See T. M. Stott, Buick Salesroom*. lOitr NEW TODAY WHEN WK FEEL TH IT Il K SHOII.K H IVK All of the Business WKia umm: oik iiwkkn At 15c to 60c Per Lb MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local new« pub- Mahed herein. AU lights of repubUcatkm of spe- be marked during the present season dal dispatches herein are also re- by the miners of the county has served. been placed by those who are in TA'ESDAY, FERRVARY IB. 1M1 close touch with the industry at a quarter of a million dollars. <4 To develop the quarts mine or to OREGON WEATHER 4 ♦ make profitable the mining of the 4 Tonight and Wednesday, baser metals, outside capital and In 4 rain west, fair east portion. fluence must be brought into the dis 4444444444444W4 ♦ trict. The place to interest the cap MAKE THE EXHIBIT KEl’RUSEN- ital and to find the Influence will be at the international convention. TAT1VE IMvorve «’aam H«s»rd— In the divorce action of Maybell« Lamont against Paul lament, de cree was granted the plaintiff In the circuit court Monday. Evidence was also heard in the complaint of Fan nie E. Ootcher against Jesse A. Got- cher. but this was taken under ad visement awaiting the production of further evidence E. F. WANN, mining and civil engi neering. Mine examinations and Man's business requires baste, Tbe reports. Underground and surface average business and professltxial man surveying, mapping, mill design eats In a burry and gets dyspepsia. Ha and construction, land surveys aud i walks In a hurry and gets apoplexy, subdivision Phono 249-R. 28 He talks tn a hurry and gets the ll«t He does business tn a hurry and be comes a bankrupt lie marries tn a burry and forgets It tn a hurry. He makes bls will In a hurry and leaves a legal contest. He dies In a hurry and goes to the devil—and his tribe In creases.—Exchange. This Rapid Age. The bringing together of a repre 4 4 4 sentative display of the minerals ot AMUSEMENTS Josephine county can not be accomp 4 4 4 lished by the committee charged with Next Sunday night the attraction the work unless every mining man at the Page theater. Medford, will be of the county cooperates. The time those inimitable comedians. Kolb A for the assembling of an adequate Dill, who will appear in the Mg display for the International conven comedy success "The High Coet of Ixiving.’’ with a wonderful cast of Mlghsst New Von. Mountain. tion at Portland is short, but unless principals, a bevy of beautiful girls, Accordliig io the Cniled States geo the display can be representative, it a host of musical numbers and a logical survey the blghest tuountain I had better not be made. The samples specialty selected orchestra under in the state ot New York ts Mount Marcy, j peak In tbe Adlroodacks, of ore should be large and in suffi tbe direction of Leo Flanders. wblcb ¡-Ises S.344 frei above sea leveL There is fun galore. "Pop" in cient quantity to be impressive, and Tbe average or mafn elevatlon <* the bunches, a discreet dash of spice and state, as esttmared by tbe geotogicai there should be no greet trouble in all the other ingredients necessary survey. ts 900 fhet getting together such displays of the for a big. successful musical show, in i copper and chrome ores. High cluding a galaxy of girls whose eom- A Os Heats Compliment grade gold ores naturally will come linees and talent are worth going a 11 was teacher’s birthday and th« long way to behold. in smaller lots, and the showing of children brought ber many bouqueta, Kolb A Dill have become an Insti which made a line showing on ber the platinum-bearing rock should be tution in the west, where their fame desk. One Hula girt voiced oer sd- comprehensive. Josephine has near as comedians is as solid as the Rock mlratlon of tbe sight by saying: “Oh, ly half a hundred identified minerals, of Gibralter The present production Miss Blank, your desk looks Just like and this fact may well be dwelt up of ’The High Cost of Loving.” is tbe a grava."—Boston Transcript on. for as the yean bring about biggest they have ever attempted. greater scientific knowledge of the COMING EVENTS values and uses of minerals, more of the half a hundred varieties will find Mar. 3-4-5, Thursday, Friday. Sat urday—Courtney’s Big Fun show a place in industry and others may at Opera House. Played appear in quantity to make mining weeks in Salt Lake. profitable. Mar. 12. Saturday—Rummage for library fund The value of the mining Industry to Josephine county is not fully ap preciated by many of our people. It SOMETHING good but cheap. has alwa-.-s occupied the foremost cover that rough floor, Ixt» of gar den tools. 1 LARGE «-bole rang»- place among the producers of wealth with water tank good as new. Car- of the district, and its possibilities [»enter tools. A FEW NEW Sim- SPREAD WITH COUNTRY hare not yet been approached. An nions t>e»l» at reduced price«. We pay BITTER estimate of the placer gold that will. the most for 2nd goods. Phone 71 or mother's good Jam. what greater treat for the boy than a slice or two of our good bread? It is‘easy to digest We are now showing and excellent for bis tender the New Spring stomach. Our bread is light and pure, a real treat for kids to eat! Ask your Grocer for Bread baked by the Utz & Dunn Oxfords GRANTS PASS BAKERY COMPLAIN INTERNED MEN ARE MISTREATED Dublin. Feb 15. —(A. P.l •Severe criticism of the treatment of.prison er* confined at the Hallykknlar Inter ment camp on Dundrum 'Bay, County I Down. Is published by the Irish Bui-1 letln, a Sinn Fein publication. It Is I asserted that Sir Hamar Green wood's statement In the house ot commons that the interned men would be accorded treatment similar to that normally given prisoner» of war is tar from correct. "The prisoner* are given wholly, Insufficient food and many of them go hungry,” the ¡»aper declares '"Even this food they are unable to | make the most of, as they do ail their own cooking and are allowed less than half the supply of coal noon | sir/.” There is no hot water In the camp, no wash-house and no drying room. I the article continues, and it ts there-1 fore necessary for the prisoners to do i RHEUMATISM Is one of the must painful aud dangerous ailments. At times it causes total disability and even deformity. ANTI URIC Hss proved to be the master of rheumatism in all form*. Money refunded If yon are not pleased with result*. For sale by Flavor! No cigarotte H ub the samo dolloloua flavor as Luoky Strike. Becauao— Its toasted LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE ($; z rrz, Grants Pass OPERA HOUSE R. Ferris Taylor Stock Company "THE SHOW THAT ALWAYS PIACABKB" ANU HIS COMPANY OF Cl.KVKIC AUTISTS PRESENTS TONIGHT “One Gir! in a Million” One I light Only Beautiful Wardrobe, Special IGenery, New bong lilts, the Change of Program Nightly Cl KT AIN N P. M. • DOORN OPEN AT 7 P. M. <111 LI »REN 2Oc, war taw Be—TOTAL 22« ADULTS «Be, war tax 4«—TOTAL 44c ALL HHOWH UNDER THE SPECIAL DIRECTION R. FERRIS TAYIXilt OF NASH Passenger Cars Nash pemenger <»r< p < m > mmw to a marked degree tlMNw qualltlo» of perforMMice. beauty and comfort which contribute im~t to your |H*ninnmt »Mtiafnctloii an an automobile owner, SABIN S DRUG STORE W. S. Maxwell & Co. Sunday Night Only Feb.20, Curtain 8:30 Grants Pass-Medford 503 G Street NASH AND I'll Filial.FT CARN in black, brown and white PAGE Golden Rule »Store GZ>c Breakfast Muffins will bo absolutely pure if bak ed from h<»me made graluim or whole wheat flour. No dirt or bug* can work into thia flour because it is sacked in special heavy, rope-paper lasgs. JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 Cor. 3rd and G Sts. USED CARS FOR SALE Buick Hix. fine shape- Srripp»-B«M»th. Dodge, just overhauled. 1020 Chevrolet, |?oo«l a* new. 1»1H Maxwell. II»IH <'hwrolct. Good Ford at a bargain. Two wheel trailer cheap- We buy, sell ami trmle. See us before you buy. MEDFORD KOLB DI IN THEIR GREATHBT SI < < ElvH STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effect* ’”1 ' Oct. 25, 1920 Daily and Sunday leave : LEAVE Grants Pass GRANTS PASS MEDFORD Waiting Room 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. Bonbonniere 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 4.30 p. m. 4:30 p. m. Phone 160 We connect wltli »läge» for A n I i I aio I nn<l J im I c nonti Hr AUTO TOPS Replace the shabby top with a light. «snay-to-handle weather proof one now. Kmart looking, wrvlceabie top»— IH-rfcct fitting anil Improving the cur’s looks a wl<le choice In ma terial» and colors. OUR PRICKS IXIWEKr “ The High Cost of Loving ” G. B. BERRY \ Binili, OF MIRTH—MI SI t' AXD Glltl.H Symphonic Jazz ORCHESTRA MAIL ORDER«, .1(1 OMPANIFD BY REMITTANCE, KM LIVED NOW LEARN TO DRAW U* VOUS NAMt AND ADOam Wt WILL UA.>. YOU OU« C. L. Hobart Co. PRICE»—FLOOR, *2.«O[ BALCONY, 1ST H ROWS, «1.54»; NEXT 3 ItOWH, 41.00; LAST 3 BOWS, 50«. 1’1,1 S IO PER < ENT Wilt TAX. BOX Ol Fl< ESALF, FIIIDAY, 12 ON'DOCK. A»I MVOKLir AND TUMI WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU WHOOt LNDOaStD *V THA LAMGAlT NA W MS ATX- , ma «, a ,,»»» LUIIOST A TO ( a MOUT ASTIYY1 ____ Corr '•Bpondmce Instruction and Local Claaaea imwRG •<---------- comk s m Y l Î t A î wi