iBmly (Courier ANNOI iATEO PICENH NERVIGE GIIANTH PAHH, JO8EPHINE OOVN TT, OREGON, VOI- XI., No. 12.1. » TI ENI» IV, FEBRUARY IB, 1021. SAFE BLOWERS DEFEATED BY Hearing on the Application From the Pacific North wont O|wma lu • < hnaiia Today Mill IM I ■ 11 I ntiunivii.ii I - I t Sins Feiner» Attack Coaches With II oiu I m and Rifles and Many Are Injured Belfast, Feb. 15.—<A P.)—A pas- NEW FORM OF DEFENCE USED »enger train carrying troops from WITH I’ERFEi T RESULTS IN A Cork to Skibbereen was ambushed MICHIGAN BANK by Sinn Feiners with bombs and rifles and many casualties are re- f | ported. Omaha. Feb, 15.—(A. P.)— The MHANI REN AIMED AT MOTION BltlTIHII LAW MAKERM REAMNEM- ! hearing on the application for a re BLE AFTER A RECEM OF PICTWIE HOUMA INDEFI duction of lumber rates from the Pa ‘ SEVEN WEEKS NITELY PONTINJNED I cific northwest opened here today. I i INK ItFXXiNNIDERATION OF DEI’OICTATION ORDER »*■» M HUBERT RERRY EM’APES FROM INNAN’E WYIAJM Washington. Feb. 15.—(A. P.) — I .ord Mayor O'Callaghan'a count«! Salem, Feb. 15.—(A. PA—Hixbert H*s rr>< Hervite Men Think Hellenic asked the state department to recon A mend Game Code Bill Making O|Msn King George Makes N|»eech From the Berry, Portland youth committed to May Involve Plan to Wreck Hlu>|x> sider Its deportation order. Season on Deer From September Throne and Siteuks of the "Mis the insane hospital after his arrest and Other Ship« guided" Irish 1 to O« tol>cr 31 for attempting to rob a pawnbroker, escapes last night. Washington. Fab. 15 (A. P.I — Enlisted men of the navy were ar rested at the navy yard here In con-! nectlon with an alleged plot to blow I up the president’s yacht Mayflower < The secret service is proceeding on the theory that the plot may have ex tended to the shot» and to other ves sel! st the navy yard. A man under arrest la said to have offered an of ficer a bribe to be permit ted to put a package aboard the Mayflower Salem. Feb. 15.—(A. PA—The! house today passed the antl-allen land bill baaed on the California Uwj by a vote of 34 to 25, one member* being absent. The bill was intro duced over the signatures of the house American legion delegation and endorsed by the state executive! committee of the I-eglon Salem, Ore, Feb. 15.—(A. P.) — Motion picture bills, one of which would have made it unlawful to show pictures representing crime, and the other to sell tickets when seats were not available, were indef initely postponed by the house. The game code bill was amended to fix the open deer season from Septem ber 1 to October 31 instead of from August 15 to October 15 and was passed by the senate. The bill pro viding for appointment by the gov ernor of a commiasloney to regulate the coo[>erntlve marketing of meats passed the senate. luid Kill- Big Cougar— The forestry office has received n Ji DKTARY COMMITTEE letter*from the lower river district WOULD SEE PICCININA IM telling of the killing of a monster A shipment of 16 purebred Hamp cougar by Judas Frye, the 12-year shire sowa and gilts was received b) old son of George Frye, from near Washington, Feb. 15.—(A. P.) — expri-ss last night for Hayes * Harter Marlel The cougar, which measured The senate judiciary committee no S feet and 9 Inches from tip to tip.; as the nucleus of their Hampshire tified Secretary Houston to make no breeding farm at Murphy. This herd was killed with a 22-calibre rifle, ; further advances to foreign govern the lad firing five shots Into the will be headed 'by the Illinois state ments until the committee could con 1920 grand champion boar "Model nnlinal's head before It became a sider thorn good conger The news of the kill-' Defender," which was purchas’d and •hipped beta a short Um» ago at an Ing was phoned to the ranger sta expense of »1000. The Individuals tion at Rand by the boy’s father. It th? comprising the shipment were select-1 la believed that the animal la In one that has killed much stock ed with care, 13 from the Ortega-Un-' the Mariel district. derhlll breeding ranch at Santa Bar bara. and three from the Fairbanks ranch at Redlands, the Utter ranch being owned and operated by a son of the former vice president, and Missoula. Mont. Feb. 15—(A. PA each has qualifications to recom-i l»ve of the silent places is the lure mend as breeders. which Is attracting Mrs. Charlotte This shipment will mean much for McGill, of Weyerhauser. Wis., to the the purebred stock industry of Jose forests of Montana she wrote in a phine county. letter to District Forester Fred Mor Raleigh, N. C.. Feb. 15.—(A. PA rell here, asking for a (»osltion as —Dr. A. B. Hawkins, of this city, ranger or fire potroiman in this ris- who celebrated hl* 98th birthday on trict. Mrs. McGill In her letter stat January 25, besides having been for ed she is 35 years old and has lived years the oldest living graduate of much out of doors and in the open the University of North Carolina, the and tn foreign countries. For live first state university to be establish-' years, she said, she lived in Peking, ed In America, is also probably the China. oldest active bank director in the Though it is not the custom of the Honolulu. Feb 15,—(A. PA—Last United States. forest service to employ women on the 1 Dr. Hawkins, who is one of spring’s strike of workers on the the special fire protection crews, due sugar plantations of the Island of wealthiest men here, has been to the fact that such reenforcements member of the board of directors of Oahu on which Honolulu is situated are used for trail work and other cost employers and employes approx one of the largest banka of Raleigh hard labor, Forester Morrill has of imately »17.000,000. according to of for more than 30 years, during which fered Mrs. McGill a place as outlook ficial and semi-official estimates from time he has missed but few of its next spring. He said that if she ac meetings, always taking an active in both sides. cepts the position she will be called The Hawaii latborers’ association, terest in the direction of the policies | upon to do only such work as is fit for th«» Japanese organization which was of the Institution. He is now in a woman. the backbone of the strike, announc splendid physical condition, retaining ed recently that the workers lost »4.- all of hfs faculties. In addition to 000.000 In wages and bonuses, while his hank duties, Dr. Hawkins administering the strike coAt an ad sonally look» after his Urge estate and other holdings in ditional »1.000,000. state and in Florida. Born in Franklin county on I uary 25. 1825, Dr Hawkins gradu atod from the University of North Carolina, In 1845. the same year that James K. Polk, an alumnus of this Institution, was Inaugurated presi dent of the United States. He com pleted his studies at the Jefferson Medical college, Philadelphia. Pa., Oxford, N. C. Feb. 15—(A. PA The scat of an ordinary pair of jeans, receiving his M. D. degree In 1847, trousers, is the cine on which Gran thus making him one of the oldest ville county authorities are working alumnus of this college. He practiced in the hope of arresting a negro medicine in North Carolina for a moonshiner who eluded prohibition number of years after finishing col officers near Bethel church, five lege and then moved to Florida, but returned to this state about 40 years miles from here, a fow <!•■ » ago. Three officers found throe negroes ago and ha» »Ince made hl» home In Ä.XÄVÄ. ■*’• • - . at a still, Surrounding them, one Raleigh. Dr. Hawkins’ wife, who died sev of the officer» commanded, "Hands up!” to which ( >e of the necrose re- eral years ago, was the daughter of away from General William Bailey, a veteran of piled, "we’ro g’wln the war of 1812 and the Indian wars here." And they did Deputy Ed Lyon Tsneil one of tn 1812 and the the negroes. Ent'Tl" brier natch Florida. Lyon stumbled but rubbed the ne gro by the seat of !<*•» ants. The pants gave * nV, 1e ng the seat in Portland, Feb. 15.— (A. PA- Live possession of Lyon. With this clue the authorities hope to capture the stock, stendy: eggs, firm; butter. 1 I three cents higher. negro, whose still was destroyed. SILENT PLACES LURE UN BREAKS AS DOOR IS OPENED London. Feb 15.—(A. P.)— New political alignments and proposal of legislative and governmental issues, of tremendous Import to Great Brit-| aln were foreshadowed when parlia-| ment reassembled today after aj seven-weeks’ recess. Opposition to the Lloyd George ministry and dis content with many of its policies sietned to have reached its climax and ft appears that the stability of this cabinet would be given a crucial tSst. Atta ks seemed certain to cen- ter around the policy toward Ireland, «’domestic situation, including un- employment and high taxes, attitude toward trade with Russia and accept- ance of a British mandate for Meso- potamla, also caused criticism. It was predicted that Lloyd George must fight in his most vigorous man- ner to come unscatched from the. struggle King George, in his speech rom the throne, spoke against vlo- lence Indulged in by a "misguided section of the Irish people." and said he favored a commercial treaty with soviet Russia. Pontiac. Mich., Feb. 15.—(A. PA —Two safe blowers opened the vault of the Farmers and Merchants Bank at Utica early today, but were driven back by a wave of mustard gas placed in the vault by bank officials in such a position that the can containing the gas was ‘broken open when the door O. 3. Blanchard will leave for San was forced. The robbers fled empty Francisco tonight to join a delega- handed. tion from Crescent City that goes to the southern city to appear before the engineers of the department in support of the appropriation for the Crescent City harbor. The delega- tion from Crescent City will include Messrs. Geo. Keller. J. J. McNamara and Jas. McNulty. The Coast city now wishes to get congress to waive the condition calling for the build- Calgary, Alta, Feb. 15.—(A. P.)— fag of a railroad before further ap- Plans to provide transportation from propriatton is made, the construction Eldmonton to the Fort Norman oil of the highway in a large measure fields by dirigible airships are under taking the place of the railroad, and way and C. K. Wollam, associated making the immediate construction with Captain E. L. Janney, head of of the railroad less a need. The dele- the concern which proposes to open gatlon is to meet the engineer from up a quick route to -the far north is the navy department in charge of J now In the United States completing harbor projects at San Francisco. arrangements for the delivery of the first "blimp" to be used in trial Waukegan. Ill.. Feb. 15.—(A. P.) flights. —.Miriam Rubin stopped talking sud Mr. Wollam is convinced after a denly at noon today after chattering meteorological survey and of a gen almost continuously for 11 days. era! search into the conditions pre vailing in the north, of the absolute i feasibility of the scheme, and is con fident that in a short time a passen Raleigh. N C„ Feb 15 -(A. PA JUdLlilInL UUUll I I ger service from Edmonton to Fort — Fifty-two years of continuous ser-, Norman and back in 30 hours will vice as postmaster at South Creek. be an accomplished fact. Beaufort county. North Carolina, [j, (Y HuulJuInllUll It is proposed that dirigibles capa- without a mark against him, is the ! I ble of carrying 32 passengers shall record of E. D. Springer. His record i be used. is exceeded by but one other post- The constitution and by laws of master in the United States, R. J. the building and loan association Knorr, of Clausvllle, Lehigh county. now fa process of organization were Pennsylvania, who was appointed No- presented by tue committee at the vember 13. 1S65. meeting held in the chamber of com-' Postmaster Springer, was born merce rooms Monday night. The March 2, 1S38, at Cape May, New name adopted for the organization is j Jersey, and was a seafaring man in' that ot the Josephine County Build- his early life, serving in the United I ing and lz»an association, the capital States navy during the war between stock being »100,000. Shares will Shanghai. Feb. 15.— (A. P.)—Mm. the states. He came to North Car be »100 each. Incorporators have Helen McCauley, bride of Lieut. C. olina in 1886 and was appointed I not yet been selected, but these will! McCauley, commanding the Ameri postmaster at South Creek under be named and the association legally can gunboat Elcano, has just achiev President Grant's administration in Incorporated, though there must be ed the distinction of being the first 1869. paid up subscriptions of »5,000 worth woman given the privilege of prac Although four score and three of the stock before incorporation ticing law in China. years. Captain Springer continues to Two classes of stock will be provided, i handle personally the affairs of the one a paid up stock to earn 8 perj ^he was admitted to the bar by office at South Creek. cent interest, the other an install-! Judge C. S. Labingier in the United ment stock to participate in the States court for China at Shanghai in December. Mrs. McCauley was for earnings of the association. To pro merly Miss Helen I.earv- of Austin. vide an immediate and sufficient Texas where she served for a period working capital, a campaign tor the in the legal department of the Aus placing of the paid-up stock will be tin Associated charities following started, and with the assurance of her graduation from the law depart an excellent interest return, many ment of the university of Texas. citizens have announced their inten . tion of subscribing for this. It Is ex pected that the association will be ready to assist In the i homes within the county In the very near future. The expense of organ-! Izatlon is to be kept at the minimum, as attorneys and others are lending | their assitance without charge. Following the subscription of the Tuscaloosa. Ala., Feb. 16.— (A. stock, the stockholders will elect the directors and other officers of the as P.)—“Old Ike,” a negro sexton In a Tuscaloosa cemetery, was not super sociation. stitious. That seems to have been proven with the recent demolition of SHERIFF’S FORCE HUNTS FOR A MISSING HOUSE a mausoleum here. When the vault fell into decay, Butte. Mont.. Feb. 15.— (A. P.) wierd happenings were related and It Members of the sheriffs force have was pointed out as a place where been called upon to solve the disap ghosts congregated. It was shun- pearance of a two-story frame house, ned ecept by ’Old Ike," the only formerly situated In the south sec-1 name by which he was known. tion of Butte. The owner visiting the j There was a hole in the wall and place to make repairs discovered only when Ike discovered it, he decided the foundation remained. The house to utilize the place for storing hla had been vacant some time and it is, pick, shovel and other tools. He la believed it had been torn down for credited with saying that he never lost a tool. fire wood. 0 0 I AÇQflPIATIflM Ethel” Helps in a Charity Appeal ~ SEXION HAD SAFE PLACE INWHICHTOPUTTOOLS