Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1921)
PAOK FOLK WKDNNBDAY, FERRI AHY », IHI. (¡IUMS PAÄS DAILY (MH HIKIl — 111 ■ ! i a i i i u L m ■■ ■■■ PERSONAL A Your Best Partner Your beat partner, one you can always depend on. 1« a bank account in a good, strong, carefully selected bank. We offer you that kind of a bank. Our banking fa* cilities are the beat. Our officers and directors are care ful, courteous, successful business men. Every dollar en trusted to us is carefully safeguarded. That’s the kind of a bank you need, the kind of men you want as bus iness associates, the kind that makes your account at our Bank a partner you can always depend upon. NATIONAL U. IY1TIN OF SOUTHERN OR BOON T!— The Victory Drag' Saw Outsaws Ten Men E. W. Lasei I of Portland. M J liK'W of Salem and K E. Hodgman of Medford, ah of the state highway engineering department, are in the city today. Mr. Hodgman was ac companied by his wife. Mrs. Nora Murphy has returned from Cottage Grove, where she was called several days ago by the III* neaa of her son. who *was suffering from blood poisoning due to a wound in the arm. Her son is recovering John Furley, of Baker. Olin and Nerva Hayes of Pendleton and Sadie Running of Eugene, niece* and nephew.« of Mr» M Brown. and the latter's son. Ijniretice Brown, of Ta coma. are visiting Mrs Brown at her home. 411 Foundry street Mrs. Brown has been very ill for the past month, but is now improving slowly. ..... —............. LOCAL | Advanced Spring Styles "Oli Boy"— I'll say, we are going to the Amer ican legion dame aud oyster supper at Murphy, Saturday, February 12. Income Tax Return»— Prepared by R. W. Clarks. North Sixth tftreet 317 »7 in Millinery, Suita and Dresses mr$. Hellie Deas We do HraisHtchla* Another Suit Filed— H. S. INIsbrow has tiled a suit against W F lireen. of the Crescent City Stage company, for an account alleged due in the amount of *I»2. for supplies furnished from the gar age Save Money— Buy your suit or overcoat for H price al: the Peerleaa Clothing Store Y<»l 'LL LIKE THK BEAUTY' Next time you «re In the neighborhood drop In and take a look at the now Spring and Ku miner «ulling* nlihh no liavo on display. You must see three goods from our tailor» More Pork SI i I|H n «I <Hlt— Regular meeting Reamea Chapter tonight, Work in the Royal Arch degree l.unch served following the degree work. All vtsltlng conuuui- 97 Ions cordially invtted Another car load of fat hogs wa« shipped to the Portland market Monday night l>y the Josephine farm ers' cooperative association There were 84 porkers In the shipment, all of excellent grade Medford Fluff Rug Mai »latinee Dally 3 Royal Arch Regular— to approdato tlielr fine quality. Certainly you will find no other line that tonimi near to it in the maller of injure. GEO. 3 CALHOUN Hitteen Year. I zka I Dealer tn.— Rivoli Theater. Is tn Grants Pare this week and will take your order». Also wants to buv some old carpets. Phone 22-J. Sulllian Seriously III— . *7tf Tim Sullivan, who recently arriv ed In the city and Is stopping at a local hotel, is seriously 111, and fears Mining Meet Sat unlay Eiraing— THE «TO»e On account of the time of arrival are entertained that he can not re scheduled for Henry M. Parks, direc cover. He has boon unconscious for tor of the state bureau of mines, the several day«, the cause of his condl- mining meeting which was first an* , tlon being unknown nounced for 1 o'clock Saturday af Com If You Haven't a Heart— Choir» I*nite for Service— dedication event, but will return to ternoon at the Chamber of bsen Come to the Valentine dance Frl- merce rooms, the hour has The choirs of the Baptist and Grants Pass changed to 6 o'clock Saturday even- Presbyterian churches joined In re Ing. Supper will be served at «1 hearsal last night under the direction One-half I‘rice— For Trail Improvement of Prof. F. H. Applehoff and on Sun Any suit or overcoat, one-half o'clock, followed by Mr. Parks' talk Chart« Pettenger. of Agnes», was on the Importance of a Josephine day night will sing at the Presbyter price, at Peerlees Clothing Co. 70tf, I county mining exhibit at the Third before the Josephine county court ian church at a union service of the I international mining convention to yesterday seeking assistance In the two churches. The following Sun Auto lzvundry— repair and Improvement of the trail day night the united choirs will fur We have leased the wash rack at be held in Portland early in April. down the Rogue river. He urged that Those desiring dinner seats reserved nish the music at a service at the Collins' Garage where we guarantee Josephine county make an annual ap Baptist church. At the service next satisfaction. Our prices are right. should get in touch with the secre propriation of 2500 to match a gov tary of the Chamber of Commerce or Sunday there will be three selections Washing and polishing. Give us a ernment appropriation of *1000 to O. S. Blanchard. by an orchestra under Mr. Apple- trial. Will call and deliver, Cars put upon this trail He said that It hoff's direction, and two or more an washed by the month. Day or night was planned to build the trail upon “ You Will Enjoy" — thems by the combined choirs. Prof. service. M. Fray. 99 The exceptionally good music fur such a grade that It would become a Applehoff expects to leave soon for wagon road as soon aa It was wlden- Roseburg to train an orchestra for a Merchant Printing—Courier office. nished by the Waconda novelty or- ed sufficiently. The county court cheetra at the American Legion T dance and oyster supper at Murphy gave assurance that It would put 97 forth every effort and financial aa- Saturday. February 12th distance porelbte 1n the matter, but could not guarantee a stated amount Soon Sail for India — ■r The farewell gathering held at Se for an annual appropriation. curity hall February 7th by Seventh SPECULATION HAS MADE MANY Day Adventists church members. In I>ally Matinee— POOR Rivoli Theater 2 p. m. 91tf honor of Elder and Mrs. O. H. Shews- Many men have become poor through bury. who are soon to »all for India putting their hard earned money in to labor in the mission field, was en Boxer. Make Complaint— Mayor Dem a ray Is In receipt of a joyed by all present. Frtends and some risky scheme which promised big I letter from a Portland attorney who members enjoyed the supper served dividends, but never came up to expec cafeteria style, which was followed Is representing a couple of the pugi tations. Safety at a fair rate is assured lists who were partiepanta In the by an enjoyable program. at the Grants Pass and Josephine Bank. bouts here last Friday night. It is Automatic press feeding at the alleged In the letter that Jimmy Duf Your account is invited. fy and John Vedoff came here from Courter office. Portland under a contract to pay the i i former *150 and the latter *100 with Leave Your Name Early— At the Peerless for the American fare to Grant* Pass and return. The G rants P ass .O regon legion dance and oyster supper num- attorney tells the mayor that Duffv 97 was given bnt *50 and Vedoff *40, ber». First come, first served and that they had to pay their own Long runs a specialty In the way back to Portland, and he asks Courier merchant printing depart- that the mayor take the matter up with the boxing commission which he ment. appointed. The attorney says that the under payment was made upon CARI» OF TH INKS the statement of the fight promoter We wish to express our ■incere that because of a small house there thanks to our friend« and neighbors, was not money enough to pay the who were so kind to us in our great full amount of the purse«, but that sorrow when our beloved husband Duffey and Vedoff tell him that there was a good house and that the and father was taken from us. MRS. M. H SHINN and FAMILY purses should have been paid In full The mayor will lay the matter before the boxing commission CARI» OF THINKS Rogue River Hardware Company Extra Special "WINCff£ST£A Grants Pass and Josephine Bank It is Impossible for us to thank our friends and neighbors personally so we take this means of expressing our heartfelt thanks to those ren dering their help and sympathy dur ing the sickness and death of our beloved son and brother. Also for the beautiful flowers. B M. CLUTE and FAMILY. At the Union Meat Market— After the 10th of February all buxines* will be run on a strictly cash basis, ¡ All bills must be paid by the tenth, . Cash buys the most * 97 meat. Try us and see. Stock Certificates— The Courier merchant printing de partment I* in position to print stock certificate* for any kind of business NEW TODAY Several design* of certificate* are INSURANCE— Fire, automobile, life, carried In stock and others may be accident and health. T. M. Stott, secured on short notice. 308 North Sixth St. «2tf E. L. GALBRAITH—Real estate, in surance and plate glass liability. 609^4 G street, phone 28. 40tf FOR SALE—Used ears. 1 Dodge, practically new. 1 Dodge, good condition. 1 Buick Six, good buy 1 Chevrolet at a bargain. Terms to suit. See J. F. Burke at Fashion Garage. 9 7 FRIDAY TENNESSEE JUBILEE SINGER* RIVOLI PURE BRED Dt'ROC JERSEY hogs for sale. 1 choice boar, 11 months old. 6 three months old boars, Weaned pigs and a few fine gilts The bigger, better kind at the right price. River Bend Farm. I Ed. L. Schmidt & Son. Phone I «12-F-23. 103 FRIDAY WANTED TO RENT—A small well JACK furnished house by reliable par I'ICKFORI» tie*. Phone 528-L. 96 Any Suit or Overcoat 1-2 Price Peerless Clothing Co. Shoe» for the Family IT Till NfW Ladies Cross Strap and One Strap Brown Kid Oxfords. Brown and Black lace Oxfords, Low Military and French Heels. 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S HORN The county court la to build a new SMITH To Mr and Mrs H. O. Smith, of Kerby, Tuesday, Febru bridge over the east fork of the Illi* ary sth. a son nol* river on the Waldo-Takilma road. It will be in a some that dif ferent location than the old one. and Automatic proa« feeding at the not being on a state highway, no Courier office. state assistance will be obtainable in it* conatruction. The old bridge I* | In very bad repair, and the new one Is to be put In aa soon as arrange- ment* can be perfected To Bridge Illinois East Fork— I Dance Tickets *1.10— At the Valentine dance night at the Waldorf hall. Friday 9«tf Mattresses, Beds Springs, Etc. E. W. CHI LES • Ol G STREET ■V Grants Pass z OPERA HOUSE Two—Weeks—Two R. Ferris Taylor Stock Company “THE SHOW THAT ALWAYS PLEASES' AND IIIH COMPANY OF CLEVER ARTISTS PRESENTS KLENZO Tonight “The Cowboy Indian and the Lady Dental Creme One Night Only For—WHITE TEETH HEALTHY GUMS A CLEAN MOUTH THE BEST EVER 25c AND 50c 4 Beautiful Wnrdrolie, Special Scenery, New Hong Hita, the One Big Show of the St-neon. Change of Program Nightly DOORS OPEN AT 7 P. M. CURTAIN H P. M. CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS !