Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1921)
" EDNHBDAY, FEBRUARY O, 1IMI1, Classified Advertising FOR WALK INEXPENSIVE SHELTER SUITABLE FOR BACK YARD POULTRY FLOCK FOR RENT REASONED WOOD FOR BALE Osk FOR RENT One sleeping room. »7 and luurel, *4 75; body fir. *4; Call at 408 E street. pine and second growth fir. *3 75; CIVIL ENGINEER manganila. (5. C. W. Lambrecht, ltd I. Ihn II ;6tf GOO. M ASHFORD. C. E. I And sub division, mine ami Irrigation sur FOR HALE Haled alfalfa bay. veys. «14 N. fith St. Phone 48-R. River Banka Farms. 80tf F. WANN, mining and civtl engi Foil KALE Shadeland Eclipse seed E. neering. Mino examinations and oats, reclenned. 3c per pound. W reports. Underground and surface L. Hayes, Murphy, or C. N. Only, surveying, mapping, mill design cooperative shipping manager. and construction, land surveys and Grants Pass. 9 2tf aub division. Phone 249-R. 101 CHOICE BALED ALFALFA hay, »26 HTRAYEIt delivered any place In Grunts Pass. *23 at ranch five miles below STRAYED from my ranch on Mia- town. Phone 606-F-12. C. H. Eis- souri Flat last summer, two year- 87tf mann. ling Jersey heifers, one dark and Marked with one light colored, TEAM AND HARNEA» FOR SALE swallow fork In right ear and un cheap. River Banks Farms. 87tf der bit In left and branded quar ter circle JL on left hip. Finder FOR SALK- Seven room modern please notify J. L. Wooldridge, house with sleeping porch and lot Grants Pass and receive reward 100x100 Call at 715 North 2nd 100 street. 98 NI USERY STOCK SPRING OATS for sale *55 a ton. f <> b ledami. T J Mackin. Le NURHKRY—Highest grade fruit, land. Ore. 101 shade, nut trees- -also berries and ornamental In variety. Albany FOR SALE OR TRADE tor allaita Nurseries I Branch) 8 60 North ranch, stock of general merchan Seventh street. Grants Pass. 71 tf dise 23 miles east of Eugene, near Il K logging camini. Invoice Jan- NURSERY stock of all kinds. Orna mental. shade and fruit trees Geo. uary 26th, 13849.00, 10% «ff for H. Parker. 70tf cash. G W. Millican, lAaburg. 97 MA4X1ON Ore. AND EVERBEARING strawberry plants. Good varie FOR RAIsE— Iron wheeled wagon. ties for sale. Phone 601-F-33. T. Price *35. Inquire at Gravlin’s T. Roas. Grants Paas, Ore 104 barn. 99 TAX DRY WOOD FOR SALE Manzanita and laurel. *5; oak, *4.50. Im SOONER TAXI —Phone 363-R tor mediate delivery. J. L. Johnson, Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an Rd. 1, Box 57. I»« swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER ALFALFA HAY FOR HALE at Peer less ranch, Murphy, Ore. J. E. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we Daniils. 101 Hunch Transfer Co, Office phone 34 9; residence phone 315-J. FOR HALE Set double harness, tine quality. Price cheap. 245 West F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer II street. 97 Safes. pianos and furniture moved, packad. shipped and stored FOR HALE—Hatching eggs from Office phone 124-Y. Sheppards famous Ancona». Fine winter layer» No. 1 pen, mated PIANO INSTHt’CTION to cockerel» from Queen Be»» the MRS. JAMES M POWERS. Instruc 331 egg champion hen, *2.50 per tor on piano; studio over Barnes 15. No. 2 pen. mated with flue jewelry. Phone 265-J. cock and two year old hens. *2 per 15. Jas Eads. 306 West I street. DnNTINTN Grants Pass, Ore 101 K. C. MACY, D. M. D. Flrst-cla dentistry « 8th St WANTED WANTED- Hog raiser to take swill j VETERINARY Sl'RGEON from Josephlno hotel. 89tf DR. R. J. BE8TUL, Veterinarian. Residence 838 Washington boule WANTED—Hauling for ton truck O. vard. phone 398-R. • C. Taggart. 219 West G St 15 PHYSICIAN AND Sl'RGEON WANTED—Woman wants as cook In mine or camp. West G street. position Call 417 L. O. CLEMENT. M. D. Practice 97 limited to diseases of eye. ear,nose mid throat. Phone 62; Res. 239-J. WANTED \ female puppy, Collie Collie, S. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician and Shephard crossed, or and surgeon. City or country calls Address Box 26, Rd. 2, phone attended day or night. Phones. 97 602-F-22. Rea. 369; Office. 182; 6th and H ISRLTRY E J. B1LLICK. M. D. Physician, sur FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze tur-| geon, Schallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; keys. 6 hens and 1 tom. Mrs. C.I res. 1004 lAwnrldge, phone 54-L. N. King. Rd. 1, Grants Pass. Ore. W. F. RUTHERFORD—Manual the- raputfes. Office over Barnes’ jew --------------------------------------------------- elry. Hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. FOR SA1«E- White Leghorn Baby Chicks from stock with high egg RALPH W. STEARNS. M. D„ Xray pedigree. *20 per 100. Also cus-| equipment. Phones: Office. 21-J; tom hatching. Rogue River Pool-' Residence, 21-L. try Farm, Medford. Ore. 113' ATTORNEYS Plan of a Simple Backyard Poultry House. (Prepared by the t'rilled Htalea Depart 3, lulil on edge and with tlie tspi-er ment of Agriculture. > con ci s rounded off. makes a g x.d Plano and puck Ing boxes can be room. A poi or even a piece Of successfully converted Into adequate honrd 2 or ’n-1 « w' 1e may b** backyard poultry houses, but many U*4 ’ll. If <' !« of 1‘ghr material owner» of small flocks prefer a build nn<l f¡ Irlj '«ng. it dtot' ' be support- ing erected especially for the purpose, ed fr> the c- 'er. n well »« at the because It usually presents a bet’er end«, to pre- ■ ■ r j: li'«»? 4 I>M1| appearance In the back yard. For ; ly. An Jill : nee of 7 to 1Ü iuc befc such, poultry specialists of the United of HF <t spsev per fowl, accorditiu' tb Htntes Department of Agriculture tbr « e of the h'.d -. sl'.ould be made suggest plans for a poultry house of If i • e than ©• y_»ATS tor tietween-aeason'» wear sailor. The bat at the upper left is 1« i: ' the shed or slope-roof type that will m I k 'I’L be p’r<ed about 15 Inrhu» 11 Iwgan selling early thia year and covered with vises cloth and orna make u small flock comfortable and | spurt. ibere uas more titan a hint of spr,ng mented with a fancy braid. Its round be neat In appearance. In them. 1’erliaps their success has crown makes a background for clus P.-ovitís Str- pi» . "et*-. This building Is 8 by 8 feet square, l.<wn fostered by the fact that Easter ter» <>f silk raisins that lie fiat against Nf- s 1..U t ite p. ■ ill. J at. 1 i .'.y i and Is fl feet high in front and 4 feet comes something like three weeks In IL Satlr, and cellophane braid cover high In the rear. The house may t>e . ver > Imple. Any ixtx about 1 ' advance of tin- u«ual date, falling on th« pretty round hat at the right and ■ and 5 or 6 Incite« <’«• •> mnde higher with little extra coat and ] the twenty-seventh of March, and ev a ruche of plaited ribbon finishes is would be more Convenient to work In. ' su. al e. An ordinary orange box eryone honors the great festival of beautiful model for early wear. An The ventilator In the Mr- > nor need wkli the partition in the middle spring with a bit of new headwear, other cellophane hat appears at the ed In the northern part of the country. sei., . very "oil. each box form'ne least. But a great deal of credit lower left In a small off-the-face shape The naif Is covered with roofing pa two i-it< Tie top 1« removed, the must be given designers who have and one may find It In several rich col per. The name material may be used box laid on its -lie and a strip 3 taken novel and lovely fabrics and or». finished with a silk tassel to on the sides or If desired the cracks to I IniI.ei wide nailed across tin t :ade them up Into hats that fit in match. These cellophane braids are may be covered with wooden «trips •o r fr ut. ?>• ts cun be fostene .»¡th whatever fate may sen#tn the not always one-color—two or several colors used In combination make Illu three Inches wide. Such a house Is ngi.ln«t th« wall« of the hous« or «<•■ •••ay of weather. • on h« floor. It !’ p’«*ernb’« to fast«- large enough for u flock of 20 bens. Cellophane, sipper straw and vlsca sive and glowing color-play in them against the walls, as they tak« Dry Floor a Necessity. cloth, all having a highly lustrous sur them. The sailor at the right Is made too much floor space if set on th< If the soil Is well drained and re floor, tine nest should lie provide^ face. with clre and plain satins are of satin and trimmw! with ribbon. The featured in hats for early wear. These dress hat nt the center depends upon mains dry no floor need be used In for each four or five hens. the house. Often a slight dampness fabrics are delicate hut not fragile- satin for Its sectional crown and hair looking and the bright surfaces and braid for the wide nnd graceful brim can be corrected by Alling up the floor , several Inches above the outside j fine colors In them make snappy and that swwworts s wreath of flowers. t>eautiful mill!' err. Flowers end or- ground with sand, gravel, or dry dirt, j MARKETING APPLES Three or four Inches of the surface of | nxmented pins. :n colors, contribute to • - — ’ the floor should be removed and re- i ♦ the genial styles that foretell spring, Information secured from ap- ’ placed with fresh earth once or twice I ♦ pie-market Investigations by ’ and veils are of first importance. a year. The run should be spaded up t the United States Department • corrwcHT rr vbw » s Mwsrn umok The group of five hats shown above at least once a year. If the ground i ♦ of Agriculture indicate that rel- ’ will give a general Idea of the styles Is so ivet or dnmp that this condition I I atlvely low price« In large crop • Corsage Bouquets. favored. Wish one exception, the cannot be corrected by tilling. It Is ■ ’ years In the beginning of the | j shuix-s are «mall and they Include the Corsage bouquets of natural flower» best to provide a lioard floor, ns this t season unike for quick move- • much-adndred "ff-tlie-face model and a are being worn again. will help to keep the house dry, will | mint and rapid consumption. ’ allow easier cleaning, and will pro with the natural result of bet- ! mote the general health and welfare : ter season average»; that mar- * of the hens. A house with n board [ ketlng of Inferior grades along ’ floor should be set on posts or blocks, with good fruit in large crop f Place orders for Duplicate and Triplicate so that It is fl to 12 Inches above the | year» is not profitable; that the j ground. When this space Is left the effective o|x*ration of grade and j floor will not rot so quickly and rats package law- may be counted * will not be so likely to take refuge ♦ upon to aid in stabilizing ap- j under the house. I pie markets. | The dropping hoards and roosts 1 ♦ • C (. should be placed against the hack wall. Here they are out of the way All styles and sizes and also are least likely to be reached ’ IMPORTANCE OF APPEARANCE by drafts. The dropping boards I Requires about 60 days to fill orders should lie about 20 to 30 Inches from Potatoes Suitable for Baking Wrapped the floor, depending on the height of In Paper sad Graded Bring the building. This gives space enough Bigger Profit. under them so that the hens hnve room to exercise and Is not too high The package In which a product is for the heavier hens to fly up to. The I sold has much to do with Its sale. A roosts should be 3 or 4 Inches above New York farmer found it profitable the dropping hoard«. If more than a to grade and wrap in paper potatoes Books of Duplicate Remittance Blanks single roost Is used, they should be suitable for baking purposes. He got Garage Repair Books »n the same level; otherwise all the n better price for them and also some hens will try tti crowd upon the high advertisement which sold other prod Trade Acceptances est roost. A piece of 2 by 4 or 2 by uce. I H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Practices In all State and Federal I SHOP—-Plumbing, REPAIR pipe Courts First National Bank Bldg. work, steam fitting, boiler and pump work and Installing. 505 G. W. COLVIG, Attorney-at-law. South 6th street. Phone 306. G. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. 51 tf A. Bryan. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practices CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS In all courts. First National Bank General foundry and machine Building work; gray Iron and bras» cast O 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. ings, any size and quantity. Deal Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. ers in second hand mine and saw mill machinery, boilers, engines, C. A. SUDLER. Attorney-at-law. Ma pipe fittings, etc. Booth and F sonic I «mole, Grants Pass. Ore. streets, Grants Pass, Ore. 94tf GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law WHY PAY TWO PRICES for homo referee In bankruptcy. Masonic grown product», when you cnn get Temple. Phone 185-J. hotter quality for a third les» by Lawyer buying from the grower. Prune« JAMES T. CHINNOCK. First National Bank Building. ■old by the pound, 100 lbs., or ton. Call at 245 West H street. 99 A, C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg. Practice In all courts. Legal Blanks Blank Sales Books TESTS OF 29,638 SEED SAMPLES Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Daily and Sunday LEAVE LEAVE Grants Pass MEDFORD GRANTS PASS Waiting Room 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. in. Bonbonniere 1:00 p. m 1:00 p. ni. 4:30 p. m. 4.30 p. m. Phone 160 Effect’”" Oct. 25, 1920 BUILDING <X1NTRACT<H<N V. A C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In state and federal courts. Office over National Drug Store. We connect with stages for Ashland anti Jacksonville A. J. GREEN General contractor Estimates and plans made. Noth ing too small or too large. Shop 211 8lxth St. Phono 375-L. 92tf ' i i ti. ERTATB e . t . M c K instry . «03 o at., phone 355«R, real estate Best of soils for fruit, hay or general farming. ROY HIGGINS General real estate Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 49 SEE BALLINGER A HULL for farm city and business property. 10 and 11 Flanagan Bldg. Pheno 284. A’ BOND X We will use it for your job of ™ tino Sales Books Constantly in Stock: M1SCELLANKOVB HARPER * SON -Building oontrac- tors Shop work, furniture crating. Shop 510 H St. Res. phone 142. PAGE THRU GRANT» I’ARM DAILY <X»I KILK AUTO TOPS With This Equipment Grain Dealers Can Make All I'Mts Necessary to De termine Proper Grade of Grain. During the year ending June 30. 1920, the United State« Department of Agriculture tested C.'.ffi’s samples of seeds for farmers preliminary to plant Ing Of these. 10.-t 12 were tested In Washington and 13.196 nt the five branch es. Under the «e< I Importation act ffil.OOO.Olk) pounds of seed were permitted entry during the fiscal year, which was more than the total for the previous three years. Nearly 5,000.000 pounds were held nt port, more thnn half of which was reclaimed and the bnlnnee ordered destroyed or exported. Red '«ver and nlfiiKn «rlmson clover, rape seed, and abeke were among the ■’ding needs httporte«!. Replace the shabby top with a light. msyto-handle weather proof one now. Kmart looking, serviceable top»— perfect fitting anti improving the car*» look.«—a witle choice in ma terials ant! colors. OrR PRICES LOWEST G. B. BERRY