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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1921)
GKANTS PASS DAILY tXM RIER PAGE TWO GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Dally Except 8unday A. E. Voorhisa, Pub. aad Propr. ■Atared at poetoffice, Granta Paas, Ora., as second class mail matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch.................. 25c Time* 1 p-rr"-*' column, per line.... 10c Readers, par Una...... , ....... 5c DAILY OOVRIER By mail or carrier, per year---- M 00 By mail or carrier, per month.. .50 WEEKLY COVRIER By mail, par year-------------------- 11.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for tepublication of all news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub-' lisbad herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re served. WEDNIHDAY, I'l’HRI AIO O, 1WJI LAID BIBLE SCENES IN CHINA The New Spring Goods are More Attractive Than Ever We know you will be pleased with them, and the prices are right. KEY 4TWlh\X DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES we are to preserve the single gold standard it will be necesearv to main tain the supply of that metal. There has been a decided inclina tion on the part of those who pro fess to care for the retention of the WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY ». 1021. gold standard to destroy its integrity Chicago, Fob. 9 -(A. P. I Out of • •»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦▼♦♦wee as a measure of value by making it 1,000 dtMigus of plans for the Ideal a OREGON WKATHKR *| nearly it not wholly Impossible to American small home received from . ---------- ♦ architects throughout the country in get gold. ♦ Tonight and Wednesday, rain. ♦ the national "Small House Competi ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ tion" which closed last night, there will be selected 36 prize winning de ADVERTISING THE iHH signs and the winners of the *15,000 in iprizes will be announced Thurs The forestry service has just is day. February 10th. The contest has sued an excellent road and recreation been conducted with the approval of map of the state of Oregon, showing the American Institute of Architects. under the direction of Henry K Hole the various automobile roads by Boston. Mass . Feb. 9—(A. P.) — which tourists can reach the points Because guinea pigs have been found man. of Chicago. Five nationally known architects of interest to the seeker after recrea to accept the Volstead act literally will serve on the Jury of award: tion. Distances are marked, and cen and turn their furry backs to allur They are C. H. Hammond, Chicago; | ters of appeal to the outer are mark ing home brew the little animals Edwin H. Hewitt. Minneajiolfe; E. J 1 ed in red. Brief description is also which are raised here for test pur Russell. St. Louie; Hall F. Heintz. poses are reported to have depreci Atlanta, and Dwight James Baum, of I carried of each of these points, the ated in value almost 100 per cent. New York. “Realizing that small* story of the caves being told in the It was the fond belief of home homes generally are not planned by i following words: brew makers some time ago that if the most competent architects and1 “The Oregon Caves National Mon they tried their amateur produc that small house designs are not us-| tions on the guinea pig, human life tially profitable work for estalfehod ument, in the Siskiyou National for and digestion might be saved. The architects." according to Mr. Hole est. is reached from Grants Pass by guinea pig had proven a satisfactory man. “the ’Small House Competition’ a fair wagon and automobile road subject for scientific tests and ac was conducted to enlist the best ar running as far as Stephen’s ranch on cording to their reasoning if the sen chitectural skill and minds of the upper Williams creek. 26 miles dis sitive animal survived their brew it nation as a step toward solving the was rij>e for human consumption. If appalling housing shortage." tant. From this point to the caves the pig died, it was in a good cause, The iprize-winning plans will be the journey must be made on horse and the brewers tried again to make made available to home seekers, with back or on foot over a very good for a liquor fit to drink by man and the cooperation of the “Own Your beast. est trail, a distance of 10 miles. Own Home" movement fostered by | “Pigs is pigs’’ but the guinea va the National Association of Real Es- j "The Oregon Caves are located in riety is more rodent than pig and tate Boards, the National Thrift com Cave Mountain, a peak of limestone have been found to value their lives mittee. and various building trades formation 6,000 feet high. The main above the convival compensations of «organizations. Arrangements are be entrances to the caves are at 4,000 liquor samplers. Those who have ing made to publish the best plans feet elevation, but the entire moun tried their brews on the guinea pigs In book form for popular dletributlc« tain side for 5 or 6 miles is probably have found that no amount of coax- j ing can bring the sagacious rodents honeycombed in the same way as the to the flowing bowl of kitchen-made portion which has been explored. drugs They submit to the adminis The caves are more a series of gal tration of strange drugs and serums leries than of room caverns, although in the interest of science but any many beautiful rooms have been dis thing alcoholic is abhorrent to them. Thousands of purchases were covered Miles of galleries have been made when it was reported that ▼felted. There are thousands of pass guinea pigs could test the margin of Kansas City. Feb. 9.— (A. P.) — ageways leading in all directions. safety in unsampled contraband con Crude oil has been reduced in Kan The extent of the Oregon Caves can coctions. Now they are a drug on sas and Oklahoma, being dropped to the market, ready to be doled out to one-half the price quoted t6 days be truly said to be unknown. hospitals and scientists for use in ago. “The forest service stations a routine experiments. guide at the caves’ entrance to con PORTI.ANI» MARKETS duct all visitors through the caves Live Electric Plants. and to open up new passageways There are In all about 5G species Portland. Feb. 9.— (A. P.)—Cat through these wonderful formations. of electrical fish, but the electrical tle. weak; hogs, steady; sheep, properties of only five or six have weak; eggs, three cents lower, buy Many passaceways partly closed by been studied in detail. The best atalactitee have never been opened. known are various species of torpedo, ing price 25c, selling price nominal. 2Sc to 30c for candled, 33c to 35c Forest maps and information can be belonging to the skute family found in Butter steady. the Mediterranean and Adriatic seas; for selects obtained upon application to the for Hie gyunotustL an eel iouud in the The decline in egg prices today est supervisor. Grants Pass, Ore.’’ region of the Orinoco In South Ameri brought the best quotations to coun ca . the malapterurus. the raash or try shippers to 25c, retailing at 40c. ihunderer fish of the Art:«, a native MORE GOLD PRODUCTION' <>f the Nile, the Niger. Senegal and oth MONTANA SHEEPMEN The McFadden bill has for its ob er African rivers, and various species ARE NOU SELLIN«; «LIP ject the strengthening of the gold re “t skate found In tlfe seas around Great Britain. serve of the Tnlted States and the Dillon. Mont., Feb. 9.—(A. P.) — buttressing of the gold standard by Purported copies of correspondence Reports have been received here that stimulating the production of that between Abgar. fourteenth prince of a number of Beaverhead county wool clips of 1920 sold on a 25 cent con metal says the Manufacturer Tt Edessa in Mesopotamia, and Jesus signment last summer have’ started would tend to stimulate an Industry Christ came to light In 1900. to move and that there Is a possibil which Is languishing because Its pro ity of a large portion of the wool be duct is kept at a fixed valuation FOR SALE—Hoes, rakes and culti ing sold at prices ranging from 27 to vators. Oak bottom dining chairs, 32 cents a pound. Flockmasters while the cost of production has new, *3.00. IO-lb-, all cotton, mat- here who have large clips stored In vastly increased. trrsaes. *11.25... All cotton pm I* for Boston arid other central wool house It is of Infinite consequence to the cots *11.00. All leather traveling points declare that such prices will country generally that the produc biig *7.75. Not -e]||ng out. but out allow a small margin of profit to tion of gold should be Increased. If selling. PHONE 71. the sheepmen of this section who did not sustain heavy losses In the winter of 1919. GUINEA PIGS BALK AT HOME BREW TEST CRUDE OIL PRICE DOWN HALF IN SIXTEEN DAYS New Silks Visit our silk department and look over the latest colors for spring. We have the best assortment we have been able to procure for some time. Golden Rule 5tore Cranton, Win., Feb. 9.—After a night In trees to escape a snarling pack of timber wolves, Matt Willis and Paul Joeger, woodsmen, were brought here today for treatment for exposure. Chin-se Medical Practices. In 7fe; u.e Chinese began to vaccl- iate. There were three vaccination stations In which the concoction was poured Into the mouth. Stone needles were used to puncture swellings and 'he ide« was not Introduced Into Eu rope until centuries Infer. Cauteri zation was practiced by burning the tolled leaves of a stnall plant. It war held to be good for rheumatism and nosebleed. Anesthetic effects were produced by certain mushrooms and the root of aconite. Cases of skin grafting are early recorded. Native Artist Had No Conooptlon of Any Other Land Outside of His Own. 507 E St. In north Fukien province there dwelt an artist who painted pictures on silk for the gentry of his little village. The IH'ople In this secluded hamlet nestled amid the bills, hud uever seeu sutuiuu biles or airplanes, uor did they take the long Journey to Shanghai to watch the great steamers come In laden with merchandise and messages front the ports of the world. But they knew the words of Confucius and Lao-tse and they lived and died with simple dig ulty as their fathers had done before (hem. One evening the artiMt. who had been working nil day on a mo mortal portrait, strolled out Into the dark, cool street to refresh his tlre-t soul, wrltef Elsie F. Well In Asia Mag azine. The tiny white church of the foreign god beyond tile tea shop wu- brilliantly lighted. The artist stood « moment in the open door. The young missionary was talking most eloquent ly; he was not preaching. but he seemed to tx> telling stories that were as fascinating as those recited In the buztinra. Almost In spite of himself the artist sank unobtrusively Into an empty seat. For the first time lie heard some of the beautiful old slorte- of the Bible, which have held the pro pie of the West enthralled for (000 years. And the artist returned to hfe home and made plcturee of the story of Noah and the tlood, and of the par ables of the lost cheep and of the prod igul son and of many others that were In the book of the western missionary But he h .d never heard of the Pules tine. To him Noah was Chinese. and the lost sheep belonged to a fanner of his province and the prodigal son might well have been a dissolute youth of hfe own village. The Wardrobe Cleaners WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO FIRST CLASS WORK CLEANING - -PRESSING *45 PER TON OFF «'AH. PEI* 1OO UW. Movie Theaters In Rio. It Is at the cinema thmters that the Cariocas (citizens of Rio de Jn nelro) know r»*nl comfort; for, un like our movIn .’ picture houses those in Rio have -qmcloiis waiting rooms, where you sit, listening to <«x cellent music, until the hour for the first reel comes round. The pioneer house of the kind innngtiruted th!« custom, and now the people refuse to stand outside waiting for the »-vet, hour to arrive or to enter after the film has started. With so much profit able space taken from the auditorium, the movies In Rio Janeiro are not nr great money-makers as with us. Tin American favorites are popular, quite outclassing Italian and Brazilian film «tars.—Harriet Chalmers Adams In Na tlonal Geographic Magazine. Inspect Moths by Machine. An elaborate machine called the choselkl Is used by the Jnpnnese In the Inspection of silkworms for dis ease. The machine In the Inspection house of Nagano prefecture requires 2.0<<> microscopes and a large corps of workers. Moths are made to lay their eggs ench on one square of sheets of card board bearing 28 numtiered squares. They then are killed, their bodies jtql- vertzed and examined. If the bacilli are found, the square containing the eggs laid by the diseased moths Is cut out and burned.—Japan Advertiser. I4CBN K >i N I s l>|. 1 l-.RF.D IT *2.50 GROUND OR I’lill Ki lt IT *50 PER TON OR •2.75 PER 104 I JIN. JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 Cor. 3rd and G Sts. Différence Between Governments of Greece and Rome and Those of the Gothic Tribes. Remorseful Ghost. A pathetic story Is told of the ghost of Blshnrn abbey. It Is said that the wife of Sir Thomas Hobby was un naturally severe with her. son. who. ft seems, had a peculiar aversion to writ ing. and In his obstinacy would wilful ly blot his copybooks. One day his mother, enraged al his perverseness lost her self-control and beat the poor boy so unmercifully that he died from hfs Injuries. Since then one of the bedrooms in the abbey has been haunt ed by the specter of the cruel woman who glides through the chamber In th» act of wnsliing the bloodstains from her hands. It Is stated that some years ago, when an old window shutter of the six teenth century was remover!, “a packet of antique copybooks of that period was discovered pushed Into the wall between the Joists of the skirting, ami several of these books, on which young Hobby’s name was written, were cov ered with blots.” REPAIRING Car of Shelled Corn TWO IDEAS OF CIVIL LIBERTY There was this radical difference be tween the governments of Greece and Rome and those of the Gothic tribe«. In the former the state was every thing. the Individual nothing; the stale was thought to have a perfect right to the property, liberty, and evefi life, of Its citizens. In the lat ter the individual was everything and the state comparatively nothing; all rights were thought to exist, to Inhere hy nature In the Individual; and the state could demand nothing from him for public us<* without giving him an equivalent. Here we find the funds mental principle of civil liberty; that principle which has been so carefully guarded In the English and In all the Anglo-Atnei^-nn constitutions, and which was so happily and tersely ex pressed by Jefferson In the Declaration of Independence. Our rude Saxon an cestors, though under a kingly govern ment. had more real liberty, and a more Just appreciation of the true dig nlty of man, than had the polished cit izens of the republics of the Mediter ranean. The legislative authority was vested In the wltenage-mote, or a««vm bly of wise met».—1> Xter A. Hawkins Phone 147 Used Car Bargains 7-Passenger Buick iVlodel 90 Overland Two Chevrolets C. L. Hobart Co. I * ydlir make rebuilt I I Regardl»»»« of whether we represent your make of battery or not, AVE have the parts, equipment, and skill ed experience necessary to properly rebuild It If you want your old battery restor ed to a dependable, first class condi tion at reasonable cost, bring It to this SERVICE STATION. We have a service battery to fit your car. ADAMS ELECTRIC IND BATTKRY -HOP 5<MI So. Sixth Street Used Ford Touring; I «Jl ll’I’Elt WITH SHOCK ABSORBERA, BOSCH TIRES GOOD. WOULD MAKE t DANDY Bl G. MAGNETO, *H*mo W. S. Maxwell & Co. NASH ANI» CHEVROLET < Alts Don't Be Misled Grants I’«»« Cltixcns Should Read and llee«l Thi« Advice Kidney trouble is dangerous and otten fatal. Don t experiment with something new and untried. Use a tested kidney remedy. Begin w.’i Doan’s Kidney Pills. 1‘sed in kidnoy troubles 50 years. Recommended here and every where. A Grants Paas citizen's statement forms convincing proof. It’s local testimony -it can bo In vestigated. Mrs. J. M. Mansfield. 609 L St., says: 'Doan’s Kidney fills have help- »«1 mo wonderfully and I gladly r - commend them. My kidneys were weak anti I had attacks of backache and a soreness across my kidneys. My kidneys didn’t act right, either. I used Doan’s Kidney Pills from the National Drug Store They soon had me feeling like a different person and free from aches and pains." Price 60c, at all dealers Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs Mansfield had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs. Buffalo. N. Y. Most of the credit for perfecting telegraphy which went to Samuel II Morse, l»elonged to Alfred Vail. .THE WORK WE DO TWEEN YOU AND ME - IS P lumbing of HIGH There ar- no supplies In this hop lint those of high quality. There are no tricks In onr plumber's kit of tools or in our business conduct that don't square with courteous treat ment and fair prlc»»«. Get ac quainted with our telephone number. B. S. Dedrick 511 F Street PHONE 3OM-.I Martin Van Buren’s opposition to Uhlans were introduced flrat Into the annexation of Texan cost him the Poiana by Tartar colonists. nomination for president in 1848.