I'n vers I varsity Oro. Ubrary library I'M t ty of of Ora. ♦ 4 4 rante Pass Omln Courier AHHOtiATKD PRERH tUCHVIUE VOL. XI., No. 180. GRANT« PAAR, JOMEI'HINE OOUMTT, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1021 W HOLE NI MHER 8107. Ï0 THE Ö.S. IS lew MiMsurt* Have Yet I'asMsl tlw Iwgi-latU!* and Born Signed by the Executive Goi«*ni>ii«nt Bureaus Pack Commit* tees Is Charge Made By American IX-gioii Official Fermal Canvass of The Vote of The Various States Made Today, 404 Electoral Votes Being Recorded For Tbe Republican Nominees Salem, Ore., Feb. 9.—(A. P.)—< Washington, Feb. 9.—(A. P.)— ADJUTANT GENERAL, TELAR LEG­ Among the 19 measure» enacted by I ni ti ni........... si: mum hi Charges that the government bu­ ISLATURE THAT «R^18,M0 the legislature and signed by the IN TOO DR INTI«' reaus having to do with soldiers re­ WOCU» BE REQUIRED governor are the following. The lief are packing committees of the Norblad bill providing for a prelim­ American I region with bureau em­ « inary survey I’or an Interstate bridge ployes who are members of the Le­ Washington, Feb 9. (A. P.l- elected president and vice president gion were made ¡before the Legion’s acroea the Columbia, and two Dennis) bills, one relating to false statements Warren Gamaliel Harding, of Ohio, of the United States, each for a term, executive committee today by Abel as to the standing or reputation of and Calvin Coolidge, of Masaachu- beginning March 4, 1921.” Davis, chairman of the hospitaliza­ The joint session today was order-1 tion committee, As a result work Were Approved by the Governor This Ibwtrictlon* on • l*er< eniwge IlMl* banks and the other relatlng to the setts, were formally declared today conviction of minors. Also tbe Pat-1 by congress to be elected president ed by resolution of both senate and of the Legion in soldier relief is be- Have Been tgrvrxl to I nd,-r tlw Afternoon. Having Been Paased terson bill, creating a state budget and vice-president of the United house. At 1 o’clock, led by two sen­ ing greatly handicapped,** said Substitut« IUII Late Yesterday I commission House bills passed ' States for four years beginning next ate pages carrying the ballot boxes, !>avi». and signed include a measure by March 4 the senate, following the vice presi Thus was written ths final cbap- Marsh providing for licensing nur­ Washington. Fob 9 -(A. P.l — serymen and their agents, and one ter In the history of the 1920 presl- dent and escorted by its sergeant- Vancouver, B. C., Feb. >.— (A. P.) Salem. Feb. 9.—(A. P.)—AdJu- Th« house immigration bill which by Kubll defining criminal syndics)- dential elections. The scene was laid at-arms, secretary and other officials; —Efforts are being made to obtain tant General White, at the hearing proceded to the house chamber, would virtually stop Immigration Ism and sabotage and providing pun-J In the chamber of the house of rep- perm lesion to import Chinese game that 34,430 where they were announced with into Canada. Many steamers plying on the bonus bill, said for a year was disapproved today by ex-service men in the state would be resentatlves with the democratic ceremony, tbe house membership Ishment. the senate Immigration committee, Vice-president Marshall presiding rising as tbe senatorial party en- between this port and the Far East entitled to the bonus. Should every by a vote of five to four Th« com- The occasion was the canvassing of tered. As prescribed by law, the are now provided with refrigeration one receive cash, the total amount mlttee agreed to adopt a substitute the electoral votes cast by the elec­ vice president took charge of the plants and if permission to Import would be $8,513,650. tomorrow restricting Immigration on The senate passed the two Norblad tors chosen on November 2—404 for session, with Speaker Gillett seated) game is granted the traffic ir expect­ a percentage basis It would provide fish bills yeeterday, also the free the republican candidates and 127 at his left and the senators at the | ed to be active. the number of aliens of any nation­ text book bill and the port of Port­ for the democratic candidates, for- right of the chamber. I ality who may be admitted In any, land bills, the latter receiving the mer Governor James M. Cox, of Ohio, In opening the ceremonies Mr.) one year shall tw llmltnd to 5 i>er governor’« signature this afternoon. and Franklin D. Roosevelt, of Hyde Marshall gave the usual warning, cent of thr number of persons of) The house today indefinitely post­ Park. New York. against demonstrations by the spec-) such nationality In the t'nlted States poned Hoeford's bill repealing sec­ Dublin. Fob 9— (A. P.l— There; The recording of the votes was at- tators, a warning which always has It would become effective April 1. tions of the Oregon statutes known great 1s u _ ___ weight of general sentl-i tended by all the formality and so ­ been honored in the breach until the Japanese. Chines«. tNinadlans. Cu-, as "labor’s bill of rights," legalizing ment throughout the country In fav-t lemnlty prescribed by the Constitu- galleries lost their enthusiasm under bans. Mexicans and citizens of South picketing. The senate defeated Pat­ or of any settlement which will end j tlon and there not only were present and Central America would not be the verbal procession of formal an­ terson’s bill consolidating the de­ the present chaos. Irish Catholic the members of the senate and nouncements by the four tellers. Included In the operation of the pro­ Chicago. Feb. 9.—(A. P.)—“The partment of weights and measures bishops are foremost among those j houae. but many relatives and posed substitute Immigration bill. The votes canvassed today were ‘ Relation of Highway and Motor' with the state food and dairy com­ who are encouraging this sentiment. friends of the successful candidates. cast last January 10 by the electors Transport Development to Educa-; mission. mahogany Two highly polished Between the most moderate and the moat extreme nationalists there boxes, inlaid with rosewod and holly- meeting in their respective states I tlon,” will be one of the principal | [ is thia one point of agreement, that' wood, were dumb actors in this dra- and have alnce been arriving almost subjects discussed at the nation-wide , j the decision of the Irish people them-1 ma of democratic government. Rest- daily at the vice president’s office, good roads congress and machinery ’ selves must be supreme. Submission ing on the vice-president's desk, they Duplicate returns also have been exposition to be held beginning to-1 ¡of their attitude to the electors and j contained the official ballots of the sent by mall and the law requires day, according to officers of the Am­ ths endorsement of that attitude bv( elector» of the 48 states Tn alpha­ that a third set be filed with tile fed- erican Road Builders’ association, ths country's voters, is the basis on. betical order. beginniKM with Ala­ eral district court of each state. under whose auspices tbe congress, The Hague. Feb. 9.— (A. P. • !*- which Sinn Felners rest their case bama's vote, the returns. In large Among the personal messengers who will be held. “Improvement of the highways' Avon, N. ¥., Feb. 9.—(A. P.) — tails of a Mohammedan agitation for They »ay that endorsement mint) envelopes biasing with seals, were brought the ballots to Washington Independence In some of the outly­ stand. opened by the vice president, hand­ were women serving aa such for the I bears such an important relation to, When Peter Flnigin went out to do rural and city education." said M. J the chores one morning recently he ing inlands of the Dutch East indies | There Is a considerable section of ed to the senate and house tellers— first time in the nation's history. was mystified by the sight of a large are revealed by a report of the gov­ I the populace, however, who believe one repitb'llcan and one democrat A custom of procedure followed Faherty, president of the American I ernment of that archipelago on mur­ the time has arrived for a fresh con­ representing each body—and read to today as usual in the Joint congres­ Road Builders' association, "that It I number of huge snowballs scattered over his farm. On the 20-acre field der of the Dutch controller. De Kat sultation of the i>eople—that a new the assemblage and recorded sional session was an opportunity Is beginning to receive a great deal Angnllno, by the natives of Toll opportunity should be given for ex­ At the conclusion of the announce­ for objections to the recording of of attention at the hands of educa- there were hundreds of them rang­ ing in size from six to 18 inches tn Toll. In Middle Celebes In 1919. pression ot the popular will. The ments and tally Vice President Mar­ the votea. After each state's vote I tional as well as the other public - According to the re|>ort. the mur­ suggestion Is made that a formal ref­ shall declared formally that Mr. was announced, the vice president officials. The improvement of the diameter. Leading up to each snow­ vanuus bcviiuub tuui ball was a streak of bare ground highway an In various sections ui of the: der followed a fanatical address by erendum should be taken as to Harding had been chosen president asked If there were any objections. ■ uiguwd) Abdoel Moes, wbo advised the na­ whether the people still adhere to and Mr. Coolidge, vice president— These, by law. are required to be in country has made It much easier for «»owing the distance it had traveled tives not to obey the Dutch govern­ the uncompromising republican pol-iln official language that the an- writing and, in event of filing, to be school children In the rural districts in ,ormLnS; Mr. Finigin and neighbors who ment but to join the Sarekat Islam icy. or are willing to give the new nouncement should "be deemed a voted on by the senate and house to get to the schools promptly and gathered to study the odd spectacle with comfort and to reach handily, movement. The Dutch press In now home rule act a trial. sufficient declaration of the personal separately. and quickly the higher institutions decided that the wind which had clamoring for the punishment of Sir Edward Carson, for Ulster, has of learning in the cities. Wherever blown a gale the night before had .Abdoel Moen and for strong meas­ accepted, but Sinn Fein has refused' roads have been improved statistics whipped up small particles of “good ures to protect government officials ¡the la red he had taken many | ted. Pittsburg gets the greatest There should be nn enormous in­ Gorman police dogs were brought Longue for Political Education. Henry W. Tuft, clminunn of the board of hack to America In great numbers) flux of people when the country Is trustees, said the intention was to make ¡he town hull a later Faneull hall, passengers about town after the ¡number of Saturday games at home aboard-- army transport* by officers ready for them, he adde<$. Just now a modern Roman forum, to be open to all law-abiding citizens. The town hall couple who left the gems in the ma­ and the largest number of Sunday chine had been driven from the rail­ games abroad. Brooklyn leads in and mon of the army of occupation Palestine Is In great need of labor-) Is situnted on West Forty-third street. Sunday contests at home with 18. era. road depot to a hotel. tn Germany. RENATE COMMITTEE lONULUDEN PORT Of PORTLAND BILLS UW TACOMA BANKER FACES New York’s New Town Hall Opened WALKING 10 PALESTINE