PER52ML Your Best Partner Your beet partner, one you can always depend on. 1» a bank account in a good, strong, carefully selected ban.,. We offer you that kind of a bank. Our banking fa- ciltties are the best. Our officers and directors are care­ ful, courteous, successful business men. Every dollar en­ trusted to us ia carefully safeguarded. That's the kind of a bank you need, the kind of men you want as bus­ iness associates, the kind that makes your account at our Bank a partner you can always depend upon. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK pw-'MrH»EH“'wa rrorwu. RFSEBVY s r* '> -^1 OF SOUTHERN OREGON The Victory Drag Saw Outsaws Ten Men Rogue River Hardware Company the •WffíCHtSTfíl rross GOING TONIGHT THE PROGRAM NOW SHOWING Ai Outside • • the Law The D. N. B. A. entertained Sat- i nrday evening at the home of Miss Gretchen Clemens on North Third street. The first part of the delight­ tul evening was spent in playing cards, after which the rugs were tak­ en up. and dancing was enjoyed un­ til a late hour. The A'alentine idea was tastefully carried out in several favor dan "es. and also in decora­ tions. Refreshments were served to the following: Gretchen Clemens. Dorothy How­ ard, Coriyss Courtney. Yvonne Smith. Remoh Tryer. Helen Uster, Eunice Hillis. Mary Reed, Gladys Sandry. Elva Prescott. Gene Murphy. Stephen Woodin. Waldo Baker. Har­ old Isham. T-eroy Heston. I An da Gil­ lette. William Ament. Andrew Clay­ ton, Freeman Taylor. Jack Murphy and Harold Lund bur--. THE AMAZING THRILLER STARRING PRISCILLA DEAN SUPPORTED BY Lon Chaney TOMORROW A SPLENDID BILL Harry Carey IN HIS BIGGEST RED- BLOODED OUTDOOR DII 1- .MA MADE FROM THE STORY BY EUGENE MAX- LOVE RHODES. Cl West is West” I Pleas of Not Guilty— Pleas of "not guilty" were filed In the circuit court Saturday by Ben M. Collins. S T. Johnstone. F. D. Hines and J. E. Bartlett, Indicted by the grand jury in the Bank of Jackson­ ville cases, and February 17th was set by the court as the day for pleas by Mrs. Myrtle Blakely, former coun­ ty treasurer. Elmer E Quigley, a northern California cattleman, and Chester Knbli. an Applegate stock- man. A plea of not guilty was enter­ ed by W. H. Johnson last fall.—Mall- Tribune. , RIVOLI Sell* Hotel Leane— rdln & Mooers have sold the !c on the Grauts Pass hotel to H. E. llller, a recent arrival from En- terprise, Oregon. Mr. Miller and family arrived here January 28 and became interested in the hotel pro- perty after arrival. Visitors From Ashland— Misses Nina and Hazel Emery drove down to Granta Pass in their automobile yesterday and spent the day visiting relative*. They report the road is excellent with the excep­ tion of a short stretch just below Gold Hill. This, they state, can be covered easily with care.—Tidings. i » tiisday , GRANTS PASS DAILY l ull— friends In Portland. Miss Fannie Abrams, of the fores­ Ben Mitchell, a resident of Port­ try office, la kept nt home this week land, Is looking after business affair* while nursing a sprained wrist, the ' in Grants Pas*. result of a fall Mrs. Thus Aher was in the cty ye*- i terday, returning to Hugo this morn­ Daily Matinee— ing. Rivoli Theater 3 p. m. » 1 tf .A. O. Knapp, of the Basket Gro- cry left this morning for Klamath County Officials III— Falls on a business trip. Sheriff George la>wls and Treasur­ Mrs Lynn Smith, of Gold Hill, vie­ Red Mrs. Geo. P Cramer and went er George Calhoun are absent from to Hugo this morning to visit with ' their posts of duty this week because of Illness. friends. Mrs. Harold M Harter and children arrived this morning from I Income Tax It,-turn Prepared bv R AV Clarke. Reynold*. III. to remain. Mr. liar- ter stopped off at Santa Barbara tor Nortt^ Sixth Street. a few days on business Mr*. Victor Peterson stopped over lhSurns t» Grants Pa*»— last night with Mr. and .Mrs. J. E. ! Frank J Neuner, who has been Peterson and left this morning for I visiting here over the week end with her home at Eugene. She also vi*- his pareuts returned to Granta Pass lied a sister at Ashland this morning. Roseburg News-Re- I Mr and Mrs R. E. Brochlbill and i view. three children of .Marshaltqwn, la.. spent two days with 'Mr. and Mrs. Save Money— Amos Myers, leaving this morning Buy your suit or overcoat for H for AVillamette valley points. They price at the Peerless Clothing Store spent several months at Long Beach. M miner Daily 2 p. m.— Rivoli Theater. • lit Newcomer Buys a Home— J. O. Paquette, who came here In November from Saskatchewan. Can­ ada. has decided to remain here for his i>ermanent home, and ha* bought the Wideman residence at Eighth and A streets from Albert Borde. Mr Salem. Feb. 8.—(A. P.)- -Preal- Paquette has also invested In the dent ,Rltn!r and3.l*“kir .toda_’riPaelflr Mora Pumi’ »>!«• ««-"‘•y »«J introduced a joint memorial to con-1 ia now one of the directors of that gress urging Near East relief The' company. The sale was made through resolution was passed under suspen-, the Parsons' agency. sion of the rules. The senate passed Ritner's bill providing that number Dance Tickets SLID— one wheat shall be based on 58 At the Valentine dance Friday pounds to the bushel to prevent buy­ night at the Waldorf hall. ers purchasing on 60 pound basl* and exporting on 58 pound basis. It also Slock Certifies passed two bills on banking and trust The Courier merchant printing de­ companies: Porter's bill to regulate partment la In position to print stock the sale and .iasslfication of import-1 certificates for any kind of business id eggs, and house bill fixing meth-| Several designs of certificates ar» ods of determining newspaper circu­ carried In stock and others may be lation for county court publications. secured on short notice. tt.a hum Fuel Time From Agn«»» INSURANCE—Fire, automobile, life, Charles Pettenser, of Paradise bar accident and health T. M. Stott. near Agneas, on the lower Rogue, is 309 North Sixth St 6 2tf in the city. Mr. Pettenger made a FOR SALE OR TRAD®—»3000 quick trip from Agness to Almeda, equitv in Seattle residence, mo-i over the Rogue river trail, co' rln; dern. Want at least two acresi the 52 miles In 2t hours, and taking He wim house and good water. Write i five hours of sleep en route. full Information. Mrs. Claude' gives his saddle mule all the credit Davis, Route 2. Box 107, Grants, for the record time, the animal prov­ Pass. 96! ing a fast and safe negotiator of slip­ pery trails. FOR SALE—Used pars. 1 Dodge.| practically new. 1 Dodge, good I One-half Price— condition. 1 Buick Six. good buy. j Any suit or overcoat, one-half 1 Chevrolet at a bargain. Terms tOj price, at Peerless Clothing Co. suit. See J. F. Burke at Fashion! Garage. 97 i Mmoln Day Banquet. FOR SALE CHEAP^-T« thorough-; Jackson county republicans are bred chickens, White Wyandotte: preparing for another big time at and Rhode Island Red. Call at | the annual Lincoln day banquet, to 206 West D street, or phone 248. be given next Saturday evening at 96 the Medford hotel, this being the ____________________________ I ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE at Peer-I seventh of the affairs. Judge Henry E. McGinn, of Portland. Is to deliver less ranch. Murphy. Ore. J. E. I the general address, and I-awrence Daniils._____________________ 101 Harris, of the supremo court, thi W ! | Y PAY TWO PRICES for home Lincoln day address, with other fea grown products, when you can get’ tures to complete the program, i better quality for a third less by' number of local republicans have buying from the grower. Prunes been Invited. sold by the pound, 100 lbs., or ton.I Call at 245 West H street. 99' At the I nion Meet Market— After the 10th of February FOR SALE—Set double harness, fine* quality. Price cheap. 245 West, business will be run on a strictly H street. 97 * cash basis, , All bills must be paid by the tenth, . Cash buys the most FOR SALE—Hatching eggs from meat. Try us and see. Sheppards famous Ancona*. Fine: winter layers. No. 1 pen, mated .Ionen Got Decision— to cockerels from (jueen Bess the Jones, the fistic artist who ham- 331 egg champion hen. »2.50 per1 mered the countenance of Blackburn 15. No. 2 pen, mated with fine In one of the bouts last Friday night, cock and two year old hens, »2 per has a legitimate grievance because 15. Jas. Eads, 306 West I street, the Courier said that Blackburn was Granta Paas, Ore. 101 given the decision. Jones put up a E. F. WANN, mining and civil engi­ good fight, and should not be robbed neering Mine examinations and of the credit that wan his due, and reports. Underground and surface haste Is made to correct the Inadvert- surveying, mapping, mill design ant statement, for Jones won the de­ and construction, land surveys and cision by a good margin. sub division. Phone 249-R 101 FOR RENT—One sleeping room. Women's Arno. Meets Tomorrow— There will be a business and social Call at 409 E street »7 meeting at the Women’s Association WANTED—A female puppy, Collie of Bethany Presbyterian church on and Shephard crossed, or Collie, Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, at the Address Box 26, Rd. 2, phone home of Mrs. T. M. Stott. Members 602-F-22. »7 and friends are cordially invited. 96 F ebruary n. iw Advanced Spring Styles in Millinery, Suits and Dresses Ifirs. Dolile Deas AA'c do llcin»Ul< hin« Next time you aye In the nrighborie hmì drop In and take a look nt the new Spring and Summer suitings which nr have on display. You . must see illese gm*d* from our tailors lo appreciate I heir fine quality. Certainly you will find n<> other line »hat comes near to it in the matter of taluna. GEO. S. CALHOUN Sixteen Years luacal Dealer Extra Special Any Suit or Overcoat 1-2 Price Peerless Clothing Co. Shoes for the Family JUST RECEIVED — Shipment Ladies Black One Strap Suede Pumps. Lowest Prices on all Shoes and Men’s Furnishings. QUALITY THE BEST North Sixth Street 103 103 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S A KEEP ON THE RI6HT Here's where we giie you a straight »leer. last u» adjust uiur »leering gear. Extra! Extra!! All about the ter- rlbl« ., itomoblle accident Don't ¡Allow the newsle to cry the news about the ditch your car went into —or have the doctor say when friends Inquire "what is the matter with him doc?" "he's had some trouble with his steering gear." Bel­ ter doctor up the car than the man, any day—what d'you say? AMENT'S Al To REPAIR AND MACHINE SHOP PHONE IIIl-J MACHINE WORK OPERA HOUSE T wo—W eeks—T wo R. Ferris Taylor Stock Company "THE SHOW THAT ALWAYS PLEASES'' AND HIS COMPANY OF CLEVER ARTISTS PRESENTS The Girl of the Mountains” Tonight One Night Only Beautiful Wardrobe, S| hm ini Honcry, Now Hong Hita, the One Big Show of the Season, Change of Program Nightly DOORH OPEN AT 7 P. M. CURTAIN H P. M. CHILDREN Me, war tax 2c—TOTAL 22c ADI'I/TS 4Oc, war tax 4c—TOTAL tic ALL SHOWS UNDER THE SPECI AL DIREtTION R. FERRIS TAYIXMt OF