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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1921)
GRANTS P.UWi BAILI <X>( HU K Tl 3MDAY, 1'1'. Bit IA li Y N, ll»21- PAGE THREB Classified Advertising I FOR NA1JC SEASONED WOOD TOR BADE Oak and laurel, 84 76; body fir. Ml pine and second growth fir, B3.TB; nianiantta. |6. C. W. Lambreeht, Rd 1, Box 11. 3«tf FOR HAIJC Good 3-roomed plat tered house. About 3 arret good land, email bearing pear orchard Property first place on left south of river bridge. It. L. Cannon, Rd 4. Box 2. Granta I’aaa, Oro. 9t FOR RALE Baled alfalfa River Banka Farms. hay. 80tf FOR HALE Shadeland Ecllpao teed oats. racleaned, 3c per pound. W L. llayee, Murphy, or C. N. Culy, cooperative ahlpplng manager. Oranta Pass. 92lf CHOICE BAILED ALFALFA hay. |2< delivered auy place In Granta Paas. 123 at ranch five miles below town. Phone 808-F-12. C. H. Els- mann 87tf TEAM AND llAHNEHH FOR 8AIJC cheap River Banka Farms 87tf FOR RALE Hoven room modern house with sleeping porch and lot 100x100. Call at 715 North Ind street 98 SPRING OATS for sale. 366 a ton. f. o b Leland. T. J. Mackin, Le land, Ore. 101 F<yR SAI40 oil TRADE for alfalfa ranch, stock of general merchan dise 23 miles east of Eugene, near it K logging camps. Invoice Jan uary 28th. 33849.00, 10% off for cash. G W. Millican, Leaburf, I Ore. »7 FOR RAI j E—Iron wheeled wagon.] Price |36. Inquire at Gravlln’si barn. 99 DRY WOOD FOR 8AUC Manzanita and laurel, 36; oak, 34.60. Im-i mediate delivery. J. L Johnson.! Rd. 1. Box 57. MO FOR BAIJC OR TRADE Jersey cow. ] now dry, will trade for good gentles pony, value 325. J. L. Johnson.! Rd. 1. Box 57, 2 4 miles north on Ixvuse creek road. STRAYED STRAYED from my ranch on Mis souri Flat last summer, two year ling Jersey heifers, one dark and one light colored. Marked with swallow fork, in right ear aud un der bit In left and branded quar J ter circle JL on left hip. Finder please notify J. L. Wooldridge, Grants Pass and receive reward 10<> ; ' LOUT HOMELESS PENGUINS. “1 Mill tell you a story this eve nlng,'* said daddy, “about the home- lass King Penguins. 'The story Is not to be ii sad one as yon might Imagine at first. “It la simply to l>e a story of the Mr. King Penguins and *h<t Miss Penguins wb<> never mated. “They | robably didn't care about LOST—-Dealer's 1921 Hcenae tag. No love-innkitig und courtship like many 363-C. Finder notify W 8. Max I of the Idrd» do, and they didn't wl-b well A Co. 96 to be bothered with thinking of feed Ing and bringing up the young, and of Nt REEKY STOCK doing all the many things that they Nl'RBERY Highest grade fruit, would have to do If they bad homes. “Of course even without real ne»t> shade, nut trees also berries and such na other birds might have they ornamental In variety. Albany would have to huve ull the dltficultlei Nuraerles (Branch) 880 North of home-making and they didn’t think Seventh street. Grants Psss. 71 tf the pleasures were worth the trouble “They didn't think that the Joy of NI RBERY stock of ell kinds. Orua- being loved ami of loving unotber was msntal, shade and fruit trees. Geo worth nil the fussing nud getting ready H Parker. 70tf for the young penguins they would MAGOON AND EVERBEARING have to do. And they didn't think that any young penguin was worth al strawberry plants. Good varie the patience nod trouble and time that ties for sale. Phone 601-F-33. T. he would require. T. Ross, Grants Paas, Ore 104 “For he would have to be looked after and fed for so long a time, at d TA*. he would have to be taught how ti ÄH)NEH TAXI —Phone 28 2-R tor swim with bls wings and bow to Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calix an In the water nnd till of thess* thing- “Ami even If he would be so tlen, swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf ami cunning, covered with soft down they didn't want all the trouble. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER “So tlieee were the homeless Kim THE WORLD MOVES; so do we Penguins. They weren't as wise aS lie Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone other penguins. They didn't knuv how to get the greatest amount o' 349; residence phone 315-J. pleasure out of life nnd they hadn't F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer the M-tise to know- that nice' tliln? Safes. pianos and furniture nnd great pleasures nnd hnpplne»- i do not always come rushing ut a moved, packed, shipped and stored ] creature, but that a creature blmselt Office phone 124-Y. i or herself often must go to a great , deal of trouble for something worth 1'1 AN<> INSTR! Cl ION ] while. "But these Penguins were fairly MRS JAMES M POWERS. Instruc tor on piano; studio over Barnes' happy even If they did miss a great <leu I. jewelry. Phone 266-J. “Every day they came out of the ' sen during the middle of the day when DENTISTS I It was warmer nnd they took sun 1 baths on the beach. E. C. MACY. D. M. D. Ftrst-cla “Sometimes they would tnke nap» dentistry. 10» 4 8. 8tb St , sitting up or standing up. or lying ! down, and often with their heads un VETERINARY SURGEON | der their wings, such ns most of the Dallas, Texas, Sunday, DEAR OLD BOY PETE I This corner of the U. S. mainland is so wonderful in its bigness and bustle I guess I go mouth wide open and eyes staring! Why, Pete, Texans don’t talk in miles—it doesn’t mean anything! They’ll tell you that this place, or that, is an all-day trip, or two days and a night distant, etc. And, old yard stick, you’ve got the feet, just let it sink in deep that Texas is not only over 800 miles wide but it is our fifth state in population! Heard a bird in the Adolphus Hotel say that when he comes off the west border he figures he’s close home to Baltimore when he’s across the Lone Star State! Talk about “jumps”! Try a few, say the one between Texarkana and El Paso! Pete, everything grows big down here—busines as well as folks’ hearts! I like the way they never forget! Here I was walking on Main Street yester day when as fine a type of man as ever wore one of those broad Texas smiles came up to me. “How are you, lieutenant?” says he. “Maybe you’ll call back that day at Camp Dick when I brought over that bunch of Camel Cigarettes for the boys,” he continued. Right then a Camel conference opened I Golly, Pete, this party coins Camel compliments faster than the mint makes money! "Lieutenant,” says he, “I know when I’m ‘set’! I’ve smoked ciga rettes for five years! (NOW LISTEN, PETER!) I know Camels and I know their marvellous mild, mellow body and refreshing flavor and wonderful Turkish and Domestic blend! A million Camels wouldn’t tire a smoker’s taste!” Now, Pete, I’Ll say that’s some testifying! Sincerely P. S.—Between you and me I’ll be gating at tall buildings and things around 43d and Broadway— N-EW Y O R K—about the hour this note hits Boston’s Back Bay! Write me at the same old standi Crowing Old Gracefully Are you g row ing old graco- fully? W h o wins in the race of life? Is it the man who is t h i n - blooded, weak, tired all the time? An athlete trains for every race. A man is as strong as his blood and as old as his arteries. Make your blood redder, your health better by taking that old fash ioned blood tonic—sold fifty years ago and still “good as gold”— namely. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. Sold by all druggists, or send 10c. to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial package. DR. It. J. BEHTl'L. Veterinarian. Residence 83 8 Washington boule WANTED- Hog raiser to take swill ; vard. phone 39K-R. from Josephine hotol 8 9tf PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON WANTED- Hauling for ton truck. O C. Taggart. 219 West G St. 15 L O. CLEMENT, M D. Praitm- limited to diseases of eye, ear.nose WANTED TO RENT—House or uun- and throat. Phone 82; Res. 239-J. galow of 3 or 8 rooms, unurnlshed Physician North side of town preferred. Ad 8 LOl GHIIIDGE. M D and surgeon. City or country calls dress R. W care Courier office. 98 attended day or night. .Phones, WANTED TO RENT—A small well Res. 389; Office, 182; 8th and H. furnished bouse by reliable py- E. J. BIU.ICK, M. D. Physician, sur tlee. Phono 528-L. 98 geon. Schallhorn Blk. Phono 54-J; res. 1004 I-awnridge. phone 54-L. WANTED—Woman wants position as cook In mine or camp. Call 417 W. F. RUTHERFORD—Manual the- Nothing to Do. West Q street. 97 raputlcs. Offlco over Barnes' jew elry. Hours 9'30-1.1 30-4. members of the great Bird family do. WANTED — Second-hand lumber. “When they would tlx themselves up 1x8, 1X10. 1x12, 2x4. 2x6. Paul RALPH W STEARNS, M [> . Xray and would preen their feathers, they Weiss. Rd. 1. »6 equipment. Phones: Office, 21-J; would often stand on one foot nnd Residence, 21-L. brush their fiend feathers with the POULTRY other. It was a difficult Job, but they ATTORNEYS FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze tur usually managed It fffr they were qult< D NORTON Attorney-at-law. vain and wanted to look well. keys. 8 hens and 1 tom Mrs. C. H Practices In all State and Federal “They had nice meals of the beak» N. King. Rd. 1, Grants Pass, Ore. S ax F rancisco , C al .—"There is Courts First National Bank Bldg , of cuttlefishes and they took walk- along the bench. Son-etlmea If they nothing so helpful to old persons Yttorney-at-law. were frightened they would toboggan whoee kidneys are weak and who art- FOR SALE White leghorn Baby G. W. OOLV1G, Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. or slide along and hurry at a great all run-down and need a tonic (some Chlcka from stock with high egg j rate. thing to give them an appetite) as pedigree. 320 per 100. Also cus-' E 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney Practices I “ 'The sun Is so delicious.' said the Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov tom hatching. Rogue River Poul In all courts. First National Bank King Penguin, known as Billy Bache ery. My father-in-law took it and try Farm. Medford. Ore. 113 Building 1 lor, nnd the one known as Benjamin was greatly benefited; it seemed to Bachelor sold. MiHt ELI.AN KOLB put new life in him.” — M rs . JoUK O. 3. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law. “ 'Ah. yes, to lie here In the sun and J ackson , 1703 Oakdale Aveuue. Oolden Rule Bldg Phone 270. REPAIR SHOP—Plumbing. pipe have nothing to do Is so perfect.’ work, steam fitting, boiler and C. A. »’DLER. Attorney-at-law. Ma " 'Just suppose.' said Miss King pump work and Installing. 505 Ghost Runs Sewing Machine. sonic Imnple. Grants Pass, Ore. i Penguin, 'that we had to be worrying about the egg or whether we had food South 8th stroet. Phone 806. G. They sa.v that headless horsemen A. Bryan. 51« GKO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-laa enough for the young. That would be used to ride through England and that hounds even now fly above the rain- referee In bankruptcy. Masonic trouble indeed.' CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS "'Oh, yes.' said another Miss King drenched mountain tops of Ireland: Temple. Phone 185-J. Penguin, 'It Is so much nicer to walk but It Is modernizing ghosts to bring General foundry and machine lawyer and to talk, to eat and to sleep, to a phantom sewing machine Into the work: gray iron and bras* cast JAMES T. CHINNOCK. take marches along the beach and circle of the supernatural. Scientists, First National Bank Building ings, any alto and quantity. Deal have nothing to do. than It Is to spend philosophers and spiritualists of Port ers In second hand mine and saw A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer, Tuffs Bldg. nil one's time -living to n young pen ugal are trying to explain the origin mill machinery, boilers, engines, guln. "There, there, now, ent your din of a Strang« sound first heard three Practice In all courts. plpo fittings, etc. Booth and F I ner like a good little penguin boy.” months ago in a house in Oporto. The streets. Grants Pass, Ore. 94tf V. A. C. AHI.F, lawyer, practice in "'Or. “Come, now, mother Is waiting sound occurred nt midnight and those state sad federal courts. Office j with your food all digested for yon. who heard It. believe that It Is caused CIVIL ENGINEER over National Drug Store. . Come dive for It down her throat. by the soul of a senmstress. doomed I Don’t let me hnve to speak to you to haunt the world to expiate a sin. GEO. M. ASHFORD. C. E. I-and sub ! again. This Is the third time I have The opinion here will rather be that division, mine and irrigation sur one of the enterprising agents for a | spoken.” ’ veys. 614 N. 6th St. Phone 48-R. ” 'Of course,’ said another Miss sewing machine company Is seeking - King Penguin, 'we don't have the fun free publicity. BUILDING IXIXTRAt.'TORH 1 of watching the little dears grow tip Good Company. HARPER A SON—Building contrac I Into being big penguins nnd of laying Fancy stepping Into a room nnd find ! the nice olive green eggs.' tors Shop work, furniture crating. Shop 5|U H St. Res phone 142. “ 'Why should I care to have so ing It full of Shakespeare's principal much to do?' asked Billy Bachelor. 'It characters! What a babel of tongues! A. J. GREEN General contractor I wouldn't Improve tny looks. We all What n jostling of wits! How eager Estimates and plana made. Noth have yellow about ottr eyes, orange In ly one's eye would go In search of ing too small or too large. Shop front of our necks, blue behind, and Hamlet and Sir John Falstaff. . . . 211 Sixth St. Phone 375-L 92tf glossy green black feathers. Ah, now. We should have no difficulty in recog j I would rntber take sun baths and nizing Beatrlee in the central figure REAL EHTATK of that lively group of laughing | swims and do nothing. I would.' “And a good many others agreed courtier«; whilst did we seek Juliet. It E. T McKINSTRY, 603 G St., phone would, of course, be by appointment . with him." 355-R, real estate. Best of soils tor on the balcony. To fancy yourself I fruit, hay or general farming. In such company Is pleasant matter j Tommy Was Getting Evan. 'Tommy, you'll lie sick,” said his 1 for a midsummer night's dream.— ROY HIGGINS General real estate "Obiter Dicta." A. Blrrel. Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 6» Our plant is complete for everything I mother, ns he handed his pinto fbr you need in the line of printing end ] more turkey. SEE BALLINGER L HOLL for farm. “I know It. mamma,” replied the lit we esn assure you first grade work The Zambesi is the largest river city and business property. 10 and on Hammermill stock. Ask us tle five-year-old, “but that turkey pecked at me, and Pm getting even.” flowing into the Indian Ocean. 11 Flanagan Bldg Phone 284. WANTED Phone Us for PRINTING Place orders for Duplicate and Triplicate Books All styles and sizes Requires about 60 days to fill orders Corstantly in Stock: Books of Duplicate Remittance Blanks Garage Repair Books Trade Acceptances Legal Blanks Blank Sales Books rilK COURIER • Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Daily and Sunday Effec»’”'» Oct. 25, 1920 L£AVI LEAVE Grants Pass MEDFORD GRANTS PASS Waiting Room 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a- m. 1:00 p. m. 4..IO p. tn. We connect with Bonbonniere 1:00 p. nt. 4:30 p. m. Phone 160 for AMiland and Jacksonville AUTO TOPS Replace the xhabby top with a light. easy-to-handle weather proof one now. Smart looking, serviceable top«— perfect fitting and Improving the car*« look.«—a wide choice in ma. tertala and color«. OUR PRICES MUTEST G. B. BERRY Used Car Bargains 7-Passenger Buick Model 90 Overland Two Chevrolets C. L. Hobart Co.