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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1921)
6RANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Dally Except Sunday A. B. Voorhlea. Tl EsIlIY, FERRI tin ». IWM (ÌRAVTN l’Ase» DAILY (NM RIER PAGE TWO Pub. and Propr. SELMA Your State GO MILLIONS OF MILES itered at postofflc«, Grants Paas. Ore., as second claas mall matter. New York, Feb 8 t A. P i A to-| tai of 115,163 iHtHMengers flew | 3,136.550 miles lu couiuieri ial air-1 IMINMIT 4NT— plane« during the last twelve months | IRK YOl l SIN« IX OREGON MAUK BROOM? »itbout the loss of a single Ute. tile Manufacturers Aircraft .Association WK SEI.I. Til MM DAILY COURIER announced here today. These fig-1 By mail or carrier, per year---- 36.00 By mall or carrier, per month.. .30 uraa are based on the performance of I 425 planes, and it Is believed that' the number of passengers and the. mileage would be doubled If the fig-; urea of the 1.000 commercial air MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS planes operating in this country were The Associated Press is exclusively obtainable. entitled to the use for lepublicatlon "In the absence of any federal of all news dispatches credited to It •r all otherwise credited in this RIIMNG IX AMERICAN U TOS spring and early summer months as system of registration, air laws and: paper and also the local news pub- Exports of passenger automobiles the aster is needed to wash the nug government methods for tabulating Mahed herein. the ownership and performance of from the United States for the year gets out of the sands The farmer All rights of republication of •pa- •Ul dispatches herein are also re 1920 far surpass all records, says the who Is without irrigation Is also pat- aircraft. It has been found difficult | to trace the total number." the naso- National Bank of Commerce in New Ung himself on the back, for his elation stated. "The totals are based TUESDAY. FERRI ARY !*, 11121 York, in the January number of Its chance of a crop is better than it on questionnaires distributed by the association, but due to the Itinerant, magazine, Commerce Monthly. In the might otherwise be. nature of much of the flying. It has; I first ten months 112,376 were sent OREGON WRATHER e been difficult to trace and record ♦ I abroad as compared with 67,145 In more than half of these. This one- j Tonight and Wednesday, rain, ♦ 1919. the highest previous year, and; half, by 8? com pan lee or individuals eeeeeeeeeee •■♦♦♦♦ ♦ i 28.306 in the fiscal year ending I are permanently located in all parts of the United States June 30. 1914. the htgheet pre-war OWN-YOU IUIH N HOME CAM "Much of the mileage *u made year on short flights of 10 to 15 miles, for! PAIGN “Shipments to ail parts of the which an aierase tee of 113.50 was’ A building, loan and savings asso world showed remarkable gains, the London. Feb. 8.—(A. P.)—Ex charged An increasing demand for ciation properly organized and di-(' numbers sent to the United Kingdom cuses offered by women who for the aerial transportation between the rec ted can go a long way in making and British India being especially first time have just been called to cities has been noted, the average sit as jurors in Old Bailey, the of Grants Pass an ideal home city.1 noteworthy," It is pointed out. world s famous criminal court, excit charge for thia service being 65' It not only promotes the desire for "These sales have not only benefited ed a good deal of laughter in that cents a mile. On practically all In-‘ ter-clty flights baggage or freight home owning, but it puts many a cit American industry but the wide usually sedate place. was carried, the quantity limited on izen in the way of thrift where thrift spread use of these cars will also fa Twenty-four women were summon ly by the capacity of the craft. This had not been before. The most beau cilitate the development of further ed for jury service in Criminal cases business aggregated 41.390 pounds tiful and well-ordered cities are those trade in American automobiles, ac- and mixed juries were formed with, "There were accidents and forced in at least one case, a woman serv landings, but according to the signed whose citizens are home-owners. The cessories and parts." ing as forewoman The charges in-i The largest exports were to the eluded murder, arson and man- reports from the 87 companies. In renter is never a fixed quantity. He the 3,136,550 miles flown not a has little pride in his surroundings following countries, the bank's fig slaughter. single life was lost. There were 322 I because he knows that at best his uree show: United Kingdom. 18,154 The women appeared quite as forced landings and 68 accidents ! tenure is temporary. As a horne-ownr cars; British India. 10.848; Canada. anxious as men to avoid service on There have been fatal accidents in other instances, but they occurred In I he finds an awakening Interest not 7.369; British South Africa. 5,510; the juries. “I’m too nervous," was the plea of the course of stunt or exhibition per-! only in his home surroundings, but Cuba. 5,286; New Zealand. 5,099; one. tormances or under circumstances in-! the interest broadens to a civic pride, Brazil, 4,968; Sweden. 4.887; Dutch "I'm not strong-minded enough.” .dicating that undue risk had been i a pride in better kept parks and East Indies, 3,439; Argentina. 3.372; Mid another. She was excused. taken. Others pleaded inability to leave streets, in the management of his Uruguay, 3,287; Norway. 3,000. housework, shopping, business, care city, in every thing that goes to make The placer miner is the lucky chap of babies or sought to evade service it a better place in which to live. this year. His sluice boxes are full on the ground of their own Illness or The business side of the question that of members of their families. and running over, and the hills are "I know one thing we women will to found in the fact that there are not full of snow to come down during the do,” said one jurywoman otter sit- no* enough homes in Grants Pass ting in the court for a half-hour, for the people who would like to live “We will make the lawyers wear here Every day there is inquiry for clean wigs and have better manners.” Dublin, Feb. 8.— (A. P.)—Eamon more housing facilities, and nntil Others, after their first appear de Valera's presence in Ireland can . ance In the jury-box, made sugges not be attributed to any connivan e they ara provided. Grants Pass will tions that women jurors should be of the British government, declare« not be able to grow much in the way compensated for disruption of their a leading Sinn Felner of the moder-! of population. household routine and that "light re ate group. He expressed the con-i freshments” should be served during vlctfon In an Interview that the [ Every citizen should be a support the afternoon court sessions. er of such a development feature as “peace” moves which have been Those in the courtrooms seemed widely discussed the past two months the proposed association. There will to regard the spectacle of women represent nothing but a desire of the be a place for the man who wishes to telling their true ages, in most cases government, for propaganda pur-1 invest and pay for bis stock. There without noticeable hesitation. the poses, to convince foreign opinion of will also be the place for the pur- most surprising part of the novel its good intentions and that they i procedure. One was 83 and was ex- have been thwarted by the unreason-] chaser who wishes to pay in the SPREAD WITH COUNTRY cused. monthly Installments which Is the ableness of Sinn Fein. I BITTER While, in the cases heard during plan upon which building associ a - The man Interviewed said he had or mother's good jam, what the opening day. the majority of the tions are founded. This becomes an greater treat for the boy than verdicts were "not guilty,” litigants, been In touch with the returned investment that pays good dividends a slice or two of our good both men and women, and their "president of the Irish republic” bread? It is easy to digest counsel seemed to be reluctant to since de Valera's return from Amer whether the holder wishes to procure have women sit in judgment in their ica. and excellent for his tender immediate funds through becoming "De Valera's position,” he declar cases. It was noticeable that men stomach. Our bread is light a borrower of the association or to defendants in particular sought ed. “Is t>y no means that of a dic and pure, a real treat for kids allow his stock to mature. It makes through repeated challenges, to pre tator. even that of a plenipotentiary. to eat! His Is a representative office. He for thrift for it provides a place vent their being seated as jurors Ask your Grocer f<>T Bread "Men know women can’t be hood must act in accordan e with the sen where small monthly savings may be baked by the winked and bamboozled so easily— timent of his organization. He is safely and profitably invested. And they are too likely to overlook tech not authorized to negotiate peace on GRANTS PASS BAKERY the plan will build the home while nicalities and go to essentials— any such terms as have been offered, 50.3 G Street Í you are saving. that's the reason they don't want and If he did, he would be repudiat ed. Sinn Felners maintain that Dall i us,” said one woman who had been | Elreann is the only legitimate gov challenged and excused. Women jnrors soon will be called ernment in Ireland and will only ne to decide libel actions, breach of gotiate as such. The 'permission' of promise suits, others for false Im the British premier for Dall Efreann prisonment, and'assault in the Lon to meet, with the exception of such don law courts and also will make men as the government want, is ri their first appearance as jurors in diculous. As a matter of fact. Dall Etreann has ben meeting secretly all the divorce court. They have been sitting as jurors along and Issuing orders through its SPRING GOODS ARE ARRIVING in some of the counties In England various ministries.” DAILY. STEP INTO OUR STORE It is known that, members of Dail for some months. AX'D SEE THE NEW THINGS THAT Eireann do not regard the "safe con ARE COMING IN, THE' NEW The Citadel at Halifax Is one of duct” offered by Mr. Lloyd George PRICES WILL INTEREST YOU. the strongest fortifications In the, as of any value or as adding any thing to Its existing facilities. It is world. regarded merely as an Invitation U,r I the organization to betray certain of its members—some of them having been unsuccessfully sought by Crown agents for many months. Thia fairly represents the aver If you suffer with this dread age Sinn Fein view, current among ailment, all the joy is taken those who cannot be considered ex out of living. tremists. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch.......... 15c tsMad-personal column, per Un«.... 10c Bonders. par line......... —----------5c 10 SERVE 9N JURIES SUSPICION IS VOICED BY IRISH SINN FEINERS Spring Goods - *’ "" " Rheumatism Used Ford Touring Anti- Uric MAGNETO, M15O W. S. Maxwell & Co NASH AND CHEVROLET CARS Will eliminate the poisons which canse rheumatism, gout or lumbago and restore the en tire system to normal health. For sale by SABIN’S DRUG STORE No cigarotte the same delicious flavor as Lucky Strike. Because Lucky Strike Is ths toasted cigarette. (8» xf "ZZTZ- Ellhu Yale, whose boqueeta result ed In his name being given later to Yale college, «an born in Boston, but removed to England when a child and never returned to America li NIGHTS OF PYTHIAS LODGE NO, AO Thermopylae MEETS TONIGHT The island of Cagayan in the Phil ippine group was sold by ypaln to the United States In 1900 for 1100.- 000, haring been inadvertently ex eluded from the terms of the treaty ______ of peace. AIMtlng Mem- Imre Invited IN»R SALE^Hors, Hikes ami culti* nitor». Oak bottom dining chairs, new, *3.00. KKIh., all otton, mat- in--«*, *11.25. All cotton | hm ! s for cola *M.OO. All leether traveling hag *7.75. Not selling out, hut out- selling. IlfON’K 71. 507 E St. Phone 147 *The Wardrobe Cleaners WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO FIRST CLASS WORK CLEANING------ PRESSING - REPAIRING Car of Shelled Corn *15 PER TON OFF CAR. LESS AMOt NTS DELIVERED VI *2.50 I’ER KM) LBS. GROUND OR ( RACKED IT *50 PER TON OR *2.7» PER 1OO LBS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 Cor. 3rd and G Sts. Regardless of whether we represent your make of battery or not, WK have the parts, equipment, and skill ed experience necessary to properly rebuild It. If you want your old battery restor ed to a dependable, first class condi tion at reasonable coat, bring It to this SERVICE STATION. We have a service battery io fit your car. ~ Golden Rule 5tore EQUIPPED WITH SHOCK ABSORBERS. BOSCH TIRES GOOD. WOULD MAKE A DANDY BIG. • ———■ 11 - ■ ~ » It. <1. Hammer is erecting a build Ing to houae an electric plant to light hta buildings. Fred Krauss made a business trip to Grants Paas the first of the seek K V Humpton spent Saturday ami Sunday with his daughter. Mrs G. L. Roltlnaiin at Wlldervllle. lie reported a very good revival meeting I« going on at Wlldervllle and many have been converted Mr. and Mrs. Erskine and chlldran of Ashland, are visiting In Selma this week. Roy Hudson. Robert Frost and C. S Wheeler made a business trip to Granta Pass Thursday. While H F Young and Mr Vln yard were returning to Granta Pass last Friday evening In their car the lights went out and their brakee would not hold so the car plunged Into the ditch, neither was hurt. S B. Wheeler took hie team and pulled them Into the road Elmer Cooper fixed the car and they went on to Granta Paas. E A. Humpton sold his driving horse to Noble Parker, of Deer Creek thia week. Lewis Hammer, the non of Mr. and Mrs. R I* Hammer of our town, la recovering from an attack of tonslll- tla. He expects to be out of the hos pital at San Francisco thia week The citizens of Selma were enter tained by the monorco show Every one was pleased. ADAMS ELECTRIC AND BATTERY SHOP 5(MI So. Si Oh Street Health Shown by Finger Nalls. Tlie rapidity of the growth of the nails la indicative of the health Tlie growth of the nails on the right hand I is In most people more rapid than of those on the left hand. Another curi ous point is that the rate of growth of the nail depends directly on the length of the finger. Thus the nails on Hie two middle fingers of men grow more rapidly than those on the first ind fourth fingers respectively, anil these In turn are more speedily grown than those on the little fingers. LEARN TO DRAW Ul YOUB NAMl AND ADMUBB Wt WILL MAIL YOU OyB HW1T1ATW AIT BOOKL1T AMD Tllbü WITHOUT ANY CUIT TO YOU SCHOOL ENDOS If D BY THKLABCAST NCWWAPOK MAGAZlHCt AND FAMOUS ABTUn Correspondence Instruction and Local Classes or* * *