♦ ''"(rei r >■ ANMM I ATEI» PIUCBH SERVICE A VOL. XL. No. I II». GRANTS PAHH, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, ORBOOM, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY M, IMI WHOLE NUMBER 31IM. MOONEY WITNESS Want» BtHler < < mi rol Kept Over I n* dcairable Aliena Sen» Home I'roni America ) CONFERENCE Man AA’ho Identified Preparedness Dey Murder Suspect Now Baye Testimony Was Forced New York, Feb. 8.— (A. P.)— UNANIMOUS APPROVAL IS GIVEN Waahlngton, Feb. 8. (A. F> — I INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN OUTCOME OF ELECTION BEING Frank P. Walsh, counsel for Thomas Representations have been made to TALK FEHT WITH THE AL­ HELD TODAY MAA' BE VITAL BY SEMATE COMMITTEE TO A J. Mooney, convicted of murder in the state department by the Hungar­ TO BRITISH Pilot I N<’EM RELIEF' MEASURE LI h» IS AiX EPTEB ian government through the Swedish connection with the San Francisco preparedness day bomb explosion, minister.'.concerning the manner of telegraphed San Francisco authorl- deportation of undesirable aliens 1 ties that John McDonald, now ot from the United States. Hungary al­ i Trenton, N. J., a witness against leged that deported aliens had been I Mooney, declared he had been forced given such liberty aboard vessels as I by District Attorney Fickert to false- to i>ermlt them to organize propagan­ l*mUiuinar> Meeting " «» Held I- mw X da against the governments of Eu­ NegoUatlon« Expnclml to Include Balance of Power is tonUwt Is Held iy identify Mooney at the trial as the Treasury to He Given Authority to <'on»ldn of Counter Pro­ Obtain Funds to .Aid Producers Evening With Home Building by a Third Party Representing ■ man seen with the suitcase. He said rope which ha’d produced "certain posal» of Huns Phut llirueol of Nation Iatboritew | the case was a frame-up. undesirable results" in Hungary. The state department was asked to have deported aliens segregated aboard Berlin. Feb. 8.—(A. P.) — The London, Feb. 8.—(A. P.)—No less) To promote the bome-owning spir­ vessels. Washington, Feb. 8.—(A. P.) — German go\eminent has accepted an vital an issue than the secession of, it, and to make possible the owning Unanimous approval was given by Invitation to participate In the allied the South African provinces from of homes by our thrifty citizens, are the senate agriculture committee to conference on reparations in latndon the British Empire arises in the elec­ the alius of a group of local buafuess the measure by Senators Glass and March 1st, it was announced here tion today of a new legislative as­ men Who gathered in the parlors of Swanson, of Virginia, authorizing the today. It was stated that it assumed sembly in the Union of South Africa. treasury to purchase a hundred mil­ the First National bunk last night the negotiation* will luclude a dis­ General Smutz, former Boer general, lion dollars of farm loan bonds so ai and put into motion machtuery tor cussion of German counter proposals. now premier, beads the loyalists. San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 8.— (A. to make available funds tor loans to the organization of a building, loan Opposite to him is General Hertzog,' P.)—'Nineteen twenty was one of the farmers. and savings association. also former Boer military leader.! poorest, if not the poorest, on re- Discussion brought out the unani­ CORNWALL TIN MINERS The result is said to hinge on the cord in California, according to R. ARMY APPROPRIATION mity of thought upon the subject, it laindon. Feb 8.—(A. P.)—An at­ tONTKIBI TE OPERATION IOHT success of a third or balance of power | S. Hunter. assistant executive officer i being the unanimous expression that tempt la being made to establish a BILL P ASSES HOUSE party, that of labor. English ob-| of the California Fish and Game there was need for the assoclutlou, i system of barter, or exchange of Redruch, Cornwall, Eng., Feb. 8.— | servers expect a small majority for and following this determination, a goods, between British and Danish Commission. Humboldt county alone, (A. P. 1— Workers at the Tincraft ; General Smutz. committee was named to arrange the business concerns, so as to eliminate where the hunting on Humboldt bay; Washington, Feb. 8.—(A. P.)— mines have offered to contribute! form of bylaws, und to outline the the difficulties arising from the un­ was better than usual, was a normal The army appropriation bill carrying £200 a month to keep the tin mines; The Hogue Mail Route— I $329,000,000 and providing for only plan under which the association certainties of exchange rates. locality, he said. there in operation. This action hasj The bondsmen of the former mail; should operate Tills committee Is At the Invitation of the Danish Dry weather early In the season | 150,000 men in 1922, has been pass­ comiimwil of Messrs Swope, Hackett minister of commerce, a party of I teen taken (because the Industry Is , carrier on the lower Rogue river , and too much water later, which t ed by the house and sent to the sen­ suffering from depression consequent route are now hauling the mail from ; and Allyn, and it« report la to be pre­ British business men headed by Sir made a lot of "loafing water" for | ate on the tall in the price of tin. The! Merlin to Gold Beach, part of the' sented at a meeting to be held In the Charles Sykes, a member of parlia­ the ducks to use undisturbed, were, bank parlors next Monday evening, ment. has. gone to Copenhagen to in­ workers in a resolution sent to the I distance being by truck, part by pack among the causes, Hunter said. A JAPANESE IM HAWAII directors. express gratitude for! train and the rest by boat. J. J. SHOUJ) KEEP OWN SPHERE to which all who are Interested are augurate the proposed barter. mild winter in the north, which did' /southw“art mTI Str Charles, who is a prominent keeping the mines going and prom-1 Weersfng formerly had the contract. Invited to come and assist In the by him I figure In the Yorkshire woolen trade Ise to do their utmost to increase, but surrendered It about six weeks tJon „ u3ual wag Hilo. T. H.. Feb. 8—(A. P.)—That organization The preliminary discussion Is tn nud was wool controller during the production. Japanese who live in Hawaii should i as another reason. favor of provision for two class. « of war. ha« advocated the bartering The year also was bad tor salmon confine their activities to their own stock, on* a paid-up ato k to earn a sy«teni a< the beat possible solution and striped bass In the rivers, ac-‘ spheres ami rot seek — t».. hinder guaranteed rat« of Inter«-t. the other of the present Industrial troubles in cording to E. Downing of the com-| American interests was the declara- an Installment stock to share tn the this country mercial fisheries department of the tion made at a meeting of Japanese profits of the association, and If the commission. The cause was un- here by C. Yada, consul-general of plans mature, money should he avail­ Japan with headquarters at Hono­ known, he said. able to assist In purchase and In the lulu. Addressing the meeting in building of many new homes In which the majority of his hearers SENATE COMMITTEE WOULD Grants Pass during the next summer were Japanese language school teach­ SEE end a pleasant evening, will be state will receive about $100,000 in given. 6 o'clock. New York. Feb. S— ( A P.) Robt. taxes from various estates as a result Henry M. Parks, director of the Those desiring to reserve their! P Brlndell, president of the Rufld- of a supreme oeurt decision today Oregon state bureau of mines and seats at the dinner tables should get lngs Trade« Council, was convicted of that the estate of John Clarke, of geology, will present to the meeting in touch with tbe secretary of the' extortion from builders and sentenc­ Portland, was entitled to only an an invitation from the third annual Chamber of Commerce, or with O. S.I ed to from five to 10 years in prison. exemption of $10,000. The lower Philadelphia. Pa., Feb. 8.—(A. P.) international mining convention to Blanchard, who will be chairman of court allowed $61,000 exemption. — King Albert of Belgium, has rORTUVXII MARKETS Sacramento. Cal.. Feb. 8.—(A. PA send a Josephine county mining ex­ the ewening. A large and representa­ awarded to John S. MacDonald, din­ — The state of California may search hibit and ore display to this irnport- tive attendance is desired. ing car inspector of the Pennsylvania TWO DIE IN GUN FIGHT Portland. Feb 8—(A. P l—Cat­ IN SALT LAKE HOTEL in far distant lands for bugs that tle. lower, choice steers $7.50 to railroad at New York, the silver . ............. Salt Lake City, Feb. 8.—(A. P.)— $8.25; hogs, slow; sheep and butter will make a successful war on insect medal of the Order of Leopold II in recognition*o/the'sZrvi?es‘ rendered..................... Hamb^ */ot daad at steady; eggs Jc lower, buying price, mmnilea of horticultural and agricul­ case count 28c to 30c, selling price tural crops. to the royal party during the tour of! a hotel here by Tom Burns, who was Senator F. A. Arbuckle, of Fill­ the United States made by the king; shot by Chief of Police Burbridge unchanged. during a raid on Burns’ room. more. has a bill i>endlng that would last year. appropriate $10.000 to be spent Mr. MacDonald was in charge of' Burns died within an hour. through the department of agricul-! the dining car arrangements and ac­ ture In sending an expert entomolo­ companied the party on Its tour. He gist to "South Africa, southern had charge of similar trips for many; rope or such countries as may notable persons including Prince I deemed necessary to collect and Henry of Prussia, President McKin­ port Into this state parasitic ley and the Prince of Wales. predaceous Insects for use in the Paris. Feb. 8,— (A. P.)—Judges trol of black scale, red scale" of many of the French courts Includ-, other insects. Klamath Falls, Ore., Feb. 8.—(A. Ing some of the higher tribunals are! P.)—Recent queer occurrences re­ hinting that they would like to have ported in the lava bed region tn the their pay raised at least to the ! northern part of Modoc county, Cal- equivalent of telegraph operators, I ifornia, have caused some Inhabi­ warehouse watchmen and junior tants to fear that some long dormant army officers. Their friends point volcano is about to break forth. The out that the salaries of many of the The girls’ basketball team went to family of W. P. Heryford. it is re­ magistrates are less than those of Medford Friday afternoon and play­ ported, was awakened recently be­ even ordinarily skilled workmen. ed there Friday evening. After the fore midnight by queer rumbling Sacramento, Cal.. Feb 8.— (A. P.) The newspapers have taken up the girls’ game the boys of the Hill Mili­ noises. On rising and looking out, Equal rights for women ought to campaign In their behalf and are tary academy of Portland played the they said they saw flames in the hills urging that they be granted allow­ carry equal obligations, In the opin­ Medford boys, and in both games the across the lake from their dwelling. ion of Assemblyman Parkinson of ances to enable them to live at least score was very satisfactory to Med­ The flames at intervals shot high in­ decently. Some of the judges have Stockton. Ho has introduced a bill ford. In the first game the score was to the air, the increase in volume be­ told publicly that their colleagues In the California legislature that ing accompanied by the rumbling 33-9. and In the boys game. 16-9. without private Income have to sell would make separate property of a The girls were entertained after sounds. their personal property accumulated wife liable for the payment of debts the game by the Medford team and I Other persons have reported stm- In bettor days or do clerical work at con’rnnted by the husband or wife arrived home at a late hour. ' liar sights and occurrences, but for the necessaries of life furnish ­ home to eke out a living. The floor at Medford was very’ owing to the remoteness of the dis­ French Judges are paid from 500 ed to them or either of them while large and as local girls are used to trict. authentic information Is dif­ franca a month inow equivalent to they were living together. An excellent view of thek’lty hall nt Columbus. Ohio, 12 hours after it playing on the small floor in the ficult to obtain. The lava fields are Heretofore, the separate property' about $35) up to 833 francs (now equivalent to about $58) for the pre­ of the wife has been exempt front had been destroyed by Are of unknown origin. A mere shell of the mngnlflcent Junior high building they were ser­ north of Mount Lassen and north­ structure remains. east of Mount Shasta. iously handicapped by this. siding judge of the higher tribunals rlafms^if that class. COMMITTEE EORMULAÎIHG PLAN IO K HELD IN LONDON MARCH I GEN. SMOTE LEADS LQÏALISTS KING ALBERT WELL FED Columbus City Hall Is Burned THE LAVA BEAR MAY *