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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1921)
♦ Ôiiudô JJ üöö Oaiín Courier T/ AHMOtlATED l’REHH HKRVICE GRANTS PARS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, ORHGON. MONDAY, IEIHII? WHOLE NIMBER 3IM. ■ir. ----- — I MARCONI’S FAMILY BILL RECALLED BÏ THE SENATE ROWLAND SPERLING 1 ULSTERITES CATTLE GROWERS TELL INTER STATE COMMISSION RATES AKE DETA1I/4 OF El ICIOI S GALE WEHT MM»PE OE OLYMPIC I SSI LA SHOW GREAT IXISS MORE Til AN st LE PRICES lira onaldcmtlon of Measure In I |>|x-r House Is Expected to Itoeull In Défont OVERTURES (gHTRXMEVr SAID TO BE PLAN. NING TO BRING IRISH FAC TIONS IN HARMONY Relief Must Come If tile Producers Millions of Standing Timber Wax Vp- of Cattle and Sheep Continue rootrxl and ihauls Through the In Business Region Are Blocked Reieaee of political Prisoners and .Amnesty to Irish Republicans Is Provision I Salem. Feb. 7. -I A P I The sen ate. 17 to 13, voted today to recall from the houa« the Roosevelt high way bill for reconsideration The action was over the bitter protests of Senators Hall and Norbiad. Hall de clared he had not traded his vote on any measure to get votes for the highway bill, and a cuaed Chairman Booth? In all fairness I think you of lobbying against It Norbiad also made ths charge. "Talk about lob bying," ho shouted, "who is lobby ing. Senator Hall and I or Mr Booth? I al) fairness 1 think you will say that logrolling has been on the other aide " Hall and Norbiad charged that Booth offered to devote *1,6 40,000 to highways In IJucoln county If that county would endeavor to defeat the Roosevelt highway bill Washington, Feb. 7.—(A. P.) — A reduction In freight rates was asked today of the interstate com Marconi. Guglielmo Marconi, Inveutor of wire merce commission by six of the larg less telegraphy, with her little girl est cattle men's associations of the Donna Marconi was Lady Inchlquln west. Their spokesmen told the com Itefore her marriage. Her family 1« mission that market prices ot sheep, one of the oldest und most aristocratic cattle and wool had fallen so low In Ireland. that western cattle raisers and farm- ! era are no longer able to sell products for enough to pay freight rates. Port Townsend. Wash., Feb. (A. iP.)—Further details of Rowland Sperling, chief of the Amer storm of last week on the west slip«, ican department at the foreign office. of the Olympic peninsula. Indicates London, who came to Washington aa the loss will reach 10,000,000 feet of a delegate to the international com timber uprooted. Farm houses were munications conference, is one of the wrecked, and one family ot seven Is Influential men who handles questions missing. A hundred families are des affecting the United States in Eng-, titute. The region has been isolated . land. by blocked roads. More Ford* on the — CAMPAIGN WITH AIRPLANER AGAINST THE MOSÇCITOES C. A. Winetrout has disposed of I i Dublin, Feb 7.—(A. P.i—.Rumor« are circulating here that the govern ment is making fresh overtures to ef fect a settlement with Southern Ire land. One report is that the govern ment is trying to bring Ulster lead ers in line with a scheme to persuade the south to accept partition provid ed under the home rule act. Full fiscal autonomy to both sec tions of Ireland, with offer of release of political prisoners and amnesty for Irish republicans generally, are in cluded in propositions by the govern ment, according to the report. another bunch of Fords, the follow-! Vancouver. B. C., Feb. 7.—(A. P.) ing purchases not having been pre —The extermination of the mosquito viously reported: R. E. Johnston, se FOREST FIRE LOSS WAS peat Indirectly through the use of an dan; Ix>uis Balzlnza. coupe; John Volcano Had Two Short Periods of LIGHT IN MONTANA Itwddenrr of Arch Bishop of Mexico airplane is being planned by the pro Breeding and C. F. Gentner, road-1 f Activity Sunday and Resumed Object of Attack Thought vincial government. An aerial sur sters: Al Young. Theo. Martinez, C. Opeaeuion This Morning Missoula, Mont.. Feb. 7.— (A. P.) IU>l»hevi»t Agents vey of the Eraser river delta aa the U. Luellyn. E. C. Neeley, Ed. Han —Montana forest fire losses in 1920 first step in a scheme to curb the num, O. F. Webster. J. E. Blaker, 3. Frôlerai Grand Jury' ln<li<t*— totalled 1'9,602, as compared with annual appearance of swarms of mos H. Hawkes, W. G. Shepard and Floyd The federal grand Jury sitting at Redding. Cal., Feb. 7.—(A. P.)— 91,556,822 in 1919. according to a Fick, touring cars; E. Berry, bug.! quitoes has been ordered. México City. Feb 7. — IA I».» Portland has returned an indictment After two short periods of activity report issued by the forestry service against Maloney. Casey and Hay, ot Four persona have l>een arrested and yesterday and early today, Lassen 1 headquarters here. In 1919 the fire peak agajn resumed eruption at 10 ; losses were the worst in the history this oounty. the trio being charged the pólice are aeeklng othem in con- with the Illegal manufacture and nectlon wlth the bombín* yesterday o'clock. of the state and increased vigilance sale of moonshlnr whiskey These of the residente of the arch biahop of kept the 1920 losses to a minimum. men were also charged In the local México and the plant of Juergens & ALBERTA COAL MINING I There were 908 fires reported in court« with the Infraction of the pro Company, American Jewelery manu 1920 in Montana forests. INDUSTRY IS GROWING facturen. Newspapers connect the hibition laws outrago wlth the recent arrlval of Edmonton, Alta. Feb. 7.—(A. P.) bolshevlst agenta EN»x t'onvalcwemt— < . —(A. . with a party of six men, the explorer —The total output of Alberta coal East Boothbay. Me.. Feb. 7. Geo Fox. who has been severely Pl—-Work is almost completed on I will sail from Boston for the polar mines for 1920 Is estimated at 6,500,000 tons, by John 3. Stirling, 111 for several days, is Improved suf the hull of The Bowdoin in which Dr. regions. Under favorable weather condi-1 of the dominion government bureau ficiently to be about his duties again Kalispell, Mont.. Feb. 7.—(A. P.) Donald B. MacMillan, explorer, will tions The Bowdion should reach1 of mines. This is the largest output I»eclartng the chamber of com- make his next dash into the Arctic Fury and Hecla Strait early in Sep in the history of the industry, ex mere here is dominated by men, the The launching of the tember. There the ship will be frozen ceeding the 1919 figures by 1,627,- btislnesa women of the city have regions. 588 tons. An outstanding feature Peking. Feb. 7.—(A. P.)—Loot- formed one of their own They an schooner will take place In the early in. leaving their vessel under a lone [ during the year was the marked in . ing by robbers and levies by soldiers nounce cooperation with the male spring and the vessel will be In shape guard the party, will push forward crease in shipments to both eastern add to the distress of famine-ridden chamber but will retain a distinctive to depart from this port by May 1. people of southern Chihli, says a re Dr. MacMillan is perfecting plans on a 200-mile trip on sleds drawn I and western markets. organization. port by a missionary engaged in fam- for an expedition, to begin next by dogs. Five Eskimo dog drivers I Ine relief work at Wei-hsien. near the summer, which will Include an at will accompany the MacMillan outfit Honan border. The troop« with their tempt to circumnavigate Baffin Land across the rugged, ice bound country New York. Feb 7.— (A. P.i- demands for ''contributions” of and penetrate its western coast. which abounds tn perils. Establish- ' Schools claiming to tench the art of grain, fodder and clothing are said to . 1,000 miles in length, said to be the ing of a camp TOO miles south of ' motion picture acting must in the be worse affliction than the robbers. longest stretch of unknown coast Etah in the northwestern part of I future be a bit careful and see that The latter are described as emulat line in the world. He is a frequent Greenland, is one of the main objec- they really tea'll the so-called art, ing Robin Hood in some respects in j visitor here and keeps careful watch tlves. Instead of luring embryo screen stars a recent raid at Fang Chia ying. eight over the construction ot his ship. last 12 years. Dr. Mac-i Within the and their money to so-called studios, The Bowdoin. which is being built Millan has made six trips into the Alfred Doerner passed away Sun- I ' miles from Wei-hsien, where the Granta I’ m «, .Oregon, Feb. 7.— where the money remains while the I on the sturdy lines needed In an ex land of the midnight sun. Moet fa-i day morning at the family home, I homes of the wealthy were Invaded. The hoard of directors of the would-be dramatic artists return to ploration vessel to withstand the ice mous of these was his expedition by I 1119 A street at 5:30 o'clock, after; “As the robers went from house Grants Pass Irrigation district, at a the prosaic typewriter or kitchen grind, is of the knockabout fishing which he disproved the* theory that an extended Illness. Mr. Doerner was to house, stores of grain were open This was brought out when it was i meeting held thia morning, adopted schooner type. It will be 88 feet in a Croker I^and existed in the extreme born in Watertown, Wis . July 19, ed up, chests of clothing broken open resolutions endorsing th» present Ir learned that assistant District Attor length, over all. 20 feet wide and he discovered north. lAt that time 1855. He has been a resident of and the poor were dressed and fed neys Owon W Bohan and Frederick rigation law- and the administration equipped with 45 horsepower oil nine new islands. i Grants Pass since August, 1919, al-1 beyond the style even of better days. of State Engineer Percy C*upi>er, the Sullivan bad started a sweeping in On his visits here. Dr. MacMillan though he owned farm property in Copper coins and email cash were resolution being addressed to the burning engines. Three inch oak vestigation of such schools nnd con legislators from this district, The plank material is being used for the chats freely about his plans and sev the Wilderville district for the past heaped up in the streets and barter cerns that advertised In the "help hull. eral hardly mariners have begged to, 10 years. For 35 years he was a ed at considerable discount for silver resolution read as follows: wanted" columns of newspapers for Before his departure for the far be allowed to accompany him The; bookkeeper in the Colorado Nation- dollars, for. like their distinguished Whereas, the development of ir I chorus girls, or motion picture peo rigation In the state of Oregon has north (Dr. MacMillan will make an townspeople are preparing to present ai bank at Denver and during the last prototype, the Chinese Robin Hoods ple. Tho attorneys say they intend exhibition cruise along the coast dur a flag to fly from the fore peak of years ot his service he looked for are not impelled by purely philan been forwarded through the admin to put out of business any such con ward to making a home on his Ore thropic Impulse, but are after plun istration of the present district Irri ing May and June. About July 1, the Bowdoin. cerns which mislead the girls Into gon farm. Mr. Doerner is survived der in the most transportable and gation laws, and expecting Immediate employment While frankly by his wife, four sons. Henry Alfred. convertible form. Whereas, efforts are now being and they have begun investigation of made In the state legislature to make nf Denver. Armin M., a student at aiming at the lion’s share, they sevIRtl which appear auspicious. radical changes in the law and in the Pullman. Wash.. Robert and Carl of showed sympathy for those weaker Tho “students” of those schools.! personnel of the office of tho state New York City, and one daughter. than themselves.” say tho attorneys, are usually girls engineer, therefore he it The soldiers. Instead of checkins Elsa, a student of the local high The Investigation was Instigated by Resolved, that the directors of the school. There is also a sister. Mrs. the operations of the robbers, are Frank P. Donovan, who said he was Grants Pass Irrigation District give E. G. Harris, formerly a resident of I described as having an understand a former motion picture director. He their endorsement of the irrigation Sacramento. Cal.. Feb. 7.—(A. P.) this city, now of Daytona. Fla., and ing with them and conniving at fur Raleigh, N. C„ Feb. 7.—(A. P.)—• ■aid ho personally visited one such law as it stands upon the statute On account of the low prices that —Nearly all lawyers, in the smaller a brother. Armin W., musician of! nishing them with ammunition. school and found some prospective books, and urge the Josephine repre have been paid for tobacco and cot towns, are notary publics. So are Lewiston, Ida., who spent the Christ-, “There is first a parley." says the artists acting before a real camera, sentatives in the legislture to oppose ton this season, many southern farm most insurance agents, a good many mas holidays in this city. writer, “then the soldiers make an except it wax minus n film, Tho radical changes in tho law, and be it ers have experienced great difficulty publishers, and numerous bankers. The funeral services will be held at' impetuous charge and the brigands whole proceedings, he declared, wore further in meeting their obligations. When they get elected to the legisla the residence Tuesday afternoon at retreat. The soldiers'dig. at indicat a fnree to anyone who knew anything Resolved, that the state engineer. As reflecting the plight of one ture they have to resign as notaries, 4 o'clock. The body will be taken ed places, and unearth money which about motion pictures. Three glrb Percy A. Cupper, be given unquali planter, former Governor Richard I. because the constitution of California to Portland, where a Masonic funeral; has been buried by the brigands. Into swore out affidavits saying they had fied endorsement for the wise, able Manning of South Carolina, at a forbids a man from holding two state will be held at the Portland Crema-! the holes in the ground they put am boon orally promised positions with I and successful administration of his meeting of tobacco and cotton grow offices concurrently. torlum. Armin and Robert Doerner munition and cover It up. Then the big film companies, but thus far thex office, for the personal Interest which ers here recently, read the following To end this condition. w hich works will meet their mother and sister at brigands make a counter attack and hnd not soon oven n train bound for he has shown In the developing pro letter which, ho said, was sent to a Inconvenience on many legislators, Portland Wednesday. the troops retreat, leaving the former T xmx Angeles. to recover the buried ammunition.” jects, and for tho assistance which he South Carolina fertilizer company: Assemblyman Clifton E. Brooks. Not only are the rich being reduc IHstrlct Attorney Bohan snld these has at nil times rendered, and be it PORTLAND M IRKETS "I received your letter about what Oakland, has offered an amendment ed to poverty by the demands of the schools were not licensed, and that, further I owo you. Now, be pachent. I ain't to the law relating to notaries that although their contracts did not Resolved, that those resolutions he forgot you. and soon as folks pay me would provide: Member* of the leg Portland. Feb. 7.— (A. P.)—Cat soldiery, but a large proportion of promise Jobs with motion picture spread upon the records of the I'll pay yon, but if this was Jed ge islature shall be ex-officio notaries tle. weak: hogs. 5<>c higher. $11 to the middle-class population who companies, they usually painted the Grants Pass Irrigation District, and ment day and you were no more pre public In and for the counties In 111.50; sheep weak: eggs, two cents might have been able to get through prospective student's future In glow-| copies he forwarded the senator and pared to meet your God than I am which they shall reside and for the lower, buying price 3bc to 32c, sell the winter is fast becoming wholly Ing terms In order to obtain the *25 representative from Josephine county to moet your account, then you sho' term for which they are elected as ing. candled. 33c to 3*>c, selects. 38c dependent upon public beneficience it is alleged. necessary to make a screen star. , In the state legislature. to 40c; butter, steady. are going to hell.” members of the legislature.” CHINESE TROOPS WORSE TO BE SEARS OF SCREEN