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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1921)
PAGE BIGHT CIVIC ORDINANCE IN JAPAN SHRINES BEYOND ALL PRIC All Houses Hav* Tablet Telling Name ef the Reeponnble Dweller Within the Walla United States Has Many That Ar« expreeeibly Dear to the Hearts of the People. In Japan you can learu a good many things about the resident of a house merely by looking at Ids door. Ac cording to police regulations, says a writer In Chambers' Journal the en trance to every residence must have a small wooden tablet arttxed to It. This tablet baa the name and the number of the house on it. and on another tablet la the name of the responsible house holder, who in many cases Is an in fant, a youuger brwner of a relative. Sometimes, though rarely, the names of other Inmates are placed over the door, but there is no police regulation that requires It, except In the ease of boarding houses, which have to place their boarders’ names outside for all to see. A persou fortunate enough to possess a telephone always has the number proudly displayed over his en trance. Neat it you will often see a quaint enameled or tin disk. That is the fire insurance mark. Every tire insurance company has its own s|>eclal metal plate, which it nails to the lintel when it Insures a house. There are always several small pieces of paper pasted over the door, placed there by the police. One is to certify that the periodical oshoJL or great cleaning, has taken place. An other paper tells us, perha’ps, that the sanitary conditions are satisfactory. What others stand for is known only to the police themselves; that they give secret Information about the In mates Is certain. Formerly It was the ru'e that, if there was a well upon the premises, the fact had to be proclaimed by a square board marked with the charac ter for well—ido. This was to show where people could obtain water in case of fire in the neighborhood. The regulation may still be in force in country places, but owing to water now being piped, it is no longer enforced tn the cities. HELPED PAY AMERICA'S DEBT How Mrs. Monro« Wat Instrumental In Saving the Life of Madame Lafayette. An Inte restine sidelight on history lleS tn the story of how the wife of James Monroe, fifth President, saved the life of Msdame Lafayette at the time Monroe ws^ American ambassa dor to France. Lafayette himself was tn prison in Germany, and kept In a foul dungeon. Mme. Lafayette had been seized by the Revolutionists, and was confined tn the prison of La Force, and a date had been set for her execu tion. The Monroes were very much alive to the great debt America owed the young aristocrat, and Mrs. Monroe determined to do what she could. She ordered the state coach of the embassy, with its flaring coat of arms, to deliver her to the doors of the prison of La Force, and once there, calmly requested an Interview with the unfortunate prisoner. An Interview with a person sentenced to the knife was unites rd of. but the dawning power of the United States wag such that the officials dared not refuse the request of the ambassador's wife. A few words were exchanged between the women, and Mrs. Monroe drove away. The next morning she was liberated, the French Revolutionists fearing to execute her. and desiring thus to secure the friendly attention of the new nation. It was a daring thing to do, for the results might have been disastrous and all sorts of In ternational complications might have arisen. "r MEW TODAY INSURANCE—Fire, automobil«, Ufa. a.'cident and health T. M. Stott. 308 North Stith St «itf 1918 MAXWELL repainted. over This old Plymouth church belongs hauled and 1n good condition, to the noble dead, to the living only «550 William» Garage A Cyclery. as trustees, but by way of pr«MHU' 94 neuce It belongs to the gen enitiolir )X*R SAI Ji OR TRADE »3000 ClvIllaatbM' that are as yet unborn. equity in Seattle residence. mo Journeys forward partly on books. dern. Want at least two acres partly u|u»n the memorial day» of great men. who are builder» of the state with house and good water. Write upon organized laws and finally upon full tntorniatlou Mrs. Claude historic buildings. Davi». Route 3. Box 107, Grants No one can fully value the Influems Pas* of the Temple tn Jerusalem uimn the Hebrew state. In like manner the CAR OF COAL Just received—Wil Partheuon was like an Invisible teach liams Wood A Coal Co. Order be- er. whose strong hands shaped the fore It la too late. 95 plastic soul of the Greek race, There Great FURNISHED are half n dozen buildings light housekeeping Britain. Including Weetmlnater aht>ey rooms, upstairs or down. 823 J and St. Paul's, and to take those street. 94 buildings out of England’s life would be like taking the Intellect out of THE CHEAPEST WAY to clear laud man’s body- (S to hlr« men that know how. Let The people of the United States have us show you what we hav« dons but a brief history, only three cen and prove to you what we can do. turies. but they have Independence Write or call «01 North Eighth hall. Mount Vernon, that shaft at Get street. Grants Pass. tysburg. Faneull hall. Old South church. Lincoln's house and shrine at E. U GALBRAITH—Real Hecate. In Springfield, and old Plymouth church, aurane«. and plate glaaa liability priceless shrines for the American peo «09 V» G »tr»«t. phon« 18. «Otf pie.—Newell Dwight Hillis. JUST St>I»D FOUR G<X)D HOMES —Buy your» now. 1 Beautiful coun- Mexicans Ar» Great Walker». try home. «50,000. Choice city There is a saying In Europe that the Spaniards are the champion walk home. «8500. Bungalow and acre- ers of the world, and certainly their age. «7500. Bunlagow, large lot. descendants tn America, the Mexicans, Bungalow, large «6500. are the champions of the new world. «3500. Elegant cottage Three nights every week there I» a Large house. grounds, «4.000. concierto in the main downtown plaza close in. «3800. Large house, cloee In Monterey and nearly all the Amer Large house close in in. »«850. icans in town, including many big. »2800. l-arge house and grounds husky transients on the way to or from Tamílico, sit on the park benches Also other properties to «2600. and watch in wonder while the Mexi •uit buyers A. N. Parsons. cana walk. All the young people in town, it ap JO8. MOSS AGENCY—Fire anee, plate glass liability pears, walk around and around and around that plaza, the boys In one aace. 394 H Sixth street direction and the girls In the opposite Hl'B CAP for Paige automobile lost direction, while their parents and between the Roos place ana 3. P. chaperons and a few aged people depot. Pinder please leave at the share the benches with the husky Americans. Courier office. Otto Henricson. 95 Dreaming ef Fortune». To recover a fortune which has been lost denotes success to the dreamer. To fall heir to a fortune foretells a pleasant surprise. Edinburg is one of the moet an cient cities in the British Isle«. (Continued from Page One) munists are growing in influence and there is every reason to believe that in the near future the whole mari time province will also be completely bolshvised. Should the Chita govern ment attempt to bolsherise the re gions where the Japanese troops are stationed, the probable consequence will be a repetition of the commo tion caused in the vicinity of Vladi vostok some time ago when compul sory disarmament of the bolsheviks ! was carried out by the Japanesei troops. ’’So long, however, as the R uí - sians refrain from any attempt to upset the position now held by the Japanese troops at Vladivostok and the vicinity Japan will stand aloof from Russian Internal events for she believes that the reconstruction of Peter Faraday, the great English Russia will be realized with less dif scientist, started as a bookbinder’s ficulty by leaving Russian affairs to Russians ” apprentice. TRAVELING CLINIC ON WHEELS ¿7 DAILY MATINEE 2 P. M. PRISCILLA DEAN RIVOLI Begins Tomorrow! OUTSIDE IME LAV LARGE FRONT ROOM with stove, privilege of bath and kitchen, for rent. 215 North Third. Phone 249-R. 95 FOR RENT—5-room bouse with bath and additional sleeping room. »10.50 per month. 727 North 5th street. 99 FOR SAIxE—Iron wheeled wagon. Price »35. Inquire at Gravlln’s barn. 99 WANTED TO RENT—Remington. L. C. 3t»lth or Underwood typewriter. Phone 227. »5 CARNER-GA YETTY IRON WORKS General foundry and machine work; gray iron and brass caat inga. any size and quantity. Deal ers in second hand .mine and saw mill machinery, boilers, engines, pipe fittings, etc. Booth and F streets, Grants Pass. Ore. 94tf ACTION! DRAMA! SUSPENSE! IMPENETRABLE MYSTERY! LAUGHTER! TEARS! CHINESE PHILOSOPHY! ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! POR SALE—Used cars 1 Dodge. practically new. 1 Dodge, good condition. 1 Buick Six. good buy. 1 Chevrolet at a bargain. Terms to suit. See J. F. Burke at Fashion Garage. »7 ALL STAR CAST, INCLUDING LON CHANEY LEAVING TONIGHT THIS BIG DOUBLE BILL Harold Lloyd, The King Pin of Comedy and “Shipwrecked Among Cannibals MARlRIED MAN wishes position in placer or quartz mine. Experienced piper and powder man. Besf of references. Call or write. 460 B street, Ashland. Ore. When the Ships Ccme In. In Hawaii, the Pbll.ppine» and Cuba <>ne of the chief topics of Interest to the Islanders 1» the arrival and de parture of steamers, Newspaper» de vote whole pages to these boat move men tn, to lists of the passengers, interviews with notables on board and stories of the voyage by members of the officers' staffs and crews, In fact the arrival of the evening train In a mainland country town holds no more Interest for the residents than, the maritime news has for the people of Honolulu, Manila and Havana. The Cuban capital has a new object of Interest In this regard In the lately Instituted dally air serv ice between that city and Key West, The planes are of the United States navy scout type, each carrying eight passengers. Doe» as He’s Told. "Therms one thing I’ll say for him.” ’’What's that?" “He has the courage of his convic tion» once bls wife has made up mind for hlia. noth e Notice la hereby given that we. the undersigned, have acquired all the lease-hold and other interests of Colin McIntosh In what is commonly known as the Old Channel Mine In Galice Crpek (unorganized) Mining District, Josephine County, Oregon, and we will not be responsible for any bills contracted against said mine other than such as are contracted or authorized by ourselves. Dated this 4th day of February, 1921. EDGAR T. WALLACE, 8. ,A. HOLMAN. 94 Nothing better for service and recreation than a BICYCLE Every boy and girl wants one. We can show you a line of Standard Wheels and Accessories (Continued from Page One) (Continued from Page One) of the new parties Interested to sink on the ore body. Adjoining the Boswell on the west The traveling clinic on wheels which Is touring Alameda county, Cal., under the direction of the Alameda County Tuberculosis association, Is said Is the old Cohen ledge on which an to be the first of Its kind In California. The clinic goes mostly into the In audit tunnel is being run to tap the dustrial sections where the people are mo-’’y foreigners and are prone to ledge 400 feet below the upper work-, neglect to have themselves or their children examined. As a result of the-p Ings. This property was bought by gatamlnatlons, children having traces of tuberculosis arc taken out of school Mr. Stewart last winter after «Inking! and given further treatment. The clinic ha« all the apparatus for making to a depth that assured an ore body, laboratory tests. It cost 115.000 and was bought from the sale of Bed Cross and the work of driving the tunnel Christmas stamps. The nurses and doctors are supplied by each county ami has been steadily going on for the their services are free to the patients. last nine months, and It Is expected The photograph »hows nurses examining children. the vein will be tapped by March 15. an enormous asset to the State of Oregon if they can be moved and placed In the hands of the consum ers. The fact that they are lying Idle Jeopardizes this enormous indus try. The people of the State of Ore gon should give widest cooperation to the prune growers to meet the grave situation. ”1 hereby designate the week from February 14th to February 19th, in clusive, as Prune Week within this state. I call upon the good spirit of our people to Join in a movement to assist this great Industry, not only for the good of the industry itself, but for the good of th« people of the William’s Garage & Cyclery state as a whole. I urge that every I beneficial movement, This la a ser home In Oregon take advantage of! ious situation, involving the welfare the opportunity which Is presented of thousands of our »best citizens. by the prune growers to become well Prompt and hearty response from the »tockod with this nourishing and people of Oregon in the purchase of healthy fruit. I ask cooperation one of our greatest home products from hotels, grocers, restaurants, or will relieve the situation and bring from any other source which may about a quick betterment of condi give assistance, and I also bespeak tions. I am certain the appeal of the the furtherance of every proi>er and prime growers will not be In vain,”