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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1921)
MATUIIDAY, FERRI All* », lirJl. GRANTS PAMS DAILY COURIER Classified Advertising J I FOR MALE MGTG. Il *G MADE QUITE PROFITABLE III ILDIS’G <ONTRA<TOI<M HEA8ONED WOOD FOR »A14C Oak HARPER A RON—Building contrac and Inurnl, *4 75; body fir. *4; tors. Shop work, furniture crating plan and second growth fir. <3 76; Shop 510 H St Res phono 14 2. manianlta, (5. C. W. l*mbrscbt. A. J. GIIHKN General contractor. Rd. I. Iloi 11. 20tf Estimates and plans made. Noth Foil HALE Good plas ing too small or too large. Shop tered house. About 3 acres good 211 Sixth St Phone 3754». 92tf land, stnal) bearing ( ar orchard. Nl Ilsl.lD s|is b Pro|>orty first place on left south • fruit, of river bridge. It. u. Cannon, Rd. NUIISEIIY Highest grade 4. Box 2, Grants I'aaa, Ore. 9« shade, nut trees- also berries and ornamental In variety. Albany FOR HALF rlialud alfalfa hay. Nurseries (Branch) 960 North River Hanks Farms 80lf Seventh street. Grants Pass. 71tf Foil SALE -Shadeland Eclipse seed NURSERY stock of all kinds Orna oats, rec lea nod. 3c per pound. W. mental, shade and fruit trees Geo. B. Parker. 7otf L. Hayes. Murphy, or C. N. Culy, cooperative shipping manager, M v GOON ~ ’ AMD EVER BEA RJ NG Granta Paas. H.if strawberry plants. Good varie ties dor sale Phone «Ol-F-38. T. CHOICE HALED ALFALFA bar. *2« T Roas. Grants Pass, Ore. 104 delivered any place In Granta Pau. *23 at ranch five miles below ill \l. I -i 111 town. Phone 606-F-12. C. II. Kts- mann. 87tf E T McKlNHTRY, 603 <4 St., phone 36541. real estate. Beet of soils for TEAM AND HARNESS FOIt HALE fruit, hay or general farming cheap River Hanks Farms *7tf »ampimg m« Farmers ROY HIOGINB—General real estate FOR SALE Seven room modern Office 111 South Sixth. Phone 69. Hfie Is n new dodge planned and followed out by some brainy motorist house with sleeping porch and lot SICE BAIAJNGER A liil.L for farm, i blessed with the usual amount of vision, but with more sound sense and leas 100x100 Call at 715 North 2nd city and business property. 10 and pride than the average owner of a pleasure car. street. 98 Motoring can be made pleasurable and profitable. Spin along any of the 11 Flanagan Bldg. Phone 264. Mate roads leading to the city, and if you're not going too fast you will no Foil SALE I'm» range with trash DRAYA41E AND TRANSFER tice here and there, outside certain farmhouses roughly constructed stands burner Ford automobile. Hoth on which are displayed samples of the varieties of garden truck and produce In good condition Phone 3 4 2-J THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. raised in the Immediate neighborhood. Stop your car and walk over to the before 9 a tn. 9 4 Bunch Tranefer Co. Office phone array of stock and friend farmer will step forward and talk business. Many farmers have snapped up the Idea and Its possibilities. From 349; residence phone 315-J. SPUING OATH for sale *66 a ton. producer to consumer, with both parties sharing the profits which would f. o b Iceland. T J Mackin. In F. G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer. i otherwise go to the handler, marketman. middleman and tbuswlae down the land. Ore. 101 Safes. pianos and furniture ' line. Mrs. Smith. Jones or Brown, can lay In a week's supply of greenstuff* moved, packed, shipped and stored FOR SALE OR TRADE for alfalfa > by making a ten-minute stop while on a pleusure jaunt You can sample all Office phone 124-Y. ranch. stoc4c of general merchan you want and no charge. The truck is fresh and reasonably cheap, and charg dise 23 miles enst of Eugene, near ing of packing, transportation, loading and unloading, ad infinitum, are all PIANO l'.STI(l <T1ON profit in your pocket. H K logging camps Invoice Jan uary 20th. *3949.00. 10". off for MRS. JAMES M POWERS, instruc tor on piano; studio over Barnow' cash, G. W. .Millican. Leaburff, Ora. 9 7 jewelry. Phone 265-J. HEART C^N FEEL NO PAIN CAT SCORED USUAL VICTUHT — —« FOR SALE- Small 3-room house. 2 But Vital Organ Bend« Out Its Me* Japanese Legend Merely Another DENTISTS lota 50x100, on 1. street. Price sags of Warning When Physical Feather In the Cap of th* Ever- *500 cash Inquire at 101 Bur E. C. MACY. D M. D. Danger Threatens. Flrst-cla Conquering Feline. gees street. 95 dentistry 109H 8 6tb St The heart has no nerves of sensa There Is an enchanting story told by FOR SALE Maxwell wheel. *-1.50; tion. Stanley M. Rinehart, M. D„ the Lady Sei Shonagon. a beauty of VETERINARY BURGEON Weed chains, 30x3 14, *3; horse writes In the Saturday Evening Boat. Japan of nine centuries past, of the weighing about 900 lba., *35: Hol DR. R J. BE8TUL. Veterinarian. If the surgeon could get to It without emperor's favorite cat — herself a stein cow, giving 4 gallons of milk Residence 63NS Washington boule cutting through the sensory nerves on siMtlled beauty. She had received a the surfa<-e of the body he could op cap of honor nnd had been raised tn dally. *60. Otto llenrlcaqn Phone vard. phone 396-R. erate upon the heart Itself without the third rank of nobility, with tne • 02JF-21. Rd. 2. Box 24 9 1 causing pain. And yet pain Is some title of Wlyobu-no Ototo, or “Cti'ef of PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON times a symptom of heart disease, but tin- Female Attendants." and was a Foil SAIX Oak dining table and cut of many graces. Unfortunately, rocker, ivot'y bed room set, gas L O CLEMENT. M. D. Practice It Is produced In a roundabout way If the heart cannot feel, bow can on a day of disobedience, her lady-'n- limited to diseases of eye, ear,nose plate and oven. Phone 313-R. 94 and throat. Phone 62; Ree. 239-J. there be pain in heart disease? v oiling summoned the emperor's dog Branches of the heart nerves go to Okinnmiirn. to startle her Into good he- FOR HALE Bookcase, couch, two oak rocking chairs, hall tree, 3 LOUGHRIDGE. M. D. Physician certain subcenterg In the spinal cord, lavlor. He barked obediently, and i nod there tbejr connect with the super setee, seven pairs of lace curtains. and surgeon. City or country calls ficial nerves of sensation. Continued 1!.. «-nt dashed madly behind the » -eon. v. here Ills majesty sat at break Mrs J. Wolke, 70« N. 5th 94 attended day or night. Phones, Irritation of the heart nerves Is thus fast. and sought refuge tn his arms. Res 369; Office. 182; 6th and H. communicated to the surface nerves The emperor, much shocked, sent for FOR SALE -Good Jersey cow, fresh and there Is reflex or referred pein, last of March. Testa 5 per cent. E J BILLICK, M. D. Physician, sur not In the heart, but In the chest wall the lord high chamberlain, and pro nounced sentence on poor Okfnnmarn. Alao Jersey heifer, eligible to reg geon, Schallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; over which the sensory nerves are dis A thrashing and exile! The Lady Sei ister. Bargain for some one. H. ree. 1004 Lawnridge, phone 54-L. tributed. describes him as hitherto a happy deg J. Wible. 726 W. Bridge. 9 4 True heart pain Is always due to ex and much esteemed. But a short time W. F. RUTHERFORD—Manual the- haustion of the heart muscle and may before he had been cnrrled In a proces- WANTED raputics. Office over Barnes' jew be recognised by the presence of other «•on in a willow litter, with peach sc mptoma. It Is made worse by blossoms and hollyhocks on his head! elry. Hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. WANTED- Hog raiser to take swill slightest exertion; by anything lie was now an outcast on dog Island, from Josephine hotel. 89lf RALPH W STEARNS. M. D.. Xrav I the that Increases the rapidity of the “nnd none so poor to do him rever- equipment. Phones Office. 21-J; heart's contractions. And nearly al- viwe.“ lie may possibly have found WANTED Hauling for ton truck. O 1 ways the respirations are labored nnd Ilf ens'er without the hollyhocks, but Residence. 21-L. C. Taggart. 219 West G St. 15 1 deep, expressing the desire of the slug Il 1« lnt< • *'ng to «ee that the eternal gish blood strenne for more air. But rat Is v'etorlons ns ever. The dog Is ATTORN I D W ANTED To RENT—House or min- the pain is In the chest wall, never In vntwinfs! el; the In Iy-ln-wnltlng ruined. galow of 5 or 6 rooms, unurnlshed. ii'<! the < at Iles in the emperor's lap Attorney-at-law. | the heart. North side of town preferred Ad H. D. NORTON a! d purrs. So was It always; so will More significant than pain Is a feel Practices In all State and Federal dress R. W. care Courier office. 96 Courts First National Bank Bidg. ing <>f contraction, of tightness In the It eve- I»-, writes L. Adams Beck in chest behind ghe breastbone, which Am .'!:r::ir'i.e. W ANTE I >- -Several small pigs or I------------------------- low due to farrow soon. H. J. G. , W. COLVIG. At'.orney-al-law. may be- experienced by those of middle age. It la especially noticeable after a ' Isn't t'-e Law Wonderfull Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Wible. 725 W. Bridge. 94 full meal, after smoking or during ex A PC :»•» paper tells of a woman POULTRY E. S. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practices ertion. This la another of nature's ! living at Mons who is denied s mar in all courts. First National Bank quiet warnings. It usually accom- i riage license because she does not Foil SAl.l- B*ff Queen Incuba pnnles high blood pressure, with or ( know her name, age or birthplace and tor In good condition. Phone — Building - r ■ —————————■ without hardening of the arteries. The therefore “has no legal existence.” 379-J. 35 O. 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. more often the sensation recurs and The case Is nnalagous to that of a Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. the more easily it Is Induced, the more man named Mahony who was hanged FOR RALE- -Mammoth Bronx* tur attention It demands. some years ago. When the prison keys. 6 hens and 1 tom Mrs. C. C. A. .’’DLER. Attorney-at-law Ms- physician pronounced him dead, the N. King. Rd. 1, Grants Pass, Ore. sonic I'rnule. Grants Pass. Ore. Ecuador at the time of the Spanish hotly was cut down and delivered to 97 GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law conquest was a part of the great em the relatives. Life was not extinct, however, ant! a few hours later the minckli A nkoi I* referee in bankruptcy, .Masonic pire of the Incaa. man was quite himself again. He wns Temple. Phone 135-J. REPAIR SHOP—■Plumbing, pipe shot by a murderer some time after TAA. work, steam fitting, boiler and JA.ME8 T. OHINNOCK Lawyer SOONER TAXI—Phon/ 262-R for ward. but the assassin could not he pump wofk and installing. 505 brought to justice because, as the First National Bank Building Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an court said. ‘‘Mahony was legally dead, South «th street. Phone 30« G. swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf and therefore could not be killed sub A. Bryan _______ Sltf A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg. sequently by anybody." Practice In all courta. < 1VII, ENGINEER SMALL SUM OF MONEY TO 1ZI.AN on good security. Real estate, V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In GEO. M. ABH FORD, C. E. Land sub Edward, the confessor, was the division, mine and Irrigation sur state and federal courta. Office close In preferred. 8C<> Interest. first British ruler who pretended to over National Drug Store. veys. 614 N. 6th St. Phone 48-R. Write 157 In care of Courier. 94 cure scrofula by touch. MICK1E, THE PRINTER'S DEHL • 'WUÖS ...... PELWEWEP SOUP- OIL STOCK i I PAID ( Hardie Power Sprayer We now have in stock at Grants Pass a complete line of Hardie power sprayers and equipment. 2*/^, 31/C and 4* 1/, h. p. outfits. HARDIE SPRAY GUNS HOSE SPRAYING MATERIAL Bluestone Lime Sulphur Liquid Powdered Dry Lime Sulphur Oil Emulsion • Orchard Ladders Telephone 61 Oregon Grewers Packing Corporation Place orders for Duplicate and Triplicate Sales Books All styles and sizes Requires about 60 days to fill orders Constantly in Stock: Books of Duplicate Remittance Blanks Garage Repair Books Trade Acceptances Legal Blanks Blank Sales Books THE COUHIER Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effect»’”4 Oct. 25, 1920 Daily and Sunday LEAVE LEAVE Grants Pass .MEDFORD GRANTS PASS Waiting Room 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. Bonbonniere 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. in. 4:30 p. m. 4.80 p. m. Phone 160 We connect with stages for Ashland and Jacksonville AUTO TOPS Replace the shabby top with a light. ew«y-to-handle weather proof one now. Smart looking, serviceable tops— I»erfect fitting and improving Che car's looks—a wide choice In ma terial« and colors. Ol’R PRICES LOWEST ALL STYLES MADE G. B. BERRY Used Car Bargains 7-Passenger Buick Model 90 Overland Two Chevrolets C. L. Hobart Co. — OIL STOeu.". NUM \ Y4EXJER. QOOaUY V a UAX dOMvO. Z VAOkXKENIMG PAGE SEVEN Q0\eK,fcCN'. \ RON A34D9ER 1 MOW XbOCU \ ( ô OV , LEFT TUE / -i