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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1921)
HATI IU»AV, FERRI All» ». IMI GHAAThi P.VWi 1>AII.Y CAM lUKIl PAGE MIX ■" ■ - • - I Willard Look for the Name “WiMard” on a battery identi fies it as the product of the pioneer in starting and lighting batteries. . It stands for the most im portant battery development— the Willard Threaded Rubber Battery. When you buy a Willard Threaded Rubb-r Battery — the only battery with Threaded Rubber Insulation—you buy freedom from old time separator troubles, because the plates of this battery are inau/a red—not merely separated. Saves trouble and expense. ■ Ask about the Willard Threaded Rubber Battery and how you can recognize it. H. S. DISBROW Willard Batteries FOR THE TABLE OR <TLI>REN'H LUNCHES our bread cannot be surpas sed. It is so light, white, dainty and delicious to > the taste. The children will think almost they’re eating cake. It's so soft and tasty. ' Try a loaf or two today for thfem. also for the table. With but ter or gravy our bread is irre sistible Ask your Grocer for Bread baked by the GRANTS PASS BAKERY 503 G Street NflTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that trie f >uaty Court of Josephine Coun- t •. G egoD, will consider bids for the delivery, on or before September 1, 1921, of 125 cords of four foot body fir wood; said wood to be delivered at the Courthouse. All bids must be filed on or before 10 a. m. on the 15th day of Febru ary, 1921. The court reserves the right to reject any or all blds, or award the contract to the beet Inter est of the county. By order of the county court of Josephine county, Oregon. F. L. COON, County Clerk. A^erican ©' NEGLECT OF DISABLED MEN WELL KNOWN TO LEGION MEN Legion’s Investigation Shows Lack of Attention to Mon Who Suffered Terrors of War. Gilbert Bettman, Chairman of the Na tional Legislative Committee of the American Legion. GIINwt Bettman, who »as recently Investigations by the American l-e appointed chairman of the national gioii reveal shocking conditions of mla- legislativa com mamigement and neglect In the gov mittee of tin» ernment's treatment <»C disabled vet American Leglou. eran*. according to reports of the l-e Is well known to (Cepy fer Thin P*partm*«t AuppUod I- gkai's rinding* made public by F. W. many Legion th» Am«rle*n ! »«ion New» ) Galbraith, Jr., national commander. member* becuuse The Legion has launched a nation-wide ho helped to draft DAVIS FACES IMPORTANT It)? fight for the cwrectiou of these condi the four-fold op tions, which Mr Galbraith ha.« ile tional plan of ad- Prominent mincie Legion Man Head» scribed a* "a blot and a disgrace or justed compensa* Committee on Hospitalisation and the name of our country.’’ tlon ami. with Vocational Training. More than 'JO.«»»» veterans are still James G. Sc rug in hospitals suffering from wounds aud ham. naw nation Gen. Abel Davis, who has been ap iudrmltle* suffered In their country's al vico command- pointed chairman of the committee on service. Many of them have been there . ,-cu.eU it Iwfore the »ays and h o s p I tallitatlon since they were brought back from V. means committee of the house of rep and vocational France on the hospital ships. Their training of the number i* increasing at the rate of 2,- reMtn tati ves. Mr. Bettman was graduated from American Legion, 500 a month, due mostly to the develop Harvard college aud the Harvard law is a front-line sol ment of tuberculosis among men who school with three degrees, and prac dier who won the wvrv gassed Statistics show that l> I » t I nguished more than 500.000 men we^e dis- ticed law In Cincinnati until a short Service Cross and charged with disability rated higher time after the outbreak of the war. Appointed as assistant to the di Croix de Guerre than 10 per ceut. Experts agree that rector of the bureau of war risk Insur when he com the peak In hospitalisation will not ance, Mr. Bettman served In that ca manded the On* come for live or ten years. Yet, gov pacity until the German offensive of Hundred and ernment hospital* at present are tilled March 21. when he was commissioned Thirty -second iu- to overflowing uud even contract ar 'captain In the military Intelligence di fantry In France. rangement« are not l>elng made rap vision of the general staff. General I’an* »as born In Chicago idly enough to care for the ever rising Mr Bettman attended the St. Louis and received his education In Chicago tide of disabled men whose condition* caucus of the American 1-eglon and schools. He attended Northweaterh demand hospitalisation. Certainly, there Is no lack of wil the Minneapolis aud Cleveland con university, and served as a member of ventions. He has served as chairman the Illinois legislature and also held lingness on the i>art of the American of the war risk committee and as a the position of recorder of deeds of. public to do all In human pourer to ahi member of the' naflonal beneficial leg Cook county, Illinois. He Is now vice those who paid the price for the vic islative committee. tory The same expert* who estimate president and trust officer of the Chi- that the peak of the problem will not cagO'Title and Trust company. General Sherman Stuff. The military can-er of General Davis come for five or h>n year* »ay In the It was a perfect French night. In dates back to 1887. when he enlisted meantime $5,000.000.000 must l>e qvent In the Illinois National Guard., He In Its solution. .The government' has other words, the rain was coming served as a private In the Spanish- not been niggardly. More than $.'•<»>.- | down steadily and the mud was at Its American war and remained In the 000,1»») already has been spent. Mis stickiest. In "squab" formation—twes. army afterwards. He attained the management Is the gist of the Legion's threes, fives and else»—a regiment of rank of major, and served for some charge Lack of vision and foresight Buffaloes was moving Into an al* time on the Mexican bonier. After and thè ever-present governmental red leged rest camp. Ttie accent wii on a short period at Camp Logan with the tape Is blamed »« re*i*mslble for the the camp. The moat forlorn of all the forlorn One Hundred and Thirty-first infan death of disabled men before aid could try. he was promoted to colonel and reach them, for the Incarceration of crew staggered against a barracks given command of the One Hundred disabled in Jails a'SI insane asylum*, doorway where he was accosted by a and Thirty-aecond Infantry, which par and the charity ward* of public hos white non-com. "Well. Sam. whaddye think of this ticipated in a number of major of pitals h here they received the same war uow? Pretty good war?" fensives In France. He has received treatment as paupers. "Boss, dis yeah war never was a In addl’lon to Its activities In advo the rank of brigadier general In the cating reform In the conduct of the good war—and dis last day practical Illinois National Guard. government bureau*, the American Le- ly done ruined It com-pletely,"—Amer g' n ! r.; ded'eated Itself to the trv- ican Legion Weekly. PEOPLE FAVOR BONUS BILLS mendou* task of "humanising' thr ————— w dreary live* of 20.000 disabled bmklle* New York, New Jersey. Washington who are patients In the hoepltalx all over the country. and South Dakota Sanction ths Every Legion post In this country DESIRED TO TAKE THE VEIL Proposition. ha.« been »«signed to the definite job The passage of soldier bonus bills In of taking care of a certain hospital Oldest Daughter of Thomas Jefferson Attracted by Quiet Life Within New York, New Jersey, Washington whore former service men are patients. Convent Walla The Women's auxiliary also will be and South Dakota by overwhelming majorities at the November elections mobilized to share In the work and Martha Jefferson, oldest daughter is unquestionable proof of the public's civic and philanthropic organizations of Thomas Jeffimson, third President recognition of veterans' claim*. I m the In the hospital town* will be enlisted. There Is also the dangerous possi of the United States, came near to be opinion advanced in an editorial which bility that the hospital patients, re ing a catholic sister. She was a stu appeared recently In the American le maining day after day wph no Inter.-») dent at the school of Ahbaye de Pan- gion Weekly. "tine-fourth of the five million men other than their physical condition, themont at the time the French Revo who served In the arnw and navy live will become bitter against ihe country lution was in progress. The daring in states which have shown their sense which once honored them and whl“h and flippant Infidelity of the French of justice by awarding compensation." apparently has east them aside. In frightened and disgusted her. and she the writer says. “Three-fourths of the several hospitals, Bolshevist agents clung to the calm and serene life of the convent with all her strength. Iler veterans of the World war live tn have distributed inflammatory liter» ¡hlrty-slx states which have not faced ture by Ingenious methods, of which mother had taught tier In the ways the issue—in most of them because an example Is the Inclosure of the of the Church of England, but the sur-' there have been no recent sessions of printed matter In bouquets of flowers rounding« at the school overreached In one case discovered by Legion In this, and «he decided tn become n state legislatures. nun. "The United States senate will soon vestigators the propaganda was en She wrote to her father asking hl« pass on the question of national com- titled: "You fought for America and I>ensation for World war veterans what did you get out of It?" And In permission to adopt the veil. N.- Facing them squarely I* the Fordney deed. it does seem that the sick vet answer ‘ame for several days, ano bill, adopted by the lower house. This eran got little out of It except a short then Jefferson appeared In persie- bill Mil meet every test of justice. It period of popularity, the consciousnes« He greeted the girl with a tender is In accord with the sentiment of the of having done his duty and a maimed smile. Interviewed the abbess, and then came out and told the girl to people of the country as attested by and diseased body. pack her things. Her school life "The 2.000.ÌM») who are their bud ■he state bonus election*. Its passage by the senate will mark the fulfillment dies.'' said the Legton's national com was ended at that moment, and the of a national obligation. The state bo mander, "and are banded together In next day. she was Introduced to nuses are the expressions of a desire the American Legion, are determined •letv and made the rnlstre«.« of her by the peoplA to give a square deal. that the hundred million shall not for father's household. She doclsrred years fterward that neither she nor her They do not lessen In any degree the get. In th!» work of giving the di» federal responsibility. which cannot be nbled man a fair deal and making him father had ever nlluded to the sub* avoided on the plea of state generos content we shall a«k the co-operation Ject by a single word from that of every loyal American. We forigli' day on. ity.” together and we will stick together.” Historic Stratford-on-Avon. NORTON IS NAMED ORGANIZER The history of Stratford-on-Avon OL’LD STEER SHY OF CAMERA may be traced trick for a period of World War Fighte- Appo'nted Organ, 1,100 years, urid as the birthplace of izer of the Vermont Department Colonel Whittlesey, Leaoer of “Lost Shakespeare Is has become a classic of the Legion. Battaion," Bricks Off From Mo renter visited annually by some fiO.ta»» tion Picture Machine. people. The Guard house, where In keeping with the policy of the Shakespenre was horn; Shottery. American Legion of electing real fight Although Colonel Whittlesey, an ac- ing men for Its of five In-“ ' T o' '11» American Legion, where he courted Anne Hathaway; Charlotte park, once the seat of Sir ficial*. Hj-nrj L. led the famous Thomas Lucy. whose displeasure Norton, fifty years “lost battalion" Shakespeare Incurred by stealing old, a tighter for through the Ar n's deer; the Shakespeare Memo four years and gonne and wii « rial theater, on the hnnks of the Avon, seven months In ne of the 51 and Shakespeare's monument, are nil the Cnmi'lian and American* who places worthy of visiting In the old American armies won the blue ro market town of Stratford-on-Avon. during the World sette of the con- The Shakespeare hotel, situated In war, has been ap grAslonal medal the center of the town and close to pointed organizer of honor, he told the Shakespeare Memorial theater, of the Vermont de Fatty" Arbuckle was erected In the Fourteenth cen partment of the hat he would tury. A few door* from Shakespeare | Legion. Mr Nor e "scared to hotel Is the Harvard House, which ton enlisted in the Canadian engi death" If placed was the early home of the Harvard neers in 1914, and served with them In before a motion picture camera. family, founders of Harvard univer France untl' 1917, when he received “You can starve a man; you can sity. a commission In the American army. wound him with bullets,” said Colonel He served with the Three Hundred Whittlesey during a recent visit to a How to Know Postry. and Seventy-second Infantry, attached Hollywood movie studio with the port to rhe One Hundred and Fifty-seventh ly comedian, "but you can't dim hl« We literates have been taught to French brigade from Its arrival In love for the movies. Juat a few hour« rend poetry, and taught also that It France March 18 1918. until be was after my boys of the Three Hundred I» highly commendable to enjoy It. In discharged In February, 1919 and Eighth Infantry had landed In a order to know what kind of poetry safe billeting area on being relieved ought to be especially enjoyed, we read There Are Fronts and Fronts. from their perilous position, the whole other books, written by critics. In or A mud-spattered doughboy slouched hunch were In a 'Y' hut watching a •ler to understand what the poetry that ought to be admired means, w* Into the Y hut where an entertain five-reel comedy." read other books by professional ment was In progress and slumped grammarians. By the time we have Into a front seat. In These Days. finished this preparatory reading. we Firm, kindly and efficient, a Y. M "Who's the boss here?" asked a are somenhat confuted. We are In C. A. man approached him saying: "Sorry, buddy, hut the entire front traveling salesman as he stopped at doubt ns to what p<*-try, actually 1«. a farm with a set of the World's Rest cud how It differs from prose, li^hls section Is reserved for officers." Literature In 12 volumes.- predicament we fall hack on the print Wearily the youth rose, “He Is." replied the man st the door er. If every line begins with a cap “All right." he drawled, “but the one I Just got back from wasn't. "-»Amerl wearily, pointing to the hired man ita^ letter, »e assume that It Is po ioatlng hard in a field, "I'm only bls etry.—Samuel McChord Crothera in can Legion Weekly. employer Arri: lean Legion Weekly. the Atlantic Monthly. I Why Not Electric Cooking? I Ì I I Electric <<<okl«g provide« tbe thoroughly practical, .. consentent, clean and snnltnry method ei evok ing. KUminnten dirt, dust. n«hr« gas and worry. (X>ok without waste. California-Oregon Power Co. Phone 147 507 E St. Hie Wardrobe Cleaners WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO FIRST CLASS WORK i CLEANING------PRESSING - REPAIRING SHERWIN WILLIAMS » Dry Lime and Sulphur 1 LB. 5 LB 10 LB. 25 LB. CANS CANS CANS CANS .1.. «à... $ .35 1.35 175 4.00 Get your spray material ready for the San Jose Scale spraying the middle of February Valley Hardware Company I ITHMlVEItN that am trim to name can eas ily bo mado from whole wheat flour which has just been ground. Graham end Whole Wheat flour deteriorate with age. Because it is really fresh you should Insist on getting flour made by the JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 • Cor. 3rd and G Sts. 1 your make _ rebuilt «■ I I llegardleaa of whether we represent your make of battery or not. AVE have the parts, equipment, and skill ed experience necessary to properly robulld It. If you want your old bnttery restor ed to a dependable, first class condi tion at reasonable oost, bring It to this SERVICE STATION... We have a service battery to fit your car. ADAMS ELECTRIC l\|, BITTKIIY SIIOI* 5O0 So. Sixth Street 4