Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1921)
MAT! IU>AV, FEIIItl AKY B, ItaJI. GRANTS PASH DAILY CXH'KIEK PAG« HV1 — 4“ ■ = One secret of success I»* he ability to know what you want and a sincere datlre to get it. If you want to accumulate wealth and are willing to try io get It, let our Bank help you. Open an account this very day. Do not delay. It pays to be sssoclated with a sound, rellsbla, dependable bank like ours If you will do your psrl, we will agree to do ours. Our interest* are mutual, We want to m >« every «wie succeed Hi art with us Stay with us. You will have no cause to regret It. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK gr'M r Mhan*^ rrnrnAi urszavr a « mis OF SOUTHERN OREGON The Victory Drag' Saw Outsaws Ten Men 9 Rogue River Hardware Company THE • ■ »... 'WINCHiSfih™* St THRIFT THE STANDARD BEARER Thrift is the standard bearer of success and everyone who wishes to prosper should uphold it. Start an account with the Grants Pass and Josephine Bank. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts Grants Pass and Josephine Bank G rants P ass .O regon LOQÆL PERSONAL One Secret of Success _ « DELK lot S CHICKEN DINNER EROM 12:00 TO 2:00 IND B:3O TO H:OO Thon. 'Martinez and daughter, of Kerby, are in town today. I Onion seta at Cramer Bros. 94 Cliff Korr, of Corvallis, Is in the city toduy. l^ave orders for rose bushes and 84 plants st Cramer Bros. i John Van Pelt, of Harbor, Oregon, I« a Granta Paas visitor. Pruning shears and, pruning saws 94 at Cramer Bros. H W. Dahlberg made a trip to ; Medford this afternoon. 94 Scratch feed at Cramer Bro«. Miss Mare« Edwards went to Med ford this afternoon for a «hort stay. Mine aulphur spray for San Joee »4 seal«« at Cramer Bros. Gay Harris, of Washington. D. C., in ths government service, is regis tered at the Oxford. 84 Garden tools at Cramer Bros. Mrs. J. L. Guinn and baby, who visited Mrs. Bohall, returned to Med- ford this afternoon. New garden seeds in bulk and 84 packages at Cramer Bros Mrs. Nora Murphy left last night for Cottage Grove for a few day« stay. You can girt cut flowers at the Bonbonniere on Saturday and Sun- day of this week. • 94 Morses Spencer sweet peas at Cra- 94 Bros. P. Dorman returned to Medford morning after spending fieveral day* here with his brother. Petaluma incubators and brood- 94 era at Cramer Bros. Merchant Printing—Courier office. Mr and Mrs. C. E. Roy. of Forest Grove, ar« in the city and will look over this section with a view to re maining. I<awn seed at Cramer Bros 94 8. M Egger and wife, of Eureka, Cal., arrived here last night and are spending the day with Mr. Egger's brother. They expect to leave north tonight. Poultry supplies at Cramer Bros. H. M. White returned this morn- 1ng from a visit with daughters at Fallon. Nev., and Oakland, Cal. Mr. White has been absent for the I>ast three months * “Can the Devil Kick the Devil Out?” Come and hear i NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Grants Pass Fruit Association will be held -Monday. February 7, at 2 o'clock p. m., In the Chamber of Commerce rooms. o. 8. EATON, •ecretary. Automatic press Courier office. feeding at the The ASPIRIN Situation DON'T BE DBCEIVBD by Aspirin advertisements be ing rim by those who seek to discredit all Aspirin Tablets except those made by them. THE FACTS lA'RE That we handle, regularly, large quantities of Aspirin I D Co. tablets that we know are PURE and GENUINE Put up in packages of 12'». 24’» and 100'a at moderate price«. ► CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS i We do U«-«ii»Ut< hing •. Dally Matinee- Rivoli Theater 2 p. m. 81 tf YOU'LL LIKE THE REALTY Visit at Ai<hland— The following party were up from brants Pass spending the night with friends: Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Best, I Mr and Mrs. Amos Myers and L. ,. C. Falkenhagen.—Ashland Tidings. • ' Cull Newtown Apple» 2Be— Per box. Oregon Growers Packing House. 94 Nest time you are in the neighborhood drop in and take a look at the new Spring and Summer suitings which we have on display. You must see these good» from our tailor» to appreciate their fine quality. Certainly you will find no other line that < omes near to it in the matter of value«. • GEO. S. CALHOUN Sixteen Years Local Dealer Attorney Page Departs— Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eaterly and their cousin, Atomey H. C. Page, of Chicago, came in from the Esterly home at Waldo Friday afternoon, and were at the Josephine today. Mr. Page, who had been visiting with the Esterlys for a few days, departed to day on his way homeward. Extra Special Any Suit or Overcoat Matinee Daily 2 p. m.— Rivoli Theater. 1-2 Price The Apostolic Faith— Will hold special evangelistic meetings beginning Wednesday, Feb ruary 9th, 7:45 p. m. At the oM Kerby dance hall, Kerby. Oregon. < Good singing, no collections, Every- body welcome. • 94 Peerless Clothing Co. Complaint» Are Hied— The Crescent City Stage company is made defendant in two suits start-, ed in the circuit court of this county. In one C. L. Hobart seeks recovery of a Judgment for $572.84 for sup plies furnished the autos used in the stage line, and in another H. P. Eg gers asked for $688.4 2 for labor per formed. The fight tans could find little] cause for plaint in the card arrang-, ed for their entertainment last night ‘ if real fight and battery are what j they are seeking. Each of the bouts1 I were filled with snap and an evident desire on the part of each of the con-! about it at the test ants to do his opponent all the bodily harm he could. The prelim inary events went the scheduled number of rounds, the lads known on the program as Young Joe Gans and Young Sharkey pleasing the audience I BORN with their game showing in the three rounds. Smith and Wooldridge STUBBLEFIELD—To Mr. and Mrs G. Stubblefield, Friday. February went four rounds without much dam COMING "VENTS 4. a daughter*. Mar. 26. Saturday—Easter Bazar by age to physiognomy, and Blackburn ladles of Bethany Presbyterian was given a decision over Jones in ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a♦♦♦♦♦ Stf their event. church. AMUSEMENTS Kid James and Puggy Hamlin. who claimed Medford and 'Ashland as ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ their home porta, were putting up a South S«*« Pictures on Rivoli Bill Unprofitable Reading. Rending a book through that bore* I give and take scrap with James the ( Interesting moving pictures of sav you Is profitless occupation. If there apparent favorite when the end came age life nd natural wonders of the Is anything In it that ought to be re nyost unexpectedly In the third round. South Sea Islands shows last times member«*«), you-*' forget it. Hamlin ;got his fist in James solar tonight at the Rivoli theater under plexus, and the referee could have the fanciful tile. “Shipwrecked tolled off his count of ten several Among Cannibals.” William Alder, Wait! In Mid-Air. Upon meeting one of Its own species, times over before the fallen gladia and Edward Laemmle were at the | the tiger swallowtail butterflies will tor was able to take much interest head of an expedition that visited | execute n kind of aerial waltz ns they In current events. I the remote countries photographed ’ Red” Campbell, of Grants Pass, for the Universal Film company, and flit above; below nnd nround each oth had no difficulty in taking the full the ^ictifres now on exhibition are er In their play on the wing. measure of Kid Meeker of Portland, part of the result of their Journey. and the scheduled eight round event The program includes principally Detrimentals. was stopped iff the fifth to save the scenes of the coast of Java, shots of Want and wealth equally harden the northerner from more gruelling pun an exciting tiger hunt tn Siam, and unman heart, a» front and Are are both ishment. It was near a knockout, and I many views of the natives of Freder alien to the human flesh. Famine and Meeker was a gory sight with a badly ; ick Henry Island, which 1s separated gluttony alike drive sway natnre from •he heart of man.—Theodore Parker battered face. Campbell having no by a narrow strait from the island trouble in putting his mitt on the end of New Guinea. There are absorbing of Meeker's nose almost at will. pictures of strange Polynesian people Hill SALE—H«»*», rake» nnd culti The final was a snappy go between called Kia Kias, at their dances, do vators. Oak bottom dining chairs, Jimmy Duffy of Portland and Johnny mestic life, and ceremoniously ar MW, fS.OO. 4<Mb-. all C«<t«m, mat- Carlson of Spokane. The first stan rayed in their outlandish dress deco- tnwnra, 211.2ft. All <»Hton |«»»<l» for zas were Carlson's, with Duffy com rated, according to their idea, wfth cote 4N.OO. All leather traveling ing back strong though wild In many sticks in their noses, paint on their i»M£ 47.7ft. Not selling out, Inst out of his swings, and the draw was pop faces, and hideous scan on their selling. PHONE 71. ular with the crowd. bodies. I mr$. Ikllfc Dta$ * Shoes for the Family MEN’S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, NEW STRIPES AND WEAVES, WITH THE NEW LONG POINT AND MILI TARY < "VILLA RS. 4 MEN’S WOOL, OLIVE DRAB HIKING BREECHBB, AND SPIRAL LEGGINS. BUCKINGHAM A HFX'HT DRESS AND WORK FOR MEN. SHOES UADI»» BLACK AND BROWN ONE STRAP I SI EDE PI MPS. Woodward’s 103 North Sixth Street lge«l Mining Man Dice— George Washington Cole, born In the state of "New York 31 years after the death of the first president of the United States whose name he bore, died at the home of E. L. Weeks, on Pickett creek, Friday. February 4th, aged 89 years, nine | months and seven days. The de ceased had resided in this vicinity! for the past 14 years, coming here , from Alaska, where he had been en- j gaged in the mining industry. The funeral services will be held at Hall's [ chapel. Sunday, at 2 o'clock, being' conducted by Rev. C. M. Cline, with ; interment in the Granite Hill ceme- ] tery. Mr. Cole left no Hhmediate relatives so far as known, though he' has distant relatives in California. 9 “ in Millinery, Suits and Dresses Fun>*ral at Missouri Hut— Rev. Henry G. Han »on went to Missouri Flat this afternoon to con duct the funeral of Merle Clute, the 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cinte, who died Thursday from pneumonia. Mi»« Wilson Honor Guewt— I A very enjoyable miscellaneous I One-half Price— Any suit or overcoat, one-half shower was given by Mrs. E A. Mur phy at the Murphy home on Wash price, at Peerless Clothing Co. 70tf ington Boulevard Friday aftertioon in honor of Miss Alva Wilson. There Valentin«* Dance— were 20 or more ladles present and w* Friday, February 11, Waldorf they spent the afternoon in sewing hall. Tickets $1.10. Good music, tf for Miss Wilson After dainty re ■—-• freshments were served a huge val Stock Certificate«»— I entine was presented to the honored The Courier merchant printing de guest. The valentine on being open-* partment Is in position to print stock ed revealed many beautiful and ap certificates for any kind of business. propriate articles. The rooms of the Several designs of certificates are Murphy home were artistically deco carried in stock and others may be rated, valentine effects prevailing. Grants Pass Dining Room Advanced Spring Styles Save Mon«*y— Buy your suit or overcoat for % price at the Feerie«* Clothing Store Miller Cords are Uniform FIV’H AS GOOD AS THE BEST Buoyant, over-sire, elastic, they have the strength and resiliency to break the force of the de ¡-weight blow of the load below the springs. W. S. Maxwell & Co NASH AND CHEVROLET CARS Oldest Portrait of Human Being — <! This Babylonian tablet, discovered recently In the University of Pennsyl vnma museum’s collection of clay tablets. Is believed to be the oldest portrait of a human being. The portrait, according to Doctor Lecrain. curator of th« Bi bylonlan section, la on what amounts to a postage stamp which alm serve« as a seal for a registered package about 2300 B. C-, or thereabouts. It is • portrait of lbl-SIn. the last king of Ur. known to Bible students as Ur of th« Chaldees. This photograph of the stamp Is much enlarged. ________ a.--------------- % ------------------------