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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1921)
GRANTS PAMI DAILY (XM KIER MATI'IIKV . I l.liltl lltv fi, IIMI1. PACK THRU I This is Studebaker Year WHY ? BECAUSE IT SATISFIES THE DEMANDS OF . THE MOST FA8TIDI0U8 Economical Beautiful — Distinctive I J. F. BURKE, Dealer \ 4 » T Studebaker Cars LIGHT HIX HEDAN, F.VTORY LIGHT HIX TOl’lUNG ............... Hl'M'lAL HIX DHRING ........ »Ki HIX TOVHING ________ — ...... SALES FOR JANUARY NOT PREVIOUSLY REPORTED A. E. Voorhies, Special Six Stude? L. B. Hall, Special Six-Stude. Luther Ruth, Light Six- Stude. Earl Knox, Buick A. J. Green, Overland MITCHELL DESCRIBES TWO GRIDIRON PLAYS f Talks of Two Formations Devel oped in the East. Harvard Saved Itself From Defeat In Oregon Game by Play Not Much •son on Wostsrn Fields—Yale Wn «low In Awsksnlng. Fred Mitchell, newly appointed manager of the Boston Braves, la a football fan. He was talking recent ly of two playa by eastern teams which might I* brought into more general use In th« West. He had talked with the Harvard coaches since the game In the West last year with Oregon, and the Crimson team. It ap peared, broke training after the Yale game and was out on the far western field In anything but good shape for such a grueling contest. The westerners rushed Harvard hard In the center of the field, but Harvard soon discovered Its forward passing game was u joke. Harvard was hacked up to Its 20-ya rd line, when It began to use defensive line forma tions. Two of the backfield men were sent Into jhe line to re-enforce It. That gaie a line of nine men. Two men playing wide stayed bnck for th«; NOTICE ! CROOKED GAMES ARE NOT POSSIBLE, SAYS YOUNG I Ona thing Ims been brought out. says old (,'y Youug, utid that la you can't make baselaill crooked. one player or half a dozen players, can throw ■ game or two or three games—and then the whole world get« wise to It, no matter bow clever the riieata may be In trying to cover up their dirty work. And Young goes on to make a remark that will strike home to every pitch er and every catcher when he «ays; "I do not think a pitcher ran throw even one game with out falling uniter the suspicion of his catcher. If a catcher la honest he will know In an In- Olng or two whether the pitcher la trying to win or not. Be sides that, the catcher will, or should, see every play made on the field and If he la any kind of a catcher he can tell mighty quick If a player Is trying to make a play or not.“ PUPILS BECOME TOO ADEPT FOR MASTERS * - going scout, your on our route, and you are broken down. G OOD here, with high class gear, the best within this town. A SSISTANCE here is where, your treated fair and never treated mean. R IGHT your pace, and rest your face, and get A RREST some gasoline. jobs we’ll make small, we handle all, G REAT from big machine jobs to small. your woes, save your clothes, we’ll do what you desire. E SCAPE And make our GARAGE a place for your car to lodge. Fashion Garage & Machine Shop PHONE 163 SERVICE OUR tyOTTO DAY OR NIGHT ” « Champion Boxers Develop Their Own ^uccçj^Qr». Everybody in the Northwest should eat OREGON PRUNES During Prune Week. This is your opportunity to buy Average Orchard Run of Oregon Italian Prunes 1920 Crop at the following \\ ’holesale Prices. Take advantage of this offer: By Freight prepaid, 100 lbs., or over, 10c per lb. By Parcel Post, prepaid, 25, 50 or 75 lbs., or over, . 11c per lb. Packed onlv in 25 anti 50 lb. boxes QUALITY GUARANTEED Orders mailed up to February 19th, will be accepted Send Remittance with order to OREGON PRUNE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 732 Morgan Building*. Portland. Oregon References: U. S. National Bank. Portland, Ore. 141(1(1 & Bush Bunkers, Salem, Ore. U. S. Na tional Bank. Salem, Ore. Smith’s Garage Jim Jeffries Entered Corbett*« Train ing Camp aa Awkward Sparring Partner—Mike Gibbons Taught O'Dowd Fine Points. OREGON PRUNE WEEK Frsd Mitchsll. formation forward passes. This Stopped Oregon and Harvard won the game, 7 to 9. Princeton one time was plnylng Yale. The 'liger end. on definì sc. I walked way out wide. He came back briskly ton aril his tackle, giving sig nals and talking numbers rapidly, In | the midst of which came the snapping i of the hall. At the snap of the ball tills end. which was well up by this | time, took a run. crossed tlie line of scrimmage nnd hit the'Yule tackle amidships and rolled up the Yale line. i This play was worked four times, in- clmllng otie forward puss, before the Yale end awakened to bump th«* sig nal giver on his Inward Journey, at the snap nt the hall. ' *j* Rome pupils become too adept for their rnastera. Take boxen, for ex- ample. Many chrfmplons developed their successora without often realiz ing It. Jim Jeffries entered Jim Corbett’s ramp as a big, lumbering, awkward sparring partner when the latter was heavywi-lgbt champion of the world. I«ess than three years later the former «parring partner dropped hla teacher for a full count when the latter tried :o regain his title, w hich he bad lost to Fitzsimmons, who In turn was beaten >y Jeffries. It was Corbett who trained '•■ffrles for his championship go with Robert. A year later, when NO FOOLING—WE HAVE THE BEST WASH RACK IN OREGON—Our shop will compare favor ably with any in the state. There is an IRON CLAD GUARANTEE ON ALL WORK WE TURN OUT. WE ARE HERE TO MAKE SATISFIED MOTORISTS Come in and let us convince you that our Service With a Smile makes the motorist’s life worth while. Smith’s Garas e THX pe lasi« ths RODGERS AT WEST VIRGINIA New Batteries for Your Old Ones If your Battery is over one year old, does not hold charges or needs repairing now is the time to get a new one in place of it, anti by doing so you are get ting one of the best Batteries on the Market. By turning in your old Battery regardless of the nilike we will give you a new PREST-O-LITE Bat tery for the billowing prices: OLDSMOBILE OR BUICK $29.75 OAKLAND, FORD OR CHEVROLET, $26.50 DODGE OR MAXWELL, $36.50 If your car is not listed above we will make you a price that will give you as big a saving as the ones quoted. Positively no Batteries sold for the above price after I’eliruary 15th, 1921. Adams’ Electric«and Battery Shop 506 South Sixth Street Prest o Lite Battery Service Station Ire E. Rodgers, fatuous mountaineer athlete, was elected to conch the West Virginia university baseball team for 1921. succeeding Kemper Shelton, Rodgers led all mountaineer teams In football, basketball and baseball, both as player nnd captain, but has never played professional baseball or foot ball. YALE BUILDS NEW BOATHOUSE Structure to Be Erected on Its Housa tonic River Course Above Derby, Connecticut. Yale will construct a new boathouse on Its Housatonic river course above Derby? Conn. It will be the Blue's home course. It Is an Ideal stretch of water and has a railroad on one side of the bank and a fine automobile road on the other, which aids spectators In following races. ANOTHER JOB FOR HINCHMAN Man Who Haa Played Second Base on Different Teams Has Signed to Manage Chambersburg. Ardencraig? Farm For Sale Complete With Stock and Equipment Harry lllnehman of Toledo, O., who for IS years has played second base on various teams of different leagues has been signed to manage the Chan bersburg team of the Blue Rid'. • league In 1921. HIGH PRICES WILL NOT RULE AT BIG CONTEST at $50,000.00 The Dempsey-Carpentier fight for a purse of $500.000 probably will be held July 4 near New York In a stadium with a seat ing capacity of 109.000. This last development In the biggest bout of all times conies with the announcement of Chalies B. Cochrane nnd Tex Rlcknrd, two of the promoters. "I am going to surprise the public thnt hns been led to ex pect prb • running up to $200.' •‘If tn.v f’nns Illckni-d ’Id, come «li. i;h the tickets will to $40—no range from more.” Rlcknrd said nn Immense stadium wll^ have to be built for nn open-air fight. ELECTRIC TOAHTKK makes* gtfldon brown toast In a minute or two., The stand on top keeps it hot br can be used to keep the coffee or tea warm. If you see It used you’ll want one sure. It will be a plengure to ti» to show you. GRANTS PASS ELECTRIC CO Next door to water office Horry H. Clapp, Electrician Phone 350*11 Ò OMAHA Mike O’Dowd. Corbett met Big Jeff, the tricks that he had taught his former pupil were used against hint. Mike Gibbons taught Mike O’Dowd much that the middleweight champion knows of the fighting game today. The two Mikes met In Minneapolis some time ago and O’Dowd defeated his old Instructor. Willie Jackson used to be a sparring partner of Johnny Dundee. Willie studied Johnny's jumping-jack style and finally got a chance against the Italian. He knocked him out In the first round, and since then Jackson has been a topnoteher in the lightweigh division. Kid McCoy knocked around for a couple of years In the camp of Tommy Ryan when the latter was middle weight champlrgt- The Kid learned all of the tricks in Ryan's bag and then met the eluimpion. He knocked hin out In 15 rounds. That’s what Abraham Lincoln said, and was right. The People always know what they want and what is best for them. And when the Farmers of the World agree through their judges at rrrry World’s Fair since 1867 that the Highest Award of Merit rightly be longs to the PARIS It puts the Official Stamp of Quality on a product that has held first rank for over 60 years. Ify.’aare not now a John Deere Plow Man, you should “trust the people” and try one the next time you buy. Isn’t it worth a little more to you to own a “Deere” than to pay your money for a plow less reliable, less durable and less satisfactory, even at a little less first cost? D. c. M c I ntyre The Implement Man Signing of Buster Caton by Dodger: Causes Much Speculation as to Infield Jobs. With Buster Caton added, there? going to be some scrambling for berth- on the Brooklyn Infield next spring Chuck Ward thinks he Is «bout right for regular employment, and Pete Kll- duff and Ivan Olson are sure of It. Then there's Jimmy Johnston. Ed Ro ney, Ra.v Schinandt and a few others, all Infielders. The Brooklyn fans and critics already are beginning to specu late on what layout Manager Robinson will select. Chicago Team Secures Services Star Pitcher for Iowa State Teachers* College. of Peter Jorgenson, star pitcher of the Iowa State Teachers’ college nine for several seasons ami captain In 1919. haa signed a contract with the Chi- rago White Sox and «¡1* Join the team when It leaves for the Southern train ing camp next spring. Jorgenson Is now located at Guttenburg, In., where be Is superintendent of schools. t BAIAVI JOHN DEERE PLOW MUST SCRAMBLE FOR BERTHS WHITE SOX SIGN JORGENSON O PARIS Can Trust the People” Famous Mountaineer Athlete Selected to Succeed Kemper Shelton as Baseball Coach. FEBRUARY VOCALION RECORDS 14133 lO-Inch 14134 10-Inch 21012 lO-Inch 32001 12-Inch 52092 12-Inch ( Beautiful Annabel Lee_____ Sung by) ( Charles Hart and Elliot Shaw ) (Broadway Rose---- Sung byJ________ ) ( Charles Hart and Elliot Shaw ) (Sweet Mamma, Your Papa’s Getting) ( Mad........... Sung by Aileen Stanley) (It’s All Over Now... > ( • ............... Sung by Aileen Stanley) (Le ygne (The Swan)............................ ) ( • Cello Solo by Maurice Dam boia ) ( Salut d'Arihour "• * ) (.' Cello Solo by Maurice Dambote) ( La Traviata—-Ah Fora’ e lui................ ) ............. Sung by Evelyn Scotney) < ( Otell o. Credo (Iago's Creed)................. ) ( .... .......... Sung by Giacomo Rlmlnl) «1.00 «1.00 «1.2S «1.75 «1.73 AEOLIAN VOCALION The Phonograph Supreme HELMER’ s “The Home of Good Furniture” PARIS