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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1921)
« GRANTW rV*H DAILY <M»l RIER The largest collection in South ern On-gou at I‘riere That SHI 1 .Atterbury. AH ton, long whcHlMU-e, late model, lumlsr rolls, guaran teed 1st class condition, quick sale 42000.00 Federal 3R ton. long wheelba.««-. uxsl one sea son, lumber roll*, every part in good order ami ready to go, for #2500.00 2 S Federal 2 ton. d.-initard wheelbase, you w*U have to see this to realise a bargain, in tip top con dition for #2000.00 » Nash-Quad 3 ton. nsed one .«cas<>n. coat AVMMi, Al con<lition. if you want power on all 4, its here for ....... #2500 00 s Federal 3‘» ton. with 5 t»m I-ee trailer and log gte» bunks «4000.00 A G. M. C. 3H ton. with dump body. u«ed 3000 miles. coat #4500.00 without body, fine con «3000.00 dition. a «nap ton. solid tires, stake rack body. newly painted, used one season. 1920 model 91H5O 7 Huffman. 2 Maxwell 1H ton. «olid tires, stake rack body, newly painted. ased one wasm, 1020 model BISSO » Holt Caterpillar »5 trac tor. latest model, used only enough to ensure Its perfection, better busy #4000 than new. !O _ Two • with Aires new, price Reliance trailers, logging bunks, and «pringa, like used very little. each ........... #»00.00 11 Ford Rug. __ thoroughly overhauled and newly painted. guaranteed, thi* will not be «hewn more than once at #225.00 12 Other truck«, car«, trail ers. tractors, some tike new, all hare attractive Trices. You loose if you don't look them over be fore buying. IS Dorr Touring car, now paint, engine thorough ly overhauled, ail • new tires, this car is a good bny for .......... #000-00 Hirer wishing to advertise and •ell through u* must place Ve hicle in our Storage—None w^ll be offered for sale that are not in Fir«t Claas mechanical con dition. prices must be attrac tive for quick «ale MEDFORD. OREGON Tractor*. Trucks and Farm Machinery Designing for Miladi in— Decorative Arts for Clothes Original Fash.on Creations, Frocks. Cloaks. Blouses, Em broidery. Beading, etc., made from measurements sent me. with satisfaction. Any infor- mation will be sent you by en closing a stamped, self ad- dressed envelope and twenty- five cents In stamps. Ask me what you should wear tor the coming season. In Mr». F G Roper came home from. Medford Saturday afternoon wherej »he had been taking care of her »1»- [ ter. Mr». Rosa, who wa» tn the ho»- pital. but was well enough to be tak-| en to her father's home on Tueeday.j B L. Tompktu», of Seluia. applied for a permit to appropriate .25 sec Ament attended Red Lettsr Mr». ond toot of water front spriugs uear day at the Indies Auxiliary last Mon- Deer creek In the Illinois rivsr «»■ day tershed for Irrigating 20 acres, main The Brietmayer children are quits ditch to cost *200. sick with colds The two youngest Harley Keyte, of Gallce, asks for a requiring the doctor'» attention. i-eruilt to divert .25 second foot of A. S. Coutant wa» again Installed I water from Taylor creek aud Cooksiu as master of the grange at the Jan A gulch tor irrigating 30 acres uary meet tug pumping plaut aud pipe line will Mr. Ross, auditor for the irriga carry water from the creek. A con-1 tion company, was a supper and even Crete dam in the gulch aud ditches ing guest at the Hamilton home one will be used to complete the diver evening last week. sion. Total cost is estimated at Mr Dobbie and his daughter, his *500. two sons and their families and John Twohy. of Grauts Pass. for brother-tn-law. Mr. Radke, of Grants Pass, were at the Nielson home for] .16 second foot of water from un named gulch, tributary to Illinois supper and the evening of January* river, tor Irrigating 5 acres, rock and 35th. in remembrance of Bobbie earth dam wooden headgat and main Burns. The evening »a» spent in ditch to cost *200. 1 good old Scotch style M. E. Sullivan, of Williams, for Mrs J. L Stanbrough is on the 1 second foot of water from Williams sick list this week. Mrs. Droulette went to Oakland.] creek, tributary to Applegate river, Cal . Tuesday for a three weeks’ visit] for irrigating '0 acre»; ditch en- largement and dam of earth and and business trip. Mrs Hamilton and Miss Allen rock to cost *500. were Tuesday evening callers of the J. 8. Jensen, of Murphy, to con- Nielsons. struct a reservoir in the chauhel of R L Ridings went to Eugene Miller creek, tributary to Carls creek Wednesday on business and Applegate river, for storing .33 Mrs. B. F. Reed, of Ashland, was acre foot of water to be used for pla a dinner guest of Mrs E. C Under cer mining. wood Wednseday. Same applicant, to divert 3 sec Mrs Sutton expects to have to take ond feet of water from the above her son to the Rochester. M1nn . san-1 reservoir and .Miller creek; wooden a tori um for an operation. They do] flume, ditch, pipe line, log and earth not think they will come on to their dam and box beadgate to cost *75. ranch this summer. Mrs. Minnie Bomgardner. of Won Last Monday. Prof Ix>ng of the der. for 3.1 second feet of water O. A. C.. held a pruning demonstra from a reservoir on Maters creek, tion in the Riverside orchards which tributary to Slate creek, for irrigat was quite well attended. Among' ing 25 acres; main ditch to be con those preeent were Mr. McCann and structed. cost not stated. Mr. Grimstead. of New Hope and ; Same applicant to construct a res nearly every man from Fruitdale. ] ervoir in channel of Waters' creek, Prof. Long. County Agent Miller, the ’ to store .031 acre foot of water; dam New Hope attendants and several of concrete fill with clay top. waste others were dinner guests of the < gate, and concrete outlet to cost Hamiltons. »300. A. Bauer and Mr. and Mrs. Under George M. Smith and Norris Oden. wood were dinner guests of Mr. and of Rogue River, for 10 second feet Mrs Robert Harris Wednesday even-, of water from Pleasant creek tribu ing in honor of the birthday of J. H tary' to Rogue river, for placer min Harris. ing over 45 acres of land; box head *------------------------------------------------ •• gate and ditch 1 H miles long to cost WILDERVILLE | *300. W. H. Miller of Gold HUI asks for •----------------------------------- - ------------• .5 second foot of water from Foots The Ladles Aid met with Mrs. W O. Hill last week, and the next meet Creek, tributary to Rogue river, for He will con- ing will be February 10th. with Mrs. irrigating 18 acres. E. Loughridge A good attendance stuct a box head gate, a main ditch Is desired as a quilt is being pieced one mile long and canals, at a cost Church service« as usual next Sun of *350; work to be commenced day at the church. Sunday school at April 1. Lo. Ash. of Trail, for .15 Howard L. 10 a. m . preaching at 11 a. m. The Apostolic Faith will continue second foot of water from Elk creek, their meetings throughout this week tributary to Rogue River, for irri and then will perhaps go to Kerby gating 10 acres; timber headgate, main ditch and canals to cost *250. to hold meetings. W. J. Scott of Medford, for SOO Mrs. Faccuet and daughter. of Grants Pass, spent Saturday and second feet of water from Rogue Sunday with Mr. Faccuet on the River for developing power, A main canal six miles long and a concrete ranch near 'Wilderrllle. O. Morrison and son. Lloyd, spent headgate will constitute part of the Sunday at the J. L Daws home Mrs diversion works. Full details are not Morrison is expected home this week incl tided with the application, nor from an extended visit in California is there furnished any Information regarding the purpose for which the with relatives. Mr. La Flame, wife and daughter, power is to be used Carol, were guests at the Wm. Dick inson home Sunday. India’s Fertility. Scott Stringer and family were India, more than half the size of Sunday visitors at the M. Bouseman Europe, has every variety of surface, home. climate and productlou. The contrast Clarence Sherman and family have between the level monotony of the moved to the Bouseman house and Great plain and the beautiful con Mr. Sherman will work at the Career tours of the Mllglri and Pulney hills mill is no greater than that between th« Ralph Cook and wife have moved arid heat of Jacobabad and the polar from Grants Pass to the Career mill. frigidity of the Himalayas; or that 8 W. Smith is reported to have between the palm groves of Cochin and ordered himself a new Nash car and he wheat fields of Lyallpur. The pro- will also erect a modern bungalow luctivlty of India sxt'-nds over three ones: the tropical, sub-tropical, and this coming summer. temperate; though on account of vary Mrs. C. F. Blundell is spending a ing elevations these do not always few days In Grants Pass the guest of comply with mere considerations of her parents. atltude. Both Ancient and Modern 3ay» Fountains Have Been Conelderea Poole of Healing. When you drink mineral water do you do It because you believe In curative propertie« or because you superstitious? Or both? Extraordinary virtue ba« Iwen tribute! to the waters of pools and «tieania by nearly all peoples of alt time» Among the modern Greek» to day we find the remnants of the old belief that the water from the Grotto of Macedonia w ould cure all tlioar who drank If they entered the eave with a lamp or torch In one hand ami a pitcher In the other, fitted the pitch er and left some scrap of clothing be hind, going slleutly and not turning back from ‘‘being «cnre<1 by the noise* that ensiled." And not only I»» Greece, but In England. there are many spot* where the hushes around a certain pool will be hung thick w ith shreds of clothing left by those who came to be cured. According to modern Greeks the mineral «prlng.« are under th«- protec tion of the Nereid«, ami the virtue of the water de|M*nd» upon It being drunk In silence and with appropriate sacrl- flee. Old Church of England cunon« dating back to IKK! forbid the wor ship of wells without ths bishop's per- mission, attributing the custom to heathenlshneas and a survival of the worship of the fountain a« a symbol of the source of life. It was pointed out then that the naming of wells was as old as the day* of the Putrlardha; that Abraham and Isaac are both spoken of tn the Bible as han Ing done so. but that worshipping them was a different matter. I Dinner getting will always be an easy task if you always have on hand a full supply of our SPLENDID “CAN” GOODS canned fruits, canned vegetables, canned everything. Don’t buy by the can; buy by the DOZEN. This will SAVE you MONEY and lots of trouble. You CAN enjoy what we have in CANS. Try OUR Groceries Why, of Course. Pop Moore, relates Louge, believes In telling children the truth, and whet I his youi.-ler heard him rvail the weather prediction and Inquired bow the weather man knew. Pop laid aside his paper and explained the best he could lie told of the charts, the Instruments, the telegraphic re ports etc. ‘‘And that's bow be Quds out the weather for tomorrow.*' be finished. The kid listened Intently, sat thoughtful for a few minutes, and then earnestly Inquired: "Aud then does be tell God?” (HERE Ó A HOMES FIRST- CLA5S- ATTRACTION -> ALIzOUR TUBS GIVE SATISFACTI J. Pardee One—W eek—One Beginning Saturday, Feb. 5 R. Ferris Taylor Stock Ccmpany -THE SHOW THAT ALWAYS PLKAMKH'' nil HIS COMPANY OE CLEVER ARTISTS Pltl-HINTH » REX IIEACH'H LATEST NOVEL One Night Only lUMUtiful WaMrobe, ini Hrenrrjr. Xew H auk liit**, th«* One IU k Show of the Smiion. i Change of Program Nightly Cl ft'I AIN 5 P. M. IXMHIS OPEN AT 7 1». M. Tìedrxfà .Qtle fit u mb<?r Whether a man has just arisen from a good night's step or has just come from a hard day’s work, a first class bathroom presents more attractions to him than any other room In the house. All of our plumbing fixtures are built to look well and wear well. B. S. Dedrick Al 4 F Street Typewriting paper—Courier office. Business Section of Cork Destroyed by Flames The Hanthorn No. 3 251, Twelfth Street i t Lightning Llkst Loamy Soli. ANTI URIC for RHEUMATISM This is the qjognn of many peapie here who have used this remedy md found relief from, their rheumatic troubled TRY IT If you do not pet relief voiir monev refunded. For sale by SABIN’S DRUG STORE OREGON Lightning strikes loamy soli most frequently, nccordlng to recent Inves- è tlgatloha Then. In diminishing order, sandy soil, clay, and chalk. In fact loamy soil Is struck twenty-two times as often an chalk. Living Ex Pr«a<d«nts At the lime of the Ural Inauguration I of President Lincoln there were five ' former presidents living—mor» than nt any other period In the history of the nation. DON'T HAVE BAROMETER TOEB Get the weather predictions In tlu- n<*MspafH-r or Trotti the |Hwt office bulletin. Coms are not nM-nenarjr. Get riti of youra with Powerful Sermon. CHICHESTER S PILLS if. W Al ♦ ‘‘The Cali of the Woods” Merchant Printer»—Courier. Betty McIntosh PORTLAND, Fruit Flavor Book as Granariss. • • • Hooke are the great clvlllxers of the race, the storehouses of knowl edge, the granarle» of Intellectual food. Therefore to designate In all can blrh binile* of th<x»‘ that ur»* dor made are, Indeed, public pabulum, and which are straw; carefully and con sdentluusly to examine aud explain . one man for the million, the public» Hons which are conducive or detri mental. in whole or In part, to learn ing and progress. 1» one of the tuosl lni|H>rtant aud noblest works In which man can be engaged, while to prostl lute the powers requisite for such s position Is one of the basest.—Hubert llowe l-alw i oil. PHONE 3OM-J Office stationery—Courier office. n, 11121 WATER "CURES” OLD BELIEF FRUITDALE Used Trucks, Cars Trailers and Tractors iti iiihy , feudi ary TH ÖL' M®« »BAN». A J^4l..l A m r "rexrl.t f */A CiU-«bM-t«*r • UiMBMteT RrM4/yy\ rilte I- B*4 #«v1 r tw'xe». »«*> t with El.j« Ri' JjgM. <’.?< o / k T tv « « V»lASn8*» HR AM» III.IA*« «4 TetnHwwi>4i B«st«S»te»t. A'»«r»Rcl1»Mt soil »Huws itumnitit a panoramic view of Patrick street, the greatest highway of tie city, following the fires which laid the heart Remarkable edifices in Cairo com Thousands of fieople prine many of the finest remains of of Cork In ruins. The picture was made on the morning following the night of terror. turned out to view the ruins. Arabian architect«». A penurious north side man was so affected by s charity sermon the other Sunday that he borrowed a dol- lar from a neighbor and put It tn Ills own pocket.—Chicago News. Worth Trying, Anyway. Instead of trying to see how much trouble you can stir up, get busy and help those who are In trouble and see how much you will enjoy the change.— Exchange. Office stationery—Courier office. NYAL Corn Remover A LIQUID Easy to use. Prompt and tuff Isfactory. ONLY 25c NATIONAL DRUGSTORE J. A. Hlover, Mgr. “Once a Trial—Always Nyal“