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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1921)
I AKHOI'IATED PKKHH HKRVICTC VOL. XL. No. 117, GKANTH PA8H, JOSEPHINE OOUJITY, OREGON, TO TAT PRUNES <’AMPAI<i> IS STARTED TO IN TRUEST PEOPLE OF TIIE STATE IX TIIE FRUIT PRODI'CT PRUNE WEEK IS FEB. 14-19 Pna l.uiiation la I muix I and Portland B ukìiikm M<m Aid in Organisa tion and Proimgaiiiln HATIRDAY, FEBRUARY S, Itti Divided Into Two Carni» Over Forty ,<Mir olii F*m<l and Authorities. Are A piasi It'd to WHOLE NUMBER 31*4. Sharp Break In the ITice Paid To Country Shipfwre. 32 Cent» Whole sale Being Offered Eureka, Cal., Feb. 5.—(A. P.) — PRESIDENT OPPONEN THE RESO The superintendent of the Hoopa In LI T1O.X FOR DISCONTINUANCE dian reservation appealed to the | OF ENLISTMENT county authorities today to take steps to prevent a widespread Indian war on the Klamath river. The In dians are divided into two armed: camps, apparently ready to renew an I old feud over the killing of an Indian f chief 40 years ago. SATS NO CHANCE TO JUSTIN Would keep Minimum Strength of Endangered Veaacd la of 1OH3 Ton» tlx- Standing Army al 2HO.OOO Ihirden But lx 'Ilc|M^tr<l to Be Enlisted Men Without Cargo Portland, Feb. 5.—(A. P.)—Eggs BOSWELL MINING COMPANY TO declined today and brought the beet INSTALL A CYANIDE PLANT offer to country shippers at 32 cent» I AND ERECT Bl ILDINGS wholesale. The price is 35c for candled and 37c for selects. Dealers are retailing the best stocks at 40 to 42c per dozen. LIULE GEM HAS BEEN OPTIONED I NION CARPENTERS ACCEPT WAGE CUT Tunnel Is Now Being Run on Old Cohen Ledge to Tap ore Body at Depth of 400 Feet Seattle, Feb. 5.—(A. P.)—Union carpenters voted to voluntarily ac- cept a 12*4 per cent reduction In the Salem. Ore. Feb 5 —(A. P. ) — Washington, Feb. 5.—(A. P.)— San Francisco, Feb. 5.—(A. P.)— wage scale. The new rate is *7 per The Sucker creek mining district Governor Ben W. Olcott today iniiied The president today vetoed the Joint The steam schooner Klamath bound day. which has been a constant and heavy a proclamation dealgnatlng the week t »» producer of gold since the earliest resolution directing the war depart for 'Portland with 19 pasengers and of February 14 to 19 aa "Prune 36 in the crew, went ashore at 2:15 discovery of the metal in southern ment to stop recruiting until the Week" to encourage a movement FIRST DEGREE MURDER Tok Io. Feb 5.—(A. P.)—Jn the force has been reduced to 175,000. this morning off Point Arena, 100 > Oregon, is showing great activity this among grower» to dispose of 22,000,* CHARGE AGAINST SLAYER the maritime province of He said be was “unable to see in the miles north of San Francisco. event of A j winter, and will return even mor« 000 pounds of primea which remain 81 ba ria becoming Insurrectionary, present condition of the world or in wireless from Captain W. A. Hall of than its usual rich harvest. unsold. Japan is prepared to repeat her the needs of the United States any the steamer Curacao, which is stand-: Portland. Feb. 5.—(A. P )—A The Boswell Mining company is To carry out the plan an organlza- strung measure« of last spring when change” to Justify restriction upon ing by, »aid all had landed safely. first degree murder charge is to be preparing for active work, and a tlon known aa the Oregon Pruna th« bolshovlkl were forcibly disarm the minimum enlisted strength of The message said the ship was roll placed against Joseph C. Poeschl, ac meeting of the board of directors Campaign committee had bee* form ed. said Rear Admiral Kawahara, 280,000 provided In the recently en- ing and pounding heavily on the cused of shooting and killing Attor will be held here Monday to perfect ed with headquarters at Portland. I who haa Just returned from com acted army reorganization bill. bluff and had two lines out forward ney Charles J. Schnabel late yester its plans tor the installation of a Grower» will ship direct to consum manding the Japnneae naval flotilla to the bluff. The Klamath’» wireless day because of a fancied grievance. cyanide plant. There is a mH! upon er* prune» tn Iota of 100 pound» or at Vladivostok In an interview with reported a short time after she' the property, and this will be put in more at a price fixed at !0c a pound. struck that CapL Jamieson thought Mr. Sixty I* Wmrtanl to operation. The Boswell is a The commute In charge Includes the the Toklo Niehl Niehl. • » he had a line ashore but that the PORTLAND MIDDLEWEIGHT “A aeries of political changes, ex proven producer, and some exceed following: Janie» R. Linn. Fred A WINS OVER McGOORTY ; Hal J. Slaty alleged to be indebted- wireless aerial was falling. The pected and perhaps unexpected, will ingly rich quartz is in sight ready to Kurts, E. W Hazard. Charles Ra put through the mill. A number of fi old. .Ben. W. Olcott, Sam A. Koior, take place." nald the admiral, "be ed to Walter R. Clarke in the sum Curacao could not locate the Klam-: Portland. Feb. 5. — (A. P.) — Jim new buildings are to be erected at Percy R Kelly, Phil Metachan, Geo. fore political »lability 1« secured In of *2193.35, for which sum judg ath until dawn. The Klamath went my Darcy. Portland middleweight, L Baker, George Putnam. Fred 3. Russia and 1« the Far Eastern pro ment is asked In a suit instituted in ashore in a wind that was blowing won a ten-round decision over Eddie the mine at once, and a large crew Bynon and Wm 3. Walton, of Port vince«. The Chita government 1» all the circuit court yesterday. The ac 85 miles an hour. The Klamath is McGoorty, of Oskosh. Wit., last night. will be put on the word, Thia pro- land are secretary and treasurer re- right so far as Its professed policies tion la brought by Anna 8. 3. Clarke. operated by the Charles R. McCor McGoorty was all but out in the perty has Just been taken over by Whether such pol Mr Walter Clarke, and the Judg mick company, and is of 1083 tons. Geo. Barton and associate«. epecttvely. Governor Olcott's procla are considered icies will be faithfully pursued re ment asked for la for labor and other She left San Francisco last night with third round when he was floored mation follows: The “Little Gem" quartz mine twice, but managed to stick the re four passengers bound for Seattle, "TO THE PEOPLE OF THE mains to be seen. Russian govern- items of alleged Indebtedness. which adjoins the Boswell mine has maining rounds. Johnny Boscovlteh. the remainder for Portland. I MT ATE OF OREGON The prune In-1 ment must be based on real democ- ben taken over under option by A. C. Portland welterweight, knocked out duatry la one of the greatest hortl-| racy, and It Inspire» one with a great Tony Fretaa. of Petaluma In the sec Stewart and associates, and a small cultural Industries within the State deal of confidence that the present crew is It work cleaning out the old ond round. of Oregon. Nearly 40.000 acre» of tendency Is towards that direction ] workings preparatory to further "The Vladivostok assembly Is no our finest agricultural land» are sinking and testing out the ore body. planted with prune trees. I-aat year, longer reliable, viewed from the Jsp-L The Little Getn has a very favorable RUSSIAN COMMUNISTS despite adverse weather« conditions. aneee standpoint, on account of the ARRESTED IN PARIS showing, the owners having taken 30,000,000 pounds of prunes were open declaration of the leading mem-j out quite a return in gold, using an . . I M harvested In the state. Of this num bers that the establishment of a buf arrastra for grinding the ore. It is Paris. Feb. 5.—(A. P.)—Six alleg The ground is already being pre The local post of the American Le ber 8,000,000 have been sold The fer state was not essential to the re reported that there is over 300 feet ed Russian communists were arrested pared for th? erection of the Carne gion Is today starting a campaign to. 22.000.000 pounds unsold represent construction of Russia. The 'com of ore in sight. It is the intention gie library on the northwest corner "clean up” all ths claims against the here. More arrests are expected. i Contimi. J on l'ago Eight) 1 (Continued on Page Eight) Warrants are out for 21. (Continued on Page Eight) of the courthouse square. Owing to government held by ex-service men the present high cost of building.I In Josephine county, whether they the *12,500 appropriation will' fail are members of the American Legion to provide a completely equipped li or not. The post adjutant. J. L Pit- brary. Several desirable and essen tenger. is forwarding claim question tial features, such as a fireplace, naire« to all ex-service men in the shelving, water on the main floor, county that are on the Legion's re by cord», These questionnaires cover iwa ■ a w a a a etc., must therefore be added funds outside the appropriation. For practically every conceivable claim this purpose, a "rummage sale” will that an ex-service man could possib- The county agent Is out with a band the tree with a three or four be held on Saturday. March 12th. ly have agalnst the government on Concord. N. H.. Feb. 5.— (A. P.)— have gone Into university or college warning to the orchardlst» that It Is Inch band of some sticky substance for which the generous assistance of account of his recent military ser- A comparison of records which «hows teaching, about one-fourth are prac- j every resident of Josephine county. vice. that American Rhodes scholars take tiedng law, more than 10 per cent now time to spraf, and that the like tanglefoot. For the spraying of Spltzenburgs In town or country, is solicited, as A “flying squadron” of American I more firsts and seconds In the honor' are in business and the others have blight must be cut out of the or- eapeclaAly, growers are advised to this county library is a matter of Legion and government officials will schools of Oxford university than the! engaged in government service, so I charda or there will be trouble for add three gallons of oil emulsion common interest. make a personal canvass of the en English honor men is contained in I cial and religious work, medicine, the orchardlst. Agent Miller supplies spray to the 200 gallon tank of, lime, Contributions of every sort will tire state and personally confer with I a statistical study of the work of the: scientific, literary and editorial oo- the following data upon this import sulphur as this not only is more ef be welcomed, and it is hoped that a the claimants. All ex-service men American scholars published in the' cupations. ant subject, anil it should be read fective on the scale and increases' goodly sum may be realized from this are requested to send in their names January number of the American Professor Burgees points out that and followed with diligence by the the spreading quality of the spray, sale. I«t this be the one grand effort and addresses to the post adjutant Oxonian, issued today. This maga-1 the expectation of Cecil Rhodes, man who would have fruit that will but the oil spray is an ovicide and which will raise the needed funds and obtain a copy of this question-. zine is edited by Professor Frank founder of the scholarships, “or at command the Iboet price and who ileetrpys the aphid eggs. Ants are at j If everyone gives a little help, this nalre it they do not receive one' Aydelotte, American secretary of the | least of some of the early writers on would preserve his orchard and his tracted to aphids on account of the | may be easily accomplished. Keep through the mails in a few days. Rhodes scolarships. the subject,” was that the Rhodes reputation In the neighborhood: "honey dew” secreted by the latter. the date in mind and begin to save The study of the Rhode« scholars' scholarships would enter politics "in With the coming of fair weather, Growers should use every precaution ; for this sale, every possible article MRS. PARNELL DIES records was prepared by Professor the English sense” or go into the dip every orchardlst should make the to prevent the spread of blight. that will sell for even a few cents. London. Feb. 5.—(A. P.)—Mrs. i >R. W. Burgess of Brown university. lomatic service. most of the opportunity to prune out There 1s no cure for blight. The Remember, “every little, makes a Charles Stewart iParnell, widow of In it are collected for the first time “But neither of these lines,” says his pear blight. It is necessary also control is purely one of prevention. : muckle,” and this is the motto of the the great Irish leader, died today, tacts concerning these men. their Professor Burgess, “affords a career that the pruning» be burned and the It is like blood poisoning In animals, rummage sale. aged 76. preparation in the United States, in the United States for a man with tools and cuts be disinfected to pre the control lies in preventative meas their records at Oxford and their ca his own way to make; the organisa vent further spread of the disease. If ures, careful disinfection of tools and reers since their return. tion of the diplomatic service rather you leave your cutting until late of wounds made after cutting out About four-fifths of the men take than the scholars or the scholarship spring you are sure to be caught in diseased areas, preventing the spread the Oxford ®. A. degree in one of plan is to blame for this imperfect the rush of spring work and much ‘of disease by carriers such as ants, the final honor schools and one-fifth fulfillment of early expectations.” infection is likely to be overlooked chick beetles and other Insects. take research degrees. Although - « The large amont of infection during Rubbing a salve Into a wound, the Americans lead the English hon the past summer was directly trace-, driving nails or boring holes in the or men in firsts and seconds, their Junior Social Meeting— able to lax methods of removing tree and filling them with sulphur or standing is not so high as that of the Forty-five Juniors and adults were blight the previous winter. The non other substances have no value and English scholarship men who are present last evening at a meeting of resident owner present» a time con the orchnrdlsts that use these meth trained from their public school days the 3. B. A. The fore part of the suming problem nnd the whole mat ods have only their own theory or in the type of work represented by evening was spent in table games, ter of blight control is one of com the man that “sold them” to back Oxford examinations. such as checkers, dominos and pit. munity cooflerntlon. The county up their claims. Careful experiment Five hundred odd Rhodes scholars In the side room was a wild-west agent 1« working continually on the al data has shown materials thus have been appointed from the Unit show, a good example of the old non-resident owners. Every reason used so far to be of no value. ed States, representing 172 American days, which could be triewed for a Spraying for San Jose scale able delay will be considered, but colleges and universities. At Oxford cent admission. Later the tables ono thing Is certain, their orchards soon be at hand and every orchardlst one-half of them studied law, one- were removed, the meeting called to must and will be free from blight be In the county will want a thorough sixth modern history or economics, order, and a class Initiated. An In fore spring breaks. It Is up to you application of lime sulphur and oil one-sixth humanities including clas teresting program followed the Ini to spur up your negligent neighbor, emulsion. On account of lack of ne sics and English literature, and the tiation. refreshments of sandwiches make It warm for him If necessary, cessary spraying machinery and the remainder studied a wide range of cake and cocoa being served and val but seo that his blight Is cleaned up. use of Inefficient machinery, together professional and cultural subjects. entines were given out at the table. and by the way, before you say any with the problem of non-resident Of those who had a year or more The absence of lights was relieved by thing go over your own orchard once land owners, growers with spraying at Oxford before the war. 70 per flashlights in the hands of some of more and be sure It will stand Inspec machines will necessarily have cent represented their colleges on the members. The organization now feMM MM cooperate to the fullest extent tion. one of the various athletic teams. numbers 90. and the aim Is to have Pear blight is spread by ants, in scale nnd moth are to be controlled. Model of n monument to August lt.xlin. the great French sculptor, de Fourteen per cent represented Ox a membership of 100 in February. sects, birds, etc. In order io prevent It Is hoped thnt by nnother year this Signed by Olnf Bjorkman. Ilodln Is resting between the wings of n sphinx, ford against Cambridge in athletics. It is expected that a team will be the ant« from climbing the tree and situation will be relieved by the and on the square In front of his f»*et Is the inscription : "The Master Dies More than one-third of the schol sent to the national convention of But His Art Survives.'' spreading blight It Is advisable to presence of new machines. ars on their return to thia country 3. B. A. In Portland, In 1924. Monument to Roditi, the Sculptor