Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1921)
FRIDAY, F’EHIU ARY GRAXTH PASS DAILY (XHKIKH PAG« KM R 4, IMI. — — One Secret of Success PER52NÆL LOCAL Advanced Spring Styles Mrs J. A. Colby* who spent the Investigating Rogue Farm»— One secret of success is the ability to know what you past six weeks here with her sister. A II Ellers, of Portlaud, and Lynn want and a sincere desire to get it. Mrs 1. F Peck. left this afternoon H. Ooovert. of Alfalfa, Oregon, are In in Millinery, Suits and . . lie e at San Francisco the city today, and are looking at If you want to accumulate wealth and are wlllin- to Dresses try to get it. let our Ban ; help you. Open an account Mr- Xb>: ,i Murphy returned home farm property near here which Mr this very day. Do not del It pays to be associated with Ust night from Oakland. Cal., where Coovert Is contemplating purché» a sound, reliable, depend . >le bank like ours If you will Xhe spent the past six weeks visiting Ing He is the owner of large alfalfa ranches In hi» homo district. do your part, we will agree to do ours. Our intenwts are relatives and friends. We do lleni»titchlng mutual. We want to see every one succeed Start with ■ Mr aud Mrs. Robert E. .Miller, of us. Stay with us. You 'ill have no cause to regret It. Marshaltown. la.. W. J. Miljer. of Saie Money- Huy your suit or overcoat for H .Monmouth. Oregon, and Mr and Mrs. price at the Peerlea» Clothing Store E. F Moore, of Zearing, la., arrived here this afternoon and will spend a \<>t 1.1. like rm: ni: vi t v week or two with Mr and Mrs. Mil- Mal I nee Itati) 2 |K in. 9 OF MHTHKRN OREGON Rivoli Theater. 91 tr ler’s sister, Mrs. C. C. Brown. at Xc»t lime you are In the nelghlmrliood drop In and take a look at Kerby. the ne» Spring anti Sumiller sui tinga wlilclt wo hate on dUplay. Heavy January Rainfall— .Mrs. A. F Peterson. of Payette, You must »ee these goods from our tailors January was a damp month »as Ind., arrived last night front Port- compared with the January we knew land to look after business Interests, last year, for there was a rainfall of will return to Portland tonight. 4.53 Inches as against .44 in the cor Peterson recently purchased to apprvMiate their finp quality. < ertami) you will fimi no other responding month of 1920. The river Crystal Springs farm north of line that come« unnr to it In the nuttier .of »alii««. has been holding al a fairly high city. point, carrying Nbout 3000 second Mr and Mrs E. L. Churchill re feet as against 1000 at the low stage GEO. 8 CALHOUN Mixteen t ear» Iss el Ikcwlcr turned homo this morning from Loe of -umiuer Ono of the heaviest Angeles, where they spent six weeks rains of the season Is falling today. '¡th their daughter On the way home they visited Mr and Mrs V A. The Ipostollc Faith— Outsaws Ten Men Griffin and Dr. and Mrs Britten at Will hold special evangelistic £anta Crux. and they spent a week meetings beginning Wednesday. Feb at Richardson Springs. ruary 9th. 7:45 p. m. At the oki Rev. Q J. Ia»w. pastor of the Kerby dance hall. Kerby. Oregon Christian church, with Mrs laiw and Good singing, no collections, Every- Any Suit or Overcoat three children, arrived yesterday body welcome. THE «TORE from Puyallup. Wash., traveling In their Ford sedan They covered the Merle < lute l’i*»»e« tmi)— distance of 4 50 miles in four and one Merle, the 12-year-old son <>f Mr half days, They had very bad roads and Mrs Bert Clute, died at t lit- and Kalama, famllv home on the Applegate Thurs between Chehalis Wash., and some between Drain and day forenoon following a brief Ill Roseburg, but the worst road on the ness from pneumonia. The funeral services will be held Saturday after trip was the Smith hill. noon. at 3 o’clock, at the .Missouri Flat cemetery. Merle was the eldest Employ**! at Hobart’»— V J. Powers, a member of the city son. and is survived by his parvpts fire department.«has been employed amt by three sisters and one brother bv Hobart’s garage, and last night liaiiy Matinee— It is a well known fact that MBStknw an inves tendered his resignation to the city Rivoli Theater ! p. m 91 tf tor overlooks security, when he is promised council Thos. Swope, a former big dividend—but this should not be. member of the department, will i Mover Pay» *25 Fine- Earl L. Moser, who was brought ■' »»In den the uniform In Mr Pow Make safety your first essential. Y»ur nceount back to Granta Pass from .Medford ers’ place. is invited. on suspicion that he was party to the 4'' lnt. Paid on Savings Accounts. WEAVI-M, WITH THE X EW M».XG I’OIXT 1X1» MILI Passing of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. McKee short changing of local merchants, Four months ago Mr and Mr/ E. but against whom no evidence could Tim <'<>1.1.lll> B. McKee left Grants Pass for a so be produced, was fined 32 5 In the journ in Rye Valley In Baker county.! justice court yesterday upon a charge MEN’S WOOL, OLIVE DRAII IIIKIXG BREI < 9IE«. IXI> They had resided In Grants Pass for of driving an automotive without twelve years and were known tO| having obtained a 1921 license tag. G rants P ass .O regon many here Two months ago Mrs. After Moser had paid his fine, he was McKee passed away. Last Wednes kept In tow by the officers until he day Mr. McKee breathed his last at had forwarded the necessary cash to FOR MEX. LAMIN III. Vk IX I» BROW X OX I : i» I II IP the age of 34 years. He was born the secretary of state to place hint HIEDE PI MI’S. in Indiana in 1587 and came to Ore right on the records of the auto de D. N. B. A. Entertain« at T- eluding the faculty. Parent gon in 1851. The body is being ship partment. The D.’ N. B. A., one of the girl's and Mrs. Gunnell, honorary tn.'m ped from Halfway. Ore., to Grants clubs of the high school, entertained bers of the D. N. B. A . assited In Pass and from here ft will be taken the other girls of the school at a tea serving. friend« to the Ix>g Town ceme-1 Thursday afteroon. The sewing t?ry on the tnplezate In Jackson' room was prettily decorated in pussy Bond Salonen Here county to the las’ resting place. willows, and the members of the club, E. E. Rorapaugh. whp flow repre- dressed in fluffy white, served. The sents the bond house of the I "nil Newtown Apple« 2Sc— affair was in honor of the sub-fresh Schneeloch. Portland, is here look- Per box Oregon Grower« Packing man girls, and over 100 attended, in- Ing after business. House. 94 , The dramatics class of the high BOltX school. which has been giving enter- out In prophecy a region where Ibero taintnents this winter, la planning must Inevitably and soon be estab GRI.MSTMx To Mr and Mrs Mik kel tlrlmatad, W'ednesi iy, Febru several more, but is In great need of lished the world’s greatest port fadl- ary 2, a son. furniture for stage settings and a Illes." the report says. ’ The foreshore of iaike .Michigan member of the class makes the fol MATINEE DAILY fronting Chicago slopes very gently I FOR HALE ■ Set c hains for Ford, lowing appeal: 2. P. M. • ■'Everyone has old furniture sit lakeward." the report continues, "sol 92.7ft. Grey Granite' ware al very ting around in the attic or the wood that the seven-fathom contour Is four, low price«,- Nek < olnforta, *S.7S. shed, eand as all donations will l»e miles off shore. This means that in - Good range, •:4.V<M>. Two 1>r three either renovated or completely made our submerged lands, all publicly | 2nd hand trunk». Phone 71. over do not think that because a owned, the Chicago district possesses e»t Tn tlie Kingdom <»f JAZZ •able Is minus a leg, or the seat Is nearly a hundred square miles any; I AL SLÌ M»s"— hi» fourth out of a chair, that it cannot be used. part of which it is within the power| KHiKily. LL11YI» poli» some We cun do something with every of man to raise into land. This Is c: ti”if» tluit w<ml<l inakr a thing. For instance, a beautiful dav an asset of almost incalculable ll lonn look like an invalili. z enport may be made from an old value." h — of Tonight’s wooden bedstead, or a clever tea- Reviewing the sections or Chlca-I wagon from a small table, All (he go’s lake front. Cal. Judson points' The Most Astounding Real Life furniture will be painted to match, out that latkes Wolf and George lie Pictures of Savages ever Takes thus giving a very effective stage. close to latke Michigan on the Illi-' "If you can help the class in this nois-Indlana line with six square way. please call one of the following miles of marshy land adjacent. Tills Curtain Raiser people: Gretchen Clemens. Wllda section "offers the greatest oppor Hui gerth. Helen Lister or Leroy Hes tunity in all this region for the cre YOI X«, JOE <■ IXS ton, and some one will come after ational of wharf facilities of a cliar- \ B. your donation." acter, magnitude and location suited YOI \<i HHORKEY to the demands of 2X1» report says. JiowPlayintf III I* General plans for these harbor fA- Don’t cIHtles, Col. Judson naid, have been approved by the war department. which Is charged with stiiilvlng har aiti» I VI XT bor conditions under tho T -tch-Cuni- KID JOXEs mins law. IM. - BL It KIH-RX Chlcago, Feb. 4.J-IA. PF •Reda- mation of tbo foreshore on Ijtko Michigan In the Chicago district would provide nearly 100 square Special Event miles of land for wharves, ware- KII» JA.MEM houses and port facilities, according VS. to a report submitted to city officials PI G HAMLIN by Col. W. V. Judson, district war department engineer. FOR THE KIDDIES The report calls attention to the > fact that ocean liners may dock at . a _ The Atnazitu/Advettf urei Chicago ’ s wharves within the next of Edvard Lae made a n4 William C Alder amoad 15 years it the Great Izikes-St. Iziw- u»e Man Eating Sävages 4 fcw Guinea rence River channel project la car K %THEl E CALI ERI ried out. Such an outlet to Use At lantic would connect Chicago with All boxer« finished th<Hr train the sea routes of the world. Th« ing ycMcrdn) by doing light IO coal mines of southern Illinois and work and arc now nil ready for the cotton belt of the south will feel the bell. the touch of Chicago commercial en- I > TA* aT/ttve deaver through an eight-foot hart" A SUNDAY—“OUTSIDE THE LAW” channel to the Mississippi. "Never before did It seem as fair to point mrs. Hellie neas THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK The Victory Drag' Saw Extra Special Rogue River Hardware Company WfMCffiiSTtR 1-2 Price Peerless Clothing Co. Don’t Overlook Security I Shoes for the Family Grants Pass and Josephine Bank CLASS NEEDS FURNITURE « Woodward’s 103 North Sixth Street RIVOII BIG DOUBLE BILL! HAROLD LLOYD Program Boxing Bouts AUTHENTIC T SENSATIONAL ! DRAMATIC ! THRILLING ? OCEAN LINERS MAY i||:*|ï' ill A Valentines Clemens Sells Drugs *