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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1921)
G HANTS PA8« DAILY VU l KI EK FRIDAY, IT.IIIU ARY 4, 11121 PAGE TH REX Classified Advertising Foil HAIJK DRAYAGE ANI» TRANHFEIl HEASONKD WOOD FOR HALE Oak C WORLD .MOVES; no do we i and Inurnl, 1178; body fir. 44; Hunch Tranafer Co. Office phone pine and «econd growth fir, 43.74; I 349; realdonie phono 315-J. mammilla, |5. C. W. laimbrecht, G. ISHAM, drayage and tranafer Rd 1. Box II Ntt !■. ,n , ........ ....... - - — I Safe«. piano« and furniture Ft»11 HALE -Good 3-roo- cl plas moved, packed, «hipped and etored tered home. About 3 ni-re« good ; Office phone 1 24-T. laud, «mall bearing ■ .ir orchard. PIANO INHTRlfTION Property flrat place on left south of river bridgo. It. u. Cannon, Rd. 4. Box 2, Granta .‘uaa. Ore 98 MHS. JAMES M POWERS, Inatrue- tor on piano; studio over Barn'-«'1 , imi "" 11,1^"l|tl|ii"W"Riy I Phone 265-J. FOR HALF .Baled alfalfa hay. [ jewelry. River Banka Fur ma. 80tf DENTISTS Foil HALF Shadeland Eclipse need oat«. rec leaned, 3c per pound W. B. C. MACY, D. M. D. Flrst-clu I*. Ilavea, Murphy, or C. N. Culy. [ dentistry I «9 % 8 8th St cooperative «hipping manager, Grant« Pana. 92tfj VETERINARY Sl'IUIKON CHOICE BALED ALFALFA hgy. 4-’« DR. R. J BESTt'L, Veterinarian delivered any place In Granta Paua. Residence A3 8 Washington boule 123 al ranch five mile« telow vard, phon« 39H-R. town. Phone GOfl-F-12. C. >1. Eia- PHYSICIAN AND HI HURON mann 87tf here she is! the woman wanted by the police. Her name is P---------- *— D-------------- and she is outside the law! We Are All Employers J N THE everyday act of buying the things we eat and wear we are em ploying the people who make them. If we buy Oregon Products we’re helping to make jobs for Oregon people and in creasing prosperity all around. HELD CAPTIVE FOR 16 YEARS Rich Philadelphia Man Is Seques* TEAM AND HARNESS FOR SALE L. O CLEMENT. M D . Practice limited to diseases of eye, ear.nose tered by His Nephew. cheap. River Banka Farm«. 87tf Let’s wake up. And use our heads. and throat. Phone 62; Res. 239-J. FOR KALE Seven room modern Ami our hearts. And prevent a serious house with aleoplng porch and lot 8. LOUOHRIDGE, M. D. Physician 100x100 Call at 715 North 2nd [ and surgeon. City or country call» unemployment problem in Oregon. a I reef. 94 attended day or night. Pbonee. Re«, 369; Office. 182; 6th and H Relatives Now Claim That Property FOR SALE—Gas range with traah Has Been Disposed of by Nepnew burner. Ford automobile. Both E. J. BILLICK, M. D Physician, sur and Seek the Appointment of a In good condition. Phone 342-J geon, Schallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; Guardian — Wealthy Manufacturer before 9 a. ra 94 res. 1004 Ixvwnridge, phone 54-L Disappeared One Day In 1904—Now Penniless and Dependent on Gifts of SPRING OATS for «ale. $55 a ton. W. F RUTHERFORD—Manual the- Nephew to Whom He Deeded His f. o. b Inland T J Mackin. Le raputlca. Office over Barn««' Jew Property. land, Ore. 101 elry Hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. FOR SALE <■!< TRADE for alfalfa One night In 1904 George Griffiths, u BUY OREGON PRODUCTS RALPH W. STEARNS. M. O. Xray wealthy manufacturer, who lived at ranrh. atock of general merchan equipment. Phones: Office, 21-J; No. 2102 Spruce street. Phlladelphlu. 1 dise 23 mile« seat of Eugene, near Residence, 21-L. retired after he had been seen and B K logging camps Invoice Jan greeted by associates during the day uary 26th. 13X49.00. 10% off for ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES OF OR EGON ATTORNEYS and hnd returned their greetings In Ills caali. G. W Millican. l<eaburg. usual manner. The next morning he , D NORTON, Attorney-at-law 97 : li Ore was gone, and for sixteen years be Practices in all State and Federal dropped out of sight. FOR SAIA-: - Small 3-room houae. 2 I Courts. First National-Bank Bldg The other day It was declared In s lota 50x100, on L street. Price. court actlou that. aged, helpless and j O. W OOLVIO, vt'orney-at-law. ' 4500 cash. Inquire at 101 Bur-, blind lie Is still alive, but sequestereil j Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg gess atreet. 95 ut Wayne, under the constant attend I iinee of u male nurse, pennlfesa and FOR Sni.E -Good rebuilt Under E. S VAN DYKE. Attorney Fradice« MR-HAPPY Place orders for Duplicate and Triplicate wood. 445. All make« of type-! In all courts. First National Bank dependent on the gifts of a nepliew-ln PARTY law. l.ouls L. Relchtier. to whom It 1« [ Building writer« overhauled. Thorough, ex iilleped tie deeded his property, worth I pert work. 1’hone Mr Hall. Hotel O. 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law more than 41,¥l.tM)0 Josephine. 93 Former Budge James Gay Gordon Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270 In common plena as counsel for Mrs WANTED C. A. S’DIJCR, Attorney-at-law. Ma- J. H. Knrtz of Elkins Park and a niece of Griffiths npplleil for the ap WANTED -Hog raiser to take »will] anale 1 .nule. Granta Pass, Ore. and sizes pointment of n guardian for the mil ; from Joaephlne hotel X9tf GEO. U DURHAM, Attorney-at-law man. lie told of finding Mr. Grlttitlis v, ti . d Hauling for ton truck.•> referee In bankruptcy, Masonic nt No 2i»i West Wn.vne avenue. Wayne. 1 I FIND THBIR HEATS Requires about 60 days to fill orders last spring. Relating Mr. Griffith's C. Taggart. 219 West G St 15 Temple Phone 135-J. dU ITE TO MN TASTE' deeding of hl« pr<>|>erty be told of the WANTED TO RENT Houae or oun- JAMES T. CHINNOCK. Lawyer refusal of the nephew-ln-law to make AN ORDER’S SENT« galow of & or 6 room«, uhurnlahed.* VilTH UTMOST HA3TÌE First National Bank Building known the w hereabouts of the vuntahed North »Ide of town preferred. Ad ----------------------------- ----------- —-------- manufacturer « Idle he was shifted. dress It W care Courier office 96 A. C. HOUGH —Lawyer, Tuff» Bldg. from one residence to another, some j You’ll find our meats and our Practice In all courts. of which were leased by the nephew j W ANTED Woman to take over methods to your taste. When and others being sanitariums and asy Books of Duplicate Remittance Blanks rook houae at mining camp and| V. A. C. AHLF. lawyer, practice in lums for the Insane. you give us an order we at Garage Repair Books atate sad federal courts. Office board average of 15 men at 41.251 Asks for a Guardian. tend to it at once. With us. over National Drug Store. per day. If married, would em Trade Acceptances In his petition Judge Gordon asked "at once” means immediately. _ for the appointment of a guardian to ploy husband Phone 232 at Legal Blanks once. 93 protect Mr. Griffiths. He told of the Watch for Mr. Happy Party Blank Sales Books MAKE FRIENDS WHEN YOU CAN honorable record Mr. Griffith had up to POULTRY the time of his disappearance. He was for s \ i . k imi ......... iaeaka* Reason Why Ona Man Haa Aivvayt prominently Identified with the First Presbyterian church at Seventh street Sought to Add to His Acquaint tor In good condition. Phone and Washington square. He built the ances Every Day. 379-J !'■ Albert Barnes Memorial at a cost of FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze tur My hobby Is enlarging my acquaint more than 390,0110 In honor of a former key«. 6 hens and 1 tom. Mrs. C ance. For yours I have found pleas pastor. At the time of his disappear- iiticv he was treasurer of the <Kristian N. King. Rd. 1, Grant« Pa«». Ore. ure and profit In trying to know 97 many people as I cun. I aim never to , league, of which lie «ns a founder. He let the sun set without knowing ut 1 was then slxty-thrve years old. ■'From Investigations which were .MIHCKLLANEOl S least one more person than 1 did when • made by Mr. Scott and my -elf. last ; 1 started out In the morning, writes i REPAIR SHOP Plumbing. pipe Fred C. Kelly In Leslie's. Why? My i spring, «hen «e succeeded In locating. work, «team fitting, boiler and nnswer la: Why uot? Life la made up ! Mr. Griffiths,'' said Judge Gordon, “v.e ! pump work and Installing. 505 of liutiiuu relations. As 1 look ut It l were aide to learn that when Mr. Gi*f- * STAGE South «th atreet. Phone 306. G. the more human contact 1 achieve the fiths disappeared in l'.XH he wits taken | INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. to Folcroft, a hospital for the Insane A. Bryan. 51tf fuller my life should be. By human Daily and Sunday Eflfec*’”') Oct. 25, 1920 contact I don't mean Just being In In Delaware county. "It will he show n that up to the day • Nt RHF.RY HTtM K crowds, or places where people are. 1 LEAVE LEAVE Grants Pass he disappeared Mr. Griffiths' health MEDFORD NURSERY—Highest grade fruit, menu meeting people, getting their was good. It w III be shown that his GILA NTS PASS Waiting Room (ConUnued from Page One) 10:00 a. m. «hade, nut treee-also berries and points of view? Lots of city folk who brother Joseph, father of the peti 10:00 a- lit. have plenty of dully opportunity to Ing chartered foreign steamers with Bonbonniere 1:00 p. m. ornamental In variety. Albany 1:00 p. m. meet uud know people don't get ac tioner. had made inquiries of Attorney Nurseries (Branch) 860 North quainted with as many as a man 1 Louis L. Relchner ns to where his the handful that was left to them 4:90 p. m. Phone 160 4..10 p. n>. Seventh street. Grants Pass. 71tf know who live« on a farm and never tirother was. and the only satisfaction under the provisions of the Versail We connect with stages for Ashland and Jacksonville he received was to be told 'thnt Grif les treaty, party by an alliance be NURSERY stock of all kind«. Orna comes to town. Meeting people la one fiths had been 111 but was being taken tween Germans with experience and thing, making friends or getting ac mental, shade and fruit trees. Geo. quainted with them Is another. Inas care of and was doing well, but he no ships and Americans with ships H. Parker. 70tf much as human beings are admittedly could not be seen except upon the or and no experience. Germany is pre der of his doctor. paring to return to her old place in the most interesting things on earth, HEll, i s t \ i t Property Disposed Of. why not know us many of them ns pos the shipping world." . E. T. MCKINSTRY, 603 G St., phone sible? If there are men who derive "Joseph Griffiths Is now dead, but Sir Arthur Booth said that the Replace the shabby top with a 355-11. real estate. Best of soils for pleasure from collecting stamps, rare from evidence In our possession we ex chances of Germany's success de pect to show that when he became In light- easyto-handle eaay-to-handle weather coins, ennes. love letters, dogs, why fruit, hay or general farming. sistent In his Inquiries he '.vas takwn pended off whether thoee who held proof one now. Koi iik ;<; ixs Gewral real estate. shouldn't 1 give a little serious thought to Folcroft by Attorney-Relchner, who the field now made the most of their to collecting u long list of friends) Smart looking, serriceable tops— Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 69. Ami If 1 am u more successful bust took bl||i on n long walk, and coming opportunities. Jierf.wt rwting and improving the In view of a large building Relchner REE BALLINGER A HUl.L for farm, uess man In consequence of having car’« looks—a wide choice in ma pointed to n man who could be seen city and business property. 10 and many friends all the better for me. terial« ami colors. Everybody you know Is potentially I on the porch and said: ‘That Is your 11 Flanagan Bldg. Phone 284. OUR PRICES LOWEST brother; but don't try to attract his r help to you. There is ,nv way of —ff ___________ attention or spenk to him.' telling when the humblest person r\\. "We will show that Joseph Griffiths, among your acquaintances may uot (Continued from Page One) SOONER TAXI —Phone 26 2-R for have momentary Importance In some after seeing his brother on this occa Jitney Luke or Cutler Calls an thing you ure trying to do. I once sion, never saw him ngnfn, and that recently, was destroyed by a new swered »nywhere. anytime.' 86tf was able to get Information that no other member of the family laid meant a successful contract through eyes on him for sixteen .vents. We will electrically propelled projectile front < l\ II. ENG INFER the fact that I chanced tyi be acquaint shov.- thnt during this time Mr. Grif an Irish seacraft. The Dublin report ed with the fireman In one of the ho fiths hnd pnrted with nil his property, said. "Ireland has struck her first GEO M ASHFORD, 0. E. l-and ewb- tels In Sun Francisco. giving to Louis F. Relchner his entire blow against the B»itish navy." dl vision. mine and Irrigation sur Now there are two ways of gettlifg estate. We will show thnt this men veys. 614 N. 6th St. Phone 48-R acquainted with peo|6e—by Introduc Relchner hns sold house nfter house Quit.« Work for City— .................................................. i tion and by getting lit«» casual con nnd vlrtunlly disponed of the entire A. L. Bocock. who has been em- III I LI >1 NG < X»NTRA< TOILS versation without Introduction. I try estate." ployed by the city with his team In | to make the most of both these ave HARPER A SON -Building contrac street repair work, has resigned his nues. but I regard the former ns the tors. Shop work, furniture orating more Important of the two. position, so he notified the auditor Rose Leave« Again. Shop 610 II St. Rea. phone 142.J Rose bowls are no longer old fash this morning. _____ X ioned. hut modern, comes the word A. J GREEN General contractor ! Chinese make candle« from the from New York. The Idea of keep Onc-htiJf Price— Estimates and plans made. Noth-1 ing rose leaves hns been revived and Any suit or overcoat, one-half Ing too small or too large. Shop' wax found covering the seeds of the Chinese pattern bowls are becoming price, at Peerless Clothing Co. 70tf 211 Sixth St. Phone 375«L. 92tf fruit of the tallow tree. very popular. NONE ALLOWED TO SEE HIM Constantly in Stock: CITY Grants Pass-Medford AUTO TOPS G. B. BERRY Used Car Bargains 7-Passenger Buick Model 90 Overland Two Chevrolets C. L. Hobart Co.