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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1921)
GRANT* PANE DULY (M)l’KlKK PAGE TWO bflANTS PASS Mill COURIER 4, ItIJt. From Brazil Published Daily Except Sunday A. E Voorhiee, FRIDAY, I I HI« 'III Pub. and Propr. Oi II XI MUER IN nu li E Itered at postoffice. Granta Paas. Ore., as second class mail matter. MOST PEOPLE I SE IT RECAI SI IHEY FIND IT THE FINEST IT.UOR. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch.......... ...... $fc Local-personal column, per line 10c Beaders, per line------ ------------- be DAILY COI RIER By mall or carrier, per year---- $« 00 By mall or carrier, per month.. uxuxyj; Shortens Pancake Preparation WEEKLY COURIER By mali, per year--------- - ----- ---- >2.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Frees is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub- llshed herein. AU rights of republication of •p»- eial dispatches herein are also re served FRIDAY, FERRI ARY 4. 1021 o OREGON WKlTHOt ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Tonight and Saturday rain. ♦♦♦♦eeeeeeeeeee ♦ ♦ A.X OPPORTI NITI FOR JOSE PHINE i>in gooim and groceries will become the wonder mining camp of the west Public mind upon this. question can be set at rest if when. Director Parks of the state bureau of mines comes here next week arrange ments are made for comprehensive tests and exhibits of the platinum-' bearing rock, and these tests and ex- ! Mbits displayed at the international convention. Mr. Parks comes to as sist in the assembling and display of this exhibit, and he should find ready cooperation upon the part of every* mining man or prospector in the county. Let's prove to the world that we have what we think we have for proof will make the world lieve. Josephine is the foremost mining county in the entire northwest. By this we do not intend to convey the idea that more mineral wealth t* taken from the earth here than in any other county, for in certain par ticular minerals other districts are in the lead. But there are more varieties of minerals in Josephine (Continued from Page One) than in any other county, and more' varieties that are found in paying products to meet their needs for a quantity. Possibilities for future de-; period of twelve months in a period velopment are greater because of from four to five months, with the inevitable result to the seller of the variety, for many of these will these products. some day find a place in industry. "The remedies which suggest Because of this wealth of mineral re themselves to me are: The elimina source Josephine should grasp the tion of all unnecessary factors tn the great opportunity offered to intro present system of distribution. The duce herself to the mining author organization of commodity sales agencies The standardization of ity of the world at the international farm products Into grades and mining convention to be held at classes. The warehousing of suffi Portland in April. This introduc cient quantities of products to set up tion can best be brough about by the an even flow of such products Into making of a comprehensive display the markets of the world as the Im at the convention, such a display,' mediate demands of the world call for them The devising of such cred backed up by authoritative informa it machinery as will enable the tion that the mining man with open farmer to market his products In a sane and orderly way. mind can have no doubt "To my mind a system can be de Today there is discussion of the finding of platinum in great quantity vised which will meet this necessity in the rock adjacent to Grants Pass. This is predicated upon the pooling of the assets of the concern and the It has long been known that Jose- , Issuance against such pooled assets phine was rich in platinum. The ( certificates of indebtedness or deben In varying denominations and largest producer of placer platinum tures i in the world is located in this county^ 1 periods of maturity. What is a gov and there is ground for the belief ernment bond? A government bond is-the evidence of the fact that con that the recovery of the mineral gress under the constitution has the from the rock here may some day power to tax all of the assets of all astonish the world. If present claims * the people to make good the face of are borne out even in the half this the bond. Men’s and Boys’ Caps 50c, 98c, $1.65, $1.85 JEST RECEIVED SPRING SHIP MENT OF MEN S AND BOYS' CAI’S. LATEST STYLES AND NEW LOW PRICES. R. hasty, but tasty breakfasts use O lympic Pancake Flour Add water or milk, mix and cook She’s nimble fingered *■; i » i : ♦ . * ♦ « WtMch women a hands and win the reward She’s outside the law "A piece of farm land in itself, no matter how valuable, will fail to un lock the doors of credit. A farm mortgage on the same piece of land in itself would have no standing In the money markets of the world, but when under the farm loan act we have set up four thousand associa tions of farmers throughout every agricultural county in the United States, and when these associations have taken in many farm mortgages —in the neighborhood of 126,000— and have placed these in Federal I .and Banks regional banks—in the hands of a government appointee known as farm loan registrar, and these banks hare Issued against this mortgage farm loan bonds, the Mis souri farm has become through this magic a liquid asset which flows free ly in the money markets of the coun try What is a farm loan bond? It, is the evidence that a trustee has In his possession farm mortgages which if foreclosed would be sufficient in value to meet the obligations of the bond.” NEW TODAY WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO FIRST CLASS WORK CLEANING------ PRESSING - REPAIRING AH of the boxers In the content in the opera house tonight bave arrived on the scene and are anxiously await ing the bell. Knockout George Meek er arrived thia morning from Port land all full of pep to attempt to lake the measure of Red Campbell In to- night's bout. All oi the contestera report thetu- selves In the plnk of condition. These contests ure staged und.-r the gus- pi es of the Americ&n Legion, which I guarantees a good, fast boxing show to all. In case any of these contest ants refuse to give a good exhibition at any or all times during the boulf. they will be thrown off and boxers put on in theft places, as Matchmak er Thomas has plenty of good head liners here to take their places. The advance sale of seats is above the average. Doors will open at 7:30. First curtain raiser at 9:15. No I waits between bouts INSURANCE—Fire, automobile, life, accident and health T M. Stott 3i>8 North Sixth St. 4xif 1918 MAXWELL, repainted, over hauled and in good condition. $550. Williams Garage & Cyclery. 94 UNUSUAL BARGAINS—Republic 1 ton truck, just overhauled, tires nearly new, $800. Dodge touring. 1917 model. $500. W. 8. Max well & Co. 83tf FOR BALE OR TRADE—$3000^ equity in Seattle residence, mo-1 dern. Want at least two acres' with bouse and good water. Write | full Information. Mr». Claude Davl«, Route 2, Box 107. Grants Pass. 98 CAR OF COAL ju«t received—Wil liams Wood & Coal Co. Order *>e-i fore it is too late. 95 ! SMALL SI M OF MONEY TO LOAN on good security. Real estate, close in preferred. 8% Interest. Write 157 in care of Courier. 94 ‘The Wardrobe Cleaners ?ai 9 MAGOON AND EVERBEARING strawberry plants. Good Varie ties for «ale. Phone 6O1-.F-33, T. T. Ross. Grants Pass. Ore. IM Phone 147 The Of. KWPfC l int poor Alton/* erreuf tuniturtlv mtUnt, míí J. urui’iwJ and wuW FOR SALE Maxwell wheel, $1.50; Weed chains, 30x3%, $3; horse weighing about 900 It»., $35; Hol stein cow, giving 4 gallons of milk daily, $60. Otto Henricson. Phone 602-F-21, Rd. 2, Box 24. *■*1 RN'ISHED light housekeeping rooms, ulistairs or down, 923 J street. FOR SALE—Good Jersey cow, fresh last of March. Tests 5 per cent, j Also Jersey heifer, eligible to reg-' ister. Bargain for some one. H. J. Wlble. 726 W. Bridge. 94 WANTED—Several small Pig« or sow due to farrow soon. H. J. Wlble. 725 W. Bridge. 94 Beginning Saturday, Feb. 5 R. Ferris Taylor Stock Company •THE HHOW THAT ALM ils l l.l. tsEs ' IND His «TIMPANI OF < LEVER IRTINTS Piti Bl NTS “The Cali of the Woods” III A BEAI TUS LATEST NOVEL One Night Only (Continued from Page One) Included are bills exempting high-1 way contractors from restrictions of the eight hour law; providing a 50-50 , maintenan e agreement between counties and the state; providing pro tection to contractors of state high-1 way construction without the neces sity of purchasing surety bonds: giv ing the commission authority to pave streets that are part of a state high way through small towns; giving the right to sell bonds at par; making the commission the final arbiter in the selection of a state road; requlr- ing the obtaining of permission of the commission before a highway may be relocated or the surface of highway cut for public utility ser vice, or to cut trees along a highway. The free text book bill was made a special order for 2 o'clock this af ternoon after a majority report pre ■nt'd favoring Its passage. lk*MU(lfiil \\ ardrolH’, HfMX’Ud S<«’n<*ry, New Song Ulta, the One lUtf Nh<m of the Srnmon. Change of Program Nightly IHHHtS OPEN AT 7 P. M. CERTAIN N P. M. CHILDREN 2«h, war tax 2c—TOTAL 22c ADULTS $Oc, war «ax !<■—TOTAL 44c ILL SHOWN I XDEH THE SPE«'lll. Dilli-:« TION s It. FEItlllN TA Y M>|1 OF ÍHÉRESA homes first - 1 CLASS- ATTRACTION - ALLOUR TUBS GIVE SATISFACTIO FOR SALE—Oak dining table rocker, ivory bed room set, plate and oven. Pbone 313-R. 94 FOR SALE -Bookcase, couch, two oak rocking chair«, ball tree, eetee, seven pairs*of lace curtains. Mrs J. Wolke, 708 N. 5th. 94 One—W eek—One Whether a man has Just arisen from a ¿ood night's slop or has just come from a hard day's work, a first class bathroom presents more attractions to him than any other room in the house. All of our plumbing fixtures are built to look well and wear well. * your make rebuilt Regardless of whether we represent your make of battery or not, WE have,the parts, equipment, and skill ed experience necessary to properly rebuild It. If you want your old battery restor ed to a dependable, first class condi tion at reasonable cost, bring It to this SERVICE STATION. WB have a service battery to fit vour car. ADAMS ELECTRIC AND BATTERY SHOP ■ >o«l So. Sixth Street B. S. Dedrick »14 F Htrrrt PHONE KOH-J