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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1921)
t t AMMM IATED 1’llKJwH b EK VICK VOL XI., No. 110. G KA NTH I’AHH, JOHEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, PLAN FOR THE WAGE SCALE CUT TO CAUSE STRIKE I A lirognllou of Agreement Hurt* to Re sult In At nIk-out I» Prediction of Ijabor lleud IN THE SENATE FRIDAY, FHBRIARY 4, Iitfl. WHOLE NUMBER 31»«. BÏTHE IRISH ( lialrumn of Highway ( 'ommiMlon Attacks Measure and Effort Will Be Made to Reconsider «JONFEKENC’E IS NOW BEING Chicago, Feb. 4 (A. P.)— Nation ELEVEN MEAKl REH BACKED BY RIDICI LE THE ASSERTION FROM Salem, Feb. 4.—(A P.) - Senator ANNOUNCEMENT MADE BY THE HELD AT M ADISON, W DMONHIN, al officers of the railroad labor THE HTATE <X»MMDtfHON AKE DUBLIN CONCERNING RECENT Vinton today moved to recall the CHAIRMAN OF Hol SE NATAL Roosevelt highway bill from the ON IMPORTANT Al BJECT unions have been called here to con-j LOSS OF THE K-Ö PRESENTED TODAY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE house. The motion was seconded, elder labor's side of the controversy X but when It was found that Senator before the railroad labor board overj the employers' proposal to abrogate; national agreement». William Scho enberg. organiser of the machinist's! union, predicted a general strike If! <'redil Arrangement .N «weaeary in the board permits the railroads to Would Have Authority to Pave Story Says Tlial Electrically Propel Handling Producta of the Coun abrogate wage contracts. Street» Through Smaller Town» led Projectile Wan Hurled by try Hay» Mr. la-ver on Line of Highways Irish Seacraft Hall had gone to Marshfield and would not return until Monday Vin ton agreed to table his motion until then. This action followed a hear ing last night in which Chairman Booth of the highway commission IriacuMdon of W orld Disarmament Will Be Set in Motion by This vigorously opposed the Roosevelt Country, 1» Statement highway bill. Heavy N uom nt < Vater Intkt^— LEWIS AGAIN' HEAD OF Madison, Wis., Feb. 4.—(A. P.l — Salem. Feb. 4.— (A. P.)—Eleven London, Feb. 4.— (A. P.)—The The depth of snow at Crater I<ake Washington, Feb. 4.—(A. P.)__ UNITED MINE WORKERS Federal roaerve paper with a nine rim Is 11 feet, and at Anna Springs bill», embodying legislation request British admiralty ridiculed the claim Indianapolis, Feb. 4.— (A. P.)—A An International conference to dis months or twelve mouths period of camp five miles lower down. Is 10 ed by the state highway commission, reported from Dublin that the British cuss disarmament will be called by maturity would greatly assist the feet, according to word received this were Introduced In the senate today. submarine K-5, lost off l^inds End canvass of votes showed that John L. Lewis has been re-elected presi the United States, Chairman Butler, farmer and ovenom« to a great ex morning by Alex Sparrow' from (Con tin tied on page 3.) of the house naval committee, said dent of the United Mine Workers. tent the predicament th« tollers of Ranger Brown who la stationed at when the committee met to hear the »oil find themselves in at the pre the lake this winter. The depth Is views of prominent naval officers. He Portland. Feb. 4.—(A. P)— Cat sent time, according to A. F. Lover, five feet more than last year at this indicated that he thought the call tle. steady; hogs, weak. *10.50 to member of tho Federal Farm Loan time and Indicates a later opening of would be issued after the inaugura *11; sheep, and eggs, weak; butter, board who addressed the Marketing the season than usual.— Mall-Trib tion of President Harding with whom firm. conference here today une. he Conferred recently at Marlon. "The question uppermost In the minds of farmers is what happened 9 EXPRESS RATE ADVANCE to bring about the present situation." Honolulu, Feb 4. — (A. P. 1 — The San Francisco, Feb. 4. — (A. P.) — SUSPENDED TILL MAR. 81 •aid Mr. Laver. "What has occtir t ■ Forty-six times around the world is schooner Irene, with 902,000 feet of ed to Justify a slump In prices of lumber from Grays Harbor, arrived farm products ranging from 50 per Salem, Feb 4.— (A. P.)—The pub the aggregate distance of flying by here recently after making the run cent to 100 per cent within a period lic service commission today again army pilots from March Field. River- from San Francisco in ten days, an of 12 months? suspended until March 31st the pro wide, Cal., in the past year, according average of a little better than 200 posed advance in express rates. ’’Certainly there miles per day. to army air service reports. Topeka. Feb. 4.—(A. P.)—The mouths to feed now. O S. Blanchard, a member of the Captain Gustaf Carlson, master oil story told in the brief cablegram re- The March Field statistics prove 1920 was not unusually large! state bureau of mines, has just re Interesting when compared to Jules the Irene, .said that while the clip , ceived here by Dr. Charles M. Shel-1 "Tho starving children of Arme-. turned from Portland and Salem, nla need your wheat and corn and where he conferred with other offl- Verne's hero who made the trip per ships of the old days did the trip don. editor of the Christian Herald.' livestock, but they have nothing étais of the bureau, He says that around the globe In 80 days, as forty- in better time, he believes his craft from Charles R. Crane, American1 with which to pay for It. The do-1 elaborate preparations are being six times around the world in 365 has set a new record for lumber ambassador in Peking stating 10,000 people in Northern China are dying j me«tic consumer of farm products, made for the holding of the Third days would reduce the time for one schooners. Is on a buyers' strike He Is refusing annual intern itional mining conven circumnavigation to seven days, 26 , With a moderate gale behind him^ dally from famine, has lent impetus to buy at the exorbitant price» de tion. to open In Portland on April hour and ¿6 seconds according to one , Captain Carlson said his vessel made to the movement inaugurated in Kansas to contribute corn for these Saskatoon. Sask. Feb. 4.— (A. P.) 256 miles in one day. manded by some retailers, except a* 5th. and continue for five days, This statistician. starving people. —Liquor valued at millions of dol he must buy to meet Immediate convention will bring together the "Twenty car loads of corn already lars is being shipped into Saskatche needs leading authorities on mines and have been contributed." said Dr. wan at the present time by whole "The domestic manufacturer. the mining In the world, and the pro- Sheldon, whose home is in Topeka. sale liquor concerns, according to a wholesaler and the jobber, because gram will be rich In valuable Infor- “We expect to send at least a hun statement made by the Saskatche of the uncertainty of the price of the ! mation and discussion dred car loads of corn from Kansas. wan liquor commission. There Is raw material and tho demand for fin H M Parks, director of the bu-1 It will be shipped from Tacoma, i! enough whiskey in the province at ished product, are. aa it were, danc reau of mines. agreed with Mr. am advised by grain men that thor- the present time, it is estimated, to ing tho hesitation, and they too are Blanchard that he would come to ! onghly dried corn can be shipped j take care of all the export require- in tho market only to fill tmtnedlate Grant» Pas» on Saturday, Fehruary without danger of deterioration. We «nents ( of the whole of Canada tor at Ixvndon. Feb. 4.—(A. P.l—Fiction Honolulu, Feb. 4.—(A. P.)—Bet demands. 1 2th. to take up with our miners and find that the appeal for corn meets j least two years. In 1920 ran first in public favor tn ter feeling between 15,000 Filipino1 "There Is a terrific strain upon the prospectors the arranging of a Jose with approval among farmers who ' Members of the commission antici finances of the country at the crop phine county display of minerals for | the United Kingdom as it did in plantation workers in Hawaii and the are long on corn and possibly short pate that while this liquor remains 1914. sugar planters for whom they work moving season. Also an Inefficient the big convention. He will meet on ready money just at this time.” in the province it will be a menace to Sociology now comes second, in was predicted recently by Francisco i and expensive system of transporta with all who are Interested In Jose The appeal for corn was sent out the putting into effect of the prohi stead of religion, which held that Varona. special labor commissioner in cooperation with J. C. Mohler. * tion. There Is an uneconomic and phine's mining resources at the bition measures which became effec of the Philippine government, who' ttnwlse strain upon the buying and (•hamlier of Commerce asembly room place in 1914, secretary of the state board of agri- ■ tive. February 1. There will always Juvenile literature has displaced has been here some time investigat absorptive powers of the purchasers at 1:30 o’clock on the day of his vis culture. Dr. Sheldon Is one of the, be a certain amount of leakage with of farm producta Under this system it when all details for the making of science for the third place, and tech ing conditions. American committee of 130 which in the province and will be until the nology comes fourth. A new policy to be adopted by the we are asking the buyers of farm a comprehensive display of our mln-1 has undertaken to raise *8.000.00« vast quantity has been finally dis Then follow, in order, religion, planters toward their Filipino labor (Continued on Baxe 2» eral wealth can be arranged for Chinese relief. posed of, they declare. science, poetry, history, medicine.! ers. according to Mr. Varona. In description and biography. Litera- cludes free transportation for work-j ture comes last in the list or 12! ers and families back to the Phll- loading subjects. ipplnes after three years’ work here. I In the year just ended. 11.004 new better housing conditions and more ( books were published in the United modern arrangements for fuel and Kingdom; an Increase of 2.382 com-j water. pared with the previous year. This' Filipinos were the first planta-! brings British publishing almost! tion workers to go on strike here; back to pre-war level. The forego-. last spring and were followed by Hamburg, Germany. Feb. 4. (A. ports During the first 11 months Washington, Feb. 4.— (A. P.) — 5 years, reduced to one year. The Despite lack tonnage, short of 1920, 4,369 vessels of a tonnage Ing analysis was compiled by the Japanese. The combined walkout1 Reduction in the number of dishon maximum where weapons are usegt Publishers Circular and Booksellers’I tied up the sugar plantations of the J age of coni, latior troubles and a de of 3.899,240 arrived at Hamburg, as orable discharges from the army and still is 5 years. Record. Island of Oahu for several weeks. predated currency, German ship compared with 1,85 4 vessels and a grading down in the severity of The maximum for obtaining under ping interests have begun an Inten 1.303,629 tons In 1919, and 13,875 courts-martial sentences are expected false pretenses money or property sive campaign to revive pre-war sfa vessels of 13.006.4 26 tons tn the first by the judge advocate general’s de valued at $50 or more is reduced trade. Millions of murks have al 11 months of 1913. partment to result from an executive from -5 years to 3 years. ready gone into Important ship-build The majority of these vessels, I order limiting military peace time “The executive order will not re ing contract* punishment which goes into effect to sult In a radical reduction of penal however, are sailing under foreign Hugo Btlnnes, reputed to be the flags. morrow. The order follows wide agi ties.” Colonel C. A. Kreger, acting wealthiest man in the new repub tation over courtmartial penalties judge advocate declared. "Punish lic, «nd a heavy shareholder in a during the war period ments fQr offenses In the army have London. Feb. 4.—(A. P.l- Slr Al- number of shipping companies, is re A memorandum from the presi been based since 1914 on a consen fred Booth, chairman of the Cunnrd ported to be attempting to extend dent attached to the order directs sus of those fixed by different state Shipping Company. Is of the opinion hl* Influeu e, which Is now tlie con-j that maximum punishment and dis laws tor similar civil offenses. The that up to a certain point Germany trolling factor In the German East! honorable discharges be imposed executive order reduces maximum is bound to recover her shipping po Africa line and the Woermann line. I only in aggravated cases. This is ex penalties for such offenses as fraud sition. and an important factor In tho affairs: pected to have more effect in reduc ulent enlistmen desertion and others "While It is true.” he stated In an of tho Hamburg-American lino. ing penalties, it was stated than the peculiarly military In nature, hnt Regular steamship services with! interview here, "that Germany has actual order, which reduces punish maximum penalties seldom have America, South America. East Afri-j to start, again practically from the ments for 21 different offenses un been awarded for these offenses. ca. Mexico, Cuba, Spain. Portugal.1 beginning, ft Is also true that the be der the military code "The president’s memorandum Australia and Mediterranean ami . ginning has already been made." The old maximum of 18 months calling attention to the articles of Scandinavian ports, have been *rees | /’The newly Issued German ship confinement for desertion by men war which provide for a grading tabllshed, and tho North Sea, Baltic' ping annual tells the world that nine less than one year in service has been down from maximum penalties where and Rhino traffic has assumed a new German stenmshlp lines are again at reduced to one year, and in cases of cases are not aggravated probably and lively a»i»ect. Handicappod by work plying to the two Americas and more than 6 months service.from 2% will have more effect In Ugh tenir g ahortnge of ships the German have to Mexico, to Injlla. and the Dutch years to two years The period of punishments than the red u et lin» turned their attention to conversion Indios, to Senntflnnvln, Cuba and the absence for which desertion penal which he actually orders, His tuem- of warships to commercial usages, to Mediterranean, tbe Baltic, even to ties can ba in , used Is Increased from orandum however. ]>ut stresses what consttuctlon* of motor ships out of Antwerp and to England 30 to 60 days. Is already a part of mllltarv law." "The rumor that a further 200,000 Since 1899 the president has 5)een snllRig vessels, and to the study of The maximum penalty for fraudu oll-tne’l as a substitute for the more tons of shipping Is soon to go to lent enlistment has been reduced authorized by congress to fix the Germane may ho hut a rumor," add expensive coal fuel. from one year s imprisonment to six limit of military punishment by seven prominent physician •< ho-Slovakm. Ing a Revival of German commerce Is ed Sir Arthur. months. The greatest reduction of executive order and several such or- tour of tl.e Uniteti States, under the direction of the Rockefeller foundation, "Certniniy (►-•» pnrttf by bien I IndUaterf by the Increased number of maximum confinement is for assaiflt ders have been Issued from time to for the purpose of studying new methods of sanitation. •hips «tilling nt the more Important (Continued on Page 3) without deadly weapons, which was time +>y different presidents - - - —j ---- s ■ ——■---------------- - . ... — —- MARCH FIELD PILOTS 46 HEREON FEBRUARY12 Doctors Come From Czecho-Slovakia