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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1921)
4 Dniln Courier TOte AMMOLLATE!) fllEHA SERVICE ti It A.NTH I'AHH, JOHEPH1NE COUNTY, OREGON, THI'RMDAY, FEBRUARY' 4lrplun« and the Submarine Have Not Yet Supplanted the Dread- naught «« Sts Power Ik«*!» Resting Place in Armenia ► WHOLE NI MBER 3103. Washington, Feb 3.—(A. P.l — Washington, Feb. 3.—(A. P.)— MOTOR LORRY LOADED WITH Charles G. Dawes, former head of The battleship remains the basis of I POLICEMEN IS WRECKED BY the army supply procurement service sea power, and those arguing the alr-| NEW METHOD OF ATTACK in France, told the investigating plane and the submarine aa sup-, committee that their work was rend planted It are asking th» country to, ered useless through the Injection of "accept hopes for accomplishments." j Aberdeen. Wash , Feb. 3.— (A. P.l police questioned a Japanese section partisan politics. “You cannot put the navy genera) board says in * re-' Twenty-six sticks of dynamite foreman to whom the paper wrap a blotch on the army. What the hell port to Secretary Daniels. with a splutering fuse were placed ping of the bundle was addresed, but did we go to war for—to steal? It under the American l-eglon building he proved his Innocence. Two sus was not a republican or a democratic Delegate* Representing th« I arlou* here last night while 50 ex-seirvice pects were caught on the blind bag war. It was an American war, yet as Rebellion in Ireland Grows and Government* of th«« World Would men were Inside filing applications gage of a train, having fuses and a a fule these committees try to bring €*own Forces Are < «instant Taz- Be ta.enibled for the state war bonus. Henry Lan bottle of explosive. They were held,_ in ________ _____ ______ gets of the Opposition partisan ________ politics.” There were caster, Legionnaire, saw a man though not believed guilty of the le- many women at the hearing, but the crouching, and Investigating found gion attempt, but of attempt to blow! general swore constantly. Washington. Feb 3 — (A 1 P.l — the dynamite wrapped In a Monte a safe at Cosmopolis. The police be-! Dublin, Feb. 3—(A. P.)—A motor A resolution authorizing the | presl- sano newspaper with fuse lighted. lleve the attempt Is connected with ‘ lorry loaded with auxiliary police dent, to Invite the nations of tho The would be bomber ««caped. The the Centralia Armistice day affair. was blown up by a mine in the road worl«! to send delegates to a disar Short change artists who have at Balllngalee, and four were killed. mament conference was reported fav been operating in Granta Pass. Gold This is the first time such a method orably by the house foreign affulrs Hill, Medford and other southern has been used in attacking crown I committee here today. Oregon towns caused the arrest at forces. Three lorries with police I Medford last night of Geo. Willits were attacked in Dublin, bombs be The bringing of Josephine county and Earl L Moser, who wore suspect ing thrown at them, Officers return into prominence as a thoroughbred ed of being Implicated In the opera ed the fire and two civilians were hog raising district is the plan of tions The men were arrested upon wounded. Hayes & Harter, who will go exten I-ondon. Feb. 3.—(A. P.)—‘Brit-1 John Doe warrants Issued from the Vancouver. B. C., Feb. 3.—(A. P.)! sively into the raising of Hampshire justice court In this city, the com ish aviation authorities have an-* —'Major Neil Armstrong, 'big game' Skibereen. Ireland, Feb. 3 — (A. plaint being sworn to by J. B Kinney nounced that the R-36, one of the hunter and Yukon p.oneer, is making hogs. Harold Harter, former resi P.)—Several hundred Sinn Feinere dent of Josephine county but for of th« Sample store, where the short four airships to be used for expert- ' a determined fight for gtme conser attacked 15 police between Burgada changers came out several dollars to ments In commercial work, will have vation In Canada’s frozen norihlandj some years a resident of Illinois, has and Ross Carbery -and six of the at purchased the interest of I. E. Hayes As the outcome of th« meeting of, the good Constable Martin went to a passenger saloon with capacity for Moose and mountain she«p are being' In the Hayes Bros, farm at Murphy tackers were killed and several the members of the county court Medford to bring the parties here for .">0 persons. This will be the first «laughtore! by the thousand by mul and will hereafter be associated with wounded. The attackers were beat with the state highway commission . preliminary hearing, but when ho ar British airship to be fully equipped timillionaire hunters from the Unit-| W. L. Hayes. Mr. Harter, who will en off after fierce fighting, aban for passenger sendee The R-36 Is rived at the Jackson county metrop ed States. he ‘ said in a recent inter-: at Portland this week. there In to be arrive here from Reynolds. Ill., doning a quantity of ammunition. Immediate cooperation between the olis he found that one of the men. now nearing completion at Glasgow. view, ano explorers aaid prospectors about the middle of February, pur No police casualties were reported. Four airships will be used in the the who have Willits, had slipped out of ived off the country year atate and the county In the construe-! He came oxperlments. The others are the after year ire finding their task in-i chased at a cost of *700 “Model De-, tlon of a modern concrete bridge over clutch of the officers. fender,” the grand champion boar of Deer creek, just beyond Selma, on back with Moser In the latter's an lo British R-37 and the German L-71 creasfngly difficult. the Hampshire breed at the 1920 MONTANA PRODUCERS and V64. Even the caribou are being thln-j the Granta Pa **-C rescent City high mobile. Mrs Willits, whoso husband STII.L Hom MUCH WHEAT Illinois state fair. The boar was The first tests are expected to ned cut. although the largest herd way. The bridge, which is estimated had decamped, also coming with shipped to Grants Pass by express I take place on the • route to Egypt. retains g its identity on the Amerl-i to cost about *25,000, will be built them Parties here could not ldentl-| 1 Jhe experiments can con’in* nt still contrlns several j and arrived here on Tuesday. under supervision of the state high fy Moser as having been a party to. Malta and back. If Mr. Hayes will leave on Saturday Lewistown, Montana. Feb. 3.-—(A. ' prove the practicability of using air thousand head and is to be seen way department, the state and coun the short changing of local mer for Santa Barbara. Cal., to meet Mr. P.)—Great Northern railway offi ships for the carriage of roods' — >i nd chants. and it Is now believed that ( every year migrating from the Arc-' ty each to bear half the coat The Harter, where they will purchase a cials here estimate that 2,500,000 atate commission coperates with th« Willits, who made his get-away, is, passengers, the service may be start- tic to Southeastern Alaska. It took ' number of registered Hampshire bushels of wheat remain unshipped e«l -fairly early this year. two wzeks 'or the herd, moving con county In this aa preliminary to the the man wanted here. sows for breeding purposes. Messrs. in towns on their line in the stat« tinuoualy. to pass last year. construction of an Inter-state high-1 The method used by the parties In Hayes & Harter will devote their at- of Montana. Up to December 21, way which will connect Oregon nnd defrauding merchants was the old and business houses that confess to , tention and their ranch to the rais- reports show. 9,500,000 bushels wer« .paying the price for the entertain California, though definite plan* for familiar one of making a small pur-s Investigate» Water Right*— ’ ing of Hampshires. carried by the railway. tho Imtaedlnte construction of new chase, then asking to have sliver and ment of the glib conversationalist are G. Hazelton, of the engineering de the Sample Store, Herman Horning, portions of thia highway have not small change converted lnt<» hills, the partment of the Southern Pacific the Moore Bakery. Moser and railroad company, is in the city to 1 been made, according to the informa merchant being entertalneti during and tion obtained by Judge Pollock and the time with a rapid fire conversa WII11U and his wife claim to be resi day investigating certain water Commissioner McFadden who were tion which would cost him anywhere dents of Fresno. California, and were rights in which his company is Inter by automobile. front *’> to *10. Ixtcal merchants traveling 1 In Portland. ested. The railroad company has At a preliminary hearing before gravity water for the supply at sev-^ Justice Holman today. Moser was eral of its water stations along the questioned regarding the Idaho li line, the water coining from springs ■ i cense tag of the 1920 vintage that' and creeks, and Mr. Hazelton is tak Budapest. Feb. 3. — (A. P.) — Many steps of the new government is the he had upon his car. He explained ing note of the sufficiency of the It by saving that he had exchanged right of the company to this water. of the poor people of this city a«c deportation of undesirable citizens, his old car in Seattle for the new- In these days when water is being being driven to wholesale thievery those suspected of bolshevik tenden one. and through Ignorance of the filed upon wherever it can be made by the fuel shortage. Thé recent cies or who are known to be opposed law had phanged the, tag over from available for irrigation purposes, the theft of 25 carloads of wood from to the present form of government. the old to the new. and had then value of a right to the natural flow one‘train of 100 carloads as it en Hundreds of these have come to Washingion, Feb. 3. (A t’.) — currency of smaller denominations tered the city shows the extent to Hungary since the outbreak of the failed to purchase a new license tag of creek or river is appreciated. A Complete count of the govern- in circulation. Thousand dollars bills| which the stealing is going on. war. Now their houses and fiata for 1921. Acting upon thia informa mont's cash b'i < Just been made for in circulation are few and each bank Wood is so scarce that when a are being commandeered and turned tion. the district attorney has enter PORTLAND M\RKETS the first time In twelve years. The In the country is kept supplied by wagonload Is driven through the over to homeless refugees from ed a charge against Moser for viola Portland. Feb. 3. — (A. P.) — Cat total approximated *18,500,000,000, the treasury with a list of them with tion of the state automobile law. tle and sheep steady; hogs, lower. streets people stop and gaze after it1 Transylvania and other sections who Included all cult anil sicurltie* held their numbers so that If perchance have been living in freight cars in and he will have to answer before the *11 to *11 25; eggs. butter, until It is out of sight. as reserves against currency out any are extract««! from the treasuryj Daring small boys are ever on the the railroad yards. Justice court. firm. illegally the holder will have extreme standing. alert for a stray piece of wood or The majority of the people have The count was made by a special difficulty In realizing on them. anything that will give heat at parted company with the last of The count just finished was made committee of three, assisted by home. They scamper after every their articles of jewelry and the eight accountants and by fifteen la necessary by the retirement of John passing wood wagon but are soon dealers from other lands are not get borers who were psed to move Burko as treasurer and was complet- frightened away by long whips in ting many takers of their offers of around the heavy sacks of gold and ! ed In the remarkably short time of the hands of two women who sit on fabulous prices for gold and silver. »liver, The men delved Into groat three weeks through the use of elec guard astride the load. What is called the state exchange vaults In the treasury building and tric counting machines. Ix>ose coins The operation of unloading a ton bureau, a sort of national pawnshop, took stock of gold, silver ami paper passed through these machines in of Hungary’s inferior brown coal be has paid as high as 80,000 crowns money and securities, many of which stead of being counted by hand as fore a house attracts many neighbors for a kilogram (of 2.20 pounds) of hail not seen the light of day since was necessary In the olden days. Pa who make a pathetic picture as they scrap gold and dealers are offering shortly after William Howard Taft per currency was counted by the watch basketful after basketful dis 120,000 crowns tn an effort to coax was inaugurated president and a fie w piece, but stored coins and currency appear into the coal bin of the more another kilogram from people who treasurer of the United States was were counted by the sack or package fortunate one. may be hoarding their precious In cases where tho wrappings were appointed In 1909. Because of the urgency to obtain metal. For pure gold 250,000 crowns The necountants In entering the unbroken and the seal on each intact. fuel, by dishonest means, if honest a kilogram Is offered with no takers, Upon completion of the count the vaults passed grlm-vlsgged guards ones are of no avail, the Juvenile The explanation is that most of the who day and night “sit on the lid” storage compartments of the vaults courts were never so crowded -with gold has been smuggled to other to prevent nny possible attempts at were sealed with tho seal of the spe youthful offenders. countries where the money has more an unauthorized raid on the treas cial committee and a receipt was The scarcity of fuel arose value. ury. The vaults themselves are sup given to Mr. Burke, the retiring acute daily as winter advances, The Hungarian newspapers print posed to be burttlar proof and are of treasurer, by Guy F. Allen, hfs suc street railway service has a warning to 150,000 laborers of massive concrete nnd steel construc cessor for the cash and securities of sharply curtailed, and people Hungarian origin in the United tion. The storage sections are kept the government hold In the treasury. for hours exposed to the bitter 3tates to desist from their reported under «enl and this was the first When he signed the receipt the act The worst operated American street intention' to return to their native time that somo of them had been ing treasurer became personally re car never tolerated such crowding. land at this time. The papers say ___________ ___ ___ opened In 12 , years for when John sponsible for the safekeeping of nil Gas factories are provided with that the economic crisis in America Burke became treasurer after Presi the cash and securities tn the build coal for only 24 hours at a time and can never be as bad as It is here and dent Wilson was first Inaugurated he ing. the gas is turned on now only at urged their countrymen not to fur The new treasurer was represented accopted the count of cash In the noon and after 6 o’clock. Only- one ther embarrass Hungary’s unemploy storage sections which hud not been on tho special counting committee light is permitted in a room and not ment problem. opened since the previous count In by F. E Reppert. vault clerk of more than three rooms in a house As If the country's cup of misery cash division of tho treasurer's or single apartment may be lighted was not full it is now visited by an 1909 The accountants handled money flee. C. N. McOroaty, chief of at the same time. Even the most epidemic of hoof and mouth disease of every possible denomination division of loans and currency expensive hotels have no running and people are prohibited from buy *>»& from th<\ lowlv copper to *10,000 chairman of the committee, and hot water. Saturday is bathing day. ing cattle from neighboring states. bills. Many of the bills, particularly John Moon, chief of the coupon On other days baths can only be had All frontiers are closely watched and those of the large denominations, render section of that division, nt the publlcebatbs for which Buda all cattle within 20 kilometers of the such as *1.000. were In sheets of resented the secretary of the treas- pest is famous border must be registered with the foiir each and held as reserve against One of the latest and most drastic health authorities BRIDGE AT OEER CREEK / IITJ1 Forim-r Head of the Army Supply Procurement Service in France Usee Forceful I-anguagc Dynamite With Spluttering Fuse Attached Found Under Building • at Aberdeen, Washington, Where Fifty Meo Are in Meeting a) 3,