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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1921)
♦ t ANMMTATED PIIEHH SERVICE z- - — T VOL. XL, No. I on . GRANT« I’ANH, JOHEl'HINE (XJUNTY. OREGON. WEDNEBDAY, JANUARY iWI. 1021. WHOLE NIMBER 31«. « 10,000 SHELLS IN Til re«' I'irenu'ti In Burning BulMIng Are Over«<>i»e by th«' Smoke anil Are IteM-iMMl ns Roof Falls One of Trio Is i’rubably Fatally In jured by One of Party Who Were Victims of Attempted Robbery - Cleveland. Jan. 26 - (A. P >- Ton THIRTY-NIX PERNONH, MONT I,Y ONLY ONE MEMBER DECLINES TO Seattle, Jan 26.—(A. P.)—A| FORMER DIRECTOR OEVERAL OF («AMBER of COMMERCE HEARS bandit was shot and probably fatally | thousand rounds of rifle ammunition PROF. REIMER ANO GII EH WOMEN AND CHILDREN, ARE SUPPORT MEASURE REGI LAT EMERGENCY FLEET CORPORA stored In the basement of the Cleve wounded when he and two compan-; Al’I’ROVWL OF REcjl EsTN 1X>NT WITH SCHOONER INO COMMERCIAL INDUSTRY TION .ABSOLVED OF GUILT I land Gray's armory exploded today ions attempted to bold up a party Thfee firemen were overcome tn the smoke and were rescued just an the roof fell. | Loss. 1300,000. Salem, Jan 26.—(A. P.l—Fol » ' lowing clashes between Eastern Ore I’Hqa-r ilniuu lai Care «>< th«' South gon and Willamette valley represen Tv««dve More Die Wh«*n Liuncli With tative«. the house yesterday passed er» Orngon Eiperliumi Farm Is 37 Persons, Is Driven Upon the I rgesl I |H>n the Hiato the Upton resolution providing a Coral Reefs Joint committee to consider the re-J apportionment bills. Prof F..C Helmer, superintendent Manila. Jan 26.—(A. P.)—Thir of the Southern Oregon experiment ty-six Filipinos, mostly women and Station at Talent, outlined to the di children, were drowned in the wreck rectors nt the local Chamber of Com- ing of tho three masted coastwise merer, laet night, the history of the schooner FIHcltad in a furious experiment station, its accomplish- storm at the mouth of the Agno ments, Its benefits to Southern Ore-! river. gon and the entire country In gen-1 Twelve Filipino« were drowned In Jack Murray, representing the the wreck of a launch off the island oral, the many demands that are be ing made upon It. the problems that people of the Curry county district of Caaiguran. A launch containing confront It and tho nec«»a»ary Im- > who are seeking to have a road built 27 was driven on the coral reefs. provements that must be made toi down the Illinois river to connect up carry on Its work efficiently, follow-' with a road up the Rogue appeared Ing which the hoard gave its unani before the board of directors of the GEO. HILLINGS. SUSPECTED M sil \DOW." RETURNING mous approval and endorsi'inmt of chamber of commerce last night. He the station and the great work It! sought the support of the commercial organisation in bringing about the has accomplished Portland. Jan 26.-—(A. P.) Prof Helmer told how the sta-' construction of the road t He said George Billings, alias Brady, is en i that 18 miles of road would continue tlon'a experiments with sulphur fer-j mixers had Increased th» yield In the present highway down the Illi route today from Seattle, where he alfalfa fr«>m one-quarter of a ton nois to the Josephine-Curry line, was arrested for investigation in per acre to four and five tons per while Curry would have seven miles connection with the operations of to build to conn«'ct with It. Th«^ di "Shadow.” (Continued on pogo 4.) rectors by resolution directed that its effort should go toward the pro L1X>YD GEORGE PEEVED ject, and will take Immediate steps IT NEWSPAPER COMMENT to enlist the cooperation of the for estr' department in the building of the road, 1f It does not seem pos Paris, Jan. 26—(A. P.l—- Lloyd sible to gi it immediate action tóward George is reported to have told Bri- the road, the department will be and he "would never come to Paris asked to construct a trail down the again” because of newspaper erfti- Cleveland. Ohio. Jan 2« (A P. > j river clsm of hls attitude on questions be- —«Plans for a closer relationship be fore the supreme council, Briand AUSTRIAN CROWN BILLS twean producers and consumers and urged the press to use more modera for group buying and selling will fee NOW LABEL HEER BOTTLES tion. formulated and presented to tho far mer-labor cooperative congress tor Zurich. Switzerland. Jan 26.—(A. adoption, it is exitecled. when that P )- A local brewery is using Atte body meets here February 10 to 12 trlan one crown bills sa labels for Tho convention will also consider beer bottles. An Austrian paper methods to prevent the exploitation crown Is now worth about a quarter of farmers and fruit growers and’ of a cent, while printed labels would may devise some plans for shipping coat nt least double The brewery firm finds this novel products direct to Industrial centers labeling system a paying proposition for distribution to consumers. Shanghai, Jan. 26.— (A. P.)—The Between 1200 anil 1'>00* delegates for the reason that people eagerly Shanghai branch of the America n representing several hundred cooper collect the banknote labels tn the lied Cross completed in Decemlier ative stores, 125 labor unions and ho|>o that the crown may rise In distribution of something over »500,- 900.000 progressive farmers are ex value 000 worth of medical and hospital pected to attend the convention, ac supplies to mission dispensaries and cording to Warren 8. Stono. grand hospitals in all parts of China The chief of the Brotherhood of Ixvcomo- materials given away in China were tlve Engineers and a leader in the those left behind In Siberia when the congress. American Red Cross was withdrawn, I breakfasting at Motor Inn, on tn®; Pacific highway, near Auburn. His I two companions escaped after ex- i changing shots with A. Marco, one of the members of the party. O|»|MMes Bill Betauso It Carries Era-1 Salem, Jan. 26.—(A. P.)—Effort Walsh Committee That Ha» Been In ergency Clause Making It Imme- to kill by indefinite postponement vestigating the Case I-.sne«l Au dlately Effective of the Hume parole board bill was thorize«! Statement defeated in the senate today when ! the minority report against it failed p ( __ with 1,0 substituted for the majority I Washington, Jan. 2«.—(A. P.) — Salem. Jan 26.—(A. Charges that Charles M. Schwab re only one dissenting vote, the home report recommending Its passage. ceived payment from the government today passed the Rogue river fish ; for expenses while serving as direc bill. The adverse vote was cast by tor general at the emergency fleet Representative Johnson, of Josephine corporation, were not proven and not county, who objected to the einer- true, the Walsh committee declared in an authorized statement here to geni-y clause in the bill. day. The house also passed the follow- ing bills: Raising the legal rate news Mrs. Alice Bacon has returned j I papers may charge for publication of from a tour of inspection of the ANOTHER NEGRO LYNCHING legal notices; changing date of hold schools in the northern part of the REPORT IS NOW DUB ing teachers examinations: provid-| county, Yesterday she visited the j ing for consolidation of school dis schools at Wolf Creek, Golden and tricts; compelling sponsons of meas District 4 5. She states that all of I Memphis, Jan. 26.—(A. P.) — ures as well as the candidate to file these schools are doing good work. Henry Lowery, a negro charged with statement of election expenses; pro At Wolf Creek the women have a killing a planter and his daughter, viding penalty for escaping or at- j majority upon the school board, this was taken from the officers at Sardis, tempting to escape from the state being one of the few instances where! Mias., by a crowd, bundled into an penitentiary; providing for means by this is true, and^the women are tak-l automobile and disappeared. which cities may foreclose tax liens ing an active interest in the opera-; on property, A bill providing for tion of district affairs. The high licensing of dental hygienists was school which was discontinued there; indefinitely postponed. By adop will be reestablished in the near fu tion of a majority report of the com ture if plans work out, and there is! mittee on education, the senate to also discussion in some directions fori day postponed indefinitely Senator a consolidation of the schools at' Hume's standardization bill, one of Wolf Creek. Golden. Speaker and j his measures directed to the regula District 45. Such a consolidation. it j tion of private schools. is believed, will be effected as soon' A bill to regulate drugless thera as the proposed highway work is Chicago. Ill.. Jan. 26.—(A. P.) — peutics was allowed to proceed to the completed," giving paved or graded -\ nation-wide movement in mouth third reading after an acriminous roads throughout the district that hygiene, having for its primary ob debate over majority and minority! can be travelled at any period of the- ject the betterment of mouth condi reports. tions in ithe child by means of in year. struction in this subject in the schools, will be Inaugurated here on ASK. ROBT. STANFIELD TO IDDRESS LEGISLATURE Thursday, January 27, at the 57th ■ anniversary of the Chicago dental Salem. Jan. 26.—(A. P.)—A joint society, Several thousand dentists from resolution proposing that as an ex pression of confidence. Senator-elect this country and Canada have sig Robert N. Stanfield be invited to ad- nified their intention of attending « dress a joint session of the house the meeting, Thomas A. Forsyth, of Boston, who ward to various parts of China Of and senate, was introduced in the has contributed »8,000,000 to found the 350 .hospitals and institutions senate today. - and maintain the Forsyth infirmary that received them 232 were non- of Boston will be the guest of honor. American and 118 were American. The distribution was made regard estabii«hinK denta> ««»- in all large cities will be less of nationality or creed and hun discussed and dentists from those dreds of letters the Shanghai Red Cross has received, attest the urgent infirmaries have al- LAIHH u IIH i r®adT been established will be need of the things given, particular ent to tell of the work done. ly at this time when owing to fluc 1 I » consisting of 3,305 cases of goods. tuations of exchange and other Tokio. .[an. 26.—(A. P.l—Foreign about a shipload, that were trans—j causes, working budgets of hospitals Minister Uchida. when interpellated shipped from Vladivostok to Shang-1 have been seriously impaired. in the lower house of parliament. ' Marlon. O.. Jan 26—(A.P i—Two hal in the summer months. Among the supplies shipped were ’ bandits early today entere«l the coun-| In order that a basis might be ar- i five complete sets of surgical instru held out little hope for an immedi ty treasurer's office, knocked Treas rived at for a systematic analysts of 1 ments. the majority of which may ate movement for disarmament, but urer Forrv unconscious, and escaped j the requirements of hospitals in not be obtained in China markets, said restriction of armaments would in an automobile with 114,000 In Chifia. and so that the distribution and other things sent included var-; j be considered bE Japan if proposed, might be equitable, questionnaires ious kinds of cotton and bandages, by another nation, "Some practical cash. Peking. Jan 26.—(A. P.l— The were sent out by the Shanghai Red surgical dressings, blanketing, gar-' men abroad do not approve Immedf- Portland, Ore., Jan. 26.—(A. P.) Poking government has received a Kansas City, Jan. 26.—(A. P.)— Cross and based on returns from ments. sterilizers, microscopes and ate disarmament, although they — Organization of another Pacific The existing agree in principles. note from Dr Sun Yat-sen. head of Three daylight automobile bandits these a chart was prepared which drugs. All expenses and charges for the newly organized "extraordinary" held up Dovers National bank mes- gives a history and description of forwarding the supplies were borne German situation is one factor which coast intercollegiate “Big Three,” or as it probably will be called, the government of South China at Can sengers, and escaped with 1853,000 the distribution. by the China central committee of; prevents complete agreement. Jap- an's naval policy is one of expansion ‘’Little Three” is being considered by ton. making three demands which he in non-negotiable checks. In all, 400 shipments went for- the Red Cross. but one that cannot 'be avoided in the University of Oregon, the Wash says the Peking government must ington State College and the Oregon the interests of self protection. meet before the Canton group will Agricultural College. entertain the proposition for rennl- The new organization would be a flcatlon of the country. rival of the recently formed “Big Tho demands are for dismissal Three” consisting of Stanford Uni from the I’eklpg administration of versity. the University of California ell militarists. Including Premier and the University of Washington. Chin Tun-peng who is also minister [ To date the "Big Three” organiza of war; cancellation of the mandate Valparaiso, Ind.. Jan. 26. — ^(A. P.) tion holds only tn matters affecting recently issued by the Peking gov football schedulee. All elx of the ernment announcing the union of the —Thirty-six per cent of the mem Shanghai, Jan. .— (A. P.)— colleges were members of the Pa two factions in North and South bers of congress. 55 per cent of the Plans were set In motion in Decem cific Coast Conference, and orgar^ China, and a pledge not to negoti-. presidents of the United States and ber by Dr. C. T Wang, head of the Ized separate football schedulee when 54 per cent of the vice presidents ate any further foreign loans. good roads committee of the recent the conference’s schedule waa aban The government, r cording to n have been college graduates, accord ly organized Pan Pacific Union, to doned recently. high authority, considi rs the de ing to an announcement made by Dr. hold a good roads convention in Students coming to Portland from mands Impossible and an evidence of G C Borst, dean of education of Shanghai In the spring of 1921. The the "Little Three’ schools say that It a lack of desire on the part of the the Valparaiso university. Dr. Borst also made the statement immediate purpose of the convention the organization is formed, the mem southerners to encourage pj- e ef- that there is only one per cent of will be to discuss the projects of ber colleges would not be permitted forts. college graduates in our male popu building roads from Shanghai to to schedule games of any kind with lation of graduate age. Hangchow and from Shanghai to Washington. They could, however, PORTLAND MARKETS "Nearly 55 per cent of all cabi Nanking. Doctor Wang, who was ptav with the California teams. There Portland, Jnn 26.— (A. P.)-—Cat one of China’s delegatee to the peace is a feeling, the students say. that tle. steady; hogs. 25c higher, prime net members. «9 per cent of the jus northweet conference at Paris, is enlisting the Washington, while a light, »II to »11.50; sheep, stendv: tices of the supreme court and 85 per aid of heads of Chambers of com- school Is not anxious to meet other eggs, weak, buying price, 40c. sell cent of tho chief Justices have also : merce and other commercial bodies northwest college teams hut want« ing, candled. 45c, selects, 48c; but bean furnished from this one ! arranging the convention. the company of the Californians. cent.” said Dr. Borst. ter. steady. lADAM’Q NAVA! DDIIPV PIans for JnlHIl 0 IlnVnL lUUui IQ flNP fll- FYDANCIflN cities ln whlch 10 UHL Ul pres