AMMO4 1ATF.D FREMI «SERVICE A'«»L, XI., No. I lit»I ME TO HOI ME MEAR« Il Rl-P Y e AIJ* THAT MANY «THEM ARE c K REPRESENTED ■ - SPARK FROM WORKMAN’S CHIS- EL RESPONSIBLE FOR CATAS­ TROPHE IN MEMPHIS * •I W ■ / General Who Has Command of lhe New Monaco I» Reported \rrest­ ed at Ihissi-ldorf "X > ’ Police May That All Meetltlgw of Red Would Correct inequalities in Assess- Organization-. Mould Be Prohibi­ men- ami Levy of Taxes Say the Superintendente ted Hereafter Berlin, Jan 24 I A. I* I- -A semi­ l’ortlund. Jan. 24.—(A. P.)—The; official report issued today says that police urrosted 13 alleged radicals. | evidence of the creation of a red and*selfed a quantity of radical lit­ army has been found tn several cltlgr © . t> erature and prohibited a meeting' In Germany by a house to house >««>•«•« 4 UiMJI scheduled for last night, advertised search. The army is said to possess a vast supply of light and heavy as "In memorium of Bloody Sunday"' arms end other war material, The 1905.' K. B. Phagan la the naw prohibition In Petrograd January 23nd, general commanding the rad army is officer for New York. Those under arrest are charged with: z reported arrested at Du--cldorf. violating the state criminal syndi-i callsm act. Mayor Baker announced PORTLAND M ARK ETN that all meetings of alleged radical organizations would be prohibited' Portland. Jan 34.—(A I’.»--Cat­ hereafter. tle weak: hogs lower. Ill 00 to »11.35; sheep, steady; egg" and but­ ter. weak. Bill in Muitc IzNlislaturc Would Make Hanging the Punishment for Various Type« of < "rimes DRY LAW HERE TO STAY Salem. Jan. 24.—(A. P.)—The county unit system of taxation for school districts Is to be embraced in a bill being prepared by the commit­ tee of the county superintendents’ association of the state. The object is to eliminate Inequalities now exist­ ing among districts which long have been the target of criticism. Under the proposed bill school districts would be dtvided into three classes, city districts, village districts, hav­ ing from 500 to 1000 pupils, and county districts. Row of Small Dwellings Occupied Largely by Negroes Is Destroyed by the T'ire That Results ■ I I The earl of Dunraven has been opposing the Irish home rule bill In the house of lords on the ground that it is not supported by the majority of Irishmen.’ Memphis, Tenn, Jan. 2'4.—(A. P.) —The exploeion of a tank car filled with gasoline set fire to a row of small dwellings, mostly occupied by negroes, in the north end of Mem­ phis today. A number of persons are missing. The police estimated early today as high as 25 dead and 50 in- j tired. The cause of the explosion la re- ported to have been a spark from a workman’s -chisel. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hoffman are in from Waldo for a few days. They are registered at the Oxford. Paris Meet I- ' onsidered Second in Importance Only to the Versail- lee Conference Salem. Jan. 24.—(A. P. I—Educa­ Liverpool. Jan. 24 — (A. P.)—Lord Salem. Jan. 24— (A P.I—A bill Paris, Jan. 24.—(A. P.)—Repre­ promising capital puulshment for Iztverhulme, one of Great Britain's tional bills before the house commit­ sentatives o Great Britain. France. Salem. Jan. 24.—(A. P.)—Oregon hold-up mm was introduced by Sen- largest manufai turerà, told the Daily tee on education today provide free Italy, Belgium and Japan gathered New York, Jan. 34. (A. P aior Hume today. The bill would Post representative on his return text .books for elementary schools, here today ter a conference which. members of congress urged support IJnrley Morse, whose accoun»iii4 f of a constitutional amendment ex­ audited tho Rethleuem SMpbwH-Hi, mtle It uh offense punishable by from a recent visit to the United make school elections couform to seemed second in importance only to tending the term of office of presi­ Comi>any‘s books, corroborated bi­ banzlnz to assault witli Intent to kill States that "prohibition In America that preceding the signing of the Ver ­ ace a isrson In jcoimrdy in a has come to stay—of that you may general elections, fix school director's sailles treaty. Settlement of long! dent of the United States to eight fore the Walsh committee the <«•-«•■ or place terms in certain districts and remove years In a joint resolution introduced be certain.” mony of Colonel Abadie, cone- rain ; rolibary or attempted robbery. pending questions i& expected at the by Representative Lee. of Multno­ "The people are settling down un­ property restrictions on voters at conference. a voucher for »280,000 alleged to • school elections. mah. today. cover personal expense« of Charles l,ondon, Jun. 24.—(A. I*. I The der It." he continued “and I believe The senate, after acrimonious de ­ that it put to the popular vote, 75 M. Schwab for October. 1919. soviet government of Ruaaia has re­ cently bought privately from British per cent of the electorate would bate. on the motion that tho commit­ Mr. Carrillo at Salt Lakg— E. J. Carrillo, superintendent of firms 2,500,000 yards of khaki cloth support its continuance. There is tee be ordered to report immediately construction for the Shattuck Con­ on the Portland port consolidation not the Slightest chance that the law for 1,375,000 pounds, say the Even­ ing Standard. Payment was made by against alcoholic drinks will ever tie bills, adjourned until 2 o’clock with­ struction company, is now at Salt Lake City, Utah, where he was called out vote. . . Moscow depositing gold at a Stock­ repealed." T Senator Norblad and Representa­ in relation to work being prosecuted holm bank. The soviet government there by his company. He wiil re ­ « ’ HESTER ROWEI.I, RESIGNS tive Miles Introduced a Jofftt resolu ­ still wants over 3.000.000 yards of FROM SHI 1*1*1 NG RO 1RI> tion authorizing the creation of a turn to Grants Pass in about a week. khaki cloth, but cannot obtain It. be­ Lisbon. Jan 24.— (A. P.)—Infor­ loan fund to assist districts created sides a vast quantity of paper. mation has been received here of the Washington. Jan. 24.—(A. P.) — by owners of logged off land in clear-, New York. Jan. 24 I A. 1*.> death of Cardinal Jose Sebastlao Net- Chester Rowell, of California, re­ Ing land. It would be submitted to New Zealand will soon Inaugurate an 1 to. formerly Patriarch of Lisbon, signed as a member of the new ship­ the people and would authorize airplane mall service modeled after I who died in one of the Franciscan ping board, to become a member of bonds not exceeding 2 per cent of the that In use by the United States j monasteries of Spain where he retir­ the California railroad commission. state's valuation. pootofflce department, according to ed- after the revolution, in 1910. He J. It Murphy, of Tlmarou, New Zea-j received the cardinal’s cap from the land, who came here to see demon-1 hands of King iLouis I of Portugal Strattons of various aircraft. The ■ Berlin. Jan. 24.—(A. P.)—Russia in 1883. Previously lie was bishop company with which he Is connected > Portland. Jan. 24. < A. P.l —! of Angola and the Congo, where he J has given large orders for manufac­ has signed a contract to carry the Count Ilya Tolstoi, who Is here on a tured.goods to Germany says the Iz­ was a missionary. aerial malls In New Zealand, added I lecture tour, said he believed a ne-| After the Portuguese republic vestia. Included are 300,000 plow«, phew of the novelist Tolstoi, men- ; Mr. Murphy. abolished religious congregations in 750,000 electric lamps and 15.000 In tioned In an Associated Press dis- ■ Sightseeing over Mount Cook » Portugal. Cordinal Netto left the kilograms of idoform. airplane also Is contemplated. Mr patch from Salonlkl as among the ’ country with all the other congrega- mn- Mount Cook is a who Sncramento, Cal,, Jan. 24. — (A.! 30,000 refugees from Crimea Y^e'hy said. Canton. China. Jan. 24—(A. P.) — S. J. Daugherty, of Portland, was tionalists and retired to a convent tn ftr objective point for tourists In ’ were facing starvation, was his son. i P.)—The movement to increase by Sun Fo, son of Dr. Sun yat Sen. first Spain. He was SO years old. a Sunday visitor in Grants Pass. Andrew, a Russian officer. approximately one-third the taxes j that country. president of the republic of China, » Imposed upon public service corpora-, has been appointed director of the tions precipitated the most import-’ Canton municipality, a position sim­ ant fight during the first part of the ilar to that of an American mayor, present session of the California leg- under a reorganization plan recently Islatu re. launched here. Sun is well known in The contest brought from Gover­ the United States and the Hawaiian nor W. D. Stephens the statement Islands and holds degrees from Co­ that a "gigantic corporation lobby.' lumbia university and the University, the like and strength of which has; of California. Sun also holds the position of di­ Chicago. Jan. 24.— (A. P.1 ■More saved as determined by the national Vienna. Jan. 24.—(A. P.)—Vien- club means to the average American i never been seen before in Sacramen­ to" was ^ ‘ moving In massed attack" general of the conservancy than 38,000 lives have been saved safety council was 38.621. In other rector or Englishman. n* At what Is probably a new re­ upon tho legislature. Countering board of Kwangtung province, of on the railroads of the United words, of the numbdr of persona There are thousands of Viennese! còrd for strikes In the year just end-( who transact most of their business this was a statement from represen­ which Canton is the capital. He was States as a result of the organized killed in railway accidents during od. There were 927 of them In this In the coffee houses, though they tatives .of the companies, upon which formerly secretary of the ministry of safety work carried on during thir­ each of the last 13 years had been city, partial or complete, wild or or­ have offices and staffs of clerks. Ger­ a higher tex was proposed, to the foreign affairs for the constitution­ teen years, according to an analysis in the same ratio to the tonnage car­ mans say that th« Austrian'« passion effect that they had appeared at the alist government of southern China. made at the headquarters of the na­ ried as were fatalities in 1906, 38,- ganized. tional safety council here of railway «21 more persons would have been for sitting in the coffee houses all request of the lawmakers and had Eight of them wore carried over been asked only for justice. Sun Fo is well known in San Fran- j statistics from 1906 to 1919 com­ killed In railway accidents than were day accounts for the fact that he had Into the new year, having taken in The raise in rates, outlined in the cisco, having played an Important piled by Slason Thompson of the Bu­ ! actually killed. before the war but a small share of the oloslng week of 1920. The moatj tho world’s foreign trade. Some other striking revelations of bill by Senator 1* M. King, Red­ part in the organization of the young reau of Railway News and statistics, the railroad accident statistics are recant of the strikes included cm-! There are several reasons for this lands, was baaed on computations Chinese In foreign lands for the aid the council announced today The national sa'fety council esti­ I brought out in the council’s study. ployes of government printing plants J coffee house habit. One Is that the submitted at the request of Governor of the revolution 1n China In 1911,1 workers at the mint, actors and or- j Viennese goes there to rest, and most Stephens by the state hoard of equal­ which created the republic. He made mated the number of lives ssved on i namely: That the number of persons killed cheetraa of the national theaters, of them appear to have been born ization. The board’s figures sought many friends .'n the state while at­ the basis of the ratio of the number in railway accidents during 191», of persons killed each year to the a raise of .3498 should tending the University of California. railway employes, women’s tailors, tired He also grudges himself the to show that dentista' assistente, olty employee price of a newspaper but in the cof­ be made In public service corpora- He was one of the founders and a freight tonnage carried during each 6,975, is the lowest on record In the fee house he obtains free the prfv- tlon taxes tn order to equalize them president of the Young China Asso­ year. For example. In 1906, 10,618 twenty years since 1899: and the gold and silversmiths. That 125.021 miles of railroad Of all the strikes which Vlen-a has ' iledge of reading nearly every Aus- with general property taxes. ciation of North America, one of the persons were killed on the railroads, For the purpose of comparison the: active organizations supporting the and 1,631.000.000 tons were carried. lines, nearly half the mileage of the experienced In the last 12 month« not ( trian neWwpaper and many from for- I one loosed the flood-gates of indig­ elgn countries, besides the Illustrat­ board had to gather data on general revolution which overthrew the Man- In 1919 6.975 persons were killed, country, were operated without a while 2,121.000.000 tons were car­ single passenger being killed In a nation In the street and newspapers ed weeklies and monthlies. In the property taxes from the cities and chu monarchy. ried. On this basis of comparison j train accident on these Unee during as did the closing of the coffee course of time he acquires the priv­ counties, as the state’s revenue is de­ there was an actual saving of 6.92» 191»; houses for five days, as the result ilege of occupying a table before one rived. not from a general tax. hut al­ llonrd Meeting Tuesday Night— A meeting of the board of direc­ lives during 1919. as compared with’ That a mileage greater than the of a demand for Increased pay on of the spacious windows for which most wholly from a taxation of gross! the partmf the employes. The Vlen- the Vienna coffee houses are re­ earnings of public utilities, based on tors of the Chamber of Commerce is 1906. This process was applied to combined railroad mileage of Great na coffee house means vastly more nowned «nd whence he may watch the value of the properties they own to be held at the office of the cham­ the figures for each of the interven­ Britain, Germany, France and Aua- ber Tuesday evening. ing years, and the total sum of lives in California. (Continued on Page 1) to the resident of Vienna than the the procession of women passing.