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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1921)
GRANTS ïam DAILY COURIER HATIIIDAY, JANUARY XI. 10*21 MANY OF McGRAW’S LIEUTENANTS HAVE MADE GOOD TEAM LEADERS FASHION GARAGE & MACHINE SHOP Day and Night Service PAGE THRKH All our rt^itairs «»e done with care—At pric«* you will find are fair. Overcharge you? Not a bit of it. We don’t make our money that way. When we repair a part it is done correctly. When we thoroughly overhaul your car you'll know that we’ve done a good Job of it and that you're out for a good safe run barring tire troubles. Bring your repair troubles here. Phone 163 ALL KINDH OF Lathe, Plainer andjMachine Work AND ANY KIND OF AMENT'S AUTO REPAIR AND MACHINE Day Irfione 11.1-J, Night. 252-K Acetylene Welding our pricM uro right and wllli our equipment we can and will give you guaranteed »aliafaction. We alao carry a full ami Complete line of accenaoriea and high clnaa oils nnd graax-s ulao Juat recoil rd a new Block of < II UM, KOHEM, Sl-o-l I. IMPS, WINDHHII I D CLEANERS and n.mwroua other extras that will make your car comfortable for winter and bad weather. GILL PINTON RING«, ALL HIZEH—drop In and ace them, GI'AICANTHED to give aatlafactlon anti also Gl AICANTEKD Foil TIIE LIFE OF YOl 11 MoAxilt. Tliia high-class one piece lock Joint ring la the aland* aril t«|ulptnrnt of the Curtis Aeroplane Motors thia yrkr and niinirrou« automobile fattoriea. NTOH1GE BY I»A1, « I Eli OH MONTH SHOP Two Second Hand DODGES At Bargain Prices C. L. Hobart Co. C. F. BURKE and E. KNOX, Prop». Ardencraig Farm For Sale Why Not Electric Cooking? Complete With Stock and Equipment at $50,000.00 . For sale only by owner or auth orized agents Putide Jennings. recently appointed coach of the Glanta la the latest of a distinguished line of lieutenants engaged by John McGraw In recent years. First of these was Wilbert Robinson, who, when he assumed the management of the Brooklyn team, was succeeded by Charles Dooln. at present proprietor oL a enrage In Philadelphia. George Gibson replaced Itooln, anti Pat Moran was engaged to take Oibby's place when George branched out as a manager. Moran was released from his contract with the Giants in order that he might accept the management of the Reils. and Christy Mathewson, who l>hd Just returned from France, was signed In his stead. Johnny Evert» Joined i!>e team last Muy and became McGraw's chief aid when Matty's health failed, necessitating his retirement. tOAI.-I.KHN SMOKE-LEHN AHH-LKHH III MT-I.KHN TUOI HLE-IJCRN YOUNG EVERS PLAYS WELL AT CEDAR RAPIDS 9 Electric cooking provides the owe thoroughly practical, . coavcnlrat, «lean and sanitary method of oook- tag. EUaainatea dirt, dual, aabea, gaa and worry. Cook without waste. ! Joe Evers, younger brother of the famous Johnny Evers, after drifting about for several years, seemed to find himself this year In the Three 1 league, where he lilt pretty close to .300 and Is reported to have done a great Job of fielding for the Cedar Rapids team. ------ ■' —■ 1 ~=O HORNSBY NOT FOR M’GRAW California-Oregon Power Co. Manager of New York Giants Says He Does Not Want to Wreck Any Other Man*. Club. Manager John McGraw of the New York Giants states that the reported offer of $200.000 for Rogers Hornsby, hard hitter of St. Louis Cardinals, made Inst Reason, will not be repeat- INTERESTING ! SPORT • PARAGRAPHS Joe Dugan of the Athletics, accord ing to New York reports, is determined to do a Carl Mays stunt, declaring that unless Connie Mack trades him to some other club he will quit the ifllme. • • • New York sportsmen will fight any move to abolish Sunday baseball or boxing. • • • ’There will be no changes tn the makeup of the Three-I league next season. ... George Maisel, an outfielder of the Portland club, may be sold to the Giants. The Giants need another gar dener to assist Burns and Young. Used Trucks, Cars Trailers and Tractors The largest collection in South ern Oregon at Prices That Sell THIS MAN is congratulating his wife on the wisdom she displays in buying her pies, cakes, bread and biscuits from us. rather than stand over hot ovens for several hours a day. And he is pleased at the flavor of the things she buys. 2 Federal 3J* ton. long, used one sea son. lumber rolls, every part in good order and ready to go, for... »2500.00 ' Ask your Grocer for Bread linked by the GRANTS PASS 503 G Street 5 Federal »H ton. with 5 ton Iiee trailer and log ging bunks .«1000.00 HIGH PLACE FOR LEWIS CASS 0 G. M. C. 31» ton. with dump body, used 3000 mile«,, cost »4500.00 without body, fine con dition. a snap »3000.00 7 Huffman. 2 ton, «olid tires, stake rack, newly painted, used one sc«- son. in good condition. 1020 model ..........»1950.00 Through 8 Maxwell 1H ton. «olid tires, stake rack liody, newly painted, and in mechanically good order 1920 nioilel ...... »1300-00 Quality-Economy 9 Holt Caterpillar 45 trac tor. latest model, used only enough to ensure It« iwrfection. better than now. get busy »4000 NAVY A. N. PARSONS 208 North Sixth Street FOOTBALL PAUL i ' 1 I | I 10 Tw o with tires new, price Reliance trailers, logging bunks, and springs, like used very little, each ............ »900 00 11 Ford Rng. thoroughly overhauled and newly guaranteed, painted. this w ill not be shown more than once at »225.00 12 Other trucks, car«, trail ers, tractors, some like new, all have attractive prices. Von loose l{ you don't look them over be fore buying. 13 Port Tonring car. paint, new tire.«, listens, If yon thinking Port, see for .......... APPOINTED LUKE URBAN Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Courier GAME 3 Federal 2 ton. standard wheelbase, you will have to see this to realize a bargain, in tip top con dition for .......... »2000.00 3 Nash-Quad 3 ton, used one .season, cost »5500, Al condition, if you want power on all 4, Its here for »2500.00 BAKERY University of Bllnols track team may meet the University of California Was Instrumental in Setting Up Amer in a dual meet again next spring. lean Form of Government In • • • Western Territories. Fred Beck, an outfielder, stole one base In the Western league last season, "Those who pushed the frontier west but he made 30 home runs. He took ward were themselves the products of part In 150 gnmes. | frontier conditions." says William B. • • • • Shaw In the American Review of Re Athletic authorities at Notre Dame views. “Such, a leader was Lewis Goes Clear have received a request for a 1921 Cass, a native of New Hampshire, game with Georgia Tech., to be played who went out ns a youth to the settle at Atlanta, Ga. ments that were soon to be organized • r • Into the state of Ohio, took part In Clyde Engel, formerly of the Boston lawmaking there, served as a volun- Red Sox. has resigned his position as ! teer officer In the «ar of 1812. was ap- basketball coach for the University of | pointed governor of Michigan terri Y’erraont. tory. and for many years was engaged FERRI ARY I PRICE IN CHE AHEN »135. WHEN OTHER In the difficult ta«k of setting up an HARN ADVANCED I P TO 4 1% DORT ONLY ADVANCED Amerlcnn form of government In re WISCONSIN TO REBUILD gions that had barely emerged from 17",. Ill V NOW HAVE A FEW CARS AT OLD PRICE. Rowing Has Been Reinstated a Major ! the wilderness stnge. "That Lewis Cns« wns tn after years Sport and Team Will Row on Also HAVE ONE USED CAR AT A HltGAIN. a United State« «ennto*- from Michl- Hudson Thi. Year. ’ gan. a member of cahlnets. a diplomat Athletic Director Tom Jones of I and an unsuccessful a«nlrant for the University of Wisconsin has announced presidency may have partially blinded that rowing has been reinstated as a us to the really Importhnt services that major sport, and a Badger team would he rendered In the pioneer period of represent the West on the Hudson In Michigan’s history. Neither he nor any of the men of hfs day could hnve 1922, If not 1921. foreseen the strain that was to be put on the states created out of the old Rogers Hornsby, IS ANCIENT Northwest territory caused by the at- od. "It Isn’t our policy to keep driv tempt to absorb vast populations of ing after a man In a way to break up , Played In Japan as Early aa 794 and In northern European blood Into the cltl- BE WISE AND WIRE another owner's ball club,” he said. China Previous to That—Ball senship. your bouae, factory, ware Was Stuffed. McGraw added he had signed a num house, garage, office or other “Lewis Cass lived to see great ar ber of youngsters to be tried out at building where you work or mies recruited among those newly second base during spring training. Football was played In Japan as made Americans to fight for the Union live You will appreciate tho "If none of these come through," he early as the year 794 of the present and the principles of nationality which comforts, conveniences and economies of eleotrlcity only said, "we may have to make some kind era. China played football long before he had himself defended throughout after you begin to enjoy them. Japan, so long ago that the football his career." of a deal." Let us do the wiring and it will was stuffed with hair until the Fifth be done to your entire satis century, when some Ingenious Chinese Somewhat Hard on Humanity. faction. We furnish all ma FREY COACH thought of Inflating It. terials. Every man's experience of toda> Is that he was a fool yesterday and the Former Ohio College Star Selected by GRANTS PASS ELECTRIC CO. ASKED TO COACH day before yesterday. Tomorrow he Director of Athletics at will most likely be of exactly the same Wesleyan. Next door to water office Leader of Boeton College Eleven Of opinion.—Mackay. fered Poeltlon at Creighton Harry R. Clapp, Electrician Pnul Frey has been selected by Dr. Phono 35O-K University, Omaha. Edgar Fsuver, director of athletics at Tip They Deserve Sometimes. Wesleyan, to coach the varsity basket Headline — "Man in Restaurant Capt. Luke Urban of the Boston ball team. Frey was graduated from Knocked Down Head Walter." This, Oberlin last June. At the Ohio col college eleven has been asked to coach •he waiter himself, will probably ad the Creighton university football lege he was a star basketball, football ult. Is carrying the tipping system a team at Omaha. Neb., next falL and baseball player. ittle too far.—Boston Transcript Quality 1 Atterbury, 3 H ton. long wheelbase, late model, lumber rolls. guaran* teed 1st class condition, quick sale ............ »2000.00 j new new are this »900.00 Those wi«hing to advertise and sell through ns must place Ve hicle in our Storage—-None will offered for sale that are not in First Hass mechanical con dition. prices must be attrac* tlce for qnick sale. John C. Signor --neks and Farm Machinery MEDFORD, OREGON