SITI RI»AV. J INI GRANTS PARS RAII.V <XH lUKIt PAGE TWO 112. 1U2I- I A NEW PRICE BASIS .A HE Reconstruction Period is on—every article in our store bears its proper reduction. You can shop here with confidence that prices are right. What does a 20 per cent or a 50 per cent reduction mean to you if the merchandise was marked that much too high at the start. Do not confuse thitf thi£ with the usual mark up and mark down special sale commonly held by other merchants. The Golden Rule never has nor does it believe in special sales. We stake our reputation that you will not be disappointed. T PRICES NOW PREVAILING IN THE MEN’S DEPARTMENT SPRING PRICES PREVAIL IN OUR Ladies’ Ready to Wear Department MEN ’S WORK CLOTHING Boy’s overalls, 3 to 8 years 85c Boy’s Levi Strauss koveralls .... $1.00 Boy’s play suits 75c Men's khaki riding trousers $3.95 Men's guaranteed corduroy pants $5 Men's work shirts 69c, 98c and $1.50 Men’s duck coats $3.95 Men's leather vests .. .... $7.35 Men's best quality khaki pants $2.95 Men's good weight khaki pants $2.25 Men's one piece khaki work suits $2.95 and $3.50 Men’s waist overalls .......... .. $1-45 Boy’k blouses ._ _ 50c, 75c and $1 Ladies coats $12-50, $14.85, $19.50 OUTING FLANNEL and $25.00. 27-ineh outing flannel, colored, I »er Ladies suits $16.50, $20.00, $25.00, 19c yard $27.50 to $45.00. 27-inrh outing flannel, white, lier Also very low prices on all ladies skirts including some new arriv 36-nieh outing flannel, colored, per 29c als. • vard MEN’S CLOTHING All men’s suits marked at the new market price. Young men’s $19.50, $25.00, $32.50 and $35.00. Men’s suits $25.00, $32.50 and $42.75 Men’s all wool blue serge, $25.00 to $3500. Men’s odd wool pants $3.85 to $8.50 SW’EATERS Sleeveless all wool sweaters_ $2.85 All wool slip on style_____ _ - $6.85 Part wool slip on style_______ $3.65 Men's Thermo coat sweaters... _ $5.85 MEN'S HOISERY Cotton dress so x_______ _ 15c pair Men’s lisle dress sox 25c and 35c pair Phoenix silk hose............. — 80c Gold Cross silk hose_________ 69c Light weight wool liose25c, 45c, 50c Heavy wool hose.............35c, 50c, 65c MEN’S UNDERWEAR Heavy cotton fleeced lined, union suits___________________ $1.45 Heavy ribbed.union suits ___ $1.85 Munsing union suits, winter weight ____________ $2.50 Wool union suits $3.75, $4.85, $5.85 Heavy fleeced shirts and drawers. 75c garment LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR One lot of ladies’ winter union suits, 98c. One lot of ladies’ winter union suits, heavy fleeced, $1-50. All Munsing wear at new low p'riees NIGHT SHIRTS AND PAJAMAS Good weight outing ..... $1.95 Heavy weight outing S2.25 Muslin night shirts $1.65 Men’s best quality outing pajamas $3.35 Men's one piece pajamas $2.00 LADIES’ OUTING GOWNS Priced ar $1.38, $1.68, $1 98, $2.25 and $2.45. LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S HOSE Big reductions on both cotton, lisle and silk hose. BOYS’ SHOES Heavv unlined Peters shoes, 2% to 51 ■■ $4.00 Bov’s dress shoes, all stvles, 2% to 51.. $3.48 Boy’s aehool shoes, to 5> - $2.58 Youth's unlined Peters shoes, 12% to 2..................... .$3.50 Youth’s dress shoes all styles, 12% r<> 2 $2.98 Youth’s school shoes. 121'. to 2 $2.65 NEW PRICES ON WASH GOODS 27-ineh Amoskeag apron gingham, per yard 15c 27-ineh good quality dress gingham, per yard 22c and 25c 27-ineh Cheviot shirting, per yd.25c 29c 32-inch Frolic cloth, per yard 32-ineh Devonshire cloth, per yd. 39c 36-inch Percale, light and dark col ors, per yard ...... 22c and 25c 32-inch French gingham, per yd. 58c 34-ineIi Imported pongee, jier yard 75c to $1.35 MEN’S SHOES BROWN ENGLISH, ALL LEATHER $5.00, $5 85, $6.50, $7.25, $8.00, $8.85 BLACK ALL LEATHER DRESS SHOES, $4.85, $5.35, $5.85, $6.50, $6.85 TO $8.85. MEN’S ALL LEATHER WORK SHOES, $3.95, $4.95, $5.50, $5.95, $6.60 AND $7.00. MEN’S BEST QUALITY HIGH TOPS, $7.75, $8.85, $9.35 AND $10.50 SEE THESE SHOES IN OUR SOUTH WINDOW. PETERS ALL LEATHER, BROWN CALF, MILITARY OR ENGLISH HEELS, NOW $5.85. BLACK KID, MILITARY HEELS, $5.00, $6.45 AND $8.35. LADIES FINE BROWN KID, LOUIS HEELS. ALL SIZES, $7.35. LADIES BLACK OXFORDS, MILITARY HEELS, $3 95 TO $6 95. LADIES PUMPS. HIGH OR MILITARY HEELS. $3.50 TO $8.00. ALL CHILDREN S SHOES AT THE NEW PRICES. WE CARRY PE TERS AND BUSTER BROWNS. LET US SHOW YOU HOW YOU WILL BE ABLE TO REDUCE YOUR SHOE BILL. « ■■ III. I I ■—» Il UN I ............... TOWELS Turkish towels Huck towels SCRIM AND CURTAIN MATERIALS Wc have a good assortment of scrim and curtain materials at 15c to $1.00 per yard. Our cretonnes will interest any housekeeper. NOTIONS .1 à 1’ ( ’oats sewing thread, 150 yd. spools - - - 7c, 3 for 20 Silk sewing thread ........................ 15c .1 A- P <'oats mercerized crochet 15c Best steel pins 5c Best brass pins 8c THE NEW PRICES ON SHEETINGS 81-ineh Pequot bleached sheeting, per yard 69c 81-ineh bleached sheeting, per yd. 60c 81-ineh unbleached sheeting, per yard 55c 72-ineh bleached sheeting. per yd. 55c 63-inch bleached sheeting, per yd. 48c SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES 72x80 sheets, each $1.35 72x90 sheets, each $145 81 x90 sheets, each $1.50 42x36 pillow cases, each 35c, 3 for $1 42x36 pillow eases, each 38c 42x36 pillow eases, each 43c I ■ ■ ■ '■ " ' Every Article Will Remain as Priced Until Sold or Forced by Market Conditions to Change Don’t Buy Until You Get Our Prices Compare With All Others 15c to 50c 18c to 25c NEW PRICES ON WOOL DRESS GOODS 42-inch Storm serge, per yard $1.68 42-inch Botany French serge, pei yard $1.75 42-inch Botany French serge, per MUSLINS yard $2.25 50-ineh Botany French serge, per 36*ineh Hope muslin, per yard yard $2.85 36-inch Our Beauty nainsook, yard 50-ineh Botany French Serge, pbr yard $3-35 33-inrh Indian Head, per yard 42-inch Botany Fram, per yard $2.25 36-inch Indian Head, per yard 50-ineh Botanv Tricotine, per vard 44-inch Indian Head, per yard ............ $3.35 36-inch Berklev cambric, per vd. LADIES’ SHOES -............ BLANKETS $2.65 to $7.85 Cotton blankets $6.75 to $7.85 Wool blankets GO LDEN RULE STORE .-2 18c per 20c 25c 29c 38c 25c