♦ IHNOCIATED i * hf ; hh HEKVIŒ GKANTH I'AHH. JOHEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, VOL. XI.. No. ton. —~—- ■—— HATl’ItDAY, JANUARY 2*2. IfEi I WHOLE NI MHEIl 31 M2 ---------------- SENATOR THOMAS STERLING DESMOND FITZGERALD 4 't PARTYSAYSGET ■i Q 7 Former Head ol The United States Shipping Board Emer- gency Fleet Corporation Issues Statement OD War Time Ship Building Program o I 1 I UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE IS AIÄO ONE OF DEMANDS OF THE MEETING OF MENTIRAI Washington, Jan. ¡J 2.— (A. P.)— quested Charles M. Sohwab to join I A Claims that the report of .Martin J. I the organization and that General I •* ■*’ Gillen to the committee was wrongjGeorge W. Goethais inaugurated the] In all vital questions were made to accountlng system. Vessel Wu Ui» Hubniarine K-B, in day In a statement submitted to the American tmba.osador Morris Dis Mr. Plez says that be suggested in) Itiargo of John A. Gain«-«, < otn- select committee on United States December, 1917, that no further con-, cusses the Question of the “Cali inandcr fornia Issue” at Meeting Ossmond Fitzgerald, publicity agent shipping board operations by Charles tracts for wooden ships be let, but Unwilling to base conclusions on ths of the "Republic of Ireland.” It Is Piez. former director-general, Unit the board of trustees was obliged to | mass of mors or less conflicting data his Job to let the world know of the ed States shipping board emergency keep on building when pressure for about the influx of citizens from other Isindon. Jan. 22. — (A I*.)--The state of affairs In Ireland, aa seen fleet corporation. anything that would float became so countries, Senator Thomas Sterling of Tokio, Jan. 22.—(A. P.l —Imme Mr. Pl_z claims that statements In Intense In the early spring of 1918. South Dakota, member of the aerate diate evacuation of Siberia, universal British submarine K-5, Commander threugh the eyes of the Sinn Fein leaders. Mr Glllen'e report do not square The claim says that there was not a committee on immigration. Journeyed suffrage and insistance upon Japan’s John A. Gaines. was lost with alt with the farts In a single vital case voice In or out of cotwress that was UP *he b*X t0 Ellis Island in the steer, rights in the California question, band Thursday a 100 tn.lea off In which he Indulged In criticism raised in protest against a continu- >fle Landsend Th«< admiralty announced ■ bner. are demanded in resolutions adopted concerning the dlvlson of construo- ation of the wooden shipbuilding pro- today that a full complement of offi ■/ at a general meeting of the Kenzlkal, ton; that Mr Gillen's statement that cer» and mon was alwtard. This type opposition party In Japan. Wooden ships represent a legitl-Hj|| I I F| there was interference by manage of submarine carries six officers and ment and trustees In placing of con mate war expense, according to the 50 men. The cause of the dlaastor 11 ’ » tracts is wholly untrue; that Mr Gil Is unknown New York, Jan. 22—(A. P.)—Dtn- statement which adds len Is guilty of gross mis-statement "They should be junked and the cost HWIIIXH IN III fl cuasing the "California issue” in an of facts regarding the fleet corpora written off This nation cannot ex- U111 I Uli IIIUI/l address to the University Club, Ro- t mlHMMiilor Marten« Started Hack to tion's $250,000.000 mortgages and pect to realize a salvage of "100 per _____ ’and S. Morris, American ambassa K um U Under au Order for D«-- securities and that Mr Gillen's state cent on war construction. We must dor to Japan, declared the Japanese portaUon aa I ndealralilc Alien ment of lark of an accounting sys recognize that ships became shop- Sympathisers With the Non-4'«opera- were fearful California and other tem is wholly wrong. tion M<H<-tnemt H«I<1 Itcspon-ible worn when held too long.” western states might extend classifi Says Market Ta Destroyed for Looting of Markets Payroll Padding and Grafting cation of aliens on the basis of eligi New York. Jan. 22.—(A. P.l — Mr Plez's statement further claims bility to citizenship not only as to The statement says there was some Nearly two years' effort by Soviet Mr Gillen's report do not square property rights, but also to personal payroll padding, some petty dishon llome, Jan 22. (A. P.l- The Ambassador Martens for the recogni the fleet corporation’s check against esty, but no more than there would . lx>ndon. Jan. 22.—(A. P.)—A rights. The Japanese government, pop» has received a special mission I tion of Russia, ended with his depar authorizations and appropriations is . be in yards under private control. serious outbreak, involving the loot- he said, only contending it was un •«nt by Walzoru Zaudltu. empress ture today under a deportation order absolutely wrong: that his statement' "Thts inference oa the part of the | ing of markets, occurred in the Muz- just to pick out one particular group on control and Imprest fund has no of Abyssinia and the prince regent. aa an undesirable alien public, is. In large measure, the re-. ufferpur district of British India, of aliens and deprive them of rights foundation 1n fact and that the des Raa Taffari Makonnen. bringing mes other aliens enjoy. Morris asked. suit of the wild statements made by it was officially announced today. tructive effect of Mr. Gillen's testi sages and presents from both. * The Mr. Gillen concerning the methods of Sympathizers with the non-cooper- "In the larger view our relations mony has impaired public Interest In mission was coinposod of French the fleet corporation." Mr. Piez says, ation movement are believed to have with the Orient, is it wise to thus the establishment of an American missionaries, to whose care the classify aliens on the basis of their and to the general statements of been responsible. merchant marine and practically des Ethiopian catholics are entrusted eligibility to citizenship?” graft and corruption contained in ------------------- troyed the market for shipping se The presonta Included a pr ices j the Fisher-Richardson report. The _ . r ... _ _ curities. Mr. Plez's statement says public does mot differentiate the di- flATTI T 111 [1101 Ajg|| clonal cross In massive silver from that ships were built to meet the ne- ’ th« empress and a pectoral ermlflr, vision of constructlqn from that of Uni ILL 111 LIlULnllU Complaint Is Filed— c««slties of war, not to establish a { In massive gold, from ths prthce rv- A complaint has been filed In the Madrid. Jan 22.— (A. P.)—Amer merchant marine: that the enter-) gent. cause there was petty graft among ATTAPkTil niQPAQF circuit court in this county in which ican« accustomed to paying their or gency fleet corporation delivered 479 | There was also another gold pec-' minor ship«' offt'-ers in the victual- HI IHURLU Dl UluLHOL F. C. Bramwell, as state superinten dinary "hired girls ” $50 or more a ■hips before the arm 1st ice; that the' torn! cross from the governor of Har-I ling and repairing of ships in opera dent of banks, seeks recovery from rar to the pope, and a sliver gift cru month for general housewolk will be task was to build ships faster than I tion, that the entire structure of the Benj. M. Collins of the principal and cifix from the prince regent to Car Intemted to learn that Spanish do submarine could sink them and that corporation was honeycombed by a Birmingham. Eng., Jan. 22.— interest of a number of notes held dinal Gaaparri All the presents are mestics are forming a labor organi the building of Rhips was conducted like condition. What is described as the worst out among the assets of the Bank of Interesting specimens of Abyssinian zation to enforce a demand for an In in a systematic and businesslike break of foot and mouth disease for Jacksonville when it closed its doors. ship control committee "The crease that will bring their wages up manner. craftsmanship. achieved wonders during the black- 30 years has occurred among the The notes, five in number, aggregate to the'equivalent of $5 or even $10 Wooden Ships to fl«’ Scrapped I $3,618.00, upon which there is inter a month. Mr. Piez contends they had to est hour of the war in getting our cattle in the midland counties. POItTLAXD M XltKFTTS The appearance of the disease est from January, 1915. Cooks, parlormaids, kitchenmaids, build wooden ships knowing they boys and their supplies to the front and in bringing essential raw mater first noticed on December 26 at Portland, Jan. 22.—(A. P.) — wet nurses, and general help have would be scrapped when conditions; ials to our shores. Central Meat market here. A num-’ united In a movement not only for returned to normal; that because of i livestock, steady; butter and eggs, ber of cattle from country markets "What if the accounting of some higher wages but an eight-hour day the demand of the war department j weak, This may look ridiculous In Amer for more ships that; E N. Hurley, i of the voyages were not promptly or were found to be suffering and were immediately slaughtered, but the' ica but It is serious 'business for the Brainbridge Colby and himself re- completely reported?” contagion had already spread. The I Spaniards They are accustomed to ■ board of agriculture has since order paying their hired girls the equiva ed the destruction of 400 more ani-j lent normally of about $4 a month mals and the closing of the market. I and requiring them to be on duty The midland counties are schedule! i from early In the morning to late at I If a party of twelve or more pas as infected. night, or even until 1 o'clock the' sengers are guaranteed, the Grants The first recorded case of the pres Pass-Medford Interurban company I following morning. ent epidemic occurred at Ripon on1 will run a stage from Medford to The servant girls of Spain usually Ran Francisco. Jan. 22. (A. P I are allowed a half day off each Washington, Jan. 22.—(A. iP.) — 'January 9. 1919. Since then. 27 Grants Pass after the Godowsky Vale. Oregon. Jan. 22.—(A. P.) — •—Stringing of 16,000 miles of new : month. The death sentence is carried by the The disarmament question should separate outbreaks have occurred in concert in Medford on Tuesday even- as many different places, not trace- ing. January 25th. The eight-hour day proposal hits conviction of George Howard of first copper wire« on the Pacific coast and not be discussed by the United States ably connected with each other. across the continent is to be started the householder hardest. One news- degree murder for the killing of Parties wishing to avail them- Immediately by the Western Union i I paper satirically asks: "How will George R. Sweeney. The verdict was with other nations pending a change selves of the opportunity to hear the in the administration March 4th. j Seeks >15,000 Damages— Telegraph Co.. It was announced baby get on if the wet nurse de- returned Thursday night. world’s greatest pianist and return ’ cline« to perform her duties for Elhiu Root declared in a letter to hero recently. The circuit court of Josephine i to their homes that evening, after In-HMM-t William* Road— the house naval committee today. latter more new lines, bringing the more than eight hours a day?” county has before it an action for! the concert, will please leave their County Commissioners McFadden Root said that steps should be damages in which W. G. Smith is the | names with Miss Alma Wolke. or at ..................... construction total to approximately and McCabe, accompanied by High taken promptly after the new admin-1 plaintiff and T. M. I«amond the de- 40,000 miles, will the Bonbonniere and if a sufficient way Engineer Bromley,, are inspect 1st ration is established to bring fe _____ pany officials said ndant. _ Mr. __________ Smith seeks judgment number are interested to assure a ing the highway on upper Williams! about a general agreement on dis- Lamond in the amount of car. arrangements will be made to volves an outlay of several million creok today. armament. dollars. $15.000, with costs of the action.) return a special car to Grants Pass The construction work iwae order He alleges that at a school meeting after the concert. ed In preparation, the company said.' held at Wolf Greek, where both par-' for an early revival of trade activity. ties live, he was the victim of a 4 - - "vicious and brutal assault” by La-1 Chicago, Jan. 22.— (A. P.l—The mond. He says that the latter struck offer of the farmers in the middle him on the back of the head, knock ing him down, and then continued I west to contribute surplus corn for the abuse. Smith asks for $5,000 the relief of the starving in Europe. general damages and $10,000 exemp and China, has been accepted by Atlanta, Ga, Jan. 22.— (A. P.) — Governor Dorsey approving the lary damages, he having suffered j the Hoover relief committee. Inter-Racial Sunday will be observ movement said he was deeply inter-] physical pain as well as great men San Francisco, Jan. 22.—(A. P.) ed tomorrow in churches throughout ested and anxious tor conditions tal anguish and humiliation. —Battered timbers of an old burled Paris. Jan. 22.—(A. P.)—Women] the Southern states. prison ship were uncovered recently bandits are becoming nearly as nu-l Governor Dorsey, of Georgia, and working for a better relation be by a steam shovel excavating for a merous as their male counterparts) the executive board of the Southern tween the races. He urged minis bank building not far from the water In France and a number of them Baptist convention, as well as oth- ters to "appeal to the conscience of front here. The old boat, the Eu- have already been arrested. ers have endorsed the movement for the people for a more even justice The police have just arrested a the Inter-Racial Sunday, initiated by in the courts, for better housing and I phemla, according to local histor ians. was used by the municipality gang of [burglars who have long the Georgia inter-racial committee1 sanitary conditions, for better school | in 1849 as a jail. At that time sb« of the Young Men's Christian As«o-t facilities, for better traveling condi been wanted by the authorities for Washington. Jan. 22.—(A. 'P.) — was anchored where Battery street Is elation. Assurances of cooperation tion and more patience and self-con housebreaking in the subttrl si and Investigation of the contract between have been given <n all parts of the trol growing out of the spirit of the discovered that the gang was led by Portland. Jan. 22.—(A. P.)—Alex , now. As the city gradually advanc I a widow aged 54 and her three sons. the International Mercantile Marine south. Christ, in the associations of the two Trambitas, Portland welterweight, ed over the mud flats and pushed "We are convinced that it is high races. ” Another of the burglars was aided Company, an American corporation, won a ten-round decision over Joe back the waters of the bay, the boat by his sister and the two other wom and the British government will be time to direct the Christian through The Georgia Baptist convention Eagan, of Boston, last night. The was buried under the silt, and build and to stir up the Christian con- urged its ministers to cooperate "in bout was featured by much in-fight- ings constructed on the spot where en formed part of the band. conducted by the shipping board next science of America to the needs of this effort to secure genuine, Chris ing in which Eagan had the advant she was once anchored. The tim Many of the robberies were accom panied by particularly brutal as- Thursday. President Franklin and the negro of the southland,” the tian relations between the people of age Trambitas excelled In long- bers were found 30 feet below the others interested will be heard. sidewalk level. committee declared in its call. both races.” range fighting. Multa. 7 D I TI C* 11 IklHIA 16.000 MILES OF WIRE 10 BE POT UP BYW.U erkin ciiddi lie plidm INTER-RACIAL SUNDAY WILL BE RESERVED IN SDUTH TOHORROW