Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1921)
GIIANTM l'ARH DAILY CO' HIE. Till IIMDAY, JAM Ml Y 20. III2I, Classified Advertising FOR HAIJC FOR SALE Rlvsr Banks Better llvrkshlrea Thrifty, prolific stock River Batiks Farms. 08lf 3EA8ONED WOOD FOR DALE -Oak slid laurel. 14.75; body fir. 54. pine and second growth fir, 13 75; manranlta, 85. C. W Um brecht, Rd 1. Box II 2«tf FOR RENT FARM FOR RENT On the Apple gale, 7 mil»» above Murphy, 100 acres grain land, some Irrigation? rent for three or five years, 11501 Y r Passes All Other Countries Ex cept^Great Britain. VESSELS NOW NUMBER 3,404 California A Man is just as Young and Strong as his Blood “Winter’s Summer Garden” Sooner or later everyone goea to California where the bright warm sun shine greeta you . where the delightful climate, rhe sweet acented flowers and the lure of the aea welcomes you to thia land of bnuty and charm. No man can light the battles of life and hold his own if hi»blood iy not pure, for rich, red. blood is what strength is based upon. When you see a strong, vigorous man, who never knows when he is licked, you may wager that such a man has coundng through his veins rich, red blrtod. Many People have thin, pale blood. ‘hey are weak, tire easily, be come discouraged quickly, and sometimes feel like i struggle. Such fol Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov cry, which is sold by druggi-ta in liquid or tablet form. It is made up of Blood root, Oregon GrapeToot, Queen’S loot, Stone root, Cherry Bark, without -alcohol. Send 10c. to Dr. Pierce’» Invalid»’ Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial package of the tablets. O lympia , W ash .—- My husband always uses Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discoveiy as a stomach » medicine and tonic, and declares that it is the best medicine in the world."—M rs . J. E. F oster , Cor. Pear and Spring Streets. Chairman Btnson of th« Shipping Board Rsports on R«c«nt Big Ad vance In Government and Private WORLD MOVES; so do we J THB Fleet»—U. 8. Shipyard Workers D«. Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone Nf it.H IKY Highest grade fruit,' vslop Eftlclancy of th« Vartoua Crafts 349; residence phone 315-J. shade, nut treoa also berries and to High Plane—Reach All Quarter«. ornnmciU«! In variety. Albany > 0. ISHAM, drayage and trausfer r Nurseries (Branch) H60 North With completion of the government Safra. pianos and furniture Seventh street. Granta Pass 71tf moved, packed, shipped and stored •‘Itlpbulhllng program by 1022, the I nl Office phone 174 V « S'«'M pfbuh'y will have as much FOR HALE 4)<x>d 3«roomed i»laa- oc.-un going n.1.1..ias nil the other fere«l houne Ahnilt 3 acres good , RE A I, ESTATE countries combined, with the exception land, small bearing pear orchard.' of Great Britain, t'hulrtnun Benson of Pro|*rty first place on left south ' E T McKINWTRY. «03 G «t . phone the »hipping board declared In his an 355-R, real estate. Beat of soil* for| nual report. , of river bridge r L. Cannon, Rd I 4, H om 3, Granta Paas. Ore. 9®* At tbe end of the last fiscal year fruit, hay or general farming Admiral Benson »aid, American mer FOR SALE -Complete pumping ROY ¡HIGGINS General real «alata chant «hips, gnvtffninent and private plant. Including 20U0 gallon tank. I Office 111 Routh Sixth, Phone <19 owned numbered 3.404. of 18,018,212 2H h p. International engine and deads eight tons, not Including more ÎH Inch BnlMawswr pump. In I •KB IIAIJJSGHH A HULL for farm, than 2.000.000 tons of shipping on the city and business property. 10 and quire !3*>1 A street. 81 great lakes The lift program of gov 11,Flanagan Bldg Phone 884. ernment owned »hips, lie said, cxmteni FOR HALE Fine alfalfa hay |24 plated 2.31’5 vcsm -I m of 13.075.711 dead per ton at the barn. 5 miles below TAA. weight tons, and nt Hie end of the <11 Phone «O8-F-I-2. <’ II Eis 4OONWR TAXI Phone 183-R /or Inst fiscal year. 2.070 ships aggregating mann. ' SI Jitney lAike or Cutler Calls an 11,022.301 deadweight Ions, had been completed. BROODER BTOVE 250 to 1300 c«-1 swered anywhere, anytime H6tt > During the year 1,180 finished ship« parity. Used only three montha. of fl.371t.S23 deadweight tons were de DKNTIMTH First «dass condition Mrs. Cyrus llverwl, extsasllng all record«. They Wheeler. Phone 874-Y. 507 A| were built without overtime or other TO GROW OLD GRACEFULLY Flrat-elu street 82 ! K. C. MACY. D. M D. able lu’rapld pnatuctlon. Admiral Ben- dentistry in»W 8 8th 8t aon said. U S Mt MY >q>nd« at npnrlal sale. Dsalrabls Condition That Greatly De U 3. Shipyard Workers B«st VETERINARY BURGEON Until Saturday night. January 22 pends on Otis's Habits of Mind “The shlpyurd worker of the United all army clothing at greatly re Formed in Youth. DR. R J BESTUL, Veterinarian States hns develojwal tin expertne«» duced price« Big rd action» In Residence 438 Washington boule which bus rn'w’d the ettt< Irtiry of the The most Ine, liable—and one of the rain coats. U. S Army Store Co., vnrloits <■ rafts tn a titgl' plane, anti easiest—of the things we do is to grow vard. phone Hkk-R van!, 398-R Conklin Bldg. 82 pro'hictton tins kept pnre necordfhgly," old. Vet wltat n differente there I» In l-HYHKIAN ANI» BURGEON Admiral lleuwm «aid. The Indit-try DRY WOOD INffi HALE .Maltxan- the way different people Jo It! has expamleil front 5O.Otsi skilled me Ita and laurel. 85: oak. |4 50; L. O. <'LEM ENT. M D.. Practice You probably know, for Instance, chanic* to a force of 3X5,000 tueu avail pino and fir, 58 75. J. L. John limited to diseases ot eye. ear.nose able to the private stilpynnis. he said, some lime old Indy whs. although she son. Rd 1, box 57. 82 and throat. Phone »3; Rea. 838-J. addins: “Credit tor the acompllsh- may not be beautiful or brllllunt, 1« mwit of the Hints of the emergency Just “nice”—which I» apt to mean FOR SALE A Ford truck with Mat- H LOUGliKIDGE. M D Pbyalclan - flii’t corporntlon Is therefore due to that ln«tead of bossing or scolding. *h“ far attachment at a bargain G. O. and surgeon City or country call» these nieti. who have LirpasHed all trie» not to be troublesome or unrea 88 (Mum. Ill Manxantta Ave attended day or night Phones previous perforniitnce« In tic»siiipl>uBd- sonable to those «round her. Or rath- er. «he does not have to try. for It Is Res 3«»; Office. I SS; «th and H I Ing of the world." FOR BALE OR TRADE. New Way American vessels are m»w «ailing in characteristic of elderly human beings gas engine ••quipped with Bosch K. J BILUCK. M D Physician 221» separate servkvs. They carried tliat they seldom try verv hard to form magneto. 22-lnch saw. ï beltà and «nd surgeon, office Schallborn 42Jt per cent Xf the nation's foreign new hsblts. Youth is the period of extras. 8125. lAirge pipe wrench, block, pbone 54-j; residence, lout commrrce last year, as l onquitvd with •ndeitvor. and old age nt results. Th's Wanted »S: sanitary couch. 57. I .awn ridge, phone 54-L 9.7 per cent before the war, the report I» the reason for tbe futility of yot-ng —Hay rake. l'-bnr harrow, mow folks' displeasure at their linniii»’ said. Ing machine. seeder. hillside plow. W. F. RUTHBRFORD—Manual tbe- The following table shows the per “old fashioned" Ideas. Such Ide:»« are Address iLadwlg, Rd 3, Box 74. raputlca. Office oxer Barnes' jew centage of the nation's shipping car fixed ; they will not change. Yet not all elderly people are age elry Hours 9:30-12; 1:50-4. 54 ried in Americ'iu and forrign boitoms bound In their thoughts; many can be since 17.S9: W ANTTI» RALPH W STEARNS. M. D.. Xray Value in tolerant of Innovations, and a few can Carried mil hone Carrie«! even adopt them. Such a flexible con equipment Phones Office. 21-J; WANTED Middle agvtl lady for export« In In ditila, of the elderly m:nd Is. like the Residence. 21-L. nnd American foreign cook on dairy ranch. Eight or ten Im; urta bo? turns bot'nm. rigid. Intojernnt sort, a prtalOct of men Write to Cha« Paia, Hmlth ATTORNEYS Amt. I’CL Pct earlier life and habits; It Is not likely M 7S River, Cal HO to Indicate any particular good or .» 1S» st 11 H D NORTON. Attoruey-at-lsw evil trait In the person possessing It. Iti g REMARLA YOCNO MAN wants M Practices Iu all State an.l Federal I »1 3» If the young mun or woman who work. Any ktnd. prefer ranch. Courts First National Bank Bldg . 1C « 10 . feels Impatient at the old folks' nq- Addremi No 14> rar* Pourier Mil . IM 1C tlons will cense to shrug a shoulder IB u n O w- COLVIO. U'orney-at-law. WOMAN WANTS POBTTION as QI 71 m nnd erclnlm: “1 hope I'm not like Grants Bass Banking Co. Bldg 7« •4 M housekeeper, ranch preferred. Age that v hen I’m old.” and will turn hts :oi 1*. « 30 years, two school children. Will B. S VAN DYKE Attorney Practices attention to the younger generation, i.tkj IT S3 1 STS starting with himself, he Is likely to » take >25 per month and board anti «7 In all courts First National Batik M do much more for human progress. lodging. Address No. 144 care of IPHldlng 9 . J9V3 »1 When he himself has reached the age 91 Courier. 81 of fixed Ideas hfs character will de • <> r.s U S BLANCHARD, Altotney-at-la* machine lathe iu WANTED Small . 11.K3 42 7 K.J pend on his previous habits of mind ; Golden Huie I|l lx Phone .'?■ I fair condition, Will pay cash for If he ha« kept’himself free from prej i R*ach Alt Quartern. A ''»LEK, Attotaey-at-la« M i same Address 316 1 stiewl si udice and cocksuredness nnd has been The grivcrnmimt fleet In operation always wilting to learn better wry« of >-.«ie -,u dr. Grunts Pas*. Ore WI.H< hl.I. I N hoi » lune .'to consisted of 7.2M steel t ««e’s thinking nnd doing, he wilt 1w likely • M* H. LH KHAM, Atiurn**> -al-ld * plying to nil quarters of the glol>e to remain correspondingly more rat'on- pipe SHOP- Plumbiat REPAIR referee in bankrupicy, M mbouk Including ."•<>» to northern Europe anti al with advancing years, nnd will, in work, steam fitting, boiler and Temple Phone 1S5-J. 120 to southern Europe. In tbe trim« ' truth not be “like that" when tie is 5«5 P u111¡I work and Installing Pacific service then' were ltl't vessel.« I old.—Pendleton East Oregonian. Phone 3♦G. G. Heuth •»th street anti In the South American. 138. For- 5 lit A. Bryan. tynme direct service lines have be n A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg established to Sou'll and Central Abler COMMUNAL S7IRIT IN HPAN N'l'RBIvRY stock of all kinds terna- Practice In all courts lea from nln<- ports on' the Atlantic mental, shade und fruit trees Geo. j const, four on the gulf amt two on the Writer Notes the Fact That Natives H Pari <"tfi V. A, C. AHLE, lawyer,, practice In Pnctflc ciMtst. the report snld. Share Their Sneezes With Strang, Office stata sad federal courts ers on Street Cars. 001.0 OS' MONEY BACK PLAN—-II In another table the report shows over Nations’ Drug Store wreck autos and trucks and »«11 • the growth of shipbuilding In the Uni Japanese do things . In public for the good part*. Bodies, tope. seat«. I ted States since 1S13, as follows: which we would ostracize a num or ' cushions, wheels, tire«, rims, wind Aver. Yjly «eml him to the lockup. Front their dd. wt. tonnage shield glasses, lamps, gears, l>ear- mi-ins ... 131.TIB <• spirit which tolerates bath Ings. axles, bolts, magneto«, car uo-ivni ... ...; 182.BS3 ing In public together they go to the 1XS0-1S.T9 ... .... ItiS.M.’ burettors. spark plugs, rebuilt en other extreme of coming out on their ineo.iksp ... .... S4.S4 gines for any purpose, transmis balconies and clearing their throats IMA. lire ... .... KS.STZ 1VW-1SS3 ... sion springs. If wanted will In .... «».OT» nt the o’clock in the morning and ex »70-1X19 ... ... Ms.m liectornAIng Into the open.gutters be stall the parts. Also I wilt have p<so.tss<> ... .... 30» TM? low. , a car at all times to be sold at- 85 lssn.ixsv ... 3J3.MO ism. ine .. They will hold their fans before ... «.«•■-, - reduction each day until sold, 1910-191« ... ... W'.trS their mouths when talking or yawning Nearly new 1920 model this time 191* ......... .. WT.B1V ns do we. hut will cough and sneeze tsix ..........« ,i Watch sign on windshield at Deo* In your face on stWet cars. Ami ye ISIS ............ .. AK.s.KCl nis Auto Salvage. 505 South Sixth among the refined, observnhce of cus 87 street The bonnl sold ihtrln? the year VJfl tom Is pathetically beautiful. They -------- i ships for n total of .<.’79,014'94. In- come to celebrate the arrival of the eluding 131 new ‘4e»‘l cargo vosrc I r . cherry blossoms by bringing with them ¡14 new wmelcii *i<ips and 33 former their geisha and their children; they GEO M. ABHFORD. C. E. Land sub German cargo ship«. move In perfFdl hordes; they go to the division, mine and Irrigation sur Th« «ppcaranc« of your l«ttar- Nearly nil seized Germnn cargo craft station In masses to see olT some head may maan auccasa or veys. fil4 N fith St. Phone 48-R. have been sold or chartered, with op friend or relative and crowd‘the p'n’ failure. 6o yoiiraalf |uallce tion to purchase, while nil but eleven forms, bowing and bowing ami bow’’ c in th« quality of yourbuainaaa I Ill IIJUNG <1WTI<A<T4H<H m«aa«ng«r of the German pa««enger ships had again ns though there weren't a t! ■ t HARPER * SON Building contrac been disposed of during the year, the snml «1 rangers passing l>efore them We do not advocate «xtrava- tors Shop work, furniture crating. report «aid. No disposition hns been they dress, undress, ent. sleep and ganea. Wa recommend th« Shop 510 II St. Res. phone 14 2. made, however, of the one Austrian drink whisky by the tumblerful on they u«e of a verv moderate priced vessel, the Martha Washington. Standard paper — trains—yet their Inner Ilves are ns se El »NO INsntKTION- cret to one another ns they seem to Clerks Form Anti Powder Puff Club. bo to the foreigner. MRS JAMES M POWERS, instruc The "nntl-powder puff association It Is ns though from behind the , tor on piano; studio over Barn»»' — which has won recognition for the suppression of artificial tnenns st ones—In which many people are Jewelry. Phone 285-J. for it« quality and the service of making women prettier” hns been more Interested than In ilte play it- it giv««. W« are prepared to organized by six girl clerks employed ■ 'If—the actor« hnd Come, forgetting, STRAYER htrniah that paper and toprint in the county courthouse In Muskogee, It a moment of nhv-ont-mindrffno««. to you a latterhead that is a dig BTRlYED From New Hope, red nified Gkla. put on their make qp. or had cony heifer calf, alite spot oh fore •■•»on the street, forvett’bg tn take • What We Can Give You Sec **—Sy<ln» v Grvenb’e. in •\Tnpan. R< head. wearing bell, 10 months old. New Mexico Pardons Villa Raiders. tul ! i: g i iiry.” Smooth crop off left ear. under Before You Place an Order Sixteen follow, rs 'it <it the M«glcnn •lope In right Finder please hnmllt lemler. Francisco Villa, who Order your year's supply of s:.i were sentenc’d to the New Mexico pen phone «01-F-13 or write Josephine Merchant sales books at Courier Messlnzer. Rd. 4,. Grants Pass. tlonery at the Courier und s.tvt itentiary for life for participation in the raid on Colt aim«. N. M . have Oregon. 81 money. office. been pardoned by Governor Larrazolo. DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER 5 let’s pack up and go to IS NOW SECOND first year, 820u each year there after. one-half cash In advance bal-1 mice before expiration ot year Hoc or address W. H Bailey, Murphy, i Ore. Rd. 1. *0 PAGE THREE . Four Daily Trains "California Express” “San Francisco Express” "The Shasta” "Oregonian” Portland to San Francisco and New Through Sleeping Car Service Seattle, Tacoma and Portland to San Francisco and Los Angefes Provide comfortable accommxiationa'and excellent service Winter Excursion Ticket» are on »ale to Southern California Your copy of our new booklet •‘California for the Tourist.” will be mailed FREE on request Inquire of Local Ticket Agent for particulars as to fares, routes, sleep ing car reservations and train service or write Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M SCOTT General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Place orders for Duplicate and Triplicate Sales Books All styles and sizes Requires about 60 days to fill orders Constantly in Stock: Books of Duplicate Remittance Blanks Garage Repair Books Trade Acceptances Legal Blanks Blank Sales Books THE CHEWIER AUTO TOPS Replace the shabby top »¡th light. easy -to-hnndle weather proof one now. Bmart looking, serviceable top—- l>erfect fitting anil improving tlie ewe’s looks---- «.«vide choice in mu. terlals and colors. OUR PRICES LOWEST G. B. BERRY Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effec*’”'' Oct. 25, 1920 Daily aud Sunday LEAVE LEAVE Grants Pass GRANTS PASH MEDFORD Waiting Room 10:00 a- in. 10:00 a. m. : : OO p. tn. Bonbonniere 1 :OO p. ui I.3O p. tn. 4:30 l>. in. Phone 160 connect with stages for Istillimi an<l »lai'ksonx file Does Your Letter head Get It? 1 LEARN TO DRAW CHICHESTER S PILLS I TIIK Dk'MWND nRAMI*. A La<iIra t A»a yaar l*raa*f«t for /A < hl ■■nee.teralMaainnJRrt. ..« //Vl rill« I). Kr4 and w-!AlUc\V/ b. x«i, seeM with Bn.e R. '»on. \ / iTaUe n<* .ther. Bay of yimr “ a k f«t cfn-c liKM-Trn r W T* n °*"1" Ì UKANI» l*ILI.*S «4 ye*r5k t'anli lie«. > '»st. Always Rehatw« —r SOLD BY DRLQbQIS EHRYWRf r