M!U Ti»l»Al GRANTS PASS ÛAILÏ COURIER Preserves, Jams and Jellies Published Dal!; Except Sunday a. E. Voorhies. Illi IUIDAY. JIM Utl 20, ll»2l GUANTO PASH DAILY 4NH KILK FAG, TWO Pub. and Propr. Catered at poetoffice. Granu Pase. Ore., as second class mall matter. CRANBERRY wTR AM BERRY' BED RASPBERRY LOG YNBKRRY GKYP, I UH , OK YNGK L\D GRAPE < HEIUtY GRIPE Utt IT M YKMALADK ADVERTISING RATE8 Display space, per Inch.............. —15c Local-personal column, per ’tne 10c Readers, per line------------- ----- — 5c DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year...... ,6 00 By mall or carrier, per month.. .50 WEEKLY COURIER By mali, per year______________ 32.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Ths Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for tepubllcatlon of all news dispatches credited to iti or all otherwise credited In this' paper and also tbe local ne«a pub- I llshed herein. All rights of republication of ape- «tai dispatches herein are also re- served. t Shanghai. Jan 30—I A. P I—The first step tn an effort toward uni formity in Chinese currency will be undertaken by the building here of China's first national mint. The work will be directed by an Ameri can mint expert. Clifford Hewitt, of Philadelphia, whose services have GETTING THE THRIFT HABIT been 1<.med to China by the United The American citixen has the rep States and who came here a short Mr utation of being a thrifty individual. | time ago to begin his duties In many foreign lands the term Yan- Hewitt installed a new mint at Ma kee is only another name for Amer- nila. the first esta! 'IsLed in the Phil ippines It is expect I that the 'j ••• lean foresight in matters financial, pl»tton o' the new Chít ese mint will But not all Americans are thrifty. put an ct d to the contlomerate ayt-i Thrift may be a national trait, but tem of currency of all kinds and ¡ like other traits, there are degree® of I values which have long been a drag thrift or of lack of it. This is na on the commercial progress of China While the Mexican dollar, intro tional thrift week. The object of duced into China from the Philip setting aside one week for the pur pines. has come to be the common pose of spreading the goepel of sav- unit of value, the various tuchuns. | tag the dollars is that thrift is a ha- governors and other officials of pro vinces have issued coins that are ( Mt. and this makee the starting point dealt with commercially at values! for the habit. It brings to attention based on the quantity of their silver the need for saving when saving is content. The Chinese tael in which Bearing on this question government funds and customs ordl- possible. of need for thrift, some figures rath narily are reckoned is not a coin at all, but a silver slug of a given er startling to the average reader are weight and fineness, differing in prepared from the statistics of life in weight and value in the different pro surance companies. These figures vinces. The Shanghai mint is to cost about show that of an average group of 100 Americans beginning life at the »2,000,000 and be one of the largest in the world, rivalling in size and age of 25 and carry the group cutput the mint at Philadelphia. It through to the age of 75. At 35 is to have a capacity of 500.000 silver year«, five of the original hundred d'Jlars a day with a dally consump are found to have died. 10 are weal tion of 14 tons of silver in addition thy, 10 are well-to-do. 40 live on t' baser metals used as alloys. Mr Hewitt hopes to have the plant com their earnings and 35 show no im pleted and in operation within two provement. At 45 years. 16 have yc-rs. died, one is wealthy, three are well- ’ He is the originator of many of to-do, 65 live on their earnings and tbe machines and processes in use in 15 are no longer self-supporting At American mints, having been in the service of the United States govern- 55, 20 have died, one is wealthy, m nt for 24 years He was builder three well-to-do, 46 live on their of the American mints at Denver and earnings and 30 are no longer self- Philadelphia. supporting. At 65. 36 of the original hundred have died, one is wealthy, »♦♦♦♦-.♦♦♦.«.♦♦♦♦♦♦a ♦ ♦ AMUSEMENTS four well-to-do, only five live on their i farther, the figures show that of the estates at death of 100 average men one leaves wealth, two leave com fortable «states. 15 leave from »2.000 to »10.000 and 82 leave nothing. Re porting on the financial condition of 100 average widows, the figures show that 18 live on their incomes, 47 supplement xheir incomes by working and 35 are dependent. This is the week; will you get the habit* Sorre Cowl A Long Island animal was adv er tlsed for sale by her owner: “For i sale, cow that gives five quarts of | milk a day also two grindstones, one set of harness and a hay rake.”—New York Central Magazine WERE «15.85 «1 |.<MI «0.X5 *«..15 87.3S t»5.»5 85.50 Ä2-7.*» 81.05 . SPECIAL SAIJB for thia week only on U 8. army goods illanketa. ' shirt*, raincoats. belts, breeches, leggina. slick- pants, coats, ers. caps and a complete line Call early nnd of army goods get your choice. 1 U. 8. Army Store X ■ Co., Conklin Bldg * Not Quitting easiness Since «»ui |»rl< Ju»t ill«* t*¥vr ninny tin»«*, h « r fnr th«* lonrnt, nian> think wc nrr qttitUntf, K«*nli<iM|c thal Spring pri»«*« nr** l»>ww i <»ur priren non to givr j»»u th«* bm«*fit. SAMPLE STORE and thereupon hinges the big events REWYRD »25 will be paid for the in the girl's life and the murder of Immediate return of articles stolen Joe, all matter» combining in a most from my residence Saturday night, interesting and gripping tale of a and no questions asked, or »50 girl who dared to fight for the right reward for the* arrest and convic despite the preponderance of odds tion of party or parties reaponslbl > for the theft. A E Voorhies 8, i »♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦a OREGON MKATHKK f •• Tonight and Thursday occas- ♦ ♦ atonal rain west portion Rain ♦ or snow east portion. e ♦ e Carrying tbe investigation a little REPAIR WORK of any description Ament's \uto Repair and Machine Shop. Phone 113-J. 81 1-X»R SALE- -Ford roadster In Al shape, with an extra truck body, two extra tires and carry all. leav ing city at once Will take »325. E. I, Bailey. 1314 M street «3 THVRM>AY. JAM IKY 20. 1021 earnings and 54 are no longer self-1 supporting. At 75 years of age. 63 have died and of the remaining 37 only three are self-supporting—one wealthy, two well-to-do and 34 de pendent. INSURANCE Fit« automobile, life, accident and health. T. M Stott. 308 North Sixth S! waif The Prouty Booster’s Ball was toj blame for it all! And the theatergoers of Granta Pass have the Prouty Boosters' Ball to thank for affording them one of tbe most appealing photoplays of the year in "The Fighting Shepherdess." screen version of the famous book by Caroline Lockhart, starring Anita Stewart and which will be seen at the Rivoli theater last times tonight. In the role of Kate Prentice, a girl in whom a splendid character has been reposed but about whom a de- pressing environment has been en- shrouded as a result of living in the questionable roadhouse from which her mother derives a livelihood. Miss Stewart has a role that calls for a vigorous delineation of the natural effects these circumstances and sur- roundings would have on a girl. The plot begins to unravel when Kate Is saved from the advances of a ■ rough character through the chivalry, of "Mormon Joe," a recluse sheep- herder whose moody exclusiveness has a tendency to make the villagers wary of him. He provides a separ-l ate hut for Kate on his sheep ranch I N< >W S1O.M5 »7.50 85.75 «4.OS 83.95 83-S5 81.05 «1.1« THIS INCUDES MEN'S, LADIES' AND < il|LDREN"S SWEATERS Golden Rule vStore I GI1YHA.M GEMN of the boat quality cau only be made frciq* graham flour ground from selected clean wheat which has been ground properly and kept together in Its natural proportions. Many mills make graham by mixing bran, shorts, middlings and flour, but they can not get tha natural mixture which consti tutes good graham any more than you can get real whole milk by mixing cream and skimmed milk. Try a sack of real gribam made by the W ANTED Your car to overhaul. All work guaranteed. , Ament's Auto Repair and Machine Shop. 81 WANTED A coll box and magneto for 3-cyllnder truck Address Pe ter Tangen. Rd 3. Box 131. S3 District No, 8—Labor. »1.809.80; material. »»«7.68. WANTED -A few more milk custo District No. 9—Labor. »2.646 51; mers. lTic a quart, come and get It material. »103.47 663 N 8th St L. F Roat 83 District No. 10--Labor. ,9.338.90; FOR RENT, -Furnished apartment material. »649.76. 61 m G street. SOtf Dtstrlct No. 11—Labor HOUSE POU RENT Phone 331 R. material. »2.338.61. or call on R. D. Cole, at First Na District No. 12 - datbor. ,131.60. tional Rank 31 General expense—laibor. I- 181 99; material. »39.811.10. FOR SALE Modern bungalow on Bridges 4<abor, »3.330. north side of track Close tn. Has terial. ,13.880 40 Splendid lit- garage and garden Total expenditures. ,183.008.25. tie home. Address No 147 care Expenses of the county during the of Courier »1 past year other than for roads and alfalfa bay. FOR SALE -Ita led bridges are listed as follows: shtf River Hanks Farms County Judge and commissioners, (Continued from Page One) all expense. »3,838.09. Clerk's office, all salaries. »4,- 882 35: books, supplies, etc. »1.340 • 13. Sheriff’s office, all salaries. »4,224 - 92; books, supplies, etc., ,1.401.60. Assessor’s office, all salaries. ,3.- 674.93: books, supplies, etc. ,444 34. Treasurer’s office, all salaries, ,1.- 770.00; books, supplies, etc. ,247 44. Surveyor's office, books, supplies, etc.. »1 »0. School superintendent, all expense. »2.036.31. Health officer, salary and expense. ,598.34. Fruit Inspector, salary and ex pense. ,3.650.00. District sealer, all expense. ,125.- 61. County veterinarian, all expense. ,1,054.29 Coroner, all expense ,5.00. Registration and election, all ex- pense, ,3,979.64. Courthouse, salary of Janitor. wa- ter, fuel, light, etc., ,4.005.67. Furniture and fixtures, all offices, ,55.75. Circuit court. Jurors and witnesses. ,695.60; gTand Jury. ,354.00; misc. expense. ,299.46. County court. Jurors and witnesses. ,43.60. Justice court, fees of justice. »170.95; fees of constable. »2.50; Jurors, witnesses, etc., ,30.00. Juvenile court, witnesses and ex- pense. ,446.65. Care of poor, county general ex- pense. ,4.651 40; < home misc. ex- pense. ,293.05; other paupers, »■•.- 609.55; widow's ;>enstons. ,4.399 50; indigent soldiers. ,200.00. Jail, board of prisoners. ,370 62; repairs, etc.. ,5.65. County cemetery, all expense. ,6. Tax rebates. ,319.47. Insane, examination and expense, ,30 70 Advertising. ,1.191.25. Ferries, operation and mainten ance, »1,592.82. Scalp bounty, ,673.00. Miscellaneous, »1,576 63. District attorney, ,526.75. Water master, all expense, ,1,749.- 35. Library. ,1.014.07. Total. »61,587.86. WANTED —A few more men for farm work. River Banka Farms. 85 (Continued from Page One) Northwest this season than In 1920. The Northwest Tourist Asaocla- tion is at present conducting aa ex- tensive advertising campaign for at- trading the tourists who are now In there California and predicts that will be 10,000 tourists from the City of law Angeles alone visit the North west this coming season. "There is no fear of a gasoline shortage this year to cut short ohr tourist trade and It only happened last year on account of the motorists flocking to the Pacific coast In such large numbers that the supply pro- I ortloned the Pacific coast was not i dequate to take care of the demand end there was no actual shortage in supply in the United States, said Mr Cuthbert. JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 Cor. 3rd and O Sts. Two Second Hand DODGES At Bargain Prices C. L. Hobart Co. BOTH Lionel Barrymore, in 'The Devils Garden Idonel ’Barrymore In a plcturiaa- tton of W. B -Maxwell's fascinating' novel. The Devil's Garden." will be the big attraction at the Rivoli thea ter beginning tomorrow. (Continued from Pa^e One) quite sure that the much talked of Grants Pass-r*rescen/ City highway will be constructed this year. Con- gratulatlons to all concerned." It Is understood that California has already taken the initiative in starting work on Its end of the pro posed new highway through the sending of crews to the field to make the final location survey. Much of the road building In California will he through new territory, the pro posed route being up Smith river to Elk creek. MORE PM FOR H'HED Mill BOXE )M» BRAWN are the result of eutlng plenty of o ir bread It Isn’t Just <i "flll-up." It’s a strength giv ing food, especially valuable to the growing boy or girl. Try It for a few weeks. You'll like Its taste. You'll like Its results A«k your Grocer for Bread t>*kc<1 by the GRANTS PASS (Continued from I’age On » labor without board, the avers <e I t those states last year hav'ng been ,107 a month. The lowest aver was In Mississippi wl-. r» ,4 1 na paid. The average fur the country as n w'holo was »64 95. the northern Atlantic states avernted ,75.5 1. 'he south Atlantic ,50 5«. t'-e north east central states, ,7o.o ■; the nnrthwe«i central states. ,79 79. the south cen tral states. »51.94; and the far west FAKE INVENTOR IN JAIL • rn states. ,99 1.1 For harvest time Dbor , without, Used Hidden Barrels of Alcohol to board North Dakota ptid the highest Make Substitute Motor Fuel Work. A formula designed to “revolution rate with ,7.40 rents a day. while nt j ize'' the motor fuel Industry by mix other thtin harvest time South Da ing corn stalks, enne «ngnr nml v.-n-t kota paid the highest rate with ,5.90 n« n substitute for gasoline worked cents a day. hecnn«e the Inventor. Prof. I* .lol n Taking Care of Indoor Plants. t'hnsler of Brooklyn N Y . hnd two To make ferns grow rapidly Indoors barrels of alcohol trdden behind th • World’s Smallest Coin. end loo' fte«h . n>l green chop n few wall nnd connected by a pipe to n The coin of the least value ever Is I' -ters fine nnd rmx -.Itli the soil nnd tnnk containing the npprtrrrni«. sued Is the “mite,'' so called, such ns hen vn't-r V < ||. Th’« mny be done t'liriMler's arrest followed an ln-.‘e- the widow of the Bible contributed »very for'nl lit. W.-i h the leaves of » 'ion by the district attorney - ■ ' to the poor Its -.liape was hexngonnl your rubber plant «Ith n cloth wet fi'*e of n complaint of it delegation mid Its value about one fiftieth of s with olive oil. Thia nourishes the representing J<»> per-oii- from the En«t cent. It would take live thou«uml plant nnd keeps the leave« dnrk green aide «ho snld they find lnve«te<|. in mites to make one dollar. nnd velvety. Add a few drops of am- stock In a company salti to have te<-n monIn to a quart of lukewnrm wnter ( formed for the manufacture of the sub GRANTH PASS RLE 5S|:D when von water house plants. Tim stitute motor fuel BY QI K K BES« l.l s chemical net« ns a tonic and fertilizer and makes the foliage fresher. And Everyone la ple.iscd with ti e quick Cat Coes eoo Mil’s In Wh-cl he careful, when real winter weather results of simple wltchhnze’, cam A kitten i ra« led ln«!de the rii of comes, not to writer your plnnts with hlC flywheel nt the <lrn.it Norf phor, hydrastls. etc . as m.xed In L-<- «ntcr too cold. Water running from III« at Burlington. Neh., anti voptlk eye wash. On* Min's rye n faucet In J-minrv Is fnr ton cold le.-p The lililí pet «na lllilill’ were so badly «trained he coaid not for tender ph -its. VM enough hot <1 fl e glsnt mm hl nerv wii» st «atrr to make the drink von give vour read without pain Two n .nitration ufimi Tile uh el whirred u plnnts ink»w->-m—is rainwater always relieved him. A I dv with Weik, In Is in summer trio» flamed eyes *es greatly helped by ONE bottle. 5Ve g-ar n'.eed a email bottle of l.avo-’tllt t > help ANY Order your year's supply of sta C ASE weak, atralned or Inflamed tionery at the Courier and save money. eyes. National Drug Stu-a. Adv BAKERY 50.1 G Street ' • '■ 1 ' f r“t i tf-U RHEUMATISM Is a blood disease and cannot be cured by ex ternal treatments. ANTI URIC This herbal remedy will eliminate the cause of $out, rheumatism or lumbago or your money will be refunded. Give it a trial. For sale by SABIE’S DRUG STORE Only <>ne of II iohc \ew Itrcnsers left at 817.SO- Cottin la coming u|>. Mnt- treaae« will lie higher—n few IO-II>, all cotton ones left nt 811-75. Will tnke 2nd linntl nmOrexscw in on n<«v one*. - PHONE 7i , A Dream. \ BoMoti 1'iinl.ei -aya we are tin ex- t- ■ mu n itli.ti In this he makes no r.-fereiicc to us per«onnliy. One ot mu tohdt xt muli’tion« is some tiny '< f..- aide tn have enough gathered tie gmtier «o rb-it we can go out ami in - Inf It I« like to be i-xtrnvugnnt.— De’iolt I > .-e press.