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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1921)
wf . i » xi : siiay , J »xi ary it», HMll. GRANT* I* ASH DAILY COURIER PAGE TWO ■ st A. B. Voorhles, Preserves, Jams and Jellies Pub and Propr. Entered at postofflce, Granu Pass. Ora., as second class mall matter., ADVERTISING RATES Display spare, per inch............. -I5c Local-personal column, per lina—10c Baaders, per lina--------------------- 5e Payrolls and Prosperity » URAXllKRRV STRAW BERRY RED RASPBERRY IX SÌA X BERRY graublaue . oraxge and G RATH GRAPH FRI IT »IARMALAUE _______ M.00 URY GOODS AM» GROCERIES away at the home of bls son in Ku- gene tn July. 1917. at the age of 97. He came to America from England with hto parents in IMO: they vrere WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1». IRSI. pioneers In Iowa: he came to the Oregon country soon after he was or »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦e ♦ dained in the Methodist church: he * OREGON WRATH EK ♦ Joined the conference of this state ♦ tn 1855. Hto circuits were through ♦ Tonight and Thursday occas- ♦ ■e atonal rain west portion. Rain ♦ the country now composed of Jack- ♦ son. Josephine. Douglas. Lane. Ben ♦ or snow east portion ton. Yamhill and Polk counties, the completion of his circuit bringing THE (IHtl IT RIDER him home once a month." New interest in the pioneer his Suggestion is made that the statue tory of the Oregon country to awak be placed in the capitol grounds at ened through the announcement of Salem The Courier believes that it the tribute which R. A. Booth to pay would be more fitting if it were tag to the memory of his father, the placed upon the campus of the state Rev. Robert Booth, who rode the university at Eugene Booth was an circuit in southern and western Ore- educator, preaching the gospel of gon when the country was in its the Christian faith, but at the same youth. Speaking of the tribute, the time, as did all of the circuit riders, Portland Spectator has the follow preaching the gospel of a better cit ing editorial comment: izenship. and carrying to many a "Another fine piece of statuary soon to be presented to the state is home in the outlying districts the that of The Circuit Rider.’ a heroic beet educational thought of the day. bronze statue sculptored by A. Phfm- The circuit rider was church and toter Proctor, the noted western art school for those on whom he waited. ist. It is the gift of Highway Com We of southern Oregon would wish missioner R. A. Booth, of Eugene, to see the tribute to his memory in commemoration of his father, the erected in the district which he more late Rev. Robert Booth, pioneer dr- particularly served. cult rider, and in memory of the ministers of the Goepel who as cir cult riders acted as counsellors and evangels to the pioneers, and who were so instrumental in determining the boundaries of the Oregon coun- try. The statue depicts the Rev Robert Booth as a circuit rider. mounted on a rangy horse, a Bible in one hand, and bis long locks and cloak wind-tossed Mr. Proctor con siders the theme one of the strong- eet he ^as yet undertaken, and Mr. Booth declares the work a stirring likeness of his father as he remem bers him, riding away on his mis sions of service. “The Rev. Robert Booth passed OREGON ON TOURISTS1 MAP Let the Eastern tourist draw a line east and west through the center of the United States from the Mississip pi to the Pacific and ask himself the question: Shall I go slght-eeeing to the Coast north or south of this line? The chances are even that he will wish to look at a little more adver tising before he chooses his route. There is but one answer to the ques tion, though he may not know it. The Northern route is unquestion ably the scenic route by which one may travel freest from hardship, from danger and discomfort, and at the same time see the most of the ........ ...... ................... **' Proportionately few Eastern pie are aware of this superiority of the Northern route. California and CoArado are in every Eastern eye and ear The Yellowstone Park to also well known, But much of the tourist travel to the Yellowstone Park turns back or toward the south- west for mere lack of Interest in what may be farther north and northwest Pike’s Peak is known to ten Eastern ers where Mount Hood Is known to one. Yet the view from Mount Hood is surpassingly finer than that from Pike's Peak Oregon has more ma jestic scenery than Colorado. It ts up to Oregon itself to put the state on the tourist map. it is par ticularly the duty of Portland t<f lead and push his advertising, A state tourist association can do a work for Oregon which it ¡^impossible for the Northwest Tourist association to do There Is an Immense amount of in- formation to be circulated. The country wants just this infur- ; mation. Tourists are not a Stiff-- necked and prejudiced people, They are wide awake to information, if ! i convinced that they have not seen the i'"————— ■■ Adequate service is dependent upon adequate niton. The PACIFIC TELEPHONE und TELEGRAPH COMPANY best in the United states until they have seen tils Northwest coast country, they will come. Telegram. Not Quitting' Business Effect of Habit on Some People. A West Dallas widow says tlini the only reason why she would ever take another husband Is because it la so hard to atop marrying when once be gun.—Dallas News. « Niñee our prière «re fnr (lie lowret, ninny think wo aro quitUnX- Juet the rrtrix* K true, lire lf«iai{ that Spring priore are lower many Unire, we cut our prière çow ip give you the benefit. Why We Sell Mack Trucks « • 15c 15c Because Performance records show the Mack to be the best truck on the market. JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 Cor. 3rd and G SU. I Because we are an integral part in an organization that distributes Mack trucks exclusively in all that part of the United States west of the eastern bor ders of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. SPIDER REALLY HAS BRAINS la Fosaeaaed of Degree of Intelhgenca That Has Been Recognized by Scientists. Because of the owner’s service policy that governs the sale of every Mack truck. All styles and sizes Requires about 60 days to fill orders ■ Because of the financial strength of the Mack truck manufacturing and sales organizations. Constantly in Stock: Because the Mack makes money for its owners. I I Collins Auto Co. MACK • INTERNATIONAL MOTOH TRUCK OORI’ORATION FLOW / Because of the almost a quarter of century of experience in building motor trucks exclusively that is back of the Mack manufacturing record. Sales Books GRAHAM GEMS of the best quality can only be mads from graham flour ground from selected clean wheat which has been ground properly and kept together In Its natural proportions. Many mills make graham by mixing bran, shorts, middlings and flour, but they can not get the natural mixture which conatl- tutea good gralium any more than you can get real whole milk by mixing cream and skimmod milk. Try a sack of real graham made by the I Because of what owners prove their Mack trucks are capable of doing. Place orders for Duplicate and Triplicate COUKI m i SAMPLE STORE Golden Rule »Store THE i ■■■ h i 'Hie rates askeef for will not work a hardship u|»»n any indi vidual: they represent but a small increase per station over pres ent rates, but in the Aggregate would permit the telephone com pany to continue to fully serve the public, carry out its piling for the development of Oregon, and do its part in creating and main taining the prosperity which is e: •< r.tial to this state. PERFORMANCE COUNTS These are odd lots and many will take advantage of sueh low prices. Books of Duplicate Remittance] Blanks Garage Repair Books Trade Acceptances Legal Blanks Blank Sales Books ................. —11 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, representing a payroll of approximately $3,000,000 per year in Oregon, lias reached a point beyond which it cannot go with its present in come. It has asked for higher rates which will enable it to main tain its service, meet its payroll obligations and earn a reasonable return upon its investment in Oregon. If it obtains this it can carry on its construction program, offer more work in Oregon, on large its payrolls and take its proper part in the progivss of this state. If it cannot secure adequate rutes it must limit its expan »ion in every way, abandon its plans for extensions and lay off its construction crews. wonderful, the beautiful, the majes tic. the instructive. For the wide awake American there is more edu cation and entertainment per mile from the great river to the great ocean through the northern tier or two of states than he can find in the same time In any other quarter of the United State«. Hosiery Special ONE LOT LADIES HOSE ONE LOT CHILDREN’S HOSE "" Oregon needs more and larger pa» rolls. l‘roN|>eritv is a con- crete condition, not an abstract thought. It is created by the op portunity for work, the investment of rnoue» in yew and enlarge melit of old projects, the development of trade, the meeting of pro tlucer anti consumer, tin* exchange of labor for purchasing power. WEEKLY COURIER MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Preet to exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited in thia paper and also the local news pub- Itohed herein All rights of republication of spe- «tel dispatches hsreln are also re- served. " » DAILY COURIER By mall or caroler. per year---- M OO By mall or carrier, per month.. By mall. per year " Spider* are commonly spoken of ns Insects, but they aren't. They belong to n very different order of animals, being "arachnids." They get this name, by the way. from a mythological maiden named Arachne, who wan so proud of her weaving that she challenged Minerva to a trial of skill. The goddeaa ac cepted the challenge, but finding her self in danger of defeat, lost her tern- l>er, struck her presumptuous rival and turned her Into a spider. The spider is incomparably more Intelligent than any insect, and Its cleverness as a maker of nets obtain ed for It n well-warranted admiration It Is the female that dors this work, the male being only a fraction of her size and of no account except for con tinuing the species. A spider lias what mny be called a recognizable brain. But so, for the matter of that, has’ a cnterplllnr, though less well developed. The nerv ous system of the latter Isa mere string with knots of nerve stuff (ganglia) at Intervals along It Office stationery—Courier office. i i fbNTlME S OUR MOTTO |AND "FAIR PLAY- (THAT'S HOW WE MAKE THE BUSINESS PAY Folks say we're always on time and that fair play is our Ims iness reputation. it must strike yon that that’s a pretty good combination upon which to base an appeal for your pa tronage. We want you to in vestigate ns and then employ UR. B. S. Dedrick »14 F Street I’HONE