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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1921)
♦ •r*H 7 ♦ 9 I MMX I4TEI) inCESS SERVICE TIEHRAY, JAMVARY I», 1V21 • ■ Black and Tan Patrol Ambushed Near Irish illy, According to Report From lx>nd<»n ________________________ WHOLE NUMBER «17«. CrraUon of New Official Posttion for Commission to Serve the Atate. Salary l*ut at *3000 Former Premier Says That Preparation Must Be Made For Ixindon. Jan 18.—(A. |P.)—Four FIVE VOI TUN ARE INVOLVED IN civilian* wore killed and seven "black DEED, ANI» MAKE THMIlt EH- and tan" auxiliary policemen were t’Al’K IN AUTOMOBILE Salem, Jan. 18.—(A. P I—Crea I’ROPOHED ME.LSIKE WOULD tion of the office of prohibition com -MAKE STATE «.ASH AVAILABLE mission with 13000 annual salary, is FDIC.OREGON SOLDIERS wounded In a fight in County Gal- proposed in a bill introduced by Sen wan Ireland, according to report* ators Farrell and Eddy. Two other today. The fight ensued when the bills by the same senators provide 'black and tan" patrol was ambushed more stringent penalties for liquor Tokio. Jan. 18.—(A. P.)—"Only American government is giving un near the city of Gaiway. violations and permit search and : when an American and British due Importance to the Incident aris seizure of all vehicles, Including atr- • --------- PIIOINME BUDGET 8T*nM agreement for a naval holiday is ing from the death of Lieutenant planes, without search warrant. Bhipno'iit of < «eli to Federal Rraerv«- FT»K «TATE INSTITUTIONS reached can Japan be in a position Langdon. "If, as believed," the Permit Boieficiaries to Borrow newspaper continues, "America goes ROUND HOUSE AT BAKER Banks In Includevi In the Loot to A'lOOt) on Sec urity of Real Salem. Jan. 18.—(A. P. »--Sen to consider this proposition," said so far as to bring up Japan’s basic of tlw' Itoblx-rs Estate Mortgage BURNS WITH IXISS OF *23,000 I ator Patterson Introduced a bill mak Marquis Okuma, former premier, in policy in Siberia, including the ques ing the state Ixiaril of control a bud an Interview. "Japan's naval pro tion of evacuation of that country by Portland, Jan. 18.—(A. P.)— The get commission. Heads of the state gram la fixed at the minimum neces Japanese troops, it is likely a fresh Chicago. Jan 18—(A. P.l—Five Salem, Jan. 18.— (A. P.)—Ap departments and nil individuals, cor sary for national defense." The news cause for discussion has arisen be round house of the Sumpter Valley youthful bandlta held up the United proximately 830,000,000 immedi railroad at Baker, was destroyed by porations and municipal corpora paper Kokumln Bhlmbun says the tween the two governments." Stales mail trick at the Union station j fire early today, with a loss of over ately, and more as the state's proper tions would be required to submit ln-4 f lure today, * ' »Ping In an autom >blle ty valuation increases, would be Have Mine at Waldo— 825.000. tended appropriations before Octo VIOLATION <>F ANTI-TRUST with 12 sacks of mail, ten contained! available as a loan fund for ex-ser BRINGS FINE OF *40,000 O. W. Skinner and W. G. Swalwell ber 1 of even numbered years. registered mull. Th" o'lie said the vice men, and veterans of the Civil both of Seattle spent last night tn pouches contained a part of the ted* and Spanish American wars pro thia city on their way to the south- ersl reeerve bank money shipment to! New York. Jan. 18.— (A. P.) — ern part of the state where they posed by a referendum measure In St Paul. Fines of 840,000 were Imposed on have mining properties located. Mr troduced by Senator Bruce Dennis, 1 tour sand and gravel corporations, Skinner is a prominent steel manu of Union county. The act would end their officers and directors, who facturer of Seattle and Mr. Swal authorize issuing bonds of the state ; pleaded guilty to violation of the well Is a merchant of that city. The to the amount qf 3 per cent of the anti-trust law. property valuation of the mines are located near Waldo.— ! assessed state state which is now about one bil- Roseburg News-Review. Rome, Jan. 18.—(A. P.)—Pro-'lion, Beneficiaries would be allow ___ Honolulu. Jan.. 18.—(A. P.l -The i fessor Tgo Ancona, former under-) ed to borrow not to exceed 85000 at lumber schooner Helene, from Port | secretary of transportation, estimates! any time, secured by first mortgage Angeles, Washington, with lumber I that at least 1,500,000 emigrants) on real estate. for Honolulu, arrived here recently London. Jan 18. -<A. P.l — West more than two weeks overdue after ! must leave Italy within the next two I Africa Is the latent country to seek a voyage of 36 days, during which years If the nation is to prosper. He I home rule. A mission, representa she weathered a 100-mile gale which suggests that the government aid tive of educated opinion In British blew for 24 hours, according to Cap emigration by transforming cargo: West Africa» has arrived here to tain A Lumbke. her master. vessels Into emigrant ships, because' Edinburg, Jan. 18.—(A. P.)—' the greatest present obstacle to emi-| Wenatchee. Wash., Jan. 18.— (A. urge upon the colonial office a num Describing the storm In which ber of reforms in the Internal admin Captain Lumb!:? sAld ho expected I’. >—I-oral members of the American Scotland has definitely decided to re-' gratlon is the lack of transportation w* w avws* a»« • • * V istration of the four West African from hour to hour to lose his ship, ieigion. Npanhh-American war vet main mainly wet. A’otlng on prohl-: faculties. — erans and the Grand Army of the Re bition under the Scottish Temperance: The professor proposes that Ital- colonies and) protectorates. Sierra he asserted that at times the waves I I^eone. the Cold Coast. Nigeria and coming down on his craft were from public are formulating plans for the Act has been concluded with this re-' ian emigration should be condueted Salem. Jan. 18.— (A P.)—An an- creation of a national park in the Bult: the Gambia, save the Ixjnd Times. in a new and systematic way. He1 ti-Japanese bill, patterened after the .75 to 100 feet In height. Cascade mountains on Nason creek, The Mission has been sent to this Polls were taken In 572 areas, with had advocated a plan of collective' California law, has been submitted northwest of Wenatchee, in honor of the result that 4 96 voted for 'no emigration to include large and com- to the attorney general for approval country by the national con cress of the soldiers and sailors of the wars change in the present regulations. 41 , p]ete units of labor, comprising not as to constitutionality by Represen- Rrltlah West Africa, and seeks In the of 1861-1885, 1898 and 1917-1918. for abolition of saloons and 35 tor only laborers but engineers, experts, tative Leonard, of Portland. first place the creation-of a legisla If Nason creek at the point where the limitation of drink licenses. tive council which will be composed managers and. if possible, capital found valid it will be introduced. park is proposed forms Itself into a , As a consequence, out of a total in ists, who would all emigrate together: The senate adopted Senator No- one-half of tn am tiers chosen by the Camp Lewis, Wash., Jan 8.— (A., series of lakes. Scotland of 9.371 licenses, 447 will to the countries where they are most1 blad’s concurrent resolution provid crown and one-half of members elect Pl—<A11 army recruits beginning The Stevens Pass road runs past be withdrawn. ed by the people, and for a house of needed. , I ing for a joint Oregon and Wash January 15, are being sent to the the door of the proposed national assembly which would have complete Of 1,153,97^ individual voters,; He points out that If 1,500,000 ington legislative committee to con Fourth divlslAn at Camp Lewis fol control of the revenue and expendí- lowing orders to recruit the division playground and park concessions 692,222 were for no change; 442.530 J emigrants wpre to leave Italy in the. fer on Columbia river fishing. would be offered to war veterans for prohibition and 19,226 for 11ml- next two years they would send back turn. Investigation of Oregon paper up to its full peace-time strength. tation. As to local government, the mlii- There will be 10.000 at Camp lx»wis free. home something like 81,000.000.000,! mills by the federal trade commis a Ion urges that municipal corpora- when the division is complete. Of which bringing foreign capital into. sion is demanded in a memorial in tlona should be established tn each ficial announcement has been receiv Italy, would go far toward raising troduced by Mr. Dennis. The mem of the principal towns of the colonies. : the exchange value of Italian money. orial says that every user of paper ed hero from the war department es The judicial system of British i This value is now so low that it mill products is suffering from the tablishing the Fourth as a full West Africa, in particular Nigeria. Is crushes initiative and prevents im- apparently unjust abnormal prices. strength division Tnless army re crticlzed by the mission ahich states __________ mediate regeneration of tlalian fin- cruiting la stopped by congress It is that at present "it is the practice to ances. OFFICIAL CHAPERONE TO believed hero that full strength will appoint to judicial offices European« ATTEND HOQUIAM DANCES bo attained by summer. who have not received any legal Hoquiam. Wash, Jan. 18.—(A. training and who are not competent I London, Jan. 18.—(A. P l—For Rio de Janeiro. Jan. 18.—('A. P.) P.)—.Hoquiam has an official chap to exercise judicial functions. mer soldiers who were promised gifts —The committee on naval and mili-) erone. who, by* a recent order of the Among other suggested reforms of land after the war but who have tary affairs of the Brazilian chamber- city council, must attend all publie they seek: The etfnbllshment of a tailed to receive It, are forcibly tak of deputies wants a bigger navy. It dances, whether given by individuals West African university; the removal ing it In some of the Hebrides Islands has called upon the president to pre or corporations. The chaperone was of the color bar In the West African off the west coast of Scotland. The sent to the next session of congress a 1 named by Mayor W. A. Jacks and medical service and the Introduction dissatisfaction over failure to obtain program of naval construction drawn she will receive 83 for each dance at of Immigration laws to prevent the Clinton. B. C., Jan. 18.—(A. P.) — tended. The money must be paid Innd appears to be spreading among up by the general staff of the admi Influx of undesirable aliens to British the islanders. ralty and to l»e carried out for a | More than 100 claims have recently from the dance proceeds. Lisbon. Jan. 18. — (A. P.l — The West Africa. been staked out in the Clinton and On one of the inlands the former term of years. Portuguese newspapers have under The reason given for this proposed LlUooet district along the ’Caribou taken a campaign to prevent the con-1 service men have seized and divided themselves a 3,000-acre increase is that it is necessary be- road in the direction of Scotty Creek. ¡tinned emigration of Portuguese clt-j among j Izens to the United States and Brazil! farm, driven off the stock which was cause of Brazil's new position In the Assays, it is stated, show a high per ; by pointing out that more than on It and restocked it with their own world as a signatory of the Versail centage of gold. A large body of' i 2,000,000 workers are idle and hun-| cattle, sheep and horses. They blame les treaty and as an effective mem- hemetlte ore carrying gold values has the British board of agriculture for ber of the league of nations, An-, been located about 15 miles from 1 dreds of factories closed in the Unit-, led States and that the Portuguese failure to keep the promise to pro other reason ascribed i^ the neces here. vide them with land. sity of defending a long coast line. are not welcome in Brazil. WASHINGTON'S NEW CAPITOL Rio de Janeiro. Jan. 18.— (A. P.) •’Innumerable emigrants continue Connellsville, Pa., Jan. 18.—(A. A .MAGNIFICENT BUILDING —Dr. Ruy Barbosa, sole survivor of p.l—Garden products with a market to arrive In (Lisbon Ifrom all parts of the prominent men who in 1899 value of 8322,000 were raised in the country on their way to Brazil Olympia. Wash., Jan. 18.— (A. P.l caused the bloodless overthrow of the 19 20 by employes of the Frick Coke and the United States." says the Se- —Washington's new state capitol empire of Brazil, set up a republio Company under the very glare of cula. "it Is .necessary to stop this group buildings being erected' here and banished the imperial family, the thousands of coke ovens which avalanche and avoid this calamity, on a site overlooking Puget Sound, will play a part, as representative of dot this section of Pennsylvania. not only because the hundreds that will be one of the finest set of build- ' the league of national defense. In ar* leaving this country are needed Much of this wealth came from the Ings of its kind In the nation, Clark paying homage to the former Emper gardens which the company provides In tae fields and workshops but also Washington. Jan. 18.—(A. P.)— different trees have set out argu V. Savidge, at-te land commissioner.! or Don Pedro TI and his wife #hen with every house, but some workers because they are going to suffer in a and their families were more ambi strange country all manner of sorrow Thousands of American school chil ments as to why some particular spe declared in his annual report made the Brasilian battleship Sao Paulo dren are voting this week to select a cies should be selected as being truly public here recently. brings their bodies back from Lis • tious than their neighbors and and misery.’’ The buildings Mr. Savidge declar bon The bodies are expected to ar The same newspaper prints a let national tree. For three months a national. "farmed" 35 4 additional plots which ed. will be completed at a cost of rive here within a few weeks. ter from a Portuguese workman tn a campaign has been going on all over the company leased for them. The first school to report a vote Responding to the league’s request The report of the welfare depart New Bedford. Mass., etxtlle factory, the country under the auspices of the was Emery Stake Academy of Castle approximately 325,000,000 without ment of the company Just made pub who sent a warning to his fellow American Forestry Association. Some Dale. Utah, the figures for which a cent coming from the taxpayers , that he represent It at the landing of lic shows that 7,954 Indlvdual fam countrymen not to Igo to that city. votes already have been cast but this showed Pine. 14; Oak, 14; Elm, 8; Money received fro mstate capitol the remains of the late emperor. Dr. lands in various parts of the state is Barbosa said that the banishment of He said that soon after he found em week sees the windup of what has ilies engaged In tne enterprise. (American Ash, 4. expected to meet the cost of 1 the the Imperial family had not been an The report of the Frick company ployment he sent fot his wife and been termed the national tree refer The first town to report was Ham buildings. It will take ten years i to act of proscription and revenge but shows that lit expended 816.000 in children and they sold their farm In endum. At the same time, the referendum burg. N. Y., which gave White Oak. complete the 825,000,000 work. merely a precaution, an elementary promoting the gardening plan, and Portugual to pay for their transpor- has been converted Into an organised 89; American Elm, 88; Sugar Maple. guarantee of security for the heads paid ont in prizes 82,194.24. while tation across the Atlantic. Then Ill- 28; American Chestnut, 23; Black WOULD MAKE XR.HISTR'E movement to educate school children of the old regime and for the calm closing of the factory ness and the the workmen and their families bene- I Walnut, 20; Shell Bark Hickory. 12; DAY LEGAL HOLIDAY I birth of the new. He was glad that, fltted from the gardens without any reduced the family to extreme mis In the varieties of trees. Collections at what was practically tha end of ery and the Portuguese now desires of leaves have been made, the growth White Pine 9; scattering, 20. expense other than their labor. The first woman's organization tation ti t<x Salem. Jan. 18.—(A. P.l—In a his public career, the opportunity The company will follow the plan only to return to die In Portugual. and habits of frees have been studied this year. It provides for a flower He declares that of the Portuguese and dlscussd. and before the ballots report was the Woman’s ( Literary special message today, the governor bad arisen for revocation of the act or vegetable garden at every house who remain in New Bedford, many have been cast, there have been joint Cluj) of Jennings, La., which cast 30 recommended that the legislature of banishment and thankful to be debates in which the champions of votes solid for the oak. make Armistice day a legal holiday. able to take part in ths ceremony. are In abject misery. occupied by one of its employes. National Defense Till America and England Take Holiday in Navy Building TWiLVi SACKS ARE STOLEN TO OSE CREDIT Of THE STATE VETERANS PLAN PARK SCOTS DECLINE TO GIVE ISLAND LAND BY FORCE CAUSES RUSH 10 FIELD