Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1920)
0 PAGB RIGHT J.L-. .... 1. — T BH a TWIN BEDS THE PLAY THAT MADE I’AJIMAs FIMO!« —Forni the Broadway micco «.« thaï naked th«« country with ahocks and thrill« aa<l l«uM*it«*r. BEGINS TODAY! / / 9 k ADDED FILM TOO! 1 • j T a I I V State College. Pa., lh«c. 24. Sen ior co -« m 1 s at the Pennsylvania State College have demonstrated their abil ity to combat the high cost of living by running their table on leas than 50 cents a day per person A group of seven girls In home economics. In theft* first of eight weeks' residence in the housekeeping practice house maintained for their benefit on the campus, established a record of 43.6 cents a day. They set the limit at 50 cents, which la Issa than half of what the men students P*y for board Ui the town. The girls manage a ten room house during their resilience as a part of I | their training Posted schedule.« 1 give each her duty for the day. Re- . cords of this ktnd may give a partial. t answer to the question of why then* are frequent marriages around the 4 commencement period each year. Following is a sample menu tor a BEGINS TODAY! day: Breakfast—Steamed pears, hot cakes and syrup, coffee. lainch-- Soup, tomato salad, bread and but ter. Jelly jumbles and tea. Dinner— laimb chops with gravy, mashed po KATHERINE tatoes. chard salad, creamed carrots C5I.VERT and pumpkin pie You can't blame either of them for all the delirious doings before Blanchie’* husband and Monti's wife raved in on them. And no one will blame you If you have to be carried home on a plank after you've seen It. Notice to Junior« of security— Portland. Dec. 24.—(A. markets are steady. P.l—«All VETO EXPE4TED TO HE GIVEN ON WAR FINANCE MEASURE Washington. l>ec. 2.4.— (A. P.) — The veto of the Joint* resolution re- I viving the war finance corporation | was expected by White House ofl- ! ciato, but In giving expression to the belief they made it clear that they had no specific information from the president. PRICES OREGON Didn't Want License— I to the fire. Another shattered ro- Two years ago when the war was ; mance. _______ at its height a young man and a Warrants to Be Retired— young lady of the county decided to In the budget allowed by the coun get married. The young man was ty commissioners. »20,000 was allow subject to the draft. A license was ed for the retiring of warrants and secured and things arranged for the for the payment of interest. East marriage Then the young man year the levy was 21*4 mills, as found out he was not going to be against the 31*4 for this .year The called. The marriage license was increase is due to the increasing of laid away. Yesterday the young man the state tax from »55.674.20 last returned to the county clerk. He had year to »74.796 for the coming year with him the marriage license he had Jack Hogan arrived today from bought two years ago. He stated that be wanted it destroyed. He was Portland to spend Christmas here obliged and the license was consigned with friends and relative No Lonper Popular. No matter bow black or threatening the outlook, keep working, keep via- unllzlng your life dreem. and some un expected wny will *vr;-ly open for Its fulfillment. The abiding faith In a |M»ver which will bring things out right In the end. which will harmonise discord, has always been strong In men and women who hnve done great things in the world.—Orison Swett Harden. Ip Chicago Daily News. A Car every 18 1-2 »econds and the best ever made 1921 Ford Cars Ready for Delivery—large steer ing wheels, self starter, new fan. Drive a Ford Today! C. A. WINETROUT AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE A 1 ,L!ES A Genuine Saving Lloyd's Is World Famoua • • a J ife_______ __ ANITA STEWART E YELLOW TYPHOON* BY HAROLD MAC 6RATH YELIXJW” because of her hair; «TYPHOON" .breausc of the human wrockate she left in her wake. "THE YELIX»W TYPHOON." they called her after the man ner of the Orient, where she wax notorious for hey vampi'h oeapad««. With a kitten's purr but a tiger's heart her carnival of rwfwisai* against, tile male srv was carried to a whirlwind conclusion. The writer of the Courier's dallv poem. Everett Earle Stanard. has been engaged upon considerable lit erary work while tn Granta Pass, and has recently completed an article en titled "Memories of Oregon Poets" which will appear in the «Overland Monthly, published in San Francisco. This article Is based upon Interviews with W W. Fidler of this city con-’ earning poets with whom he was ac quainted. notably Samuel Simpson and Joaquin Miller. Mr. Stanard's poems api»ear fre quently In the Portland Oregonian and Journal, and In the Portland 8|>ectator. He has also appeared In the "Light Verse" page In Munseys Magazine: The popular Top Notch M«i sine has used his poems for a nuWiber numb of years Normal Instructor will use soon an article from Mr Stanard's pen entitled "American Historical Poetry." An article en titled "Training Your Dog" will ap pear In a twenty-volume set of books which the American Educational So ciety of St. I3»uis Is gettlnx out. the set to bé known ax ''The Father and Son Library." Lloyd's is probably one of the most famous British Institutions and Is known throughout the world. It Is as sociated In tl>e minds of moat people Returns to Glerulale— Mrs. Albert Blackford returned with the Irxurnm*»* of ships and car goes and with <«<-nsi>>nnl freak pol- last Thursday evening from Grants lc’.«. whicl -re n tli. form almost of Paes, where she has been very ser iously ill In the hospital. She Is now at the home of her sister. Mrs E. F. Hayes, and at latest inquiries her condition Is reported as slightly im proved.—Glendale News 'Si » There is a Reason ! PORTI. 1X1» MARKETS P. S.—LEBT YOU FORGOT. KIDDIES FREE ENTERTAIN MENT TOMORROW MORNING AND THE REGULAR SAT- I'RDAY MATINEE IN THE -AFTERNOON. « A Cash Bonus for 1920, Shared by 75,000 Monday. Dec. 27. at 3 p. m . every Junior In Grants Paas Is to attend initiation in the S. B. A. Hall Twen- ty certificates will be taken up by the new members Arrangements will be made for the New Years eve tree, and a program will be given for the members of 8. B. A. and their fam 5» ilies. 3 KH.ILIK Goes to Ford Workers 11 THE ORGAN Blame someone for It— quick! But you can't blame little Blanchie Hawkins be cause there were twin beds in her new apartmeut. And you can't blame Signor Monti when he wandered winefully Into the wrong flat. S7.000.000.00 Coming Sunday ADITJT8 8Se KIDDIES 13c INCLUDES WIR TAX OREGON OF *J To .1 ON MENU MillCTs Shantung Silk Shirts. 14 to 17 at • IM Wool Shirts, Gray. Dark Red. Blu». Brusn and O D. a five dollar value, going ut M-M Sale ¡»rices on shoes and men‘a pants Ginxhams, 15c a yard To stimulate »alee, « yards for • I.IM* Madison glnxhams, per yard Its Devonshire*. tier yard 50 cent anting flannel, per yard .im its Children's dreases that satisfy in style and price Sample Store Extending SINCERI*: GOOD WISHES FN»R THE CHRISTMAS SEASON AND THE NEW YEAH IN BE-HALF OF ITS ENTIRE ORGANIZATION Geo. A. Hunt & Co Theatres ““ Pupil« Sell stamp*— The pupils of the city schools sold } a large number of Red Cross stamps; during the last two weeks of school} when every boy and girl was given a Harry L. Cort and George E. Stod cultivation, partly clover and al chance to dispose of them. A total dard evolved the book and lyrics, falfa. Good house and barn, 10 of »190 was secured in the three which Harold Orlob finished and fur- head of cows, all farm Implements. grade schools. Junion high sold »62 belowed with his tlckly, trlckl.v Situated 2 miles from Granta worth of the stamps. East school tunes, and "lister” has entrenched1 Pass. Some of the finest land in sold »SO worth, while Riverside Itself with lovers 'of good, clean, the Rogue river valley. J. B school disposed of stamps to the musical comedy and capacity houses Noble. P. O. Bog 638. Granta Pass, amount of »48. Ore. 12-11-8WS everywhere has been the rule for birth the east and west have set their E. L. GALBRA1TH — Reai Batate, In M4-4 4 4 *♦,♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< mark of decided approval upon it surance, and piate glana llabllity The ♦ DODGE ELECTION» ♦ and claimed it as their own. 609H G Street, phono 18. 40tf offering is entertaining every minute! JOS. MOSS AGENCY — Fire inaur- of the time, and it affords ample op-' A. J*’. and A. M. The following officers were elected portnnlty for the display of the per- ( ance, plate glaas liability insur- sonally distinctive talents of the best,} ance. 204 54 Sixth street. tf and Installed Tuesday, Dec. 21: which Includes such funmakers as CHEVROLET truck for sale or will W ¡4.—P. B. Herman. Fred Helder, June Roberts, Earl exchange for sheep. Address H. ff. W.—8am Stlnebaugh. Higley, Frances Donegan, Rene N. Parker, 609 South Sixth. 6 4 J. W.—Don Calvert. Brown, Betty Klrkbrlde, Claire Gren Treas —‘R. W. Clarke. ville, Evelyn Paul. The Four Enter I j OOT Betveea Hi lum m 4I Grants Secy.—A K Cass Pass, 33x4 Goodyoar tiro and rim. tainers and a stunning chorus. Trustee—-Isaac Best. Isvave at Burkhalter Feed store or Cemetery Com.—T. M. Stott. Selma store. Suitable reward W. O. Haberman, 60 INSURANCE—-Fire, automobile, life, ti FOR SAJ.E — Jersey cow, just fresh, accident and health T. M. Stott. gives 3 to 8 54 gal. per day. Also 808 North Sixth St. 8ttf a few purebred Leghorn and An cona cockerels. Choice birds FOR SAIÄ—Hand bicycle, In good Phone 606-F-3. J. R. Hawsa. R. condition for »20. Cramer Bros. F. D. .». 64 Phons 55-J. 27tf IXMJT off Crescent City stage. Sult John Cort’s Now York Knicker WILLIAMS WOOD YARD for wood case, no name on It. Finder please and coal. 74 bocker theater's Mg joyous musical leave at stage office. Wm. Husel- furore "Idsten Leeter,” which victor LIBERAL REWARD for return of ton, Kerby. Ore. 44 iously leads the forces of musical bill folder containing money and FOR SAUfl 4-foot body fir. at »4.50 comedy toward Medford jrill be the papers lost between Rest's real es ‘per cord, delivered. Phone 24-R. attraction at the Page theater Mon tate office and 312 West L street.} 64 day night, December 27. Finder please notify Isaac Best. 60 TXMFT -Fur driving glove for right It has the dssh, vigor, pep and de hand. Finder please return to lightful assurance that ao dlstln- i <>R SALE—70-acre dairy ranch, 30 acres under Irrigation project, In Sam Nees Blacksmith Shop. 60 ilshe« the big <*1ty and its people. I