Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1920)
F riday , D ecember a<. nwo. PAGE SEVEN GRANTS PASH DAILY COURIER Grants Pass, Oregon, December 22nd, 1920 • • • • » We, the undersigned, hereby promise and agree, that on and after January 1st, 1921, we will sell gasoline for cash only, absolutely, no exceptions. « Smith’s Garage Collins Auto Co C. L. Hobart Co. W. S. Maxwell & Co. Knox & Burke, Fashion Garage Grants Pass Service Station Williams Garage & Repair Shop Battery Shop Adams & Johnson Rochdale Grocery Co. - Valley Hardware Olding’s Garage C. A. Winetrout Civil. ENGINEER Classified Advertising FOR MAIJC WO OD FOR SAIJC—Delivered for 11.75 per tier. Phone W. 8 Rob inson. Wlldervllle 01 tf FOR SA1JD—River Banks Uattar Berksblrea Thrlfty, prollflc stock. River Banks Farms. 03tf SEASONED WOOD FOR SAIJC—Oak and laurel, 14.75; body fir. |4; pine and second growth fir, «3.75; manianlta, |5. C. W. l^imbrecht. Rd I. Box 11, -Gtf CIVIL ENGINEER Daniel McFar land. Civil Engineer and Surveyor Ilea. 741 North Tenth St. Phone FOR SALE— Team, wagon and har 211-Y. ness. Also Ford truck bringlhg in about 1120* per month. T. O. McCuen. Granta Paas. 59 SOONER TAXI—Phone J62-R FOR SA IJC—Fresh Jersey cow. Price Jitney Luke or Cutler Calls an 175 it taken soon. 601-F-18 or swered anywhere, «nvtime write Josephine Messenger. Grants OKAYAGE AND TRANSFER Pass. Rd. 4. Cl FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. and grain THE WORM) MOVES; so do we. hay, baled and loose. 1918 Ford Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone touring car In A-l condition, 1400. 349; residence phone 315-J. Earl B. IJvealey, phone 612-F-33. 63 F. G. ISHAM, drayage aud transfer. Safes. pianos and furniture FOR SAIJC—-Rooming house com moved, packed, shipped'and stored. pletely furnished. Price «1500. Office phone 124-Y. Call at 823 J St 68 FASHION GARAGE & MACHINE SHOPS Day and Night Service ALL KINDS OF Lathe, Plainer and Machine Work .AND ANY KIND OF SANTA CLAUS 'RECOMMENDS our bread because each loaf repre sents a unit of strength. Well made bread Insures well protected health, conservation of physical resources and efficient human effort. Try our cakes, your will enjoy them. FOR SAIJC -Seven-room house with bath. etc. at 802 N. 7th streot, I 11800. Five-room house, small barn, 81« N. 7th street. «1200. DENTISTS Mrs W H Qualf, Rd. 4. city. 70 j FOR SAIJC—One bull calf nine days old Price 12.50. Call on John ¡E. C. MACY. D. M. D. Flrst-ela. FOR SAIJC -Gray mare, will be 5 In Breeding, 710 Jordan St., Grants dentistry, maw 8 6th St aprtng. Weight about lono lbs. Pass. Ore. 59 Call «O1-F-34. 59 VETERINARY SURGEON Ask your Grocer for Bread baked by the GRANTS PASS HMt 1UOMT TO EXCHANGE—15 player rolls, 88-note, for other rolla. Phone 285-R. Acetylene Welding our prices are right and with our equipment we can and will give you guaranteed satisfaction. We also carry a full and complete line of accessories and high class oils and greases also just received a new stock of CHAINS, ROBES, SPOTLAMPS, WINDSHIELD CLEANERS and numerous other extras that will make your car comfortable for winter and bad weather. GILL PISTON RINGS, ALL SIZES—drop in and see them, GUARANTEED to give satisfaction and also GUARANTEED FOR THE LIFE OF YOVR MOTOR. This high-class one piece lock joint ring is the stand ard eqnlpment of the Curtis Aeroplane Motors this year and numerous automobile factories. STORAGE BY DAY, WEEK OR MONTH I MERRY CHRIST WANTED -3-foot Fresno scraper. L. O. CLEMENT. M. D., Practice Address No. 131 care Courier. 63 limited to diseases of eye. ear. no»« and throat Glasses fitted. Houft WANTED Two heifer calves Must 9-13, 2-5, or on appointment. be from good cows Address Box Phones, office 62; residence 359-J. 25, Wlldervllle. 5» FOR EXCHANGE BAKERY 503 G Street FOR SALE 1 dozen O A C Ph FOR RENT—«-room house and barn DR. R. J. BESTUL. Veterinarian. month Rock pullets. Just begin Residence 83 8 Washington boule Call at Park street, fifth house ning to lay. Wood of all kinds vard. phons 39S-R from Paclfc highway. 58 H. G. Buber, address Murphy, phone Provolt Central. 59 «ANTED PHYSICIANS FOR SALE -Body fir wood for tale IS 50 per tier, with S tier orders. Phone 24-R. «0 FOR SALE— Pine wood delivered in town >3 per tier. See R. Camp. 523 West L street. «0 FOR SAI j E —15« acres on Crescent City highway on Slate creek. Ditch and water right, living springs, 13 to 15 acres In cultivation, 7 acres alfalfa, railway aiding on place, house barn, fields enclosed, out side range. J. E Hair, Granta Pass, Ore. «0 Phone 163 C. F. BURKE and E. KNOX, Prop® > 3. LOUGHR1DGE, M. D. Physician and aurgeon. City or country calls piano attended day or night. Phones, word Rea 369; Office. 182; «th and H. - 5» B. J. B1LLICK. M. D Physician and aurgeon, office Schallborn FOUND—Silver cold caae. Owner block, phone 54-J; residence. 1004 can get it at the Courier office. 59 lAwnridge. phone 54-L FOUND MISCELLANEOUS We hofM- your ChristmaMide Is W. F. RUTHERFORD—Manual the- FOR KALE -One thoroughbred Bar glad— raputlca. Office over Barnes' jew NURSERY etock of all kinds Orna rett Rock cockerel, one student's elry. Hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. The merriest you've ever hail. mental, shade and fruit trees. Geo lamp. 412 Clark Street, phone During this season of the year H. Parker. ?Otf 214-Y. «1 RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- when everybody's heart strings ,FOJ< SALE- -Three Chevrolet trucks. ALBANY NURSERY, trees of qual alcdan aod surgeon X-ray euuip- and purse strings are being Inquire of Higgins & Verdin. 61 dental X-ray ment, Off Ice, Me- ity. F. E. Jordan, special agent. touched by the spirit ot human sonic Temple Bld«. Phonea: Of- 8«0 N. 7th St.. Grants Pass. 83tf fellowship we wish you and CALL 211-R for prices on big body lice 21-J; reaMenca 31-L. your family and your auto a 59 REPAIR SHOP—«Plumbing, fir wood, after 6 p. m. pipe merry, speedy. ‘ punctureless work, steam fitting, boiler and ATTORNEYS FOR SALE—Ono team of mares with Christmas—a joyous present 505 pump work and Installing. harness; one 2-year-old gelding. and future prospects for every South 6th street. Phone 306. G. H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Riverbanks Farms. «3 Practices In all State and Federal body. A. Bryan. • 51tf Courts. First National Bank Bldg. I BUY OLD STOVES and broken MICKIE says furniture Repair shop and hos G. W. OOLVIO, Attorney-at-law. Grants Paas Banking Co. Bldg. pital Sam Goff. 319 G street. 57 Z-iUViS GCMOtAUM ÔOSAÇ Stoat NEW AND SECOND HAND GOODS E. S. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practices in all courte. First National Bank CiRßiAAR. urmas 'wooto -(UÆ —E. W Chiles. 401 G street. 77 Building. TCMJU AJVjnv UC TVAAfcUS, TVO« FOVK-S KW6 XÖO avZ-TM TViClfc. HARPER 4 SON—-Building contrac O. S. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law PAMS tö sjDhSiX. TWAt UEAtMMA Always Behind. tors. Shop work, furniture crating. Goldeu Rule Bldg. Phone 270. tKArrectiOA-verrctts*. vavuu The fool killer Is another worthy Shop 510 H street. Residence a 1AAM got NKCawt phone 142. 53tf <5. A. S’DLBR, Attorney-at-law. Ma citizen who never catches up with his kaaiæ vuvA WAO rr-------- our nale i -.nnle. Grants Pass. Ore. E\j'»t%OCN RSADB -CUV AT STUD—The full blood, hornless. UBWÔPAVERa y GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law White Snanan Buck "Buster Boy," referee In bankruptcy. Masonic will be allowed to serve a limited RHEUMATISM Temple. Phone 135-J. number of does. Chapman, 825 The Season’s Greetings • •« tc... Our Friends and Patrons J. F. Burke DEALER Ament’s Auto Repair North Ninth street, city. PIANO INSTRUCTION Many people claim they have been relieved and cured of this dread ail ment by using ANTI URIC If you suffer with gout, rheumatism or lumbago get an outfit of this her bal lemedy. Money re funded if you are not satisfied. Lawyer 64 JAMIE® T. OHINNOCK. First National Bank Building. A. C, HOUGH—Lawyer, Tnffs Bldg. MRR JAMES M. POWERS, instruc Practice in all courts. tor on piano; studio over Barn''«’ V. A. C. AHLF. lawyer, practica In Jewelry. Phone 265-J.- state sod federal courts. Office -X4.J- — r- . ............. ‘ REAL ESTATE over National Drug Store. orv V* -, s. T. M c K instry , « os o st., phone Automatic pres« feeding at the 355-R. general real natale biisines« Beet ot tolls for fruit, bay or gen Courier office. eral farming —• - HIGGINS A VERDIN General real estate. Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 69. 20tf SEE BALLINGER k HULL for farm, city and business property. 10 and JI Flanagan Bldg. Phono 284. CyCHESTERSPILLS tastai a«a AX rilhl I b Hr® an<! Hold rMtslU»:\^W bove«. seal«® with Pit»® RflJxxi. Tabe ne iMbsr Hny »fjT _Y VMS« b nown as Pe*»t. Safest. Alwejre ReflaMi SUH) BY DRlÂbiSÎSLWRYWIIfJÎ » For sale by SABIN’S DRUG STORE Studebaker Cars LIGHT SIX SEDAN, FACTORY LIGHT SIX TOURING ........... .. SPECIAL SIX TOVRING ......... RIG SLX TOVRING ..................... » t S2150.00 SI 435.00 SI750.00 S2150.00 i One Ford Truck, Two Chevrolet Cars at » Special Bargain Prices