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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1920)
tagr FRIDAY, DMWMIIKR 1M, IMO. GRANT* VASS DAILY COVRIKR six Where'x Your _ Bread Buttered? DID YOt KNOW THE ALBANY NT Its ERI KB, INC.. HAS BVBRY- THING UNOWN IN OREGON—THAT IS WORTH WHILE— THAT IT STARTEI» IN IHMt—GROWING? WELL YES! HAT makes your community a prosperous one? You don’t need to do a “Sherlock Holmes to fig ure out that the industries of a state or community arc the sturdy oaks around which the vine of prosperity twines. And that the successful development of an industry depends upon the quality of the product and a market. I W too 10O WRITE F. E. Jordan SP1X1ÀI, AGENT « MIO Sorth Seventh Itreet, Gran tn l*a«., Omgua Oregon manufacturers arc putting the quality into their products; you can help extend their market by asking for “Oregon Made” when you buy. And in cidentally put more butter on your own bread. MAIL ORDERS A SPECIALTY Ardencraig Farm For Sale > BUY OREGON PRODUCTS Complete With Stock and Equipment at $50,000 o "Coal Canary* In the Skv We'll Say It lu! Our Idea of a tough situation is for a fellow te get a kiss fairly wall launched and then bare a sneeze beat him out—Philadelphia Inquirer The large patches of total blackness amid the myriad of starn In the sky are sometimes referred to as “coal cel lars.’' r The Perfect Color. Green is a restful color. Oculists say that of all colors green Is the most friendly to the optic nerve. Tn lands where eternal snows or eternal white sands flush up their glaring in flections. men have to shade their eyes or go blind. But green grass never bothers the eye. One can stare a forest In the face all day with Im punity. Nature's greens never get on your nerves, and they never quarrel with any other ■ f nature's colors and tints Gfa flou aitò flours Associated Industries of Oregon Why Not Electric Cooking? POOR THINGS Tramp Birds: They might throw us a fsw crumbs on Christmas morn- 4 Traditions of Christmas Festival. OUR CHRISTMAS WISH REQUIP<ES not the occasion of Christmas with its joys, cheer and preva lent good will, to arouse tn us a sense of the appreciation due patrons of this paper. In our hearts and minds are gratitude and good thoughts for you during every day of the year; but Christmas hallows our sentiments and makes their expression fitting and timely. Such as we have accomplished and such good as may be traceable to our efforts would not have been possible without your sustaining power and co-operation. If in any sense we have upheld a beacon, you have supplied oil for the lamp. If ours has been a chariot, yours has been the motive element which has kept it on its way. t All characters appealing to or endeavoring to entertain the public, must be given a certain meed of applause or they cannot exist. With those engaged in publishing a newspaper, the applause comes in the interest which readers manifest in its columns and in an occasional word of approval. The practical help of sub scribers and advertisers has enabled us to maintain a publication standard; their encour agement has furnished the degree of pleasure necessary as an incentive to our daily tasks. May the spirit of Christmas work for you the full degree of its bountifulness. May you be enabled to get the same amount of pleasure and benefit from these columns that we have derived from making them. T he P ublisher In the record« of every nation we And traditions of the Christmas festi val. traditions which have been hand ed dowu from generation to genera tion in oft told tales which thrilled the hearts of the listeners with al ternate fear and delight Sir Walter Scott tells us that they who are born upon Christmas or Good Friday will see spirits. nn«l will have the power of commanding them. He also adds that the Spaniards Imputed the down east looks of their monarch. I’hlllp H. to the disagreeable visions to which this privilege »ulijecterf him. k I 1 Bring Smiles of Gladnezs. It Is not so much the thought of re ceiving the customary holiday gifts which most pleases the fancy, but . rather that pleasure the heart «lc'-lvei from dwelling upon Joyful surprise» It may bestow upon others. To brink j u smile of gladness upon another's face Is. Indeed, a boon more precious than a Christmas gift, and the Joy of bestowing can uever be equaled by i the receiving. PAGE I.bxtric cooking provtdna the «me thoroughly practical, _ coaveelent, rlean and sanitary method af «Hik ing. Eliminates dirt, dust, ashes gas and worry , (look without waste. California-Oregon Power Co MEDFORD r Monday Night Dec. 27 Ihvember lotli, 11*20- Collinn Auto t ompany. Grants Pan«, Oregon: Genth-men:—You will notice In till» month*« Truck Talk« No. HO that the Texas «»II t'omirauiy |rairch«aed through Mr. Griffin, 77 Mack Truck« of the following capncltiea: John Cort presents the Big Joyous Musical Furore It I« Interesting to know- that after «eterni year« <»f cx|x*riment- Ing with anti tenting truck« of all makes, practically every Division Manager of the Texan Oil Company was in favor of thin trailer l>elng placet! with the International .Motor Company. Ymirs very truly, WITH FRED HEIDER MACK-INTEIINATION.AL MOTOR TRICK CORPORATION By F. C. ATWELL, Manager and the army of Singers, l»anc- m and Fun Makers that made •Txwter” the liiggcwt hit In 20 V’ years. The world's treat «lancing Comedians 7J7 C AG•NTS fOR. HUDSON f MAXWELL CHALMERS AND ESSEX CARS COLLINS AUTO COMPANY Company Orchestra ACClACORlBil ASD,RgPAIR|MC Floor: *900, •2.OO— Balcony : «2.00, • 1.A0, •l.OO. 5Oc—Pin« IO per cent war tax. 1 ‘ XJJ 1 r