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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1920)
•V Pub. and Propr. e> itered at poeto ileo, Orante Pana Ore., aa second class mall matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display tpaca, per inch.......... _l«c Local-personal column, per line....10c Beaders, per line.-------------------- «e ? rr e DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, par year---- M OO . By mall or carrier, per month.. GW Merry Christmas % _________ FROM b Ai .00 • WEEKLY COURIER By mall, par year.------------- -- —11.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively •a titled to the use for republication at all news dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited in tbla paper and also the local new« pub- lished herein. All rights of republication of •pe- rial dispatches herein are also served. at its beet is unreasoning, A man might be entirely Innocent and yet be lynched by a crowd that will not Many people ex- listen to reason press satisfaction whenever an oc- currence like the Santa Rosa affair or the Texas lynching la reported. The vitwation is becoming worse in stead of better, for respect of the re cognized means of justice is lessened every time a mob taken the law Into Its hands. Steps should be taken to hunt out the Instigators of mob rule and punish them, otherwise respect for law will vanish UNITED PRESS SERVICE I FRIDAY, DSOEMHER 24, IPS». OREGON ♦ WEATHER ♦ > Tonight and Saturday, rain. ♦ »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* ♦ laul Week to R c S u M a I Ex-service men who have not yet reinstated their war risk Insurance will be interested tn the follow Ins letter received by Post Commander James Uum of the American legion from the treasury department. ”Dur- .... 'i Ing Christniaa week, you are continu ally thinking of others. Will you ninks It ■ point to remind all ex-ear vice men that thia 1» the last week that those who have'been discharged less than 18 month» can reinstate their government Ineurance without a medical examination. Make this a special reinstatement week among your friends- they In turn will be giving a Christmas Insurance policy to the beneficiary." SRANTS PASS ÔAILÏ COURIER Published Dally Except Sunday A E Voarhlaa, FRIDAY, DICI MUER Ul. HM«. GRANTS PAM DAILY UOIR1KR PAUK TWO Rain Kt III Coming— The rain »how» no also of letl|nK up for Christmas and weather fore casts are for a continued wet spell. Most of the «tate has been covoni with a blanket of enow, very few por tions escaping the storm. Ashland was said to huve had a snow storm with freesinic weathet' a few days ago Granta Pass la fortunate that the atorm here Is as light aa it Is I amt night S3 of on Inch of rain fell and the day before there was a rain fall of .11 inch Encraved cards—Courier office. Wishing You All A Very Merry Christmas . BARNES THE JEWELER Christmas Dinner HOt'P (Tücken ('nnsommlc Shrimp Salad Dill Piekto lUpe OUvtei IlcHut Young Turke», Oy»t«T Drvw.lng Grvmn Dna» . Ricevi Pudaloea Cranlwur» Sauce REAVTY ART MUSIC THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS DESSERT Years ago three shepherds allowed A statement signed by Roderick themselves to be led by a star—the Macleay, appearing in the Gold Beach Star of Bethlehem—to a manger Reporter slates that Mr. Macleay has where the Christ Child lay. Today persuaded the state game and fish that same star shines as a guiding commission to send millions of sal- light for the whole world, the star mon eggs to the hatchery at the being the spirit of unselfishness snd ; mouth of the river and perhaps to generosity which is particularly man ; operate it. As this is entirely for the ifest at the Christmas season But benefit of Mr. Macleay. who has a It does not need to be confined to monopoly of the commercial fishing Christmas dsy alone. One week of of the Rogue, it certainly makes a unselfishness does not make up for nice little Christmas present from weeks and mouths of thoughtlessness the people of the state. Now if the and self-interest. state would operate the cannery and This past year the United States give him the profits, he could has been called upon time after time wish for more. to relieve euffering caused by a shortage of food. A campaign has A bill has been Introduced in con just been finished to save millions gress to tax bank deposits. It might of ehildren in Europe, and the re be more appropriate to put a tax on quests for money were met with an what is taken out. It would certain open heart and an open pocketbook ly bring in more money during There are still famine sufferers to be Christmas.-week. cared for in the Far East, poverty stricken people who have not the They say ft Is more blessed to give •lightest idea of the meaning of than to receive. That is all right Christmas. Others will constantly provided the other fellow goes by the need the help of the more productive same motto. and efficient America. Extend the Christmas spirit throughout the en There are many others in Europe tire year. and Asia who will not have a Christ mas. A BLOW AT LIBERTY Respect for established law and for the liberty of other« has always been one of the points on which the American citizen has prided himself.. When the makers of the constitution composed the document which has gone down In history as one of the greatest composition ever conceived, i they were moved by a desire to pro vide justice and liberty ror every person within the borders of the country which the constitution was to serve. Courts have been establish ed to deal with malefactor^ and crim-' Inals. When a mob actuated by a desire for vengeance, takes the life of any person for any crime, no mat ter how heinous, they are striking a blow at the very foundation of Am erican liberty and government. Three men were taken from a jail It is In Santa Rosa and hanged. true that the men wore guilty of a most serious crime but that does not excuse the persons who composed the mob. Their is a regular channel through which the men would have been given their just deserts. An other man was hanged In Texas, hav ing been accused of murder. A mob Grants Pass Magnificent New Theatre AUTO TOPS Replace the »lialiby top with a tight. aaa, -to-haodlc weather proof ons now. Rmart looking, serviceable U>|x— |>erfeet fitting iiud Improv lug the car's look.«—a wide choice In ma terials and coloree OUR PRICES IXIWI-ST G. B. BERRY comfort SANITATION VENTILATION MAKU IRONING CHILD'S PLAY With our Electric Irons, ironing day becomes not a day of toil but of pleasure. It Is so easy to work with this electric iron, No fnaa, no muss. no bother, Attach It to any lamp socket and turn on the switch— that's all. Other convenient electric household devices here are stoves, dish warmers, egg boilers, toasters, CHRISTMAS BELLS Th# great yule log. are biasing high. Wr connect with «lagna for Ashland and Jackaonvillr ARE VOI More Than 1,375,000 in Use The Machine By Which All Others Are Judged For more than thirty years the De Laval cream separator has been acknowledged as the World*« Standard. You may hear it said of some separator that “ It’ good as a De Laval; ” or if some competing salesman wants to make his argument particularly strong, he’ll say “ It’« better than a De Laval.’’ The cream separator is more frequently used than any Easiest other machine on the farm, , to turn, and for that reason, if for no easiest to other, only the very best wash, skims the cleanest should be purchased, lasts the longest and that’s the SOONER OR LATER De Laval. YOU WILL BUY A DE LAVAL McIntyre’s Implement House 402 404 South Sixth Street GETTING EGGS NOW? Kerr's Scratch Feed and Egg Producer will incroaae the number If fed regularly. Aak for Bulletin No. 3 on selection of laying hens. CREAM SEPARATOR t Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Courier . STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effect»’’'' Oct. 2.5, 1920 Daily ami Sunday LEAVE LEAVE Grants P ass MEDFORD GRANTS PAHS Waiting Room 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a- m. Bonbonniere 1:00 p. ni 1:00 p. oc 1.90 p. m. 4: HO p. m Phone 160 Phone 350-R But everywhere the De Laval is recognized by experienced creamerymen and dairymen and even by makers of would-be competing machines as the World’s Standard. .Josephine County Flour & Feed Mill Grants Pass-Medford GRANTS PASS ELECTRIC CO. Next door to water office The concern with a cheaply and poorly constructed machine »ays “Just as good as a De Laval and costs less.” AND PRONE ino PLEASE RESERVE Y<»l R PI. ITE Watch For the Opening Date Merry Christmas' FRIEND« PATRONS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS • 1.25 5 TO H O'I'UICK Geo. A. Hunt & Co Your duty is clear. The nail, with holly green are dre»t. And bUthaome maids and merry lads Are gayly clad tn all their beat. And have ye seen the fairest maid That er* hath dwelt 'tween tea and ssaT And for my love and for my faltn. Think ye she'll bring a gift to met O. ring, ye Joy-bells, gayly ring! O. merry minstrel., harp and sing! Fill «very heart with Christmas cheer. For Christmas comes but once a year The yule fire blazes warth and high. On oakened rafts/, blackened wall; It shines upon the fairest maid. As down shs dances thro' ths I fling my weary harp aside. CAnd will she stoop te such aa I basts to mest her undemsath The mystic branches hanging O. ring, ye Joy-bells, gayly ring! O. merry mlnatrels. i.arp and sing! O. Oil my heart with Christmas chosr. For Christmas comes but once a year. Who hath sn rare or fair a gift Aa this my love hath brought to'me? For I waa but a minstrel lad, A dainty high-born maid was she. Vet w th her lips her heart she gave. H-r heart, all pure as Chrlstma. .now And for her love and for her faith. Fourth unto Joust and war 1'11 go. O, ring, ye Joy-bells, gayly ring! O. heart of mine, rejoice and sing. For Christmas love and Christmas cheer Shall bless our Ilves the whole round year —Annie Louise Brackenridge. l'umpkln l’ie Hot Mince l’ir lluc kletierry l’Ie Appio Fruii Ceke and Ice ( rcwiu t'offre Tea Milk JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 Cor. 3rd and G Sts. -Ç—---------------------------- - -------- ---- JUST ARRIVED One large aa«ortmont of grandmare at reduced prices. Window «hader K5c. Crown glas« wash boards, BOe. Sult (axe* 20 ¡>rr cent off. Phone 71 if you have 2nd luind goods to sell. Phone 71 T. €• BOOTH Christmas Song In every babe that gain« the light Through rack of human |»ain, In path new-breathing soul tonight The Christ-chiM lives again. In every drop of anguish, preReed From (ml I id woman’s brow, In every virgin mother-breast His Mother whiapera now. spsxmodic croup, tick I inf throat, hoarw- nr«», whooping cough, bronchial rough •nd dr ■ linfen al’-r the"flu?* Y.tndc»cf clear., wholesome and taaleful nine lar and demulcent honey oi the bee». Contain» no opiate». And wise men through the dark ness hie, Tz>l In the East—a Star! 0 little Christ who ia to die Waa your soul’» journey far? Strange meteor wounds of death and birth Lighting an cndleas sea; A little child has come-to earth And He must die for me I -By Mary McNeil Fenolloaa, in the ('riiftmian Wr». Zv* M JImrel», »9 How»rd it., W»w Ton.I- 1, Conn., Wrlrw thm "When I fecal a -old romlna on 1 so ri<ht to tnklns FoUr'l Hon., and I »»•• u»od It for a numb« of r,ar> and always with food :»»ult»." Bn^raved carda - Courier office. NONE BETTER Foley’s Honey and Tar it an old reliable family medi cine for the relief of cold, cough,