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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1920)
♦ Ubante jJass Daìln Courier Yi L. ................... ..... AHM4MÌATED PltEHH MKRVKJE - 3 • UNITILO PKEHH SERVICE - 1 ""■■ VOL XI.. No. HU. UKANTH PANH, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DM 'EMBER ¡M, 11F2O. a WHOLE NUMBER sine. LIVES LOST IN z STATE OF WAR V T HnnUng and Former l'rr«l<i«nt Have < '••nforeiii e al Marton—Hluli Of. • fire May He Forthcoming Marion, Dec. 24.—(A. P.j- Presi HTAHVATION IH KXPMTHt TO dent-elect Harding today conferred REDUCE REGENCY OF QUA- with WUllant Howard Taft on the NERO WITHOU T FIGHT * * I • President of A inerirmi Farm Bureau Federation Urgrw Artion Before Joint Meeting in Senate Presided Wilson Authorizes Proclamation as Christmas to •I Then of American Withdrawal Washington, Dec. 24.—(A. P.)— JAPANESE MOUNTAIN ERAITS An extension of credits to foreign AND MANY CAJSIALTIEH ARE EXPECTED governments to pay for American world peace problem and details of * farm products was advocated by organizing the administration. The coming of Taft has revived the spec James R Howard, president of the Washington. Dec. 24.—(A. P.l — sumed in connection with Domini American Farm Bureau federation at ulation about his possible appoint ment to some high poql under the Preliminary relaxation of American can affairs.” a joint meeting of the senate agri rule in Santo Domingo was author coming administration. The proclamation, which was is Taft spent almost all the forenoon ised today by the president. sued today by Rear Admiral Snowden cultural and banking committee. He JUval Camps Flooded With I’rm tarna ■»resident Wilson directed Rear was in the nature of a Christmas gift suggested the war finance committee Violent Explosion Throws Ashes Over with Harding and issued this atate- tion* From 1-oadcr» <»f OpiMialng Wide Territory—Display of Fire qient before leaving for Cincinnati. Admiral Snowden, the military gov to the Dominican people and presag be made an agency for the extension Forren—No < laolow ll<|»>rl<-d and Smoke Follows "I am much encouraged to think the ernor of Santo Domingo to issue a I ed the withdrawal of American con of such credits and mentioned Ger senator is working out a practical so proclamation announcing that the trol of the West Indian republic many and Russia as desiring to buy lution for a world league which, United States believed the time had which began over four years ago. ixindon. Dec. 24.—(A. PA atar- while It may not be wholly satisfac come when it might “inaugurate The state department said that com American products. Tokio, Dec. 24.—(U. P.)—The •vatlon Is expected soon to end “the tory to enthusiasts of either extreme, simple processes for iTs rapid with plete tranquility had existed for some loss of life is expected to be heavy stats of war” between the regency of of which I may be considered one. drawal from the responsibilities as- time throughout the republic. Pow toff ice Bony Place— as officials began checking the casu- qi^arnero nt Flume and Italy. Italian It will satisfy those anxious to make The local poetoffice has been a alties in the worst erruptlcn ln the troops appear to havs settled down to progress and anxious to give the busy place the last few days. Al,out history of Mount Anama. A terrific •wait for hunger to defeat the forces United States the leadership it should the time that the rush of outgoing explosion last Wednesday showered of Gabriels d'Annunzio A barrage have In guiding all the nations to a mail began to subside a little, the smouldering ashes over a wide terri of proclamations has been hurled l»ermanont i»«ace so far as that II ,'»octal force was overwhelmed with tory. It was followed by a great into the rival camps by d'Annunslo practicable.*’ a huge amount of Incoming packages. display of smoke, flame and a num and General Cavtglla. the govern Only one extra clerk was added to ber of shocks Sparks from the cra ment commander. care for the mail, but the regular ter started a great fire near Karu- Marriage IJcrnar l-unl - The farmers of the lower valley Big Springs. Tex., Dec. 24.—(A. force has been putting in overtime izawa and set ablaze a village at the X marriage license was granted 1 P I —Consecration of her future en- getting the packages out In time for foot of the mountain. have formed an irrigation district yesferdsy to Orin Sylvester Ruth Christman, Each train bringe in its and (Miss Vida Moore, both of this known a» the "Fort Vannoy Irriga | ergies to atoning to her family "for truck loan of lettera and parcel post the sorrow she has brought it ” was city. tion District. ” The election of di- matter. rectors was held last W ednesday and avowed by Clara Smith, in an inter-, view with the Associated Pi4es cor-1 George 8. Eaton, Ed. Sine and C. E. Weston were elected as the directors respondent while en route to. Ard-; for the coming year. The territory more to face the charge of murder ln 1 comprising the district embodies all connection with the death of Jake I Bombay. Dec 24.—(A. P.l — the farms below the 1-athrop ranch, j Hamon. She spoke freely on many! «India Information Bureau)—Three about 1000 acres being included in topics but avoided discussing the thousand strikers at one mill In the Washington. Dec. 24.—(A. P.)— the district. The new district will tn I charge against her. vicinity of Bombay wrecked the of- Senator Chamberlain was operated I uo way conflict with the Grants Pass flee of the factory a few days ago and on today, It is reported at the hos New York. Dec. 24.—(A. P.l — district, as the ditches of the latter INDICTMENTS AGAINST stoned a motor car containing police, Libau. Latvia. Dec. 24.—(A- P. I — pital that the senator came through organisation extend only aa far as the Two hundred children of the officers BALL PLAYERS QU ASH Ell severely Injuring one inspector and Peasants are much mystified by the well, Physicians expected to per- two soldiers. Before the police suc of General Wrangel's staff, sons and Lathrop ranch. I^atvian government's land policy form a second operation within two ceeded in dispersing the strikers, daughters ‘of generals, solonela and Plans for the coming season have Los Angeles, Dec. 24.—(A. P.) — and are unwilling to believe they can days. they took to looting shops. A num captains, were among the 10#,000 been made, An adequate pumping Grand jury Indictments of William acquire land which formerly belong ber of arrests were made and the Russian refugees brought to Constan system will be installed to deliver I “Babe" Borton. Hal Maggert and ed to Baltic barons without getting a statement of old owners that they tinople harbor by ships of the allied water to the farms, Very little ditch William Rumler. alleging that they -mill district Is being picketed tlQe from the old owners. cannot sell the land has no effect on Minor disorders took place else nations when the bolahevlkl broks work will be done, the land lies com-' had conspired to prearrange the de- Where owners of land, whether the peasants, who refuse to believe where In the city, some stoning of down Wrangel’s defense and overran ¡»aratlvely level An engineer will be clslon of the pBclflc roaat ]eague they were big estate holders or had > they can ever acquire title without street cars being Indulged In at var the Crimea. employed io start immediately on baseball games, were quashed by only small acreage, participated in paying the old landlords and getting ious places. The situation became <, Many of them were orphans, iheir the project. Water will be delivered Judge Willis ln tbe superior court, any of the various movements de- a blue paper, or deed. parlous enough for the commissioner fathers having perished while fight the coming season. If the present He held the indictment did not al signed to thwart the present govern-' Many of the Latvian estates were of police to call the mounted police. ing the bolshevlki. One was the i plans materialize. It is estimated lege a criminal act. The district at ment. the government has confiscat-' so large and were cultivated in such wl\<> charged the crowd in semi-circu daughter of the minister of finance 'that the cost will be from 120 to $25 torney's representative ln the court ed the estates and promises to divide | a way that small holders have ¿treat lar fashion. The casualties have not . of the AV ran gel regime. All were: per acre. I could'not say whether new indict- them eventually among the «.no.™ landless difficulty in cultivating the portion been reported, but the crowd broke nearly famished when the vessels on meats would be sought until he had peasants. * assigned to them This is especially up and fled Wholesale arrests were j which they had taken refuge arrived But the poor i-eaaants have had true of estates where there were Mr. and Mrs. O. W, McCollum ar conferred with his chief. soon after made, «0 men being taken here, for the ships' larders had been ------------------- ' much trouble in cultivating land al-J large-drainage plants, and where rived yesterday to spend the holidays exhausted. in custody. • t R A. Cooke, of Hornbrook, was lotted to them because of the lack of transportation was afforded by small In the city. Mr. McCollum la in the For more than two months now ' So hard pressed were all the refu registered last night at the Josephine animals, machinery and seed, and the: railways so arranged as to serve the the city of Bombay has been witnes gees to obtain food that they threw lumber businese in Klamath Falls. hotel. government has been unable to give estate as a whole. Such estates pro diamonds and weapons or any other sing a series of strikes In the mill In j them material help. vided their own fuel from wood-lota dustry. on the street cars. In gas valuables Into the boats of traders Where the peasants have been suc on the premises and had exception from Constantinople in payment for! works and the postal service. The cessful and have acquired money they ally well-arranged facilities for get- tension has grown every day more anything lo eat. frequently approach the former own lng products to distant markets. In A graphic story of their arrival at serious especially on account of gov ers of the land and want to arange a many cases the peasants have asked ernment refusal to arbitrate the var Constantinople and how an American ! cash payment on the land to insure the old owners to return as managem ious disputes An all-Indla Trade destroyer took the 200 children of. that the old owners will not eventu-: in the hope of restoring the old or Union Congrea recently held in the Wrangel’s officers off the refugee j ally take it away, from them. The1 ganization, foremost Industrial city has given vessels and landed the#» at the tra further Impetus to the laboring choma orphanage maintained by the Near East relief is told In report re ranks. The Bombay strikers have sent a ceived by that organization In this It reads In part: cable to )x»ndon asking for financial city. "The harbor Is a wonderful and support from the British labor move sad sight. One hundred thousand! ment for their cause. Russians are on ships there, some of them dying. The best of the old Rus-i KRUVOBKY CONVICTED FOR ARRAIT7T ON GERIR elan families are among these refu-| Peking, Dec. 34.—(A. P.)—China Premier Chin. "The mandate was If goes, the men who fought for Wran- 1 * ÀÌ needs a new parliament and a for entirely free from such a desire. On gel. crowded , and sick and without Ran Francisco. Dec. 24—(A. P.)— eign loan to reorganize the govern the contrary, it was only after this Edward Kruvoaky. the second gang food except what the relief people can ment, Premier Chin Yun-peng told unity and in view of the govern got to them and \he bread and water ster to be tried for attacks on girl», the newspaper men at the capital re ment’s measure for reorganization of given to them by the French.” was convicted last night. cently in .a verbal statement. The the whole country that a necessity premier outlined to the correspon for the loan arose. "The idea of a foreign loan was dents a whole program of reorgani zation which the government hopes only to spare the people from making WHEN THE YKAIl IS <»V«* to put into effect. The parliament, that loan themselves to the govern he said, should draft a proper con ment. Capital from abroad might be Eveçett Earle Stanard stitution for reunited China, now brought Into the country and thus that the mandate of the president save the people from using their own has gone forth declaring peace be- capital already earmarked for their tween the Northern and Southem own Individual undertakings. The premier declared, however, factions. The premier m M, the government that tbs Chinese government would When the year ii sear and the wodda forlorn, and the desired to reorganize and reduce the not make a foreign loan, although swallows have fled away, when the crowi In the draggled army and to separate the civil from the necessity was pressing, except on fields of corn hoarsely call through the dread day—then- Is military jurisdiction. This last, he such conditions as would not endan the time we are needing ..cheer, and that's how It is that we said, might appear ridiculous to for ger the sovereign rights of the coun always hear, faintly and faintly and far away the tinkle of eigners but he added, in China “the try or involve any danger to its po bells on Santa’s sleigh, and his shout on the air so cold, and military have overstepped civilian litical status. If the loan could not that's the reason the reindeer prance, scamper and caper and powers so that one finds difficulty in be made on such terms then he be briskly dance. And the giving of gifts will give us rest and drawing a clear line between the lieved the Chinese government could add a new and a livelier zest to men and women and chil rely upon the people themselves to two." dren too, who have toiled for self the whole year through, The premier referred to a report come to Its assistance. and the gifts will point to the cross and tree where the Everyone is aware of ths govern that the main reason for Issuing the Christ-man died for you and me. The dreary old earth needy mrndate announcing a reunion of ment's difficult position with re Santa’s mirth, and henrts grown sear need Christmas cheer, the north and south was the desire of spect to finances, he said, Many of and that's what brings Kris Krlngle bark, year after year and the central government to secure the troops have not been paid for 1 year after year. ■—■Li loans from foreign countries. "I several months and government de r-------- emphatically state that the govern partments were almost unable to pay ment has no such thought," said their staffs. I PROCLAMATIONS ARE ISSUED VILLAGE FIRED 8T SPARKS CLARA SMITH WILL MANY ORPHANS TAKEN ON ALLIED WARSHIPS LATAVIAN PEASANTS And Santa, Be Sure and Don’t Forget - A B I FOBÌE