Al Ji PAPERS OF VAM K should be kept from tire and theft Think of »hat their loss would mean to you! Our tire and burglar proof vault# afford you a safe and conven-' lent place tor your valuables Easy to get at, guarded day and night and a low rental leaves nothing to be deaired. Investigate at once! THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOITHKRN OREGON DO IT Electrically Thor Washers . Sweeper Vac Electric Cleaners Electric Grills Electric Toasters Steinfeld Electric Irons $5.50 American Beauty Irons—Hot Point Irons Rogue River Hardware Co. THE WINCHESTER STORE IT SAVES VALUABLE TIME I I MONI» IV. DIX'EM UER JO. IOSO- G RA XT» P.UiH DAILY OOV1UKR PAUK FOI'R to pay by check—the safe, convenient medium of settlement. Those who are not using it, should do so now. > Checking Accounts of large or mo­ derate size are invited. J osephine C ounty B ank G rants P ass .O regon How He Ended Kidney Trouble “I had a severe attack of kidney trouble and for three weeks could not get out of doors and scarcely out of bed." writes C. E. Brewer, Village Springs. Ala. "Could not bend over at all without the most excruciating pains. I purchased a bottle of Foley . Kidney Pills. Was relieved after the first few doses and continued their use until completely cured. I con­ sider Eoley Kidney Pills the best kidney remedy in the world. No re­ currence of my trouble.” Bill of Sale blanks at the Courier. OREGON Today and Tomorrow The Screen’s Greatest Comedy of rubes and wise guys ever written. Enhanced with a musical interpretation by Katherine Calvert and our mighty voiced organ. * 4 4 ♦ j 4 4 ♦ a NltW IX »DA Î ♦ ♦ INSURANCE—Fire. automobile. Ufa. ( accident and health. T. M. Stott. ♦ ♦ 308 North Sixt* St. <3tf a ♦ ' ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ FOR SAIJC -Used bicycle, lu good ERSONAL AND LOCAL For Her Christmas P condition for ISO. Phone 55-J. Luxite Hose Cramer Bros. 37tf Pop corn that will pop.» 15c p*r pound. 3 pounds for 25c. at Horn- 47tf E L GAIJIRAITH— Real Batata, In­ Ing's Shack. surance. and plat, glass liability A good stock of those Tiger Downy 609 H G street, phone 28. ecial price. Holman's North Ninth street, city. 64 55 Furniture Store. Fresh dates, nuts and figs, Horn- FOR SLkbK Body fir wood for sale j 47tf tag's Shack. . $3.50 per tier, with 3 tier orders Phone 34-R. «0 A Real Christmas Tr e e At the dance Christmas eve. Lucky TWO APARTMENTS to rent, fur­ nished Call at 611 H G street. 55 55tf spot and favor dAnces. FOR SALE- 2nd hand lumber at MI sscn “Dwt* Pef»"— old "Star” theater on G St. 55tf And “Pienti Jaxx" with Hamilton's FOR SALE Pine wood delivered tn ; orchestra at the Hugo dance, De­ town 13 per tier. See R E. Camp,' cember 24th. Good eats. Meet 523 West L street 60 them there 59 GROSS CVT SAW 1XKTT Saturday morning between Sixth street and llano Tuner Here- Judge Gillette's home on East Ai Mr. Brooks of Medford, will be in street. Finder please return to the city Wednesday. All wishing to courthouse or phonA Judge's of­ have their pianos tuned, leave or- 5« dors with Miss A. Wolke. fice. 56 FOR SAIsE—156 acres on Oescent NOTICE OF SALE OF City highway on Slate creek. Ditch IMPOVXDED STOCK apd water right, living springs, 12 to 15 acre« in cultivation. 7 acres Grants Pass. Ore alfalfa, railway siding on place, December 17. 1920. house barn, fields enclosed, out­ Notice is hereby given that I did side range. J. E. Hair. Crept» on the 17th day of December, 1920. Pass, OH take up and impound the following FOR SAIJC—Jersey bull, aired by St described stock, to-wft: Mawes Golden Poppy, who has One black mare, about 9 years daughter holding world’s recoM old, white strip» on face, one white for Jersey 3 years old, ^94 lbs leg. no marks or brands. butterfat, dam "Aahelorn " 4d- The same running at large with­ mftted advanced registry at 2 in the city limits of Granta Paas in years of age. Ipquire J. E. Hair, j violation of city ordinance No. 30. Grants Paas. Ore. 57 and do hereby give notice that if the same is not reclaimed within ten ORDERS TAKEN for home cooking days from date the above described including fruit cake, plun^ pud- stock wjll be sold at public auction ings. angel food. Phone SSI. ">6 to the highest bidder for cash, to de­ WANTED—Furnished rooms for fray cost and expense of taking up liglit housekeeping. Address No. and keeping. 129 care Courier. 57 Said sale will be at city pound at 2 o'clock p. m. on the 27th day of MANZENITA WOOOb I per Wer 14-lnch fir chunk wood. 13.75. December. 1920. Judd Taylor, phone 375-Y. 57 55tf • C. E. MclxANE, Marshal Navy, Brown, Black and White Mrs. Nellie Neas Our Sixteenth Anniversary in Grunts 1’As.s representing Special reductions on all tailoring orders placed with us during the uext week. GEO. S. CALHOUN 603 O STREET 4 All Suits and Overcoat* Reduced 1-3 anu Less Peerless Clothing Co. •Oft« Shoes for the Family Just 4 day* until Chistma*—make them snappy. Get the presents you want before everything is picked over. A few specials for this week: 75c and $1.00 Ties . . . 50c Men’s 75c Silk Lisle Socks, all shades 50c Men’s Percale Dress Shirts, new stock $1.50 Men’s $1.75 Dress Glove* . $1.35 Just received a shipment of Ladies' Moc­ casin Vamp 12 1-2 inch Top Boots, AN IDEAL PRESENT. 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S AUTO TOPS Replace the sluibby top with a light, wmy-to-handle weather­ proof one now. Rmart looking, »erviceatde tops— I>erfect fitting and improving the car'» looks—a wide choice in ma­ terial* and colors. OCR PRICES LOWEST G. B. BERRY Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effect»”'! Oct. 25, 1920 LEAVE GRANT* PAH* 10:00.a- in. 1:00 p. tn. 4.IIO p. m. Daily and Sunday I I \\ I MEDFORD 10:00 n. in. Bonbonniere 1:00 p. ni. 4:140 |>. tn. We connect with «Inge« for Xolilnnd nml J im knoutilio BORN NEATHAMHR—To Mr. and Mre. 8. C. Neathamer, Sunday. December 19, a daughter. CORSON—To .Mr. and Mro. C. H Corson, Sunday, December 19. a son. Grants Pass Waiting Room Phone 160 Don’t she neetl a new tea kettle. I have lliem for $2.2.5. Also copper bottom wash boiler« nt *3.0.5. Double Woolnnp blankets, $|..1O n pnlr. Phono 71 BOOTH’S SECOND HAND STORE TRY US FOR • WEDNES­ DAY “THE PERFECT WOMAN" XI MBEKS TStO! WEKI»