Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1920)
GRANTS PASH DAILY CO' III E K MONDAY, DECEMBER BO, 1O3O. PAGE THREE aL. Gassified Advertising MUM ELLANEOl H EOil MALE WO D FOR BALM—- Delivered for Nt HSiaiY slock of all kinds Orna |8 78 imr Iler. Phone W. S. Rob* mental, shade and fruit trees Geo. iu >u. Wlldervlila. 01 tf H. Parker. 70tf FOR HALB— River Banks Belter ALBANY NURSERY, trees of qual B. rkshlrea Thrifty, prolific stock. ity. F. E. Jordan, special agent. Rlvor Hanke Ferms. o‘3tf 860 N. 7th St., Grunts Pass. 83'f BEABONED WOOD FOR BALM—Oak and laurel, 84.75; body fjr, 84; pine and second growth fir, 83.75; manganila, |5. C. W. lomtirecht, Rd. 1, Bog 11. 26tf pipe REPAIR SHOP-—Pl umhin g, work, steam fitting, trailer pump work and Installing. South 6th* street. Phono 306. O. A. Bryan. 51tl BALK!) HAY FOR HALE -floe H. N. "BINGER" leads as usual—1921 Parker St model« »n floor Grants Paas Hard- qpre C> Bee them. Your terms PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP—Call at are our«, J W. 8<ott. sales man- 719 North Fourth street. 65 ,---------- - _____ _ _ ■ . ■ - ... - ,1 _ ager Binger Bewlng Machine Co. FOR BA! JO 507 K street. The Ward 75tf robe Cleanors: One dark blue over coat, site 37, *20; one ladies' dark AGENT FOR GAS ENGINES—Con crete mixture wheel barrows and blue cape, *3 50; one ladlee' dark carta for moving concrete. See me brown ooat, large else. 820. 45tf It In need. The price la right. SOS FOR HAIJC Seven-room bouse with South 6th street. Phone 306. bath, etc. at 802 N. 7th street. A. Bryan. 81800. Five-room house, email barn. tit N 7th street. 81200 Mrs. W. II. Qualf, Rd 4, city. 70 IBUY OLD STOVES and broken furniture. Repair shop and hos pital. Sam Goff. 319 O street. S7 FOR SALE - 2-year-old milk goat, • billy, hornless, from Weening NEW AND SECOND HAND GOOD« stock, very gentle, 825. Fred —BJ. W. Chile«. 401 G street. 77 Han>.In. Merlin, Oregon. 58 FOR SALE Two She|«pards Ancona HARPER * BON—Building contrac tors Shop work, furniture crating cockerel«, new clock, price« rea Shop SIO H street. Residence' sonable.. Jaa. Ead«, 306 West 1 phone 142. •treet. <Xty.. 55 FOR SALE- -5-room house, lot, all furniture and one 8600 See Jack Cased) large PIANO INSTRUCTION cow MRS. JÁMK8 M POWERS, inatrac- SS tor on piano; studio over Barane' FOR HR LE Alfalfa hay, and grain Jewelry. Phone 265-J. hay. naled and looae. 1918 Ford touring car in A-l condition. 8400. CIVIL KMilXKKK Earl B. Uvesley, phone 612-F-3 2. • 55 CIVIL ENGINEERDaniel McFar land. Civil Engineer and Surveyor FOR SAI.E--1 «-Inch body fir wood Res. 747 North Tenth St Phone at |4 00 per tier. Inquire of Geo. 211-Y. N. Campbell. 815 J street. 6« TAX* FOR SALE A new «torage battery suitable for Ford or Chevrolet SOONER TAXI —Phone 362-R 838. Phone 19. Carl Gentner 56 Jitney Luke or Cutler. Cails an FOR SALE -Buxx saw outfit. See swered anywhere.« anytime. Roy Stauch. 311 1 street. 55 FOR SALE -Gray mare, will be 5 In i spring. Weight about 1000 lbs. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we Hunch Transfer Co. Office phone Cull 601-F-34, 59 349; reeldence phone 315-J. FOR BALE -I doxen O. A. C. Ply mouth Rock pullets. Just begin F. *G. ISHAM, drayage and transfer ning to lay. Wood of all kinds. Safes. pianos and furniture H. G. Buber, add roes Murphy, moved, packod. shipped and stored phone Prorolt Central. 59 Office phone 124-Y WANTED REAL ESTATE - , _ .■ R’8 -"j, T, - -- - I- WANTED Improved small acreage E. T. M c K instry , « os o st. phon« close te Grants Pass Have nice 355-R, general real estate business modern home near San Diego, Cal Beet of soils toi» fruit, hay or gen to trade for Grants Pass property eral farming. Call or write E. C Bell, 1111 E HIGGINS & VERDIN—General real A St.. Granta Pass. Ore. estate. Office 111 South Sixth WlXHMT'TTERS WANTED A T Phone 60. . 201 Cart, Wonder, Ore. ' Phone Wilder rille central, 58 SEE BALLINGER * HULL for farm city and business property. 10 and HIGH SCHOOL BOYS want work 11 Flanagan Bldg. Phone 284 during Christmas vacation. Phone VETERINARY WftGfOON 1S6-J. SS WANTED—16 or ,20 gun. Addrep No. Paie, Ore. WE SUFFERED THE LOSS $4,850 lost by decline in prices. Purchaser benef its—Others have attempted to cut prices—Others have pretended to Cut prices—They made a stagger— They failed to get the molasses off their fingers and let go at the no profit price—Our embarrassment, f inancially, is to your advantage. Shoes for Men, Women and children; girls’ dresses and shoes—In fact our entire lot of goods are to go at small prices and quicksale GINGHAMS, LADIES SHOES, PERCALES, SLIPPERS, AND CREPE DE CHINE .WAISTS IN THIS COLUMN. ' APRON GINGHAMS in check only. Full standard, Madison quality, guaranteed absolutely fast color, per yard________ 19c WOOLNAP BLANKETS, order by mail. Bought for 50 cents on the dollar and sold' the same way . $3-25 Ladies Regulation French Heel, lace lioot, genuine Goodyear welts, pre-sale prices to $16— vou’d he luckv to .get a pair— Now $4.98 « Medium heel lace boot, black or tan. gun metal or kid, sizes up to K—Aly, Aly, what a bargain $4.98 Our Parcel Post Serve You Mail orders are filled I m -fore .we eat—We do not pay postage, our prices are too low. FELT ’COMFY SLIPPERS— Ideal gifts for Christmas, O1<1 Rose, inlaid with white, Orchid, Lavender, Wine, Grpen. Pink, Lavender White inlaid or baby Blue with White inlaid. Priced from $1.65 to $1-95. Inlaid slip pers are something new, some thing pretty. C. J.' Broier pur chased them while in Boston. % .JERSEY SILK WAISTS—A Christmas present worth hav ing-------------------------------- $£?? $16.00 full vici kid, black 9-inch hoot, lace, turn sole, full boni heel, only________ .. $8.90 A SWEATERS $4.65 and Bell slevees. $5.65. ROSELYN GINGHAM- Made to retail for 35 cents.._ Our price is, per yard 15c. To stiniHlate sales, 8 yards for ...... $1.00 LADIES OUTING NIGHTIES. Buy her a night gown for Christ mas. $3 to $3.50 values___ $1.85 OUTING FLANNEL, standard 27-inch outing made to retail at 50 cents, at this no profit sale 19c MEN’S FLANNEL SHIRTS, AH $5.00 values for......... _.. $2.95 MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS are now offered at this sale for $1.65 MEN’S ALL WOOL PANTS, Dress and wesi, assorted colors ---------------- -------------------- $5.95 BIBBED OVERALLS, Stif el weight, at this sale for....$1.49 MEN’S SUITS — Men’s olive green, blue striped, blue serge, all wool suits,______ ..... ..$1950 All over $50.00 to $60.00 Suits to go on sale at....................... $39.50 Remember that includes the fine tailored suits. $29.50 buys afiy $35.00, $45.00 and $40.00 suit. MEN’S TY- CRAFT neck wear, our buy er purchased 1000 dozen of these ties. We are now retail ing neckwear for $1.95 that • was once $36 a dozen whole sale. $1.00 NECKTIES during sale _______ _ 50c, 55c and 65c Just see our 85cent ties___ gagne shot DR. R. J BE8TUL. Veterinarian. Reeldence 83 8 Washington boule 127, Grants vard. phone S98-R. WANTED- .A competent stenogra PHYSICIANS pher. Inquire at office of county L. O. CLEMENT. M D. Practice agent. 55 limited to diseases of eye. ear, nos. WANTED — Ex;>erienced pruher and throat. Glasses fitted. Hours wants pruning. Contracts or by 9-13. 2-5, or on appointment. the <lay. S. J. 1 offerìy. 616 Gim Phones, office 62: reeldence 359-J. mick street, Granta Pass 55 a. LOUGUR1DGE, M D. Physician and surgeon. City or country calls attended day or night. Phones, FOUND—Bunch of key«. Owner Res 360; Office, 183; 6tb and H. can get them at the Courier office. dentihtn E. C. MACY. D. M. D. First-ch., dentistry. 109% 8 «th Ht F UOMmmmmmgmmmUOmOmUOmOmgUmomumOmmmgOmi E. J. B1IXJCK. M. D. Physician and surgeon; offioe Schallhorn block, phono 54-j; reeldenoe. 1004 Iownridge, phone 54-L. W MICKIE SAYS F. RUTHERFORD---Manual the- rapulics. Office over Barnes’ Jew elry. Hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. TW ÇKÆ9 SAMÓ, "hlhW RALPH W. STEARNS, M..D. Phy- Dô\wa," mr uc svi ■Man end surgeon, X-ray equlp- rf VOCMS TD VM UWE na ' d isarm ment, dentai X-ray. Offlce. Ms- eOMmMC TUXÍ TVW> WERE ra- conic Temple Bldg. Phones: Of- dWüÓWkRGR. mots -<r> V. flow 21-J; residence 21-L. PHb'lAJt At TU' «AME. UOUR. ,>4 I u« sex usa ocvvtu' - owed of \ ATTORNEYS NA AUJÙ6 DOAXWiM' M4 NWt AD H. D. NORTON, Attoraey-at-law. 0C5T as vurât. taernn' Practices In all State and Federal REAtN TO Wôw Courts. First National Bank Bldg. -e> truss G. W. OOLV1G. Yttorney-at-law. Grants Pane Banking Co. Bldg. 6,000 pairs Men’s Dress Shoes were bought by our buyer—Some of them were shipped here- $5.85 buys a Goodyear welt, tan, blucher, 2 full double soles—a full stock oak tanned inner-sole, with a No. 8 surface sole $6.85 buys a $12.00 shoe with a No. 6 surface sole. UNION OVERALLS AND JUMPERS $1.49— WHITE OR BLUE—EARN MONEY BY SAVING IT 1W Ladies Sample Skirts from several of the leading Philadel phia and New York manufactur ers. Big assortment, no two alike, you save 33 1-3 to 50 per cent. Men’s Percale Dress Shirts—Big assortment, $3.00 value now to sell for........ ........... $1.65 Ladies One Stran Slippers $1.98 SAMPLE STORE A Northwest Institution E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice« In all courte. First National Bank Building. O. 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone '470. C. A. K'DLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma honie r->m?le, Granta Pa««. Ore. One Fard Truck, Two Chevrolet Cars at GMO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law referee In bankruptcy. Masonic Toni pie. Phone 135-4. Special Bargain Prices JAMES T OHINNOCIC LawyeY First National Bank Building A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuffs Rida Practice In all courta. V A. C. AH1.F, lawyer, practice In state «.id federal courts. Office over National Drug “Store. C. L. Hobart Co. A DEVONSHIRE CLOTH Should bring 69 cents—finest grade now. a yard...... ......... 39c Men’s Dress Gloves, lined with silk, wool or unlined—Our prices are below cost. *