Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1920)
PAGE TWO GIUINTM DAMN DAILY COURIER SRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday A. E. Voerhiea. Shop Early Pub. and Propr. Every article in our window Nuts Eatervd at poatotfice, Granta Paaa. Ora., aa aecond claae mail mattar. ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per lncl>.................. 25c Local-peraonal column, per Una....lOc Readers. pe> line.......... 5c Sunkist Oranges All Sizes DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year---- MJ)O By mall or carrier, per month.. .50 WEEKLY COURIER By mail, per year............ >2 00 MEMBER CTF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press lb exclusively entitled to the use for repubUcaUon of all news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of ape-: eial dispatches herein are also re served. UNITED PRESS SERVICE Specially Priced Walnuts Almonds Brazils Filberts Pbanuts Chestnuts Mixed Nuts Xmas Candy Dates and Figs for this week only I ( « mi l o r» W Boys or girle with wheels wanted, one route now open. Bonus paid tor long service. Apply Courier office Grants Pass, Oregon 101 and 105 North Sixth BARNES THE JEWELER X FineSt at i o ne ry MONDAY, BIX’EMBER 20, 1020- MAKES A USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFT * » ♦ ♦ OREGON WEATHER Weather for the Week \ ('vane's Unen Lawn and Eaton's Highland Unen, “the kind _____________ have always wanted," in many tints and shapes. 'Pacific Coast states: Normal ♦ temperature; unsettled and oc- sesiona! rain. 1 // • • Demaray’s Pacific Coast States: Normal ♦ temperatures; unsettled with ♦ rains, »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a COMING T7VENTS December 20-12—Josephine teachers' Institute. i-W A.‘; ' ' i Drug and Stationery Store I County —Warrantry Deed _ Courier offleo. blanks at the f Kecummendrd To School Children Dove Undergarments Beautiful Well Made Lingerie A feature is “Dove” Por to Rican lingerie, hand made in Porto Rico—the most beautiful needle work possible. Prices re duced for holiday selling. $3.85 gowns and envelopes now__________ $S $4.95 gowns and envdo now_____ _____ $2 $5.25 gowns and envelopes now......... S4.35 1 I ■ 1 a DOVT i This Is the season when children are subject to croup, colds and coughs. Rena C. Marchard, 36 Law rence St., Sclem. Mass., writes: •1 used Foley’s Honey and Tar with good results. I had a very bad cold and it gave me relief at once, so I recommend it to every child that goes to school.’’ This standard, low priced medicine loosens and clears mucus and phlegm, checks strang- Ung coughing, makes easy bre-thlng. soothes and heals raw. inflamed membranes, and stops tickling in throat. — Putola gives 150 times its volume in lather! and 150 ahaves to the tube. Don't you think thia is an economical shaving cream for you? Soothing, too -won’t dry on the face. And speed—60 seconds for a f yll lather. SoUfcy AU GooJ Hammermill Bond Letter Heads ! i and Envelopes at the Courier office — CHICHESTERSP1LLS ruiau HW _ W mb , waücd with Blu« Mbfcoa. Golden Rule »Store f Cigars. Tobacco and Cigarets In Christmas packages at ing’s Shack Horn 55 Liberty and Victory Bdfcd«— Taken at par on goods at Letcher A Son, jewelers. 55 There Will Be a Dance— At the Spence hall Friday, Decem ber 24th. A big chicken feed at midnight. The Nielsons will furnish the music. * 57 Bitter Sweet CTlocolat c e Fresh every day at 8hack. Horning's 47tf Salvation Army (hrLstma* Baek et -— The Salvation Army are in need of provisions with which to furnish Christmas baskets for the poor. Phone Heath & Herman, No. 154. and the orders will be taken. 4 9tf. Christman Mixed Candy— 10c per pound at Horning's Shack. Fancy Mixed Candy— At Horning’s Shack. 51 Car Bargain-»— Fords, Chevrolets and Overland, Model 90. W. S. Maxwell t Co. 5« U mw I The Christmas Gift— Isn't It hard to think of something more suitable for n smoker than a box of good cigars? We have a large I stock to draw from. Store. I yoars know« M B«*t. Safest. AI w»ys lUttaMB SOLD BY MLiûUSIS EVtRYWMEK HAVE YOU A HEART? For a small sum you can buy that most precious and priceless thing—the life of a little child! Will you buy ONE MEAL A DAY for a starving innocent kid? Will you buy him a little over coat, or a pair of stockings, or a pair of small boots to keep him from freezing to death? 9 The small individual unit of ten dollars will provide the coat and boots and stockings and one meal a day for one child the balance of this winter. A hundred dollars will save the lives of ten children. Everyone is urged to buy for themselves that precious and priceless thing—the life of a little child. It was the Divine Lover of little chil dren, who came to earth as a little child and who reigns now as the King of Glory, who said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have done it un to me.".. He does not forget, nor fail to reward. What a beautiful Christmas thought as you watch your own little ones happy, healthy and romping and play ing with their many toys and playthings, to think that you, too, have saved the life of one litle tot who will not have such an enjoyable time unless you have.a good, big, charitable HEART. There is surely not a father or mother, sister or broth er in the whole of Josephine County but whose heart will respond gladly and eagerly to the challenge of this great need. You are asked, you with us, to cooperate with Mr. Hoover in raising twenty three million dollars to feed and clothe these children and save them from death this win ter. It can be done! And Josephine county is called upon to do her share—a paltry seventeen hundred dollars. This county can show its big-heartedness and generosity as it always has when any real*human need calls to it. We have never been called upon in vain. They must have clothes. Each outfit consists of one pair of warm woolen stockings, one pair of boots and a little overcoat. This one meal a day and these boots, stockings and little overcoats can be supplied only if we give them. If we do not, the slaughter of the innocents by cold and starvation will be appalling. Fill out your Subscription Card or Pledge Card Tonight! nlted c”*9r Tomorrow. ’Let your heart expand. . "I Exceptional Bargain-— In used cars at W. 8. Maxwell & Co.’s. 5« Attention Patrons of High School- Owing to unavoidable ci rcu di stances the concert announced for Tuesday will be postponed until af ter the bolidayi. Tickets sold will be honored when concert is held. 55 Big Dance ( liristmas Eve- Dec. 24, at Waldorf hall. Four piece orchestra. Tickets 11.50, spec tators and extra ladies. 25c. 55tf! New Book- at Library— The Public library has prepared for the holiday reading by pjaclng 175 new fiction books on the shells. Have it ready for the solicitor EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL : SUBSCRIPTION CARD EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL _ _________________________ Oregon December____ , 1920. TO J. L. PITTENGER, Chairman, Josephine County, Grants Pass, Oregon. Here’s my $.„....... to help save thé life of........ .... starving children. Please send me a receipt for same. “Feed My Lambs” (Name) __ .-............................... .............. (Address) ...___ __ ________ _______ (Make all checks payable to J. L. Pittenger, County Chairman. Write name and .address plainly) b . PLEDGE CARD EUROPEAN RELIEF COUNCIL f This Space Graciously Contributed by COLLINS AUTO CO. December , 1920. i TO J. L. PITTENGER, i Chairman, Josephine County, Grants Pass, Oregon. For the purpose <’f providing for the relief work of the European lle- • lief Council to he administered tinder its direction nntl in consldcmtlon : of the aotaicriptknia of other», I promise to pay to the European Relief Connell, Robert E. Strong, Chairman, $ ...., payable H on or before Jt? February 1, 1021; the balance on or before March 1, 1W21, “ Make Checks peynbh* / \’a?ne ) | to European Relief J? council. (Address) .... ........... ...............................