Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1920)
fnlverslty ot Ore. laorao Library ^b^l'nlvermy D m In Concur raute ASSOCIATED l'HESH SERVICI GRANTS FARM. JOMEl'HINE COUNTY, OREGON. VOL. XL, Na Ï*.________________ FORDNEY BILL ■ IS APPROVED UNITED PRESS SERVICE MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, UNNI- WHOLE NIMHE.R HIM. y TEF.iNCE MAC SWINEY MISS CLARISSA P. CURTIS UNABLE TO COT HOUSE WAYS ANI» MEANM COM MUTEE FAVORII TARIFF TO VUOTE* T FARMERS GfSORGE HOWARD RAID TO HAVE EXISTfNG LAW INZER NOT GIVE TOLD SHERIFF WHERE BODY POWER TO PREVENT IMPOR TATION OF GRAIN WAR ÏIURIED FRANK WAGNER SHOT BY WAR. DEN COMPTON WHILE »LIK ING TOOM BODY MAKES TWO CHANGES ALLEGED CONFESSION IS MADE LIBERTY l^wnona Are \<l<lrsl to I.M— Repre- «enlatlvr* Frinii Farming Dis trict« l’ltslgr« Their SupfM.rt Exact IHagnun I» Furnished State Federal Trade Commission Make» officer* Who Dig for Over Hour Report to the Prreident—llcgula- in the Frozen Ground tory Action Up to Congress Pro|ierty of John Hedden Found. Bonde Included in Ixxit Taken by Thieves at Scottsburg Vale. Oregon. Dec. 20.—(A. P.) — Wanhtngtou, Doc. 30.—(A. P.l— Washington, Dec. 20.—(A. P.)— Tsrsncs MacSwmay, lord mayor ot Th« bona« ways and mean* commit Cork, who, starving himself to death The body of George R. Sweeney, a The president Is w-Rhout power un tee approved tho Furdnay emiwgency In a London prison, said: “I am Vale tailor, missing since September der the existing law “to shut out 14th. was qnearthed yesterday at wheat Importa," but he "apparently tariff Mil designed to protect the farmers The committee made two Watson, following admission by has certain powers under the Lever George Howard that he had buried act to atop future trading in wheat,” change« They added lemon« to the the body after dragging It from the the federal trade commission says in list with a duty of 1 % cents per Owyhee river In which he had sunk a special report to the president. pound. They Increased the rate on It in a trunk, according to Sheriffs The report says that "while evidence peanut oil from 20 to 'Li cento per Noe. who is firm in the belief that' Is not available, that future trading gallon. Repreevntatlvea In the houae Howard, who »wording to the sher-' in wheat is responsible for the de from agricultural districts pledged Iff, confessed somo time ago to the cline In, wheat prices, It does not ap their aupport to the bill, but Instruct killing of Sweeney, had removed the pear that future trading In wheat as ed th« committee to urre that frozen body from the river where he said at present operating, Is of Indisput beef, lemons and canned salmon be he had put It. The sheriff said that able service to the grain traoe." It Included In the high tariff lUnerwhm to War Time Methods of by persistent questioning he and suggests that If regulatory action Is acting IMatrict Attorney I«ytle had employed the question may be con < umlmtUng High Prices Adopted obtained' from Howard an exact dia sidered by congress and legislation by t'ommittec In Chicago gram showing where the body was "not connected with war powers* can - hurled. The deputies dug an hour tn be enacted.” Chicago. Dec. 20.— (A. P.1-—A re-| the frozen ground yesterday before PORTLAND MARKETS version to war methods In fighting ( finding it. In the alleged confession, it Is said that Howard killed Sweeney the high foal prices were adopted' Portland. Dec. 20.— (A. P.)—Cat today. Tho fair price committee to get possession of an automobile tle are weak Hogs are lower. $$.50 and hid the body under the lap robe Tomorrow haa been net by Chair announced that "fair price” quota-| man Plttenger for the big drive for tiona for meats will be issued dally. I all day. then put It in a trunk and to $10.25. Sheep are steady. Eggs $1700 in Josephine county to aid the The charge was made that retail put It tn the river Late tn Ssptej»- are w&k. Butter la steady. «tarring children In Europe. Exten meat dealers am making greater ber he decided to leave Watson and Johnny Wertz left this morning sive preparations have been made profits than at any time during the fearing the body might come to the surface he dragged it out and buried for Drain, where he will remain over by Mr. Pl I ten ger and hla committee war it. He worked all night. The Inquest Christmas with his parents. Mr. and in order that everyone In the city and Mrs. H. E. Wertz. was held today. county will be given a chance to do (Yirtatmas Bu«ln<w» Increase*— their part In alleviating the suffer Tho different stores in the city ■ ing of tho 3.SOO.000 children who which are’affected by the holiday1 fnce starvation in the war and revo trade report that business is very lution-swept countries. heavy today. With five more days Many children face the danger of until Christmas, people are begin-' nctually starving to death unless aid nlng to realize that their shopping Is sent them America has been can not bo delayed much longer. The1 asked tp share tho burden In pre regular postoffice rush commenced In, » --------- serving the future civilisation of earnest today. New York. Dec. 20.—(A. P.) — El Paso, Dec. 20.— (A. P.)—The Europe. According to Herbert Hoov parents of Clara Smith said that she! Fifty-two persons were indicted fol er, who has been placed In charge of Many Get Trees— the campaign In the t’nltcd States, The Pacific highway was linedI would surrender to face the charge: lowing the building trust investiga tho future of the countries depends with cars yesterday, and nearly In connection with the death of Jake tion. • upon this country Tho undor-nour- every car had one or more Christmas Hammon. • MANUFACTURERS TO LOWER T 1 Ishod nnd ill-fed children of the trees on It. The pleasure in the Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Buell were in WAGES THIRTY PER CENT present, unless they am cared for. Christmas trees apparently lies as1 • ______ the city yesterday from Dryden. will not have ample vitality to keep much In getting tho tree from the Robert Austin, of Oakville. Wash New York. Dec. 20.—(A. P.)— forest as It does In arranging the up tho present standards. ■ ington. was a business visitor in1 The clothing manufacturers associa Many local people. Including decorations. . Grants Pass yesterday. tion annouced a 30 per cent wage nearly 100 women have offered their Miss Ruth Harmon went to Merlin reduction here today. services for tomorrow. The desire Standard Oil Robbed— this morning after spending tr few I Some time between Saturday night , that every person rive as much ns days in the city. PRESIDENT EXPECTED TO arid this morning a thief entered the he Is able. $10 being sufficient to. Miss Charlotte Hollister arrived VETO SENATE RESOLUTION cam for one child until summer. If Standard Oil company’s office here last night from Spokane and »111 It Is Impossible to give that amount, and secured about $4.00 In change have charge of the Postal telegraph Washington. Dec. 20.— ( A. P.) — a lessor sum will bo welcomed. Any which had been left In the office. A 1 office in the city for a few weeks. The senate passed a resolution today person who Is missed In tho drive small leather case was also taken. Mrs E. H. Tuttle left Saturday directing the revival or the war fin tomorrow will find blanks In Satur Entrance was gained by breaking for Albany 'to spend the holidays ance corporation. It goes to the day's and today's Courier which may tho lock with a railroad spike. No with her parents. She was accom-l president who is expected to veto bo filled In with tho amount to bo clues were left, tho theft not being panled by hens sister-in-law. Miss the measure. sent or pledged They can he sent discovered until this morning when Freda Tuttle. to Mr. Tlttonger. who will send the Manager Flee went to the office. Misses Clara and Avis Knlps re money to contra! headquarter». Rev. C. E. Glazier returned this turned last Saturday night from Cor-, John Randle has returned from morning from Medford where he vallls where they have been attend-1 Roy Tlalatod. of Rrooklng». la a Gazelle. Cal., where he spent the Ing the O. A. C. They will spend spent the w$ek end. locnl visitor for a few day», stopping summer and fall. He will be In the the holidays at their home In Ute ,at tho Josephine. • cltv for tho winter. ____ city. Astoria, Dec. 20.—(A. P.)— Frank Wagner, known as "Dutch” Erank, an escaped convict from the Oregon penitentiary, was killed in a duel yesterday with Warden Cottyp ton and nine other officers. Wagner was found in a blacksmith shop where he was forging a new set of safe robber's tools. In the cache of Wagner's belongings was found a package of $<550 In Liberty bonds, the property of John M. Hedden, of Scottsburg, Oregon, stolen from the store following Wagner’s escape. Five Astoria persons were accused of harboring the criminal. INFLATED COSTS LARGE SUM NEEDED IN DRIVE TOMORROW SURRENDER OF CLARA FIFTY TWO INDICTED SMITH IS EXPECTED AFTER INVESTIGATION Miss Clarissa P. Curtis of Boston Is engaged to wed Prines Michael Can- taeuzene of Ruesia, whose mother was Julia Dent Grant, granddaughter of Ulysses S. Grant SUE ROCKEFELLER BONDS BECOVEREB Millionaire Is Charged With Making False Statements in Income Tax Return- for 1913 INSTITUTE IS BEING New York, Dec. 20—(U. P.)—The HELD AT COURT HOUSE federal government today filed a suit against John D. Rockefeller, charging him with making "incor rect, misleadyig and .false” state ments concerntng'his income tax re turns for 1915. According to the complaint. Rockefeller failed to In clude as part of his income, returns from 50,104 shares of Illinois Pipe Line Company stock, and 67,176 shares of Prairie Pipe Line Company Stock. The government asks judgment for $292,678 with a penalty of 5 per cent and Interest at the rate ot 1 per cent per month from June 30, 1916. WUI Give Matinee— Manager Clayton, of the Oregon theater, announces that a free ma tinee for children will be given at the Oregon on Chr’stmas morning. The picture will be 'Waddin and His Lamp.” The show will start at 10:30 and every child in the city is extend ed an Invitation. Hog Shipment Deferred— Th» shipment of hogs which was to have been sent to Portland on the 27 th of the month will not be sent until January 1. according to C. N. Culy. manager of the Josephine Co operative Association. The present prices which hogs are bringing in Portland do not warrant the send ing of hogs into that market at this time. Miss Ruth iuinsberry and Mrs. Williapi Lansberry, of Brookings, were in the city yesterday« They left this morning for Eugene where they will visit over the holidays. Eighty school teachers of th» county signed the register today at the courthouse, showing their pres ence at the institute which 1» being held this week. An interesting and Instructive program has been arrang ed, a number ot particularly capable speakers having been secured. Each teacher Is required to be present 16 hours at the Institute, which is an annual affair. Among the speakers during the three daystre Edwin T. Reed, W. G. Beattie. F. IL. Stetson, of the Univer sity of Oregon. Superintendent of Schools J. (A. Churchill. George Bris co. of Ashland, and J. C. Almack. of the University of Oregon extension department. The Institute will ex tend through Wednesday afternoon. County teachers .examinations were held during the latter part of last week, a large number of teach ers being In the city to take these. No trouble was experienced in secur ing rooms. Courier Is Delayed— The Courier was delayed several hours today on account of the failure of the gas supply. Owing to an ac cident at the gas plant, no gas was available until this afternoon, which made it impossible to set up any type until it was turned on. Miss Erma* McCallister returned Saturday morning from Monmouth, where she Is a senior at the Oregon State Normal school. Miss McCallis ter reprots an enrollment of 250 at the normal. Russian Peasant Women Forced to Dig Trenches . Breakwater Stands Heavy Seas— THE MISSING LINK AGAIN Everett Earle Stanard When man was just a monkey and his earthly days vere sped, he toppled over on the sand and presently was «load. Now seArehlng parties far and wide maintain and say nnd think that traces soon will be espied of the old mftslng link. And friends of evolution grope and in the jungle dig, and ply tho spado and fondly hope to make a find that’s big In other words, they want to shhw that soul» and minds of men sprang out, by mere t chance, you know, front tho goril la's don, that man Is jus an nnlmnl evolved from troglodytes and that he used to snap and squall and mix in jungle fights, and thnt before ho wns a 'link' ho was a brainless fish, and never had a thought to think and never wished a wish. And now savpnla will whl ' away to Asia’s peopled shore and there will snatch, tho papers say, for some five years or more. The mm V d from tree to tree, a tree-top was his gonl, nnd vol some penpl* think that he down to us passed s soul O seekers, i- n-cb the Jungle lands your ‘missing link’ Io find, ind when you f > ’ It. all join hands with brutish For about two weeks heavy seas hnmmored the breakwater, «ending spray high In the air Outside of , washing out a number of ties of the' railroad track and small loose rocks no danige was done. The works cer-l , talnly stood a good test.—Del Norte | Triplicate. MINING ASSESSMENT FOR 1920 IS EXTENDED SIX MONTHS' ♦ ------------ * 4 Washington, Dec. 20.— (A. 4 P.)—The house today passed ♦ the senate bill which provides 4 that the time for doing tho min- 4 ing assessment work for 1921 4 Is extended to and Including 4 July 1, 1921. That is, the 1920 4 assessment work can bo done *’during tho first s'x months of 4 19 11. Tho assessment work for 4 1921 must also be done during ' 1921 Locator:1 are not requlr- * ed to filo n^ttco of nc ontance. 4 4 ♦ 4 4| 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4| ♦